The Lies: Landon Academy book 1

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The Lies: Landon Academy book 1 Page 4

by Natalia Wiszniewska

  I step outside and warm breeze welcomes me as an old friend. I am going to take my motor today, it’s nice weather to get my dad angry. The way to school is not short nether long, it’s like fifteen minutes in normal speed but with my speed is around seven minutes prior. The main entrance is impressive, I show my student ID to the guard who eyed me sceptically but finally let me go. Many students gather in the front yard to hush about their holidays or whatever, but as soon they heard the roar of my engine, all eyes are on me, brilliant. I spot the empty space on the parking lot and decide to make it occupied. Two boys are standing near the spot and one of them steps near my motor.

  “This spot is reserved. Move your stupid ass from here boy if you don’t want it to be beaten.”

  Very welcoming prick. I step from my transport and remove my matt, black helmet. Both of their jaws drop, as I expected.

  “Hello boys, so nice of you to reserve this spot for me. As a new student, I am flattered of your posture,” my British accent is clear as a day. I smirk at them and turn around to move to the building, but one of the boys stop me.

  “Well hello to you to beautiful. I don’t want to be an ass, but this spot is reserved for someone else. I would really like you to find a different place to park your amazing ride, hell you can even take my place because you already stolen a place in my heart.” His confidence is sexy, but I am not the type to fall for every single flat line. I eyed him carefully. He is handsome as fuck; his black curly hair lazily falls on his forehead. His green eyes scan my movements as I stood gently on my toes and kissed him on the cheek.

  “I am sorry not sorry handsome.” That was the last thing I said before I rushed inside. I could feel his eyes burning the hole at the back of my head. This school may not be as bad as I suspected, I can have a little fun. I proudly move down the corridor to the office. Everyone is staring at me, some with respect in their eyes, some with hate and some with jealousy. Well, what can I say, I am a sexy piece of work and probably some of the guys plan to take me to the cinema or some shit? I arrive at the office and the old lady looked at me from behind her desk.

  “Hello, how can I help you?” She eyed me in the same way as the guard on the gate.

  “Actually, yes, I am a new student, Emlyn Bonnet,” I say with the big smile on my face. She checks something on her computer and the nods her head at me.

  “I can see that you are new, but why are you not wearing your uniform? Haven’t you got the introduction booklet when you have filled your files?”

  “I did, but I don’t feel like wearing one of my own. Would I have any problems, miss?” I cannot hide the smirk which appears on my face. She notices that and smirks at me as well. OKAY, I didn’t expect that.

  “No darling, no problems, I will call your dad and inform him about your little show. He warned us about you, and we are well prepared. Now, please take your map of the school and go before the warning bell will ring. Good luck on your first day!” She rushes me out the door. That was really unexpected, I hoped that they will ask me to leave and change or at least call my father to take me home and never come back. But nothing happened. This sneaky bastard knew what I am planning to do, and he paid to quietly solve the problem. Well, I would need to do something else to get him mad.

  I stare at the map with confusion. This place is huge, how am I supposed to find the way to my class? Before I turned around, I felt someone approaching. I quickly remove my butterfly comb knife from my boot and surprise the creeper as I hold the knife straight to his neck.

  “If I would be you, I would put down the knife.” I know that voice. This deep husky voice is following me in my dreams. My eyes snap and focus on the person before me. This guy, this is the guy who saved me from the fall. I can’t believe my eyes. How is that possible.

  “To your information, you approached me, you creep. Now, what do you want?” I shove back the knife into my boot and step away from the guy.

  “I see that you don’t recognise me. Shame. I remember you Morpho and imagine how surprised I was when my boys told me that you decided to use my parking space for yourself. I see that you are new at this school and I will give you the chance because you don’t know the rules here, you are free to go and remove your motor from my spot.” He is not serious right now. He crept on me because of the parking space. I burst out laughing. The corridor now is completely quiet. Is that quiet, that for a second, I thought that we are alone, but a quick glance around ensured me that everyone is focused on us.

  “You cannot be serious. Who are you to tell me to move my ride? I will tell you that I was first and you were late. Next time come two minutes earlier and the spot will be yours, darling. It is simple as that. I don’t know the rules you are talking about, but I will give you a chance and let you go. Now make your way away from me and never approach me like that ever again.” He thinks that I am someone who will listen to some rich prick. HA, in his dreams, I don’t belong to anyone and I will not let him ride me through the mud in front of those people.

  “Whoa, beautiful chillout. My brother here doesn’t have manners. Let me give you a tour around, if you are interested and we can get to know each other a little better.” The guy from earlier makes his way to me. I was happy to see him, to be honest. I don’t know why, he has this vibe that I like, and I think we could become really good friends, if there exist anything like that. My face, however, stays stoic and doesn’t show any emotions. The guy wraps his arms around my shoulders and looks at the other guy.

  “Liam be nice to our guest from England. I think we need to be at our best behaviour and let her see that we are not a bunch of pricks. She needs friends after all.”

