Complete Dramatic Works of Thomas Dekker

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Complete Dramatic Works of Thomas Dekker Page 222

by Thomas Dekker

  The EAGLE bringeth courage.

  Vigilate & Orate.

  Printed at London by H.B. for N.B. 1609.

  To the right worthie and right worshipfull Gentleman, Sir Iohn Scot, knight: a prosperous increase of honour in this world, and a perfect inioying of glorie in the world to come.

  SIR, after I had builded vp these foure altars of deuotion, with purpose to present the first of the¯ to your worshipful brother in Law (Sir Thomas Smith;) I knew not where to find a man that did more truely parallell him in goodnesse then you your selfe; aswell for the ornaments of mind, as for that integritie, pietie, zeale, and other riches of the soule, wherewith the world taketh especiall note, that you are (both) abundantly stored. For that cause thefore, (as also in regard that Affinitie hath knit you together in a strong and holy league of loue) am I bold to reare vp this my second altar to the memorie of your name. Vpon it are offered vp Prayers onely, whose incense are as sweet odours in the nostrils of God. They are in behalfe of Princes and Rulers (who are the highest vpo¯ earth) & therfore doeth an Eagle carie them vp to heauen. Shee flieth now to your bosome, there to build her nest: esteeming it a happie place for her to abide in, sithence shee foreseeth (or at least with me praieth) that all your thoughts, words and actions which are bred within you, doe shew themselues, and so may proue still true Eagles, by being able to looke stedfastly on the sunne of righteousnesse. And thus crauing pardon for boldnesse, I rest:

  Deuoted yours

  To the vertuously-hopefull yong Gentleman, Sir George Hayward, Knight, sonne in law to the right worshipfull, Sir Iohn Scot, Knight.

  GOD is the best Schoole-master, his laws the noblest studie: and what lessons (of Him) are taught, (truely) how plaine soeuer the Method be, the wisest need not be ashamed to read them. So that I presume, you will fauour these yong blossomes, because your selfe are but in growing. They are dewed with the drops of a Pellica¯ whose property is to suffer her own bosome to bleed, that others may be fed. It is the bird of Charity, & the true Embleme of Christ on the Crosse, (who was al Loue.) His sids are here pierced, & his blood here runs forth, making a riuer, in which only (& by no other fountain) the leprosie of sin is for euer to be clensed. You shal find only 7. heads of sinne (here) cut off by prayer: not because it hath no more heads but 7. or that these ar the greatest: but being not able to fight (in so narrow a roome) with the multitude of the¯ al, I was contented to set vpo¯ a certain nu¯ber. The Armour to encounter with them is here prepared: it is made fit for any Christian to weare. If you vouchsafe to put it on, others by your example wil vndertake the same quarrell. To fight for Christ is an honorable combat. Sins are his vtter enemies, & here you may learn how to co¯found them. The war is godly: the victorie glorious: your triumph will be in heauen. To wrastle against such foes shall well become your yeres, and to giue the¯ the ouerthrow wil be a crowne to you in olde age. To the honor of which I do as heartily wish you may come, as you are happily ingrafted into religious & vnblemished Families, which (to your co¯fort) you may reckon the first of those good blessings which God hath multiplied vpon you,

  To the Reader.

  READER: the greatest good that Christ did for thee, was to die for thee: and the greatest pleasure thou canst doe for him, is to die to thy selfe. That is to say, to crucifie all the sinnes and corruptions of thy soule, as he suffered his bodie (to redeeme thine) to be mangled on a Crosse. He was a Pellican for thy sake; bee thou a Pellican to thy selfe and others and flie with two wings (to heauen) Faith and good Workes. If thou vsest the first wing without the second, thy fligpt is but lame: if the last only without the former, thy pace is but losie: exercise both, and be sure thou shalt get thither.



  The EAGLE bringeth courage.

  Vigilate & Orate.

  Pinted at London, by H. B. for Nathaniel Butter. 1609.

