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Her Dragon Lover

Page 12

by Roxie Ray

  Trailing kisses from her lips to her jaw, I worked my way down her neck, ignoring the pounding ache in my pants. Eros was silent, but I knew he was only quiet because he didn’t want to break my focus. He was enjoying himself as much as I was.

  Harley moaned, encouraging me to continue. I slipped my fingers under the straps of the negligee on her shoulders and slid them down her arms. She helped me by pulling her arms out, but the material caught on her breasts.

  Moving my kisses along her collarbone, I stopped long enough to watch as I pulled the material down. It slid off of her chest, tickling her nipples along the way. They began to pebble without me touching them.

  I wanted to finish the job and couldn’t wait any longer. With one hand, I lifted her left breast and trailed my thumb along its tip. With the other, I lifted the right and wrapped my lips around it.

  She gasped as I sucked, keeping the motion soft and gentle. There was plenty of time in our lives for hot and heavy.

  Swirling my tongue, I circled her entire areola, then teased the tip before switching sides. Using my thumb, I tickled the end of her now-wet nipple and felt it harden in the cool air of the garage.

  Repeating the motion, I switched back and forth until Harley put her hands in my hair and moaned.


  I turned her so her knees backed up to the couch, then with my mouth still on her chest, tugged her negligee all the way down until I felt her kick it off.

  With gentle pressure, I helped her sit on the couch while I hovered over her. Still alternating between breasts, suckling and nipping gently at them, I held myself up with one hand and moved the other between her legs, spreading them once again.

  Except this time there was no lace between me and her sex.

  Kissing the underside of her breast, I licked down, kissing, nibbling, and moving my way down her stomach, around her navel, and further until the feel of hair tickled my chin.

  Pulling my head back, I looked down to find the neatly trimmed hair above her glistening sex matched the hair on her head exactly.

  Why was that such a turn-on? My already-hard dick beat in my pants, urging me to plunge it beneath that thatch of beautiful red hair.

  Breathing harder, I looked at her, but for too long, because she raised her head. “What’s wrong?” she asked in a shaky voice.

  “Nothing,” I said. My voice came out as a growl, but I couldn’t help it. “I took a moment to admire how sexy you are.”

  “Okay,” she whispered, but didn’t sound sure.

  I moved my hands to her core, spreading her lips to expose her glorious labia. “You are perfection,” I whispered. My fingers exposed her just enough to let me see her vagina and how hard she had it clenched. She was still nervous. I trailed my finger at her opening, teasing and watching her clench and unclench her inner walls. I couldn’t see far in, she was too tight for that, but I saw enough to make me even harder than I’d already been, if possible.

  Following my finger, I darted my tongue out and tasted her, pressing against her vaginal opening until my tongue slipped inside. Of course, it couldn’t go far, but I had to taste her before moving my attention.

  Using my fingers, I pulled up the hood of her clitoris and marveled at the perfect little bundle waiting for me to tease it into orgasm.

  So, I did exactly that. With my fingers alternating between her vagina and her clit, I sucked and licked the nub until she became frantic under me.

  “Stefan,” she moaned. “Please.”

  Her frantic cries and moans made me flex my hips, imagining the things I’d eventually do to her while I continued to suck on her clit, applying more pressure and slipping my finger inside, curling up to tease the perfect spot as I bit gently on her clit.

  She cried out then, saying my name over and over. I bit on it repeatedly, then sucked, bit then sucked, careful not to bite too hard, and sucking as hard as I could.

  Her body convulsed, and more liquid filled her core, the flavor of her orgasm exploding on my tongue. I changed my tactic and moved slower and slower until I licked from her vaginal opening up to the short hair over her slit as she relaxed.

  With a sigh, she opened her eyes and looked at me as I rose and sat beside her on the sofa. She made no move to cover herself as my gaze raked her body. I wanted nothing more than to take it to the next step, except the smartest thing for her maximum enjoyment was to stop it there. She had a taste of what I could give her. A little more time was what she needed to turn her nerves into anticipation.

  “What about you?” Harley asked lazily.

