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Her Dragon Lover

Page 16

by Roxie Ray

  I explained how I met Maverick and my part in the whole situation. She seemed saddened, but said she understood. “So, now I use the place to shift. Maverick has offered to let me come shift with them at the manor, and I do sometimes, but it’s nice to have a place to go myself.”

  She hopped out of the truck. “Can I see?”

  I couldn’t help but love her eagerness. Now that she’d come to terms with everything, she wanted to jump in feet-first. I couldn’t have asked for a better mate.

  She exclaimed over the woodwork when I showed her the places I’d repaired, but there wasn’t much to look at inside. “Okay.” She clapped her hands together after looking around the single room. “I want to meet him.”

  “Do you want to wait here? I have to get naked to shift. I can go out and shift, then you come out?” I didn’t want to embarrass her.

  She blushed, gorgeous red. I loved making her blush, though this time was unintentional. “I’ve seen you naked before, Stef. And probably will again.”

  I nodded. If I said anything, I’d be grabbing her and kissing her silly. Eros would’ve killed me.

  When we stepped outside, I kept my gaze on hers as I unbuttoned my shirt, then tossed it to her. She giggled and caught it. My boots went next, but I kicked them off to the side, against the wall. My pants and underwear, which I’d changed when we got to my place, I threw at her as well, until I stood naked in front of her. By the time I was naked, her flush had deepened to nearly purple and she had her plump bottom lip between her teeth. I could hear her heart racing even though I stood several feet away.

  Her gaze roamed my body, stopping on my groin as the wind shifted. Her scent drifted my way, and I smelled her arousal. “Stop it,” I said. “You’re making me hard.”

  I looked down and sure enough, my dick stood at half-mast.

  Her breathing grew ragged as she watched my dick harden and grow. A growl erupted from my throat as Eros battled his desire for us to bed and claim her right then and the desire to shift and show off for her.

  Worry about your dick later.

  He was right. “Remember,” I said. “No matter what you see or what happens, it’s still me. I’m in here with him. We will never, ever hurt you. You are safe here with us.”

  She nodded and stepped forward. “I know. I trust you.”

  That was all Eros could take. We backed up a few more feet, then I let him do his thing. In seconds, he’d taken the lead, and I looked out at our mate through his eyes. I didn’t have much control in his body, though if push came to shove, I could force him to shift back.

  Harley’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped. “Oh, Eros,” she whispered. “You are beautiful.”

  She’d said the perfect thing. He stepped toward her. Her hands flew to her face, and I began to worry she was going to scream, but then laughter erupted from her mouth. She lunged forward, reaching out for Eros. “You’re real,” she exclaimed. “I can’t believe it.”

  She stopped short of touching him. “I thought dragons were black,” she whispered.

  The Kingston clan is black. My clan are shades of red.

  She gasped when she heard Eros’s voice in her head properly. “Oh, Eros. Stefan.” Tears glittered in her eyes and she stared at us in wonder for several seconds, her hands clutched together in front of her.

  You may touch me, if you’d like.

  Her face lit up. “Are you sure?”

  Eros ducked his head and pushed it toward her, pushing his nose under her hands.

  She squealed and threw her arms around our neck. “You’re so beautiful.”

  Eros purred his approval. She appreciates us properly.

  He spoke only to me, as if he’d been worried. I knew once she got past the shock, she’d love him. I’d just figured it would take longer.

  After she hugged us, she stepped back and walked around, inspecting Eros inch by inch. He held out his claws and shook his tail, showing off like a damn peacock. I couldn’t help but laugh at his antics while he stoically ignored me.

  “I’m not scared of you,” she said. “But it’s easy to see how any of your enemies would quake with fear in your presence.”

  Eros preened under her praise and the feel of her hands on us. I had to admit it felt pretty damn good. Her lack of fear put Eros at ease, and soon he got an idea in his head to show off for her. Without warning, he took off running and jumped into the air, circling the clearing around the cabin while the late-afternoon sunlight glinted off our scales. Harley watched us with her hand over her eyes, shading the sun.

