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Her Dragon Lover

Page 9

by Roxie Ray

  When the check came, Stefan insisted on paying. “You’re the one protecting me,” I said. “I should at least buy lunch.”

  He chuckled and threw a ten on the table for the tip. “Next time.” He held out his hand as he rose from his seat. “Shall we?”

  I took it, amazed at what a simple act like holding his hand could do to my insides. They were on fire. The horniness I’d previously felt was nothing compared to this. I’d never been so tempted to throw caution to the wind in my life.

  He didn’t say much as we walked outside, but I wasn’t ready for our impromptu date to end. “So, you’re going to be my bodyguard?” I teased.

  When we reached my car, he turned, his body so close to mine, I felt the heat coming off of him. Shit. Did he have a fever? He was so warm.

  I forgot about my worries for his health when he responded to my bodyguard question. “I’ll happily guard your body any day.” His gaze raked down my body, even though I was only dressed in jeans and a pink tee. Nothing out of the ordinary. It wasn’t like I was in an LBD or something. But the way he watched me made me feel like I was decked out in the sultriest negligee, and he was ready to pounce on me.

  My blush deepened, not because I was embarrassed, but because I wanted him to pounce.

  Stefan brushed the back of his knuckles over my hot cheeks. “Don’t worry,” he whispered. “I won’t steal your virtue.” He winked to show he was teasing, but his words hit too close to home. My breathing shallowed, and I couldn’t help but step back a little. At that moment, I wanted him to steal my virtue more than anything else in the world. I needed a little air before I said something stupid.

  He narrowed his eyes, then they widened in surprise. “Are you a virgin?” he asked bluntly, then his expression turned to horrified. “I’m sorry. That’s not something you just ask someone on the first date.”

  The first date. He thought we were on a date. It felt like a date, but technically, it wasn’t. It was an interrogation about the man that was stalking me. I realized I was standing in front of him gaping like a fish. “I am,” I admitted. If that was a problem for him, better he knew then and not weeks or months later when it would hurt me much more if he rejected me.

  He closed his eyes and breathed deep. Was he pleased with the information? Surely not. He’d think I was a prude.

  “Don’t be embarrassed,” he said.

  I threw my hand over his mouth. “Don’t placate me,” I said. If he started trying to pretend that he understood and thought it was noble, I’d slap him.

  Instead, his lips pressed against my palm. He placed his hand over mine and moved his head so that my hand nuzzled his rough, stubbly cheek.

  Whoa. I thought my desire was strong before, but my panties had been dry before. Now they were soaking wet.

  Stefan’s nose twitched as he pulled my hand away from my face. He turned it over and brushed the softest of kisses across my knuckle. “I’m not placating you. To be honest...” He trailed off and put my knuckles to his forehead as he sucked in a breath. “It’s so hot it hurts.”

  My jaw dropped, all the way to the ground. I stood there like a cartoon character, with his head pressed against my knuckles and my chin dragging the rough pavement. He looked up and chuckled at my expression, then let go of my hand to put his finger on my chin, which wasn’t on the ground after all. Just open as low as it would go.

  “Don’t look so shocked. Surely you know that men find virgins desirable?”

  I shook my head. “It’s been my experience that they view it more like I’m a prude or square.”

  He snorted. “The idea of being your onl—first lover. Of teaching you all the ways a man can make a woman’s body sing with desire? That’s as hot as it gets.”

  He almost said only. As in, first and last. What was with this complete reversal of his attitude? He said he’d been regretful that he had pushed me away, but now he was going so far in the opposite direction that I was beginning to get suspicious.

  “You should take pride in the fact that you’ll get to make a man—whoever you give your virginity to—feel like the most important man in the world. You’re giving him a gift, that’s yours to give to whomever you choose.” He looked me deep in my eyes. “You’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever met, and that only makes you sexier.”

  His words were reassuring, even if I was still suspicious about the about-face he’d done.

  “Tell me again, why now? What made you change your mind?”