  “What about me?” I shrugged. When I went home, I’d have a lot more material for my spank bank.

  “Don’t you need to come?” she asked. “I don’t want to give you blue balls.”

  I laughed and took her hand, but I couldn’t stop my eyes from straying to her breasts and the tiny tuft of hair between her legs. “Blue balls are real, but not like people think. I’ll be okay.” I could stand the erection until I got home and relieved it. Barely, but I’d manage it.

  “What if I wanted to see you?” she asked.

  Just when I thought she couldn’t get sexier, she said she wanted to see my cock. “You want to see me naked?”

  She nodded. “Maybe you could show me how you, uh...”

  “Pleasure myself?” I asked, using the nicest terms I could think of.

  Her beautiful red hair fell over her shoulder and framed her breast as she nodded eagerly. “Is that weird?” she asked.

  “Not at all.” I unzipped my pants and unbuckled my belt. “Are you sure? It would be a huge turn-on for you to watch me stroke my dick?”

  She nodded. “If it’s not weird, then yes. Please.”

  I stood and let my pants drop to the floor, then pulled my underwear down, watching her face as my dick sprang into view.

  Harley’s eyes widened, and I listened to her heart pound faster. Her core dampened again. Seeing me turned her on. I considered changing my mind about sex but stuck to my resolve. Settling on her couch again, I leaned back and watched her as I moved my hand up and down my shaft. It was harder to do without lube, but I was sure I’d be able to come pretty easily with her eyes on me.

  “I have lube if it would help,” she said, then bit her lip as my hand froze on my dick.

  “You have lube?” I had to admit, that was surprising.

  She nodded and stood. I watched her walk across her room and had to stroke my cock again as the sight of her perfect round ass and delicate curve of her back drove me wild.

  After rummaging around in her bedside drawer, she came back with a small bottle of drugstore lube. “I have a toy,” she whispered. “It’s a little big, so I use lube.”

  My jaw dropped. “You have a dildo?”

  Her blush deepened and to my absolute delight, it spread down, turning her breasts pink as well. “Yeah. I mean, I’m twenty-eight and a virgin but that doesn’t mean I haven’t had desires.”

  I held my breath and squirted lube into my hand. As I spread it over my cock head and wet my dick, making it slick enough to jack off properly, I watched her face again.

  Her gaze was glued to my movements, but she squirmed. “Are you turned on?” I asked. I knew the answer.

  Harley nodded, her long hair falling around her nipple, tickling it until it hardened again. “I can help with that,” I offered. “But I’d rather watch you do it. Would you do that for me?”

  She put her hands on her mound and considered as I continued to stroke myself. “Okay,” she whispered. Once again, I watched her walk across the room, marveling at the perfect lines of her back and curve of her ass.

  She came back with her dildo and a small vibrator.

  “Don’t be shy, please,” I begged, stroking harder at just the thought of watching her bring herself to orgasm. I was also relieved to see the dildo was smaller than me. That meant she would feel me intensely the first time. I wanted her to remember every second.

  She kept her eyes on me on
ce she had the dildo lubed up. Sliding it inside, she held it with one hand and switched on the small vibrator with the other.

  I moaned and watched her press it to her clit, alternating my gaze from her sex, spread out on the couch as she settled back into the cushions, to her face. She had her gaze frozen on my dick as I moved my hand. I wanted to come right then, but that wouldn’t be fun. Instead, I scooted closer, leaning against one of her legs and putting the other across my knees. “May I help you?”

  She nodded eagerly. I put a bit more lube in my left hand, then took over stroking myself with it. With my right, I took the dildo from her, moving it in and out of her pussy with a slow, careful movement. Since she’d used a dildo, she wouldn’t have a hymen when it came time for me to bury myself inside her, but the online articles had warned that most girls didn’t if they reached adulthood as a virgin. Hymens tore easily with horseback riding, biking, and even the use of tampons. A maidenhead, like in the old romance novels, was a rare thing to find in a virgin, especially an adult.