  She clapped as we landed. “That was amazing!” Eros stopped beside her, close enough to touch, and to our delight, she threw her arms around us again. “Can I ask a question?”

  You can do anything you want, mate. I will give you the world.

  Oh, geez. He was lost to her.

  She laughed and stared into his eye as her hands moved over our scales. “I can’t stop touching you. But, is it possible, I don’t want to be rude, but could you ever...”

  I realized what she was asking and warned Eros.

  Yes, mate, you may ride me.

  Her breath caught in her throat. “Really?” she whispered. “That’s not rude? You’re not like a pack animal.”

  Nothing would delight me more than to feel the clench of your thighs on my back and your arms around my neck.

  Her breathing sped up again, and we caught a whiff of her desire again. Was she turned on by the thought of riding Eros? He growled low in his throat, an audible sound, and she smiled. “How?”

  Eros turned and talked her through where to put her feet. She slipped her shoes off first. I made him warn her about which scales were the sharpest so she wouldn’t cut her soft, small feet.

  A few minutes later, she sat on our back. I couldn’t believe how easy it was to hold her. We’d never tried to carry a person before, though sometimes fathers would carry their children around. My father never had, but some did.

  Wrap your arms around my neck.

  It took her a few seconds to figure out the best place to hold on and where to put her legs. Above our wings felt better than below. Once she felt secure, Eros ran around the clearing as fast as he could.

  “That was great,” she said, breathless. “I don’t suppose you can fly with me up here?”

  He growled.

  Did you feel as if you’d fall off while I ran?

  “Not even once,” she replied.

  Then hang on.

  He took off to get a running start, then launched into the air. I cautioned him not to go too high, just in case she lost her grip.

  Harley’s delighted voice echoed in our ears as she hooted and squealed her delight. “This is amazing!” she yelled.

  Eros didn’t stay up too long. She was light, but a long flight would be very tiring, and we wanted to keep our strength. We had to be with our mate, the need was strong. Based on her attitude since we got to the cabin, we felt pretty sure she desired us as well.

  I’d never imagined she could be turned on by Eros. Not that she seemed to want to sleep with him, that was weird, but his strength and beauty made her want me more.

  Did her dragon heritage make her more inclined to understand that though we were two beings, we were also one? When I bonded with her, so did he. When she rode him, she rode me.

  When she climbed carefully down, she hugged us again, then looked into Eros’s eyes. “I have one more question.”

  He chuffed in her face, spreading his warm, smoky breath across her head. She laughed in delight. “Is it true that you can breathe fire?”

  Allow me to demonstrate.

  He turned away from her and waited for her to get in the perfect position, then held his head upright and blew a long column of fire into the air.

  Harley’s jaw dropped and she watched in amazement. “Wow,” she whispered when he finished and turned to her again. “You’re so cool, Eros.”

  He didn’t get enough ‘skin-time’ as it was. No dragon
did. But he had never gotten recognition of his prowess and abilities from anyone but me. Hearing them now did something to his heart, and I felt his love for her seal inside. He wasn’t just drawn to her; he was devoted to her. He’d never leave her.

  Both of us wanted to shift back. We had to have her, now.

  I’m giving you back to Stefan now.

  She nodded and grabbed Eros’s head, which was easily twice the size of her own. “Thank you for trusting me.”

  She was good.

  We shifted, and her hands dropped away. A few seconds later, I stood in front of her with my muscles clenched and my dick as hard as it had ever been. The urge to claim her and bond her was stronger than I’d felt yet, and though this shifting went well, I wanted to take her virginity. Bonding on the same night might’ve been too much.

  I didn’t have the strength to deny myself the opportunity to be with her. “I wanted your first time to be perfect,” I said. “Not some shack in the mountains.”

  Her eyes roamed my body but kept going back to my dick. I twitched it to make her smile.