  1. A Prayer made by the vertuous and renowmed Queene ELIZABETH, of most happie memorie.

  O GOD allmaker, keeper, & guider; Inurement of thy rare-seen, vnused, and seld-heard-of goodnesse, powred in so plentifull sort vpon vs full oft, breeds now this boldnesse, to craue with bowed knees & hearts of humility, thy large hand of helping power, to assist with wonder our iust cause, not fou¯ded on Prides-motion, nor begu¯ on Malice-stock; but as thou best knowest, to whom nought is hid, grou¯ded on iust defence from wrongs, hate, and bloody desire of conquest. For since, meanes thou hast imparted to saue that thou hast giuen, by enioying such a people, as scornes their blood-shedde, where suretie ours is one: fortifie (deare God) such hearts in such sort, as their best part may bee worst, that to the truest part meant worst, with least losse to such a nation, as despise their liues for their Countreys good. That all Forreine lands may laud and admire the Omnipote¯cie of thy work: a fact alone for thee onely to performe. So shall thy Name bee spread for wonders wrought, & the faithfull encouraged, to repose in thy vnfellowed Grace: And wee that minded nought but right, inchained in thy bonds for perpetuall slauerie, and liue & die the sacrificers of our soules for such obteined fauour. Warrant, deare Lord, all this with thy command. AMEN.

  2. A Prayer for the King.

  KINGS are gods vpo¯ earth, yet (O Lord) they are but thy seruants; they rule kingdomes, yet the chariot of their Empire turnes ouer & ouer, vnlesse thou teach their hands how to holde the bridle. More then men they are amongst men, yet lesse they are then themselues, if they breake thy lawes: for sithence they are thy Stewards, and are trusted with much, it is a great reckoning to which they must answere.

  Lay therefore (O God) thy right hand vpon the head of our soueraigne (King IAMES) fasten his Crown to his temples, that no treason may lift it off: bind it about with Oliue-branches, and let peace euer dwell in the circle of it. Plant a guard of Angels about his bed, and a troupe of Saints about his throne: that his sleepes may bee golden slumbers, and his watchings may bee Diuine Meditations. Powre into his bosome thy grace, that all his actions may aduance thy glorie. Be thou his armour in the day of battell, and (like the wings of an Eagle) let thine armes couer him in the sunne-shine of peace. Make him (O Lord) a Priest in thy Church, a sheepheard to thy flockes, a father in the Co¯mo¯ wealth, a Captaine in thy quarrell, a conqueror in thy warres. Crowne his middle age with numbers of yeares, as thou hast crowned his youth with the inheritance of many kingdomes; let the diall of his life mooue slowly on, and suffer not the last houre of his olde age to strike, till those that now stand vp about him like the tender branches of the vine may bee seene growing on the bankes of his kingdome, like so many rowes of tall Cedars. Let his raigne (O Lord) be like the age of Methusalem: his knowledge like the wisedome of Salomon: and his off spring blessed like the seede of Abraham. Giue him Dauids soule, but suffer him not to fall into Dauids sinnes: let him number his people, not to make thee angry with him, but to make him loue them. Tie (O God) all the strings of their hearts to his bosome, like so manie lines drawne to one center, so shall their safety bee his fortresse, their prosperitie his riches, and the houres of his pleasure, the sweetest of their contentation. Grant these and all other blessings fit for such a Prince, grant them (O LORD) for the benefit of thy Church, for the honour of this Kingdome, and the peace of thy people. Amen.

  3. A Prayer for the Queene.

  SHED (O Lord) thy graces in showers of abundance vpon thy royall hand-maid, ANNE, the wife of our Soueraigne, thy seruant, & the mother to so manie nations, besides the glorie of her own. Co¯tinue that great and excellent worke in her which thou hast begunne; hidde from our eyes for a number of yeares together (now past) & to our Kingdome, the best and onely comfort, which for the present, or for the hopes of future ages, wee doe now enioy: and that is a long, a faire and a certaine line of succession, of which heretofore we stood doubtfull: albeit in the secrets of thy wisedome we were not depriued of it. As she is now a mother to a heap of Princes, that are borne to bee Kings and Queenes, so (O Lord) make her a grandmother to the sonnes of Kings and Queenes, that they may stand about her like so many cro
wned rulers of nations, and shee in the midsts of them, as the onely tree, vpon which those nations haue beene grafted. Let (O God) such an euen thred of loue bee spunne betweene the King & her, that all her thoughts may be confined to his bosome, & all his desires may sleep only vpo¯ her pillow, and that both their hearts may burne in holy flames of affection towards thee. Sanctifie her wombe, that it may bring foorth none but such fruite as may glorifie thy Name, may shine as sunne-beames to comfort this land, and to bee as rich iewels in the royal eyes of the parents. Keep treason (O Lord) from the throne vpon which shee sits, and parasites (who are as dangerous as traitours) from her princely eare, when thee wanteth counsell. Support her by thy right hand when shee walketh foorth, and let thy Angels goe before her, at her returning home. As thou hast crowned her with happinesse in this world, so when it is thy pleasure, that shee shall put off the robe of mortaltie, grant (O FATHER) that shee may bee crowned with starres, and cloathed in a robe of righteousnesse and of heauenly eternitie. Amen.