  She moaned but didn’t move her gaze from my hands. As I stroked myself, my orgasm built deep in my balls, and her body tensing told me she was building her own. I didn’t think the dildo had much to do with it, it was more an extra sensation to add to her little bullet.

  “Tell me when you’re close,” I said. She nodded, and only a few minutes later, gasped.

  “I’m coming,” she said.

  I squeezed and worked my cock as much as I could, the sight of her face watching me as she rode out her orgasm enough to bring me to the brink. Rising, I knelt over her on the couch and whispered her name as my hot seed spurted out and landed on her perfect stomach. Her breathing sped up and she made the best noises. Little sighs and squeaks that made me want to start all this over again. After a few seconds, she relaxed, her orgasm finishing as she watched me come all over her.

  Claim her.

  I couldn’t do what Eros wanted, but something compelled me to bury my hands in my seed on her stomach. I spread it, massaging it into her abdomen, my scent sinking into her skin. In a way, this was claiming her, marking her with my seed. Another dragon may or may not know it, but I would. I would know that my seed covered her body after she had come in my mouth.

  She was mine.

  When I finished and pulled my pants up, I gave her a sheepish grin, then grabbed a box of tissues from her counter and cleaned her up before I washed my hands in the sink.

  Harley’s eyes stayed on me the whole time. I was afraid she’d be embarrassed, especially after I rubbed my semen all over her, but she seemed to like it, thank goodness. She walked over to her bureau and pulled out a soft pink robe that did nothing to hide her naked body but made her breasts look inviting underneath.

  I pulled her into my arms and rested my cheek on her head. She smelled like her, the tantalizing scent I’d had stuck in my nose for weeks, but now I smelled myself on her, and that combination made me feel centered. Settled. Like she had become something significant to me. Was this what having a home felt like?

  Things were getting deep, fast. “I’ll go now,” I whispered. “Not because I want to, but because if I stay, I’ll continue giving your orgasms all night and neither of us will be fit for anything tomorrow.”

  She laughed against my chest and then sighed. “I’m not sure that’s such a bad thing.”

  “Soon,” I promised. “Soon you’ll be ready, and I’ll be here for you, to make it a night you’ll never forget as long as you live. I promise.”

  She squeezed me and then let go with a smile. “I’m going to hold you to that.”

  I turned and walked to her door. She put her hand in mine and went with me, staying inside when I opened it. “Don’t want anyone to see me in this robe.”

  Eros growled his agreement. “Yes, that’s smart,” I said. “Save that perfect view for just me.”

  After a longing, sweet kiss, I left her, with a lot of backward glances and sappy grins, and went to my truck. Once I heard her lock the door, I went home, secure in the knowledge that she wouldn’t leave. She knew there was a threat and had been great about letting me escort her to and from work, or one of the Kingstons if I wasn’t available.

  Days passed, and I saw her as often as possible. Our night in her apartment had done nothing but make me want to be near her constantly.

  A week later, I called to ask her for another date, but she disappointed me. “I promised Ava and Charlotte another girls’ night. I meant to tell you already but forgot.”

  “Oh, well, it’s okay. I’ll have Jury and Maddox over,” I said. “Haven’t done that in a while.”

  She giggled. “Yeah, you’ve been with me constantly. Have fun with your friends. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  My heart soared. It was the best feeling, having someone to talk to tomorrow. A person to look forward to seeing. Especially Harley. She was everything.

  When we hung up, I texted Maddox and Jury, inviting them over. They headed my way immediately, apparently bored. When they got there, I opened the door and laughed at their eager faces. “Why are you so eager to be here?” I asked.

  “They’re in hardcore baby mode,” Maddox explained. “Mom and Charlotte and especially Grandma.”

  “Our houses have exploded in baby plans. It’s all anyone talks about, even Dad,” Jury said. “We need some non-baby time.”

  “Welcome, then. Enjoy a no-babies evening.” I let them in, and we got down to business, a tournament on the latest installment of a fighting game that had released the week before. I hadn’t bought it, but I knew I’d get around to playing it with one of them.

