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Her Dragon Lover

Page 18

by Roxie Ray

  Her words brought up intense emotions. “I love you,” I whispered.

  Harley’s beautiful blue-gray eyes widened, and she launched herself at me. I barely kept us both in the kitchen chair as she pressed her mouth to mine. We kissed for several long moments, emotions charging our lips with a magical bond that passed back and forth between us as our emotions fed off of each other.

  When we came up for air, she had more tears in her eyes. These seemed happier, though. “I love you, too,” she whispered.

  Gathering her into my arms, I lifted her and walked to the bed. Frantic with desire, I ripped her shirt off of her with my bare hands as soon as I sat her on the bed. Her eyes widened, and for a second, I regretted it, but then she moaned. “Faster, I need you.” Her words came out between pants.

  Yanking my pants down, I stroked my aching cock and then grabbed her jeans, pulling them down her legs as soon as she unbuttoned them. As soon as her dripping sex was exposed, I jumped onto the bed and buried myself deep inside her with a moan. “I love you so much, and your tight pussy.”

  She cried out the moment I entered her. “Stefan!”

  With my arms wrapped under her and my hands on her shoulders for leverage, I buried my face in her neck and grunted. I wanted to claim her so much, but we hadn’t taken the conversation to the point of her saying she wanted me to do it right now. I managed to refrain.

  The sound of Harley’s cries as her orgasm crested took me over the edge. It was probably the fastest we’d come together, but I couldn’t hold back. Her warm, wet body squeezed around me when she came, then I was lost.

  “I love you more than I could’ve imagined possible.” I lifted my head, still buried deep inside her. “Everything about you.”

  She shifted under me so she could look into my eyes. “I love you, too.”

  When she moved, I realized why I’d come so fast. “Oh, no,” I said. My dick was inside her, bare. Condoms were thin, and I still would’ve had a great feeling with one on, but this had been a bareback ride.

  She looked confused. “What?”

  “I didn’t put a condom on. It happened so fast; I don’t know what I was thinking.”

  She blinked, and a bit of fear crossed her face, but then she relaxed. “Well, if the worst thing that happens is that I get pregnant, then at least I’ll be able to let our child meet their great-grandmother.”

  My dick hardened inside her with her words. That had never happened, even with as fast as I could recover. Flexing my hips, she gasped as she realized I wasn’t done. “Again?” I asked.

  Her moan was all the answer I needed.

  “My turn,” she said and pushed against me. “I want to be on top.”

  I picked her up without pulling out, marveling in the way her walls clenched me without anything between us. I’d pull out this time and come on her belly or back. Oh, man, her ass.

  The bed squeaked as I lowered us with her on top. She repositioned herself, then ground her hips on me, throwing her head back as she moaned.

  I loved watching her on top. Her breasts bounced as she moved, and her wild red hair framed her perfect face. I couldn’t believe how lucky I was to have such an amazingly beautiful mate.

  She moved again, squatting over me and bouncing her ass up and down. I had a perfect view of her pussy moving on and off of my cock.

  When I knew it wouldn’t be much longer, I grabbed her hips and flipped her over, running my hands along her perfect ass cheeks, then clutched them. I’d never been able to go as fast as I wanted to before, but she was perfect for me, including the perfect size inside. She took my cock with pleasure, not pain, even to my base.

  When I knew I was seconds from my orgasm, I pulled out and squirted hot cum all over her ass. It dripped down, where I couldn’t help but rub it in. She gasped and arched her back, opening up for me to massage my seed into her skin and tiny, puckered hole.

  My dick softened, and I pulled out of Harley, exhausted. Collapsing on the bed beside her, I pulled her into my arms and covered us both up. “I love you,” I whispered.

  “I love you, too.” She snuggled her head into my chest and closed her eyes. “My mate.”



  Over the next three weeks, Stefan and I spent every possible moment together. When we weren’t at work or spending time with my Nana and the Kingstons, Stefan was pretty much balls deep in me. When we weren’t doing those things, we focused on my business plan.