  He hung his head. “I thought you were in danger, when you called. And that scared me more than it should have. I wanted to tear Tyler apart with my bare hands. If I didn’t have more feelings for you than I was denying, I wouldn’t have had such a visceral reaction. I decided to give in to it. I still worry about my past, but I’ll do whatever I have to do to keep you safe.”

  There was a lot more to his past that I didn’t know. All he’d told me was that he’d been on his own since he was sixteen. “And, my attraction to you scares me. It’s so strong.” He grabbed my hand again. “I’m going to follow you home, okay? Just for my peace of mind.”

  I nodded and got in my car with my head reeling with information. He jogged over to his truck. When I heard it roar to life, I pulled out of the parking lot.

  He stayed on my tail until I pulled into my driveway. I got out of my car and walked around the back to say goodbye where he’d pulled up to the curb.

  “Thank you,” I said. The words were too simple for what he’d done for me today, but it was all I knew to say. “For everything.”

  He set his arm on the door of the truck. “Can I see you again?”

  Shit. I wanted to see him now, not later. But I had to listen to that little voice inside that kept me from being too rash. “Is asshole Stefan gone for good?”

  He grinned. “No. But asshole Stefan won’t bother you again.”

  Reaching out of the truck, he cupped my cheek again. I could’ve gotten used to him doing that as much as he would’ve liked to. “I’m truly sorry for making you think you disgusted me. I was running from the strong attraction I have for you.” He put his hand on the back of my neck and applied just enough pressure to make me press myself against the truck.

  His lips touched my cheek long enough for his breath to tickle down my jaw and my breath to freeze in my lungs. “Go inside and stay there. I’ll call you later, okay?”

  I stepped back in the driveway with the feel of his stubbly face burned onto my cheek. “Good night,” I said, even though it was still afternoon and bright daylight.

  He grinned at me until I turned around and walked into the house. I peered out of the window in the living room until he drove away, then turned to face Claire. She put a finger on her lips. “She’s asleep,” she whispered.

  “That sounds like a good idea,” I said. “I think I’ll take a nap myself.”

  She nodded and went back to her magazine, and I escaped to my room.

  When I’d turned sixteen, Nana had converted the garage for me. I had my own tiny bathroom and kitchenette. Like a studio apartment. She’d said she wanted me to be able to live here even after I needed independence. I could come and go from a private door if I wanted to, but I rarely used it. Generally, I preferred to live in the main house and use my enormous space as one big bedroom.

  When I escaped to it, I locked the door behind me and made a beeline for my bed. After throwing my purse across the room to the sofa, I yanked my pants down and collapsed on my bed.

  Pulling my bedside drawer open, I moved the few odds and ends out of the way and lifted a large folder. I kept it there because it filled up most of the drawer, hiding what I didn’t want anyone to see that might decide to snoop.

  Under the folder were three boxes, and inside each box was a toy. A dildo, a bullet, and a weird sucking vibrator thingy.

  I didn’t have the patience to work with the vibrator. It required diligence, but if I got it positioned just right, it was a pretty good orgasm.

stead, I pulled out the boxes containing the dildo and bullet.

  Without even turning out the lights, I hit my remote to turn my TV on to a music streaming service, then turned on the bullet. The box had room for a small bottle of lube, so I put on enough to let it slip in so my natural wetness would do the rest of the job.

  Spreading my legs, I inserted the dildo with my left hand and used my right to position the bullet in the perfect spot.

  As the vibrations worked my clit up, I slowly moved the dildo in and out with my eyes closed, imaging first that it was Stefan holding the toys, teasing me as foreplay. Then, holding my breath to try to stay quiet, I clenched my thighs together around the little toy and breathed hard through the sharp, intense orgasm. As it faded and calmed, I put the bullet to the side and focused on the dildo.