  “I don’t need friends actually and keep your hands to yourself. All I need is peace. It won’t be long for me to be in this prison, so let me be and don’t cross me.” The other guy, Liam, is quiet but still focused on me. He is eyeing me like he wants to solve some hard equation, like I am a missing puzzle from his jigsaw.

  “I am sorry beautiful, I just wanted to welcome you to our school in a good manner, not like present here Liam. The rules that he was talking about are important for everyone, as you see we are the leaders of this ‘prison’, and everyone belongs to us. You will find out soon what it means but don’t bother your pretty head for now, as you will follow the rules and listen to us, we will leave you alone.” This is ridiculous. I thought that only movies are that dump to show how hierarchy in American’s schools work but now I see that this shit is for real.

  “I don’t care about you or your stupid rules. I don’t belong to anyone and I will do anything I want so you can take your stupid advice and shove them deep in your ass, thank you very much.” I rush from the spot I was standing and make my way to the classroom. The last words I heard sounded like a treat.

  “We will see Morph, we will see.” Well, yes, we will. Game on Liam.


  I don’t understand how the schooling in US works just yet, but I know that the day is divided into some periods. Anyway, it is time for lunch, that’s what my timetable says. I haven’t sat on my lessons without some digging. I manage to find out that the guy who, oh so threatened me unofficially, is Liam Braison. Yes, son of the most powerful Charlie Braison, grande competitor of my father. He warned me about Liam before and he asked me to stay away from him. Well, how convenient this situation is. Normally I would listen to my father but now that he so nicely destroyed my plans to be suspended, I have decided to have a little fun with Liam. To be honest, I will also appreciate it because this guy is a dick and he needs to understand that I will never bow to him or anyone else. So, I will kill two ducks in one shoot, how amazing. My day become better at this time. My lessons were boring, but I also paid a little attention only to find out that I already had that material in my old school in London. I thought that England was way behind America with the educational system, but I couldn’t be more wrong. Maybe it is because I always been a genius and I also had some extension to my studies; I don’t
know, and I don’t really care.

  I pack my books and make my way to the canteen or rather cafeteria, or some shit. Everyone is following me and whispering some bullshits behind my back. I wink at some guys standing near me and asked them to show me the way. They kindly agree and I follow them. The cafeteria is huge. I never seen anything like that. It looks like an expensive restaurant. Tables are rounded and chairs are solid wooden painted in white. How extravagant. We made our way to the line and I thanked them for their kindness blah. I need to be nice, for now at least because I don’t know where what is, and I need someone to show me around. I ordered some chicken soup and an apple pudding with vanilla sugar. The lady in white uniform asks me to take my ticket and wait somewhere to collect my order when the monitor will show my number. Like in McDonald's. I wait maybe five seconds and my number appeared. I collect the food and look around to find a free table. Everyone is sited in some groups, probably friends and I spot two free tables. One was uninviting and near the exit, the second one, on the other hand, was so, so inviting. It was standing on the pedestal, ideally for me. I move to sit there but a small hand on my shoulder stop me in my tracks. I turn around to meet brown eyes staring at me with disbelief.

  “What the fuck you think you are doing?” I ask.

  “Oh sorry, I just assumed that you are making your way to Leaders table and I wanted to stop you.” She removes her hand from my shoulder and looks at her feet.

  “Well, actually, yes I have chosen that table and I am going to sit there.”

  “No, you cannot do it. This table belongs to the Leader and they wouldn’t like anyone who is not approved to sit there.”

  “Watch me.” That was the last sentence that I said. I step away from her and move to sit at my new spot. Everyone was staring at me and suddenly all canteen was quiet. What a bunch of idiots. They really think that I will comply with those stupid rules. After my dead body. At the corner of my eye, I spot three guys making their way to me. One of them I recognise from the parking lot. He seems to be quiet but so much handsome. He is tall and slim but also muscular. He has brown hair short cut on the sides and left longer at the top. His hairstyle match Liam’s but Liam got dirty blonde hair and is more handsome and spectacular that this guy. Liam is obviously there as well; his angry gaze is staring at me from the far. Next to him is the second guy from the parking lot. Loverboy. They stop just in front of me.

  “What are you doing?” Liam asks.

  “Eating. Feel free to join but I would rather let you go fuck yourself.” My voice is bored the same as me. They really think that they will make any effect on me, but it is not going to happen.

  “Beautiful. This is a special table dedicated for us. You can obviously sit with us but first you need to be invited or be one of us and as far as I know anyone invited you, so you need to go and wait for invitation somewhere else.” That lover boy is nice but his words even when sound nice is not nice at all. I just sat there and ate my soup. I don’t pay them any attention, and this make them even angrier.

  “Listen you Morpho, take your shit and find somewhere else to eat your food. You are not welcome here. I will not accept this so be careful with who you are playing because the game may be too dangerous for you.” Ah, Liam, you don’t know me at all. Some girl steps into my way of view and covers Liam’s lips with her own. Oh, so our little prince has a girlfriend. She is tall, maybe the same height as me, but she has short black hair and bangs. She looks like an Egyptian goddess, but she doesn’t stand a chance with me. Maybe I am full of myself, but I don’t show it, she, on the other hand, looks like she likes to show who is the princess around.