  When we’d tired of that one and moved on to a racing game, tearing through three pizzas and a two-liter of soda, my phone rang. I was surprised to get a call so late, and when I saw it was Harley, I grew alarmed.

  “Hey, sweetheart, what’s wrong?” My heart pounded as I waited for her reply. Jury and Maddox watched with concern, our game paused.

  “Nothing!” Harley’s voice sounded weird. “I’m goooooood.” She drew the word out for a good three seconds.

  Oh, now I understood. She wasn’t hurt or upset. She was drunk. I gave Jury and Maddox, who had also gotten the picture and began chuckling under their breath, a nasty look. “Hold on,” I said, then moved outside, walking downstairs to the parking lot where nobody was around.

  “I miss you,” she said with a sigh. “I wish you were here.”

  “Where are you?” I asked. If she was home, I might’ve considered going to her.

  “Ava’s. Charlotte and I are here, but they went to bed. I’m sleeping on the couch and all I can think about is you.” She kept her voice low, which gave it a sultry quality. “I want to touch myself, but it feels too weird here. What if someone came downstairs?”

  As much as I wanted to talk her through a sexy phone sex session, she was right. Maverick was probably there and he had hearing like mine. He’d hear her. “Better not,” I warned. “Try to go to sleep.”

  “Okay,” she said through a yawn.

  “I miss you, too,” I said and meant it with all my heart. I liked Jury and Maddox, but I would’ve rather been with her. “I’ll see you soon, okay?”

  She yawned again. “Goodnight, Stefan,” she whispered. “See you soon.”

  I hung up and marveled at how far and fast my feelings had changed in a matter of weeks. In a little more than a month, I’d developed deep feelings for Harley. The next step was for her to meet Eros, and that gave me hives. I wanted her to be my true mate, and to do that, she had to know all of my past. Each secret and danger.

  She had to meet my dragon.



  “Set your nails under this UV light and you’ll be ready to go in no time.” I tucked my customer’s bag under her chair and thanked her when she slid a tip across the counter with her palm, nails up.

  We weren’t very busy for a Saturday, but it was pouring down with rain. At least it was warm enough for rain and not s
now. And no ice, hurray! But still, it was killing my normal tips.

  When I sat back down at my station, the store line rang. Since I knew Laura wasn’t about to get it, I hopped up and walked to the front counter. If I wasn’t mistaken, she was already two steps drunker than her norm, anyway. “Top to Toe, this is Harley, can I help you?”

  “Harley, this is Claire.”

  My grandmother’s nurse calling my work line made my stomach clench in fear. “What’s wrong?” I blurted. “Is Nana okay?”

  “Yes, but we need you to come home. It’s not an emergency, but it is urgent. Do you think you can come now?” She didn’t sound panicked but worried seemed a reasonable description for her tone of voice.

  I looked around the salon, relieved we were in the middle of a rare slump. “Yes, I’ll be right there.”

  As soon as I hung up the phone, Laura’s snotty voice stabbed straight to my last nerve. “Where do you think you’re going?” She stood unsteadily from her station and put her hand on her hip. “You’re supposed to close.”

  “It’s my Nana. I never leave early or call out, Laura. I’m sorry, but her nurse called and said it was urgent.”

  I may have said apologetic words, but my tone left her no room for argument. She couldn’t run the salon without me, and she knew it. If she pissed me off, I’d walk and find another job or work in the next town over.

  “Of course,” she said after a few seconds of consideration. “Go. I’ll stay.”

  She’d probably close, if I knew her. Before she promoted me to the manager, the store was closed frequently during normal hours. But that wasn’t my problem.

  I didn’t even clean my station. Laura would either do it for me or more likely, I’d do it on Monday when I came in and opened the store.

  Stefan would have a fit if he knew I’d left without telling him so he could make sure someone followed me, but what choice did I have? He was at work, and if he bailed on Todd one more time, his boss was going to get pissed.

  That didn’t mean I was an idiot. Claire’s calling could’ve meant that she was being held up by whoever had been investigating me. It was a stretch, but what else would require me to rush home that wasn’t an emergency? If Nana was that ill, she would’ve told me to go to the hospital.


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