  4. A Prayer for the Prince of Wales.

  WHat are KINGS (O Lord) vnlesse thou standest by the¯ as their guard? And what are the sonnes of Kings, vnlesse thou vouchsafest to be their Father? Let the armes therefore of thy loue be throwen about that hope-full and royall heyre to our Countrey, Prince HENRY: adopt him into thy fauour: couer him with thy wings, let him bee tender to thee as the apple of thine eye. As yet he is but a greene plant; O drop the deaw of thy graces vpon his head, that he may flourish till the shadow of his branches be a co¯fort to this whole Iland Breath thou all wisedome into their soules that are set ouer him as tutors or guardia¯s, that knowledge may, as it were, from so manie pipes bee conueie into his brest, and that from thence againe (as from a fountain) it may flow cleerely and abundantly into all the parts of this thy Church & kingdome. Let Religion be the columne vpon which hee shall alwayes stand, zeale the pillow vpon which hee shall kneele, and the quarrel of the Gospel, for which he shall goe to warre: knit therfore (O Lord) strength to his right arme, and when a good cause calles him (at his manly state) into the field, gird thou about his loines the sword of victorie. No musick (O Lord) is more pleasing to thine eare (as thy kingly Prophet Dauid doth sing) then the vnitie of brethren: It is like the pretious ointment, that ran downe from the head to the beard, euen to the beard of Aaron, and so to the skirts of his clothing, yea, it is like the dewe of Hermon, which fel vpon the hill of Sion: tune therfore (O mercifull God) all the heart-strings of this our young Prince HENRY, & the rest of that royal blood (his Brethren and Sisters) that thy may neuer sound in discord. Let no more the leaues of our two Roses be plucked by ciuill vprore from their stalkes: no more suffer thou ensignes to be spread by Yorkists and Lancastrians one against another: But (according to their names) gra¯t (O Lord) that they may bee good Stewards ouer this great houshold of the now-firmlie vnited Families, and covnited kingdomes. Subscribe to these requests of ours (O God) for thy mercies sake: Seale them vp, vnder the large patent of thy promise for thy Sons saks Iesus Christ: In whose Name whatsoeuer we aske thou hast vowed to grant: grant this, giue this, O God, wee beseech thee. Amen: Amen.

  5. A Prayer for the Counsell.

  COunsell to a Kingdome is like the Compasse to a ship vnder saile; without the one, a State is shaken by euery tempest, and without the other, men run vpon the rocks of ineuitable danger. Set therefore thy foote (O God) amongst the Lords of our Counsell: sit thou at their Table with them, & suffer no decrees to passe there, but those wherin thou hast a hand. Appoint Prouidence, to dwell vpon their browes, that they may fore see thine and our enemies: bid watchfulnesse to sit on their eye-lids, to meete the stroake when it is co¯ming, and courage to buckle armour to their brests, that they may valiantly beare it off without shrinking: let zeale & integritie go on either side of the¯, to make the¯ walk vpright, whilest concord holdes them hand in hand to preserue them fro¯ factions. Giue them long life with much honour: heape vpon the¯ wisedome, with much loue. As they are one body in Counsell, so let all their counsels bee to the safety of one head. Graunt this, O thou that wey ghest all the actions of Rulers and Princes vpon earth. Amen.

  6. A Prayer for the Nobilitie.

  LOoke down (O Lord) from heauen vpo¯ this land, and amongst all those in the same, whom, we beseech thee, to blesse, powre vpon our Nobibitie the riches of all thy graces: as euery good man (O Lord) in thy sight is noble, so make thou euerie man that is noble amongst vs to bee good. Teach them to know, that greatnesse of blood is giuen them to the intent they should build vpo¯ the same the greatnes of thy glory. And sithence they are the fairest streames that beautifie this kingdome, preserue them (O Lord) from the poison of ambition, of enuie one against another, and from dessension, lest the common people tasting likewise of the same after them the whole Commonwealth be swallowed vp in confusion. Stand thou before the gates of their houses, that no foule thoughts or acts may enter to staine their Families with the spots of treason; but bee thou the pillar to vpholde them, sithence if thou forsake them, the foundation of their houses must fal, and their posteritie bee rooted fro¯ the earth. Guide them therefore with thy grace, arme them with thy feare assist them with thy loue. So be it. Amen.