  “Hello babe, what is happening here. Why this no one is sitting at our table?” She may be beautiful, but her voice is just annoying.

  “She was just leaving Sophia, don’t be worry about her,” Liam responds.

  “Actually, I wasn’t. I feel comfortable here and if you have any problem with me sitting here, you can find some other table to sit. I don’t care. If I need an invitation to some bullshit table, I am sure that this handsome friend of you will kindly invites me.” I look at lover boy with a wink. He smirks at me. “And my name is Emlyn not some Morph or whatever you called me.” My response shocked the whole cafeteria but didn’t shocked Liam, shame.

  “Of course, beautiful, you are officially invited to sit with me. The only thing was to ask. I am Zac by the way. Nice to meet you, Emlyn.” He takes my hand and kisses it. What a cheap gentleman but I like it. I can use this little Zac as a pawn in our game.

  “So nice of you. Please join me.” I bat my eyelashes at him, and he quickly sits next to me. Liam’s face became two shades darker than normal and it made me happy. His girl is gaping at him and probably expects him to kick me out but there was no kicking. He sits down in front of me and the gasp escapes her lips.

  “So, Emlyn, do you have someone to show you around?” Zac asks.

  “No, I don’t but as I mentioned before, I will not stay long, so I don’t need a tour.”

  “Well, Zac you need to make it quick if you want to add this slut to your list because she is running away soon.” Sophia's voice rang in my ears. Yh, so annoying sound. Her laugh was the next thing I heard, and I rush to her side with my blade ready in my hand.

  “What did you just call me?” I whisper in her ear. My knife makes its way from her ear to her neck in slow motion. She swallows loudly. The next thing I know, someone is behind me and taking my hand. I quickly remove my second blade which surprised newcomer and put it to his stomach.

  “Do not fucking move or I will stab you without as much as a blink of an eye,” I say with my voice calm as always.

  “I don’t doubt you will do it, but we are in public. You may want to kill her, but you have like thousands of people watching and I don’t think that you want to spend your future behind the bars.” It’s Liam voice I hear. For a second I thought that he cares about me, but I quickly realise that that was her he cares and that makes me angry. However, he was right, I cannot do it here, but it doesn’t mean that I cannot do it at all. I slowly removed my hand from her neck and step away from her. She lets out the breath and smiles at me evilly. I look at him and then at Zac who looks at me with some kind of fascination. I decide that I will let it go for now but this girl gonna be on my radar from now on.

  The hot liquid starts to burn the back of my neck and then slowly makes its way to my back. I didn’t know what it was, but it burned like hell.

  “From now on bitch you will pay me respect because as my fiancé said to you, you are not wanted, and you are no one. You are lucky that I didn’t kick your sorry ass, now you can go.” I see red. Oh, she just not done that. I wanted to remove both of my knives but there are too many people around so instead I make my back kick and hit her straight to her stomach. She howls in pain and I use it to hit her with my right hook right on the jaw. She automatically falls on the floor. Take that slut.

  The cafeteria erupted in chaos. Someone grabs me from behind, but we didn’t make far because the booming voice filled the cafeteria.

  “Miss Emlyn Bonnet my office NOW!” Finally, my dreams come true.

  The office is nice and clean. The headmaster is sitting in front of me with his bored face gaping at me. He is not old, but he is not young as well. However, the stress is killing him, and it obviously killed his hair because he's bald as hell. I don’t care what he will do, I want to go home, I don’t need this stupid school or people. Suddenly, the doors burst open and my father came into view. His expression doesn’t show anything, but I hope he is mad.

  “Where is this little witch who attacked my daughter?” Hell no, everything went to trash.

  “Mr Bennet, Miss Simpson was brutally attacked by your daughter not the other way around.”

  “Yes? So why my daughter has a bandage around her neck? This ridiculous, I paid you to take care of her and after five hours of the first day of school, I received a call that my daughter is injured.”

  “I am telling you sir that your daughter attacked Miss Simpson and also brought a weapon to the schools’ grounds. This is not something we tolerate.”

  “A weapon? Did she bring a gun? A bomb? No, she took two knives, a knife is not a weapon!” Now he is angry. Nice show papa, I am enjoying it too much. “I will not tolerate this, I am paying for this school a lot of money and my daughter can do whatever she wants, that was the agreement between us Robert, did you already forget about it? Suspend this little brat Simpson and leave my daughter alone, she just defended herself. Do you see her neck? Now, I will need to call the doctor to check it and she will not be able to continue her training for couples’ days, do you know what it means for my business Robert?”

  “Hold on, does he know about it, father?” I am shocked and my voice is shocked as well.

  “We will talk at home princess, now are we good Robert?”

  “Yes Sir, I will suspend Miss Simson for three days and she will publicly apologise to your daughter.” I cannot believe this. How is it possible? This witch is probably one of the elites and the headmaster jus bow to my father. I don’t understand what it means but it makes me happy because now, I will be able to do whatever I want, and maybe I will not make my father angry but I will show those pricks how to handle the business and who is the new boss here.


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