  Stefan liked to say he was an uneducated mechanic. He truly thought he was stupid. But I couldn’t have done that business plan without his help. He did research, double-checked my math, and proofed the final plan. He even found pictures and designed floor plans for me.

  By the time I was ready to talk to Laura about buying the business, my folder with the plan had me feeling confident.

  I’d asked Laura for a meeting, so we were having coffee in the back room on my day off. When I got there, I was pleasantly surprised to discover she was sober.

  I laid everything out, showing her the math, the plans, and the pictures. I’d gone to the bank the week before with the plan and the money I needed to buy the building, its contents, and Laura’s business name, plus enough to complete the remodel. I’d saved nearly thirty percent of the total by living with Nana, and the bank was more than pleased to tell me I was prequalified for the loan. If I ended up having to build from scratch, I’d have to save up a little bit more of a down payment.

  When I was finished talking to Laura, she sighed and eyed me. “You’ve been a good manager. I do have a couple of other offers on the table, but as soon as I make my decision, I’ll let you know.”

  It galled a little to shake her hand and pretend I wasn’t bothered because she didn’t take my proposal first thing. I had to remind myself that she owed me nothing, and other people might’ve offered more money or a more attractive offer. I couldn’t blame her if she took more money. Who wouldn’t?

  I’d parked in front of the salon today since I wasn’t working, and they seemed slow enough. But to be respectful, I’d used the farthest parking spot. As I walked along the front of the building toward my car, my skin crawled. I’d been looking at my feet, mindful of where I stepped—I tripped over air far too often when I was younger. Now I knew to be more careful—but the feeling brought my gaze up and around the lot.

  I didn’t see anyone at all. A customer pulled in, but I recognized her and waved. Still, even with the appearance of someone new, the feeling persisted.

  Thanks to the urban legend of someone hiding in the back of the car, I always checked, even in broad daylight. With the overwhelming feeling that someone was right behind me, even though absolutely nobody was nearby, I checked my back seat twice before getting in the car.

  Even in the car, the feeling persisted. I didn’t want to drive home with someone potentially behind me, and Stefan was at work. They’d gotten in a complicated job, and Todd had assigned it to him. I didn’t want to bother him over a bit of paranoia.

  We’d done our grocery store run together after our weird peanut butter sandwich and soup lunch, then again every week since. But Nana had run out of bananas, so I needed to run in.

  The grocery store would be a good place to go. I knew the employees there and if someone was watching me and I spotted them, I could wait there in plain public sight for Stefan or one of the Kingstons to come.

  I drove directly there, only a few stores down in the tiny town. By the time I got into a parking spot, fairly close to the door, my stomach had begun to churn on rhythm with the chills still running over my skin.

  Stefan had said I couldn’t catch most illnesses, and it was true I’d had a very healthy childhood, but maybe this was just me catching a stomach bug. Chills, nausea, that’s what they were supposed to be like. I probably had a fever.

  Breathing deep and slow, I tried to calm my stomach before I vomited all over the car, but it wouldn’t calm. On the off chance he was on break, I texted Stefan.
  Is it possible for me to get a stomach bug?

  He didn’t reply for around two minutes while I continued trying to keep myself from vomiting all over my car. Going into the grocery store was no longer a priority. My phone rang in my pocket while I counted my breaths in and out and tried to look around the parking lot. I couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched, no matter how hard I tried to convince myself it was an illness.

  “Hey,” Stefan said. “I just took a break, sorry.”

  “It’s okay, I was just wondering if it’s possible.”

  He grunted. “Well, I guess it is, but I’ve never heard of it. I’ve spent the last six years on the run, so don’t take my word for it, though. Why?”

  I described my symptoms. “I figured it was probably some sort of bug or fever. What else makes sense?”

  “Stay where you are,” he said. Rustling sounds came through the line. “I have a theory about female descendants of dragons. We know they have extended life and good health, but I strongly suspect some have other senses. I think you’re perceiving danger.”