  “This is perfect,” she whispered. “We’re alone?”

  I nodded. “I’d smell anyone that got close enough to see us.”

  My restraint nearly unraveled when she shrugged out of her jacket. I stepped forward. “Shifting fills us with energy. If our mates are nearby, often we have the nearly uncontainable desire to be with them. That’s where I’m at right now. It’s taking everything in me not to take you inside and bury myself in you.”

  Her desire spiked, slamming into my own. I felt it more easily now, since she’d bonded emotionally with Eros. Then her scent followed. She wanted it nearly as much as I did.

  To prove it, she dragged her shirt over her head, leaving her standing there in her green bra. It shone, satiny in the sunlight.

  “Last chance,” I said. “We need to leave now if you’re not ready. I don’t know if I can stop once I touch you.”

  My balls ached, making my dick twitch again, this time involuntarily. The desire to be with her had become physical.

  She still didn’t answer, just unbuttoned her jeans and shimmied them down her hips. She kicked them off and threw them on the pile of clothes. Hers and mine.

  “I’m ready,” she whispered.

  I strode forward and swept her up into my arms. Entering the cabin, I put her back on her feet long enough to test the air mattress. It was still pretty full, but I hooked up the hand pump and spent a few minutes adding air. “Sorry,” I said when it was full enough.

  She stood in the doorway, biting her lip again. “I’m not,” she said. “Watching you pump that up was hot. Your muscles are impressive.”

  She talked about my muscles, but she looked at my dick, which had softened enough to point down and swing between my thighs.

  Looking at her brought it right back to achingly hard. I walked over and held out my hand.

  “I’m a little worried you won’t fit,” she said. “My dildo is much smaller.”

  With a grin, I pulled her close. “Don’t worry. It won’t hurt. It might have if you’d never used that dildo, but you’ll like the difference a real cock feels in your tight pussy.”

  My words did the trick. Her pupils dilated and she gasped. “Stefan,” she moaned.

  I pulled her over to the air mattress and helped her lie back onto it. Joining her, I positioned my cock to rub against her outer thigh as I settled beside her.

  As much as I wanted to jump to the main event, I had to make sure she was ready, or I would hurt her. I hadn’t had an overabundance of sexual experience, just a handful of one-night stands here and there along the way. But I had done a lot of research in the meantime. I felt confident I could give her the most memorable night of her life.

  “Lie back and just enjoy yourself,” I whispered.

  “What about you?” she asked.

  “Believe me. I’ll be fine before the night is over. And watching you enjoy yourself is half the fun for me.”

  She smiled, her shyness returning and making her flush again. “Okay.”

  First, I pressed a kiss to her shoulder. Moving my lips across her collarbone, I worked my way down to her chest. Running a finger along the silk of her bra, I worked it down until the material slipped under her perfect breast.

  Her nipples were already hard, aching for me to wrap my lips around them. Who was I to deny them?

  Eros growled as we sucked one perfect peak, then slipped her bra down to do the other. I flexed my hips against her thigh, creating friction on my cock to keep it appeased until the big event.

  Harley moaned her pleasure as I gave her breasts attention, but after a few moments, she squirmed. “More, Stefan, please. I need you.”

  Her words made it difficult not to slide into her right then, but I still had to make sure she was ready. I deserved a medal of patience after this.

  “Lift your hips,” I whispered, then dragged her panties down her thighs and off as she lifted them.

  Again, marveling at her gorgeous red hair on her plump mound, I slipped my finger between her lips and shuddered at how wet she was. Dropping my head on her shoulder, I sighed and fought my overwhelming desire back to something manageable.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  “Yes, I just want to take this slow and do it right, but you’re so fucking hot, it’s easier said than done.”

  Her heart pounded harder and she clenched her thighs together around my hand. “Damn, Stefan, you’re going too slow.”

  Laughing, I shifted my position and pushed her thighs apart, then buried my hand in her again. “Let me see what I can do about that.”