  17. A Praier for the Church

  THE Church (O God) is the Schoole, where thine owne lawes (written by thine owne hand) are taught: It is the Temple where thou thy selfe vtterest thy diuine oracles. It is the house where thou dwellest: It is the palace where (with spiritual eyes) we behold the brightnesse of thy Maiestie: Giue it therefore illumination by the beames of thy glorie: and since it is thy Spouse, let her stand before thee as a virgine (chaste and vndefiled.) Driue all foxes, and rauening wolues out of this thy Temple, and admit none but Lambes (clothed in puritie & innocencie of life) and thy chosen flocke to feede there. Suffer it not to bee (as it was when thy blessed Sonne went vpon earth) a denne of theeues, but (as hee did, so do thou) driue from thence all those that sell thine honour and the soules of thy people. O Lord, weed this great and vniuersall garden of thine from al thornes and briers, that seeke to choake the good seed: plant in it none but grafts of thine owne nurcerie, so shalt thou bee sure they will bring foorth fruite, faire for shew, sweet for taste, wholesome for vse, and such as shall bud out in due season: so shall thy Name bee truely hououred, thy praises duely sung, thy workes (with reuerence) wondred at, and thy wonders magnified from one end of the world to another. Graunt that it may bee so, for the fulnesse of thy Sonnes merits, and for the setting foorth of thine owne mercies. Amen.

  8. A Prayer for the Clergie.

  O Euerlasting King of glorie, that sendest the Ministers of thy word as thine Embassadours, to treat with men about the peace of their soules, giue them (O Lord) such instructions that they may deliuer their messages boldly, vprightlie, & to the good both of thy kingdome, & of those to whom they are sent. They are those heauenly purseua¯ts that run vpo¯ the erra¯ds of our sauing health: They are Angels that goe and come betweene thee and vs: guide therefore their feete, that sinne may lay no stumbling blockes before them to make them fall; nor that forgetting the high honour in which thou hast placed them, they bee cast downe for their pride, into the pit of darkenesse. And sithence (O God) thou hast placed the¯ on thy holy hil (the Church) as beacons, giue them grace that (with the 7. wise virgins) their lights may neuer goe foorth, but still burne brightly to arme thy people against the inuasion of that enemie of mankind the diuel and his army, that day & night seeketh to deuoure him. Wipe away al mists of errors fro¯ their eies, that seing thee cleerely, they may teach others how to behold thee truely. They are Pastors ouer thy flocks: as they haue the names of Shepheards, so let them haue the natures to feede the sheepe co¯mitted to their charge, & not to fliece them. And as they breake vnto vs the bread of life (which thou sendest, imploying them but as the stewards, or almoners of thy housholds) so graunt, O Lord) that we may not suffer them to starue for earthly bread, but that like brothers wee may relieue them, like children wee may reuerence them, like Lambes of thy fold we may loue the sh
epheards of thy fields, and like sworne souldiers to the crosse of Christ, wee may liue and die with then vnder his glorious banner. Amen.

  9. A Prayer for the Iudges of the land.

  IVDGEMENT, O Lord, is thine: yet to keep man in awe hast thou appointed Iudges (as thy deputies on earth) to punish him when hee goeth beyond his bounds. Vnto those therefore that holde the sword of Iustice, giue thou steddy hands, that they may not strike innocence, and that when they are to punish, they may imitate thee, who smitest not to kill, but to beget amendement. Suffer not the left hand of our Iudges to know what the right hand doeth: nor that the eare neere vnto which the rich man stands bee open, till the poore mans wrongs be both heard and redressed. Whip, O Lord, briberie from their gates, and partialitie out of their priuate chambers; let thy lawesly before the¯ when they read the statutes of mens making, that reading what thou hast writ, they may not open their lippes to pronou¯ce false iudgement: but sit, O Lord, so close by them vpon their seates of Iustice, that by thinking they themselues must one day be called to a bar, they may doe nothing here but what (with a good conscience) they may answere there. Amen.

  10. A Praier for the Court.

  O Lord, bee thou a husband to that great houshold of our King, bee thou a father vnto that familie, and keepe them (as children) both in thy feare and loue. And because the Courts of Princes are the very lights of kingdomes, powre thy oyle of grace into this light of ours that it may not be darkned, but may bring co¯fort to all thy people: preserue those that liue there in brotherly affection one towards another, and in loyaltie to him that is their Soueraigne. Banish fro¯ thence all those vices that commo¯ly blemish the beautie of kings Palaces: and let thy word bee of such power in this place, that it may rather seem the Temple of the euerlasting king of Heauen, then the dwelling house of a king vpon earth. Grant this (O Lord) & whatsoeuer else is requisite for the setting forth of thy glory, wee beseech thee, in the name of thy Sonne Iesus Christ. Amen.


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