  All I could do was imagine what it felt like to have a man over me, pumping his hips in and out as he caressed me and sucked my nipples, then told me how much he worshipped me. I imagined Stefan doing those things as the dildo brought another orgasm. This one wasn’t sharp or intense, it was slow and left me wanting more. I couldn’t help but think if it had been Stefan, the orgasms would have felt more satisfying.

  Instead, I picked up the bullet again and patiently waited for it to give me another. If I couldn’t have a completely satisfying orgasm, I’d settle for the smaller ones until I was tired enough to give up.



  After I left Harley, I couldn’t go far. Not that I didn’t trust her to stay home, but that I had the strongest urge to stay close. I turned around on the next street over and parked at the house directly behind hers. With my windows down, I was able to make sure nobody was home at the house to think I was staking them out or something.

  Using my abilities, I focused on Harley’s house. I couldn’t fight the desire to be closer to her, but hopefully, I’d be placated by hearing her voice inside.

  By the time I got parked and started listening, the house was pretty quiet.

  Then, a buzzing sound reached my ears. What was that? I furrowed my brow and closed my eyes, focusing on my hearing as hard as I could.

  Harley’s soft moan was the next sound I heard.

  Holy shit. Was she doing what I thought she was? Her moan filled my hearing again, and the buzzing changed to a duller sound. I imagined I heard more, like the wet sounds of a woman’s sex when she’s aroused and touching herself, but I knew that was my imagination. My hearing wasn’t good enough to hear that. Her moans were faint enough.

  But I’d smelled her desire clearly in the restaurant parking lot. That had been the only reason I’d been willing to leave and let her go home. After Eros smelled her, he’d gone nuts, begging me to claim her.

  I had to get the fuck out of here. I couldn’t sit here and listen to her give herself an orgasm—clearly one motivated by me—and not go help her with it.

  Starting the truck again, I went down the neighborhood street as fast as I dared, keeping watch for children playing or anyone out on the road. I needed distance.

  When I parked in Todd’s parking lot, I made a beeline for my apartment.

  After locking my door and throwing myself down on my bed, I touched my hard dick through my jeans. If she could go home and relieve her sexual tension, why couldn’t I?

  I had a bottle of lube by the bed, in the drawer, so I pulled it out, then unbuckled my pants. Wiggling them down enough to not get them messy, I squirted the lube out into my palm and grabbed my cock. Hissing in a breath, I closed my eyes and pictured Harley in her bedroom, pretending she was still doing what I’d heard. The sound of her voice, her faint moans and the buzzing of the vibrator she’d used helped me. I kept that sound in my mind and pictured her perfect body. I’d never seen her naked but imagining had to do. I didn’t know if she had red hair down there, too, but I fervently hoped so as I stroked my cock and imagined using that vibrator on her. In my mind, I spread her plump lips, pulled up the hood over her clit and pressed the vibrator lightly against it. Once she cried out, I licked it to soothe it, then pressed the vibrator there again.

  Hot cum squirted out of my dick without warning, up my abdomen and all over my shirt. I was still in the middle of my fantasy, but my cock couldn’t handle it. It was too fucking hot.

  Damn. If I knew I was going to have the chance to make my fantasy a reality, I’d have to jack off before I went. Otherwise actually feeling her tight, virgin pussy around my dick would make me come far before I wanted. If I got to have her virginity, I wanted it to be the most special night of her life. And blowing my load too early would ruin that.


  I hated when he was right. Ignoring him, I changed shirts, throwing the cum-covered tee in the hamper, then washed my hands. I had to go see what Maverick found out about Tyler now that my mind was clearer. I should’ve done that immediately after leaving Harley, but my dick had demanded attention.

  I jogged over to the police station. It was too close to justify driving. The town was just that small. It had taken me some time to get used to it.

  Walking in, I looked around the empty room. “Mav?”

  “Back here,” he called.

  I had to go through the little wooden fence they had up to get to the row of desks. Seemed like it was a staple for any small-town jail. I walked through and to the back of the room, where Mav was hunched over a computer.

