The Lies: Landon Academy book 1

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The Lies: Landon Academy book 1 Page 5

by Natalia Wiszniewska

  Chapter 8

  “Are you mad?” I ask because I wasn’t sure that his explosion in headmaster’s office was because of the guy or me.

  “Never at you, my princess. The thing is that I actually told you that you can do whatever you want, but those pricks don’t understand what it means. I would need to pay them more because, in this country, money always solves problems. This is something I would need to learn but I would be fine. Are you okay?” I knew that he will care about my burns, but I thought that he will be mad that I used knives in front of those people. That was very not responsible.

  The rest of the journey to home was silent. I didn’t want to pray for him to shout at me. I was fine. I actually, don’t want to make him mad anymore. He wanted good lives for us, and I am grateful for that. The only thing that bothers me is why Liam stopped me. I know that probably he wanted to save his damsel but why didn’t he step in front of me to shield her? I mean maybe he wanted to scare me and show that he is not scared of me. Probably I just think about it too much. This guy is an enemy and a prick. A prick who thinks that he can make me weak for him. But I am not that person, maybe he has something on me, but I will not let him use it against me.

  Soon after we stepped to the house, a doctor came in to check my injuries. He said that it doesn’t look bad, but I need to rest and don’t shake my neck too much because it gonna hurt. After he left, I took a cold shower because I cannot take hot one, what a shame. I played a little with Luna and Bonus, my dogs, and went to sleep.

  The next day, I decide to wear the uniform because I discard the idea to get my father mad. Plain white shirt and some awful grey jumper on top of it covered my upper body and the bottom was a black skirt with grey strips and also high knee socks. I looked like a joke, literally. I couldn’t use my motor, so I took my new Audi TT. Actually, how the hell my bike appears in the garage? I have no idea, but I cannot complain.

  The way to school was longer than a day before. The spot I occupied yesterday was now occupied by a black Lamborghini, so the prick took my advice to his heart and came earlier. He is learning quickly. I’ve smirked to myself because I didn’t expect them to follow that quickly, but somewhere inside, I could feel that he will make my life a living hell. My first lesson is PE, means Physical Education. I am wondering what the class looks like in this country because our PE was just sitting and learning about the anatomy or playing some random games. When I stepped inside school a huge hand on my shoulder stopped me.

  “Hello beautiful, how do you do? I was reading yesterday about some English phrases and I can tell you that I am pretty good at understanding them, so how do you do?” It’s Zac, smiling as usual. He doesn’t know a thing about England, but I am going to play this game.

  “How do you do?” I answer and his face makes this confused look.

  “Yes, Emlyn it is what I have asked you. How do you do?”

  “How do you do?” I answer again and smile at him. He has no idea what this phrase means. Actually, it does not mean anything. Even some British people don’t know that for a question: ‘how do you do?’, you should answer: ‘how do you do?’, it’s strange, I know, but England is a strange country. Now he is more confused than before.

  “Are you deaf? I just asked you, how do you do, and you asked me twice how do I do? I don’t get it.”

  “It only shows that you are not British, and you have no idea how to use our phrases. Are you alright?” He will probably answer that why he should not be alright.

  “Why shouldn’t I be? What kind of question is it?” I burst laughing. This guy is really something else. He is handsome and he is trying to be nice. Why? I don’t know but it’s super cute that he is trying.

  “Thank you for making my day, darling.” I kiss him at the cheek and run to my locker because the first, stupid warning bell rang. I am going to be late.

  I quickly grab my shit from the locker and run to the gym or whatever it is. The teacher looks at me and nods her head to go to the changing room. The school requested to wear some black shorts and plain white t-shirts with the school’s logo on the left breast. I have changed quickly and stepped out of the locker room. The teacher asks us to come a little closer to her and listen.

  “Everyone! As you may know, we have a talent competition starting in two weeks. Our school always picked a person who will represent us in- state competition. As you know we were always best of the bests and I expect from you to be exactly the same this year. Our classes for the next two weeks will focus on our preparations for the competition. Some candidates may have time to practice their talent and those who are not participating will help them. Is anyone interested?” Hm. That’s interesting, if I would give two shits about some stupid competition I would participate, but I don’t. This school can go and fuck itself. Ah, yes, I didn’t mention before that I like to sing. I never understand why but when I sang, everyone in the room fell silent. My father always asked me to sing for our family in our club to make their time more entertaining. Sometimes, Tyler sang with me to keep me company. His father was shocked as I was that his oldest have a talent. We were amazing together. My voice was delicate and his melodic. We never learn how to sing, that was just our hobby or whatever. Some people rinse their hands.

  “Excuse me, Miss, Sophia would like to be a part of the competition, but she is not able to be here today, because of our new student here…” she points at me, of course. “She always been a part of this, you know that without her, we will never win.” One of Sophia’s clones, I presumed. Well, maybe I will take a part of this joke, just to make our little queen angry. Before I knew what, I am doing, I raise my hand.

  “I would like to be a part.” Take me to hell. Everyone turns to look at me. Some people are staring with hate, some with excitement and the most important, our pretty leaders, are staring at me with shock.

