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To Cut a Long Story Short

Page 8

by Stavros Allanopolis

  The week before Christmas, Stavros got an unexpected E-mail. It read,

  ‘Hello Stuart, it is Mary Jane. Remember me and Dan from Colmar? Well, we are coming to Greece! Yes, we have been given a Sabbatical Year by the University and we plan to spend two months of that year in Greece. First in Athens and then in The Mani.

  Remember, you said, “ …. If ever you come to Greece ….” ?

  Well, we are coming!

  I’m writing to ask if you can advise / help with booking accommodation and hire car for the time we will spend in The Mani?’

  Wow! Who would have believed it?

  In the following days, we exchanged E-mails to confirm dates and budget etc. and agreed to talk on the ‘phone after New Year. In the meantime, I sent some maps of the Peloponnese with all the Ancient Sites clearly marked in order that they could start considering how to spend their time and where to stay if they travelled around.


  …. December Is A Busy Month!

  Some key tasks had to be attended to.

  First, Stavros started to make the arrangements for Mary Jane and Dan.

  Second, came organising the cleaning and polishing of the teeth with the Dentist (the joint Christmas present!)

  Third, came the olive harvest.

  Being an Olive Tree Farmer can be very frustrating. Just when everything looks good, it all changes. The harvest produced just 12 litres.

  For Stavros it was memories of 2010 all over again!

  This poor yield would mean that Stavros would have to buy olive oil for use in 2013.

  Fourth came Christmas

  On Christmas Day MiMi and Bella received a soft toy for a present; a snake.

  Photo: MiMi And Bella And Snake

  With no presents to unwrap, after breakfast, Stavros and Valerie set off for Pantazi Beach to watch the swimmers.

  It has now become somewhat of a tradition that around 10.30am on Christmas Day a dozen or so crazy Ex-pats gather on Pantazi Beach to say "Merry Christmas” and some even go for a swim!

  Stavros goes to take photos and to have a small Metaxa Brandy to keep the cold out.!

  Photo: Crazy Or Enthusiastic? Swimming On 25th December


  …. Bella And MiMi Are Consuming A Lot Of Money

  It is now mid-January 2013 and Bella was growing fast. Very fast! Within five months, she had gone from 300 grammes to 20 kilos! Just how big was she going to end up being? We should really have guessed because here paws were enormous!

  It was time for us to visit Kostas the vet to organise her ‘no puppies’ operation and plan when to have all her injections completed.

  Bella’s operation was a success, but unlike MiMi who took 36 hours to fully recover, Bella recovered very quickly indeed. She was drowsy as we loaded her into the car for the journey home from Kostas’ Kalamata surgery, but by the time we arrived home, she got out of the car all on her own! Tough or Stubborn? No! More like ‘Determined’ just in the same way she was when she fought to live following her incarceration in the Recycle Waste Bin. At that time we did not know which of the three, however we do know now – Stubborn. No. Make that all three combined!

  Stavros and Valerie are living on a tight budget and it is getting harder the more the Austerity Measures begin to take effect. Stavros’ work is the only way to provide the extra money needed to fund the projects at Meerkat Manor.

  Stavros and Valerie had been discussing the future for both Bella and MiMi at Meerkat Manor. MiMi was still kept on a long chain during the day to prevent her jumping the low wall to the front of Meerkat Manor and running off. She always came back, but that wasn’t the point. Greeks are not renowned for being pet friendly (Bella is testimony to that!). Recently there have been a lot of dogs and cats poisoned and shot indiscriminately. We didn’t want any harm to come to MiMi. As yet, Bella was not able to vault the wall, although it was not for want of trying!

  It was to be a big expense, but we decided to complete the fence all the way around Meerkat Manor. This would mean that we had metal railings through 360̊ of Meerkat Manor. When installed, it would mean that no marauding cattle, goats or dogs could access the gardens, but more to the point, both MiMi and Bella could run totally free. No more chains for MiMi. Bella, being so small and until now unable to clear the wall, has never been on a chain.