  “But that doesn’t fit, does it? My father is no longer a danger and that was the only possible threat.” The nausea rolled harder. “Ugh, I think I’m going to puke.”

  “Stay there,” he said. “I’m coming.”

  The line clicked when he hung up, and my stomach churned worse than ever. After looking around carefully, I opened my car door and lurched out, gulping in the cool air with my hands on my knees. If I puked in the parking lot, I’d get Stefan to go get a bucket of water or something, but it would be so much worse in the car.

  My stomach went from churning nausea to freezing cold in an instant, like a bucket of ice cubes had been dumped inside me. Standing upright, I knew from the tip of my hair to the tip of my toes that Stefan was right— I was in danger.

  A tall man stepped out from behind a minivan a few cars over. He had an inscrutable expression on his gaunt face, but there was no doubt in my mind that he was there for me. And he wasn’t like Tyler, not at all. I didn’t get creepy friendliness off this guy. Menace rolled off of him like an avalanche of snow come to bury me. He raised one hand and ran it through his black hair as a smile pulled his lips up.

  Nearly screaming in fright, I whirled around when I heard a thump behind me, but it was only Jury. Relief washed over me, and thankfulness. Bless his heart. I had no idea where he came from, but one second I was alone and the next he had his arms out. “Come here.” I ran to him and he pulled me close, then behind him. “Stay back there,” he commanded.

  I would’ve climbed on his back if he’d told me to. I knew he could protect me. Scooting to the side so I could see his profile and the stranger at the same time, I realized Jury was saying something to the man. The words were so soft I didn’t catch them. Then the other man moved his lips but from this far, I heard nothing. His eyes never strayed from me, even though he was communicating with Jury.

  And then after another long look at me, he left. Just turned and walked away. When he went behind the minivan again, I lost sight of him until a small, brown sedan pulled out of the parking lot. I let out a cleansing breath and sucked in a few more to calm myself down once the car drove out of sight.

  Jury had already dialed a number and told part of the story to someone, saying he’d been at the gym and sensed the dragon and his malicious intent. The gym was at the end of town, a good three blocks away. I hadn’t realized dragons could sense each other from that far away.

  When he hung up, he turned to me. “You okay?”

  I nodded. “He never got any closer to me than that. What now?”

  “Stefan is on his way with Maverick and Axel.” He nodded toward the parking lot. “They’re already here.”

  I watched Stefan’s truck speed across the small distance with a weak smile on my face. My sweet mate had come as fast as he could, and even though it felt like it took an eternity, the whole exchange had only been a few minutes.

  Stefan jumped out and had me in his arms before Maverick and Axel parked their police car.

  “Are you okay?” Stefan held me at arm’s length and looked me over. “Did he touch you?”

  “No,” I said. “It’s okay.” Wrapping my arms around his waist, I pulled him close and pressed my ear to his chest. His heart pounded frantically. “Calm down.”

  His chest pressed into me as he sucked in air and tried to do as I said.

  Jury told the three of them what the man looked like, the car, the license plate, and a detailed description of his scent, which made no sense to me. He even described the cadence of the stranger’s voice.

  “Can all dragons remember all that in such vivid detail?” I asked.

  All gazes swung to me. “No,” Maverick said. “Jury is special.”

  I looked at him, but he had a consternated expression on his face. “Anyway,” he said, uncomfortable at the least. “I’m smelling something or someone on Harley that’s driving me crazy. I can’t figure out what it is, but it’s familiar to me, even though I would swear I’ve never smelled it before.”

  “Can you describe it?” Stefan asked. He stiffened and looked me over again. His nose twitched, and I was sure he was trying to smell whatever it was.

  Jury shook his head. “No, that’s the frustrating thing. It’s like when you’re trying to remember a certain word and it’s on the tip of your tongue.”

  “It’s on the tip of your nose?” I asked.

  He laughed. “I guess so, yeah.”