  Her tight entrance squeezed around my finger as I felt for her G-spot. I found it easily, then applied pressure to it until she gasped. Working the spot, I moved my finger over it again and again and watched her face. She threw her head back and gasped, panting and moaning as an orgasm built up. I didn’t relent, and soon she dampened my palm as she came, her orgasm lubricating her even more. I switched immediately to rub my finger back and forth quickly across her clit, which I was delighted to find swollen and ready for me.

  She cried out, throwing her hands around me and sitting halfway up as the sensations overwhelmed her.

  It was a bit difficult to keep my finger in the right place, because she kept squirming, but I managed it until she sobbed into my ear, yelling my name.

  Still, I wanted to make sure she felt nothing but pleasure when I sank my cock into her tight pussy. “I’m going to work on loosening you up just a little, okay?” I whispered.

  She nodded. I used my two middle fingers to enter her again, swirling them around until she relaxed. I didn’t exactly loosen her up, but it helped her see she could relax.

  “Now, Stefan, now!” she exclaimed.

  Moving to my knees, I remembered the condom at the last second. I’d slipped a few in my pocket before we left the house. “One sec,” I said, then sprinted outside for our pile of clothes. I brought them all in and got a condom out.

  Joining her again, I lay back and slid the condom on my dick, which wept precum already. It was so ready to feel her tight passage.

  She let her legs fall to the side easily as I rose above her and positioned my head at her entrance. “Last chance,” I said even though I was pretty sure I’d combust if she said stop. But, if she did, I would stop.

  She sighed. “Stefan. Fuck me. Now.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” I replied.

  The condoms were lubed, but I took one more second to run my hands all over her pussy, then spread the moisture from her sex onto my dick. Holding myself upright with one hand, I used the other to position myself at her entrance, then pushed slowly in.

  Moaning, I had to stop. She was so tight I worried about hurting her. “Are you okay?” I didn’t even have my head fully inside yet, and she already felt like the best fuck I’d ever had.

  She nodded, wiggling her hips so I slid in another half inch. “Please,” she begge

  I clenched my butt muscles and pushed until my head slipped past the first ring of muscles. Panting, I stopped and rested, but the minx tightened her inner muscles. I cried out. “If you do that, this won’t last very long.”

  It was difficult enough not to come right away already. The whole situation was so hot, my body responded by wanting to give me an orgasm.

  She nodded, panting. “I want to feel it all,” she said.

  Finally inside enough that I could let go, I moved both hands to get closer to her and lowered myself so our bodies touched. As I continued slowly pushing forward, I put my lips to hers. I couldn’t concentrate on going slow and kissing, so I just left our lips touching, the desire to be close to her in all ways too strong to move.

  Inch by sweet torturous inch, I moved into her, finally stopping when my groin hit hers. Somehow, she was able to hold all of me, something that had never happened before. “I don’t know how, but I’m fully inside you,” I whispered. Then I kissed her for all I was worth and let my overeager dick calm down before sliding out slowly, though faster than before.

  Pressing our cheeks together, I put one hand behind her head and cradled her close as I pushed in again, smoother and faster this time. “Relax,” I whispered. “Don’t tighten your muscles.”

  Her body went limp in my arms, but I couldn’t tell a difference in her tight sheath. She was either just that tight or couldn’t relax herself.

  I thrust in and out of her slower than I could’ve thought I’d be able to for as long as I could stand it. It was probably only a minute or two but felt like an hour.

  When her breathing changed, and I realized she was enjoying the movements of my dick inside her, I shifted up on my elbows and watched her face.

  She never looked away from me as my hips moved faster. I didn’t go in hard, but I did increase my speed. Hard could wait until she was used to this.

  Speeding up again, I watched in delight as confusion crossed her face, quickly followed by bliss. “Stefan,” she whispered, then closed her eyes. Her neck arched as she pressed her head into the bed. I recognized the move. She’d done it when she came on my hand before. I was about to give her an orgasm.


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