  The full fence was duly installed. Meerkat Manor was in ‘lock down’!

  It was an historic moment when the first morning came when we did not need to put MiMi on her chain. We were so pleased for her. She was confused and hesitant!

  Photo: MiMi Inspects The New Fence

  Over the next three or four days, it took her a long time to get used to her ‘freedom’ as she kept looking over her shoulder at us. She was looking as if to say,

  “What’s this? Is it permanent or temporary? Am I truly free to roam the whole garden at my leisure?”

  Bella of course was unaware of the enormity of this change in MiMi’s life at Meerkat Manor. Within two weeks, MiMi was really into the ‘freedom’ bit. No hesitation when the front door opened in the morning. Straight out and into the gardens for a run around and a look through the railings to make sure no ‘intruders’ were around. It was strange that she immediately became so protective of her home. With the fence complete, it was a property for her to protect from all-comers.


  …. MiMi and Bella Consumed Even More Money

  Between them, MiMi’s, Bella’s and the three Cats’ food cost more per month than it did to feed both Valerie and Stavros! They (the pets) were all on high protein, ‘natural’ dry food; no ‘E’ or additives etc.

  Bella continued to grow; big and fast, she was more like a small pony!

  She now weighed 88lbs / 40 kilos!

  Stavros and Valerie decided that the Seat Ibiza was not really big enough to transport MiMi and Bella on the back seat. The luggage compartment was never an option as even with the parcel shelf removed, they were too big to fit into it together.

  Stavros measured up and considered the option of removing the back seat altogether in order to transport them. It would work, however, it would mean the car became a permanent two-seater.

  What to do. They researched the market for vehicles that they could afford and would accommodate both MiMi and Bella with ease.

  The solution turned out to be to sell the Seat Ibiza to Bill and buy a Citroen Berlingo. It worked for all parties.

  The Berlingo has a very large flat load space behind the rear seats; ample room for both MiMi and Bella. A real ‘Dogmobile!’

  The Seat Ibiza is a value for money, low mileage, four year old car with known history for Bill, and fully legal.

  The Berlingo although 11 years old was in excellent condition and Bill agreed to do the deal, paying enough money to Stavros in order for him to buy the Berlingo and have it serviced and with 6 months Warranty.

  This was an expensive move for Stuart and Valerie but they were satisfied with the outcome, and so too were Mimi and Bella. They loved the big space in the back.


  …. There Were A Few Mishaps With The Berlingo In The 1st Week

  On the 1st day MiMi and Bella were loaded into the back of the Berlingo for their first ride; A trip along the sea front from Agios Nikolaos to Pantazi Beach and home again.

  Problem number one was identified within the first minute. As Stavros closed the tail gate, he closed it down on Bella’s paw which was protruding over the edge of the frame! Stavros decided that he must make and install a ‘protector / gate’ to stop this happening again.

  Once properly loaded, and the gate securely closed, off they went. They (all) loved it. Everybody was happy, that was until that it they got to the first hill up from Pantazi Beach.

  Stavros was still getting used to driving the Berlingo and on the hill he discovered that second gear was not that powerful for slow p
ulling power. The vehicle stalled. Hand brake on, start the engine, engage first gear and pull away. As he pulled away, the tailgate flew open and MiMi fell out and tumbled back down the hill!

  Poor Mimi. Such a shock. She stood there in the road just looking at us as if to say, “I’ve been dumped from a car once, why is this happening again?”

  Clearly Stavros had not shut the tailgate firmly enough after the episode with Bella’s paw.

  All in all though, it seemed that everybody was happy with this improvement in transport; a veritable ‘Dogmobile!’

  On the 2nd day of ownership, Stavros got another surprise. At around 7pm he was on his way to Katerina’s Supermarket in Stoupa. Busily minding his own business as he drove along the deserted road and enjoying the new ‘wheels’ he was taken aback when a cow jumped out of the ditch to his right and decided to cross the road right in front of him.