  “Find anything?” I sat in the chair beside him. Pictures of Ava, Maddox, Hailey, and the rest of the Kingston Clan filled the wall beside his desk.

  “Not a damn thing. This guy is off the radar. What about Harley? Did she have anything?”

  “A little.” I explained about her father.

  He sat back and mused. “Could he be a dragon?”

  I looked around in surprise, but nobody else was in. “Are we alone?”

  He nodded. “Carlos is on patrol. Axel was here on phones, but he went out on a call at the grocery store. Seems a kid stole some gum and they wanted Axel to give him the talk.”

  I snorted. “Maybe someone should’ve given me that talk. Is he going to scare him to death?”

  Mav gave me a sympathetic look. “No. We don’t want kids to be scared of cops. He’ll just tell him how much trouble he could’ve gotten in and talk to him about how important it is to be a good citizen.”

  More than I ever got in life. I’d always been scared of cops as a kid. “Yes, I suspect her father is a dragon. She’s twenty-eight, did you know that?”

  He looked stunned. “No, Ava said early twenties. And she doesn’t look more than eighteen. Having a dragon father would explain the youthful appearance. But I can’t believe I had dragon offspring in my territory all this time and didn’t know it.”

  “She said she was born here.”

  He gave me a blank look and shook his head. “I’ll ask Dad. I thought he’d told me about any dragons that had ever been in the area, but maybe not.”

  Dragons bred in mysterious ways. Female offspring were always, without fail, human. Males were always dragons. We didn’t have enough scientific data to know why. Digging scientifically into anything paranormal was always a risk and not done lightly.

  Female children of dragon fathers usually had a few perks like youthful appearance. If they were claimed by their father, with a familial bite, they’d have an extremely long life as well. Female dragons, though human, generally had very good health even if not claimed with a familial bite. They were often encouraged to date other dragons, so they’d have a mate bite as well, further extending their lives. That wasn’t required, of course, not for hundreds of years. At one point, it had been, but not enough girls were born, and it was a horrible practice, arranged marriages. They died out in the dragon clans about when the humans stopped doing them.

  “It’s not like a dragon to abandon his daughter,” I said. “We’re usually family oriented.” I scoffed. “My clan excluded.”

  Maverick patted me on the back. “You’re right. I’ll find out as so
on as Dad gets back from his fishing trip.”

  “Oh? Where’d he go?” I asked.

  “He went with some of his cousins from my grandfather’s clan. A yearly thing.”

  I nodded. “I’ll keep a close eye on her until we know more.”

  Maverick sighed. I glanced at him and he looked weary. “If he keeps sending dragons onto my territory, it will become more than an issue of Harley and her parentage. I’ll have to deal with it.”

  He was right. It was only rude of Tyler to be on Black Claw land without permission. If Harley’s dad sent more dragons, it would be considered rebellious and an encroachment. Especially if they didn’t check in with him first.

  “I plan to spend as much time with Harley as she’ll allow,” I said. “If more show up, I’ll know it.”

  “I’m glad you had a change of heart.” If I didn’t know better, I’d think Maverick sounded like a proud father. But he wasn’t that much older than me to feel fatherly.

  It’s about damn time.

  I smiled, glad to hear Eros speaking with approval. He’d been very quiet since we left Harley crying at Ava’s that night. I hoped he would come back to me, bossing me around all the time. “Come on,” I said. “I’ll take you home.”

  We walked across the street and down a few blocks back to my truck, and I drove Mav home. All we could do was speculate about what her father wanted after all this time and whether or not he’d be known to Mav’s dad. He said his dad kept very few physical records, like most dragons. If the wrong humans found them—or the hunters, who were rare but did exist—then it could incriminate us and provide proof. Or at least enough to make other people believe we existed.

  Ava insisted on feeding me dinner. I was sure she just wanted all the info I could give, but a free and tasty dinner was worth it. I didn’t tell her anything I wasn’t fairly sure Harley wouldn’t have told her anyway. They were close friends, after all.


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