  “Do you have any talent Miss Bennet? Because we don’t have time for your little war with Miss Simson.” That was rude. The teacher should not talk to me like that.

  “I have actually and you as a teacher should not choose the winner from the beginning. You should accept every single person who would like to participate because this is your job. As far as I can see, you are only a teacher not a jury in the competition.” Maybe I shouldn’t talk to her like that, but she deserved it. Who gave her the power to call me a loser before she even knew what talent do, I have?

  “Miss Bennet, you can’t talk to me like that or do you want a second round with the headmaster in his office?”

  “You can try to tell him, but I think he will agree with me on that you should give a chance for everyone not only for your pupils,” I smirk at her because what other I could do? She got under my skin and I will not stand and let her push me like that. We stared at each other for a couple seconds and then Zac was the person who broke the silence.

  “She is right, Sophia is not the only one with talent in this school. We should give others the chance. Right, my love?” He winks at me and wraps his arm around my waist. Liam is now shooting daggers at us. Is he jealous? Or maybe he is just mad that his fiancé’s show was stolen? Probably the second.

  “If the whole class agreed already then fine, Miss Bennet is welcome to show her talent.” She is not happy with it, but I suppose that Zac’s statement put her in line.

  After the lesson, I walk to the locker room and went straight for the shower. We never had showers in my previous school, but I will try them, why not? I hang my clothes on the hanger and stepped into hot water. I don’t know how many minutes I spend there, but loud giggling ripped me from my thoughts.

  “Hello?” I ask but no one responded. I step out of the shower and realise that my clothes are gone. Brilliant, what a bunch of stupid kids. I am not bothered that I will need to sit here as long as someone will bring them back, because I will just walk out without a shame and collect what is mine. I was never ashamed of my body, so these stupid pricks will not get what they want.

  I tiptoe to my lock
er but there is nothing there as well. The only thing good is that I didn’t take off my panties because I didn’t like the idea of taking them off in this school. The showers apparently make me fear.

  “You will tell the teacher that you will not take a part in the competition.” That voice again. I turn around and stand face to face with Liam.

  “What are you doing here? This is the girls’ changing room.”

  “You will resign from the competition. You are not good enough.”

  “And how could you know that? Are you here because your little fiancé feels scared that she will not win this year?” My voice become seductive; I step closer to him without a shame. He looks at me with disgust in his eyes.

  “You are disgusting. Put some clothes on yourself you slut.” I slap him after this statement. How could he call me a slut?

  “Listen, your little fiancé’s minions took my clothes to humiliate me. If you don’t like my body, don’t look at me. I don’t know why you came here, if you think that calling me disgusting will make me cry, you are wrong. I know my pride. I will not bow to you; I will participate in a competition just to make you angry. Now leave!” I didn’t mean to shout at him. This guy is just so annoying and making me lose control over myself. He can see how he is making me feel and he is proud of himself. He smirks at me.

  “Aw, our little badass is mad. What a shame. What will you do to me? Are you really that stupid that I will let you destroy everything I was building all those years? A little advice for you, tell your father to pack his bags and leave, because I will make his little princess’ life a living hell.” I cover my breasts and move to the door. He looks shocked. Did he really think that I will listen to him and stand here like a lost puppy? I open the door and with a proud step move to the boys changing room. I hope that someone is still there. As soon as I open the door, the whistling became. Ever boy turns to look at my naked body. I just smile at them and search for Zac. I spot him turned away from me.

  “Hello Zac, do you have a sec?” I shout.

  “Isn’t that my beautifu…” He didn’t have a chance to finish his sentence because he looked at me. His jaw drops. He eyed me from toes to the top with a little longer look on my covered breasts. A huge smile appears on his face. He quickly glances behind my back and I know that Liam is standing behind me. A sudden shove turns me around.

  “What the fuck you think you’re doing?” Liam asks.

  “You didn’t think that I will stay in this locker? I came here to ask Zac for help, now leave me alone and don’t touch me.” Abruptly, I threw his arm off my shoulder which caused my breasts to be exposed. A room erupts in shouting and whistles. That was a mistake. I am alone, half- naked in boys’ changing room. Who knows what they will do to me and I have no one to help me.

  “Leave her alone bro, what the fuck is wrong with you?” Zac hugs me and covers me with his strong body. He takes off his t-shirt and gives it to me. I quickly wear it and look at him.

  “Could you please help me to find my keys? All my clothes disappeared from the locker room and I need to go home to change,” I ask.

  “Sure, thing beautiful. Let’s wait here for the bell to ring and then I will take you to my car.”

  We waited a couple of minutes and the room becomes empty. We sit in silence till the bell rang. Zac takes me to his car and drives me home. I kiss his cheek and thanked him. After that, I leave the car and disappear behind huge doors.