  He hit the brakes and swerved. He hit the cow on the edge of the front left bumper, which in turn spun the cow around and it travelled down the side of the Berlingo breaking off the driver’s door wing mirror in the impact!

  Stavros came to a halt and jumped out. He looked back to see the cow getting to its feet (hooves? !) and running off across the road and into the olive grove on the other side of the road.

  Other than the broken wing mirror (wasn’t that bad enough/), there was no other damage to the car; front or side.

  Stavros got back in and sat and thought for a moment just how lucky he had been:

  1. Swerving to the right meant that he could have gone off and down into the ditch from which the cow had emerged. It didn’t bear thinking about!

  2. If he had been going a little faster, then, he may well have hit the cow full-on and it would probably been thrown up and through the windscreen; 400 kilos in his face would have killed him. That REALLY didn’t bear thinking about!

  Happy days. Happy motoring!


  …. Thank Goodness The Berlingo Had A Six Months Warranty

  Soon after the ‘cow incident’ Stavros had the wing mirror replaced; more money. However several things went wrong with the car, but they were all covered under the warranty Stavros had agreed as part of the agreement to buy the Berlingo. These items for repair replacement included a new electric window, a new door lock, and a new windscreen washer motor. They were all replaced free of charge but costs were incurred in time and petrol required for return journeys to the garage.

  Notwithstanding, the Berlingo proved to be the right purchase.


  …. February Proved To Be Busier Than December

  Supervising the installation of the railings took some time, and when it was completed, Stavros had two things on his mind; getting the railings painted and finding somewhere for Mary Jane and Dan to stay.

  The first item was relatively easy as Pete and Sally had confirmed that they were going to come to visit again in June. Peter had confirmed that he would be happy to start on painting the railings. However, when I told him how many metres were involved he doubted that he would get it all done in one visit. That was great news as we then knew they would come again in 2014 and that the painting could be finished!

  The second item was a little trickier for Stavros as Mary Jane had asked to stay somewhere where they have a proper cooker and a microwave. Also, if possible, a washing machine! These requests were to be a real challenge to fulfil based on their budget.

  As most visitors to Greece know, studios and apartments tend to only have a small two plate electric mini cooker, kettle and fridge.

  Over the next three weeks, Stavros searched in earnest to find the ‘target’ property for them.

  The third item was to get the cars that Stavros looked after Serviced and through the local Government Certification (equivalent to UK M.O.T.) This meant driving in to Kalamata with each car. Leaving it at the garage for three or four days and returning to Agios Nikolaos by coach. Then back to Kalamata by coach to collect the car after the servicing and being awarded a KTEO Certificate of worthiness.

  Three visits was bad enough (very time consuming) but one car failed and the four day process had to start all over again!

  Anyway, in the end, all the works were completed and the cars garaged once more.


  …. Stavros Saw UFO’s Over Meerkat Manor _________________________________________________

  Stavros was returning from the village where he had collected a courier-delivered parcel of dog food. He was driving up the hill towards the turn for Meerkat Manor. It was, as usual, a bright clear sky and soon to be sunset. He was looking forward to having a drink on the upper terrace with Valerie to watch the sunset over the Messinian Gulf in front of them.

  As he drove up the hill, he looked up and got quite a shock! There, above the trees was an incredible sight.

  He stopped the car. He got out to look up. It looked like a flying saucer or something from Outer Space. Was it an UFO?

  He jumped back in the car and sped off like crazy to Meerkat Manor.

  “Valerie! Have you seen it?”

  Stavros rushed into the bedroom to get the camera, rushed out again, up onto the top terrace and took a photo.

  Photo: The UFO Caught On Film

  It wasn’t a UFO. It turned out that it was a series (yes, there were five of them in a cluster!) of Venticular Clouds; clouds circulating at extremely high levels in the atmosphere. None the less scary but quite spectacular!


  …. March Was To Be Very Busy!

