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Her Dragon Lover

Page 22

by Roxie Ray

  You are truly mine, now.

  Eros’s voice in my head was clear, as were his emotions. “You won’t always feel him this much,” Stefan said when my eyes widened. “When we’re together like this, you’ll experience him nearly as strongly as I do.”

  I hugged him and let my emotions, my overwhelming happiness at being his mate, flow to both of them through the bond.

  And his came to me. He had sorrow, deep inside, but mostly he felt hope.

  “I love feeling you, your emotions,” I whispered in his ear as he held me. “You’re so ready for our future, aren’t you?”

  “I finally put my past behind me. There is nothing but you and the little doodle in there.” He raised up and gazed into my eyes. “I’m so lucky.”

  He had no idea how wrong he was. I was the lucky one.



  Our guys’ weekend had begun, but Jury’s heart wasn’t in it. Harley, Charlotte, Ava, and Carla had gone to spend the weekend in the city. Said they’d been planning it for ages. I was staying at Harley’s place while she was gone just in case her Nana needed something in the night when the nurses weren’t there.

  Jury nursed his beer and sighed. “I should be excited for one of my first nights out above the legal drinking age.”

  Excited wasn’t what I would’ve used to describe his demeanor. “What’s got you down?” I asked.

  Maverick and Axel were back at the table, laughing at something Carlos had said. James and Maddox had volunteered to cover the station for the weekend, Maddox being newly inducted into the Black Claw Police Department. He was only to work there part-time while he took classes online like Jury did. Jury had been sitting with us but got up to get another beer and never came back. I volunteered to check on him.

  It had been nearly a week since I had claimed Harley. Her friends had decided they needed this girls’ weekend and once those women got their minds to something, nothing would stop them. They’d put it all together in a couple of days.

  “Abby is going back home.” Jury sighed and nodded to the bartender for another beer. “It’s just a few counties over but might as well be the next state.”

  “Why is she leaving?” I asked. She’d stayed at the manor since we’d rescued her. Maverick’s mother had insisted she needed the babying after what she’d been through. Harley had a different opinion of what Abby needed and deserved, but I’d let them work through that. It wasn’t my place, though I had given my opinion privately to Harley.

  Her sister had made a colossal mistake by spying for their father, but she was clearly very sorry. I wanted her to give Abby a second chance. I had no family left in this world besides my newfound mate and our child. I wanted Harley to have all the family in the world, and our child deserved an aunt, if they could have one.

  “She won’t stay here when her sister refuses to forgive her.” He laughed bitterly. “It figures. I can’t blame Harley for not forgiving her, honestly. I found a fated mate. I didn’t want one, I didn’t ask for one, yet here she is.”

  I gaped at him, shocked. I hadn’t realized Abby was Jury’s mate. What the hell was in the water in this town that we’d all found our mates?

  He continued rambling, talking more to himself than me. “Here she is, and I don’t even like her!”

  The amber bottle clanked the wooden bar top as he slammed it down and signaled for another. He was going to end up drunk off his rocker.

  “What do you mean?” I asked. “Why don’t you like her?”

  “She’s spoiled, self-absorbed, vain. In one week, I can already tell I don’t want to be around her, yet I can’t stand the thought of her leaving.” He leveled a sharp gaze on me, but his eyes were getting the glassy look of drunkenness. “Does Harley have any intention of forgiving Abby?”

  I shook my head. “Not as far as I know. She’s too worried Abby will hurt her and her Nana, like Richard did.”

  “Maybe when she leaves, I’ll get over it. She’s not kind, at all. And she loves to play the victim as if she was the one wronged in this situation, not Harley.”

  Jury dropped his head on his hands and banged his beer on the bar in frustration. “How did I end up with such a bitch for a fated mate?”

  His words were muffled but clear. A squeak behind us made both of us whirl to see Abby standing close enough that she’d almost certainly heard him. For a split second, I thought it was Harley. They looked that much alike.

  “Abby,” I exclaimed. “How long have you been standing there?”

  Tears were rolling down her face and her puffy eyes said she’d been there since he started complaining about her. How had we not noticed?

  “You’re an asshole, Jury Kingston,” she whispered, knowing we’d both hear it loud and clear. She ran from the bar with her long red hair streaming behind her.

  Jury stood as if to go after her, but then sat back down and sucked on his beer like it would turn back time and unsay the things he’d said in front of Abby.

  “It’s for the best.” He didn’t sound convinced of his words.

  Neither was I. He’d regret this eventually. I sure as hell didn’t envy him the job of undoing this mess.

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  Her Dragon Lover

  Black Claw Dragons: Book 3

  Roxie Ray

  © 2020


  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and events are all fictitious for the reader’s pleasure. Any similarities to real people, places, events, living or dead are all coincidental.

  This book contains sexually explicit content that is intended for ADULTS ONLY (+18).




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