  “When I was on the run, I drank the same tea we suspected Tyler of using, but there are other ways to mask scent. Other plants and of course spells if you know a witch.” Stefan tightened his arms around me as I tried to look up at him in shock.

  “Witch?” I asked.

  He nodded. “Yeah, but they’re rare and their spells are expensive.”

  Witches. Okay, then.

  “Of course, it’s hard to smell it with your scent all over her, Stef,” Jury said. “Almost as bad as Charlotte and Axel.” Jury froze and looked at us, but as fast as the shocked expression crossed his face, it was gone.

  Stefan stepped back, putting me at arm’s reach again. “My scent is lingering? I’m careful about drinking the tea regularly, you all know that.”

  He also had a brief, shocked expression cross his face, but then he pulled me into his arms again, this time turning me around so I could see everyone else and didn’t have to bury my face in his chest. Not that I’d minded.

  But now I wanted to know why everyone was making such a big deal about me smelling like Stefan. “Won’t I smell like you considering how much time we spend together?”

  “You shouldn’t,” he said. “Because I drink tea to mask my scent. I’m sorry, I thought I’d told you that.”

  He hadn’t, but I was sure it was an oversight on his part. I trusted him.

  But if he was able to mask his scent, why did I smell like him?



  Suddenly, I felt like I was going to be the one to puke. Oh, fuck, had I screwed up. The only reason my sire’s clan had been unable to find me all this time was because I’d masked my scent and on my way across the country, for five years, I’d followed an impossible path, going to random places at random times. Sometimes finding other dragons, sometimes blending in with humans.

  I’d settled in Black Claw, Colorado, clear across the country from my sire’s clan in Alabama. But a good tracker, one like Jury, could’ve tracked my convoluted path across the States, albeit slowly. I’d been here long enough to think maybe they wouldn’t find me or would give up after enough time. But my scent on Harley would be a homing beacon for anyone looking for me, whether they were a tracker or not. Our sense of smell was extraordinary enough that if they knew my scent, they’d pick her up for miles around now.

  “Do you think he was a tracker?” I asked. They knew I meant the stranger.

  Jury shrugged. “It’s impossible to tell from one dragon to the next
unless you know them. But it seems unlikely you’d be found by anyone else, not in this remote location. Plus, we have the wolves’ smells confusing all of ours.”

  That was true. I’d gotten used to filtering them out, but if a dragon wasn’t used to it, it would overwhelm their olfactory senses, as it had mine at first. “So, they’ve got a tracker, more than likely. That’s great.” Trackers were hidden as much as possible. Especially if they were a member of a clan. Chances are, a rival clan might kill them or try to steal them and force their services.

  “I can’t think of any reason for him to be watching her except for me,” I said. “Her father doesn’t seem to be a threat. Are you sure this man was a threat?” I believed them the first time, but wishful thinking had me ask again.

  “Yes,” Jury and Harley said in unison.

  “I nearly threw up until he got into sight,” Harley said. “I was bent over, ready for it. Then when he came into sight, it changed from nausea to...”

  Craning my neck to see her, I rubbed my hands up and down her arms. “What?” I asked.

  “Ice. My blood ran cold and my stomach felt like I’d chugged a gallon of ice water.”

  I knew it. It was a danger sense. “I think it was your instincts warning you of danger, then when the danger became imminent, it stopped. Did you feel energized?”

  She nodded. “I did, now that you mention it. Like I could’ve sprinted away with ease.”

  Maverick pursed his lips thoughtfully. “That’s an interesting theory we need to research at another time. For now, let’s get out of this public parking lot and go to the manor. I’ve instructed the rest of the family to meet us there as soon as possible.”

  “I’m going to go get Charlotte from the hospital. I warned her about the danger, and she said she’d stay with other people until I get there.”

  Maverick nodded and threw him the keys to the squad car. “If it’s okay...” He looked at Harley. “I’ll drive your car with Jury, and you ride with Stefan?”


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