  March proved to be quite busy with a variety of activities to plan, prepare and action.

  Stavros continued his search for the perfect property to rent for Mary Jane and Dan. In the end it turned out to be two properties; one for three weeks in Kardamyli and one for one week on the sea front in Agios Nikolaos.

  Next came the planning and preparation for the fund-raising activities for GAIA (the voluntary Fire, Emergency Services and Environmental support group).

  He eventually planned and organised two Pub quizzes, a Charity Walk, an Auction and a musical evening at Aaggis Seafront Bar. The target was to raise 1,500 Euros across all the events.

  Most of the planning and preparation sessions were held around the table at the water’s edge at Aaggi’s bar. Remember? Life is too short to drink cheap wine …. Aaggi’s wine is excellent; red and white!

  Photo: Glasses Of Wine At The Water’s Edge At Aaggi’s Bar


  …. Even More Money Is Required At Meerkat Manor

  The wedding of Stavros’ daughter Emma was scheduled for the 5th of April.

  When he visited London in the previous November, between them, Stavros, Emma and Oliver agreed that Stavros would not come to the wedding. Instead they agreed that he would spend the money that the 48 hour visit would have cost on bringing them to Meerkat Manor when they were ready. A second honeymoon so to speak.

  However, in the days preceding the wedding and on the morning itself, Stavros ‘phoned to offer support and encouragement.

  By now (April 2013) MiMi was 15 months old and Bella 9 months old. Together, Valerie and Stavros decided to invest some money in professional dog training.

  There followed six weeks of intensive dog training.

  The trainers came to Meerkat Manor once a week. For the first three weeks they worked with only MiMi and Bella (separately), the next three weeks was teaching the owners!

  Another positive result was forthcoming. MiMi was declared the perfect pupil, and whilst Bella was much improved, both trainers confirmed that the long-term issue would always be that of Bella’s stubbornness. Sound familiar?


  …. May Was All About Fund-Raising For GAIA

  The planning had been completed for four events scheduled for May. However there was still a lot of preparation and booking management t
o complete.

  The first event was another quiz night, and once again generously hosted by Gregg’s Plateia. As usual Freda, Gregg and the family were on hand to manage the serving of the drinks. Stavros was the ‘compere’ and quizmaster rolled into one. The target for the night was exceeded and the money was handed over to GAIA.

  Photo: Peter Rollett Receives The Money Raised From Stavros

  The second event was the Charity Walk. The preparation aspect involved marking the route and cutting back all the overgrown grass and branches along it. Also confirming the number of ‘Sponsors’ and ‘Walkers’ and those who would attend the celebratory lunch at the end of the walk in order to forecast the likely sum raised.

  Photo: Walkers Setting Off

  At the end of the walk, the walkers and the sponsors had a celebratory lunch at Gregg’s Plateia.

  Photo: Post Walk Lunch At Gregg’s Plateia

  The walk was a resounding success and achieved its target and the Chairman (Christina) and Treasurer of (Roland) attended to receive the donation on behalf of the GAIA team.

  Photo: Roland And Christina Receive The Walk’s Donation

  The third event was the musical evening at Aaggi’s Bar. Aaggi’s voice is amazing; described by some as the ‘Voice of an Angel’. On this evening Aaggi sang accompanied by a guitarist and a bouzouki player. Most songs were traditional Greek Folk songs and Romantic and Tragedy ballads. It was a sell-out with all 60 seats sold.

  On the night, the audience were seated looking out to sea with Aaggi and her band sited in front of the sea wall in front of the seating area. As the sun set, Aaggi began her ‘set’ and the audience were riveted to her every word and movement.

  The evening went all too quickly. Everybody was happy and kept calling for ‘more, more’ but eventually, despite numerous encores, the time limit for live music was up.

  This event reached its target too. So, three down and one to go.

  The fourth and final event of the May programme of fund-raising events was the Auction. It was conducted at the GAIA Base in Agios Nikolaos.


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