  Chapter 9

  I spend the rest of the day in my room. I called Ty and Tobi to chat with them, but they quickly realised that something is off. I didn’t want to bother them because school bullying was never something I would care about, but the thing is that Liam called me ugly. I mean, I shouldn’t care because it is a stupid thing to care about, but never, ever, anyone called me ugly before. I am not a narcissistic person; I can accept criticism and I have no clue why it bothers me so much. Maybe is the thing that was Liam who told me that? You like him, stupid; any other boy didn’t treat you like equal before. My inside voice is right. Every single boy treated me like some blond stupid chick they can fuck and forget, but Liam… He is afraid of me. Maybe not in a way that I will hurt him, he is afraid because he knows that I am able to take his position. Perhaps, I already have his friend wrapped around my finger. He knows that he is losing control, that he doesn’t have control over me and that scares him. Maybe I do like him? But why? He is handsome, like very, very handsome, and when he is looking my way the only thing, I want to do is for him to see me. I want to get him angry. I want to tempt him to his limits and find out what he is capable of doing.

  I smile to myself because this is stupid. This is only some boy who gives me more attention than any other one, he only tries to destroy me, and it is a temptation for me, to show him that I am not like any other person. This interest about him is probably because of my father who has warned me about the guy, and everything that is prohibited is interesting for me. Yes, this is the reason, nothing else.

  During the conversation with my brothers, my phone vibrates. I look at the screen, but the message quickly disappears, so I have ended the conversation and open the mailbox. I receive a photo, a photo of me half naked. I remember that day. I was performing burlesque in our club. The picture shows my family, all men over thirty years old, are gathered around me and I am standing and smiling at them seductively. I am wearing red leather dress, very short dress. Behind me is a dance pole and fake money are scattered around me on the floor. Yes, it definitely looks like I am a whore in some strip club performing for horny pigs. But on the picture, the money looks like real and no one is going to know that I was only performing for my family. Well, I don’t really care. I am proud because that was a nice show. Ty was so over the edge that day that we haven’t left my room for three days straight, after the show.

  My phone vibrates again, and the new picture arrives. On this one, I am standing in front of a group of boys in the locker room, without my bra and obviously in my panties. The picture was taken from the back because my tits are not visible, only my back, LIAM. This son of a… Under the picture is a text: ‘our little guest knows how to make an impression; old habits don’t die!’ This little shit. I am going to kill him. He wants to humiliate me, after my dead body. If he thinks that this stunt will make any impression on me, he is wrong. I am not ashamed of my body, and I am not a piece of shit which he can step on. I will show him, how much I do not care, and he will be sorry that he crossed me.


  The next day, I walk to school with my head held high. I see those judgemental staring and I couldn’t care less. I haven’t seen Leaders until lunch. I decide to show them who I am so during the lunch I step on the table and whistle loudly. All eyes fall on me, brilliant.

  “Hello everyone, I know that probably everyone saw the pictures…” people start to whisper. “As you can see on the first picture, my audience is happy to see me, this can only show you guys that the performance was stunning! I want you to know that I am proud of myself! I am proud because happy audience means that I will lead our school to victory during the competition!” people start shouting enthusiastically, boys start whistling and howling like a pack of horny wolves. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Liam and his friends. They all watch my little show with hostility, except Zac. He looks at me with proud in his eyes. “As for the second picture, it shows that I already have the votes from those boys, guys I am counting on you!” The boys from the picture start to run my way. They take me by surprise by my legs and lift me up cheering my name. Mission complete. Take that Liam. My eyes travel to him. His gaze meets mine and he smiles. He, fucking, smiles, this bastard. Your turn shithead.


  The rest of the week went uneventfully. After my show in the cafeteria, people asked me to sit with them during lunch, some even asked me to sign their arms, even tits. I haven’t sat at the leaders table anymore. I decide to sit on the empty one near the exit, all by myself. I became popular somehow. This doesn�
��t change a thing that some people still whispered behind my back and looked at me with hate. What can I say, Liam has a pack of loyal people around him? I still waited for his next move, because I am sure that he will do something. He is not that type of person who forgets about disobedient.

  It’s Friday morning. Everyone is busy to make their way to the class before the bell ring.

  “Hello, beautiful. We didn’t have time to talk after your amazing performance on Wednesday. How are you?” It’s Zac. His arm automatically went around my shoulder and I shake it off.

  “Nothing new, just some new admirers waiting for me to look at them.”

  “Oh yeah, you are famous now. To be honest I didn’t expect that you will do such a thing. That was awesome. You earn in my eyes a lot. By the way, I have a party today. Maybe you will come?”

  “A party?” I ask, “You know, I am not really into party mood right now, maybe some other time.”

  “Please, this is the welcome party, for you. I made a huge effort to make it work and you are the special guest. Don’t do it to me.”

  “A party for me? Are you serious? I don’t like things like that especially some surprise shit.”

  “Awww common. Put some nice clothes and live a little. The party starts at 7 pm don’t be late or be… It’s up to you, see you there beautiful.” And with that, he disappeared. A party… I am wondering if Liam will be there and if it is not some type of trap to humiliates me again. I will never know if I will not go, right?


  I want to look nice, for myself. I put some dark makeup and red lipstick. My face looks older than normally but like in sexy older way. I put some jeans skirt and black crop top and gather my hair in high ponytail. I add some body lotion with glitter on my skin because I wanted to achieve some glow effect. I add some high heavy boots and I am ready to go. I order a cab because I am going to drink after all.


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