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Suddenly Elizabeth

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by Anne Louise




  SUDDENLY ELIZABETH ~ (A Pride and Prejudice Novella) Copyright © 2016 by Anne Louise

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever.

  This book is a work of fiction. The characters depicted in this book are fictitious or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.




  PART 1








  This story is a variation of Jane Austen’s classic and I have borrowed her beloved characters for my own purpose. I have tried to portray them as she might have in 1809 except I am an American and the year is 2016 and I have never lived in England, though it is the home of many of my ancestors. The timeline for my book is two years earlier than Pride and Prejudice as I have often thought what might have happened if Darcy had met Elizabeth Bennet earlier. That being the case, I have put him to the test as he meets the young woman in a moment of distress and suddenly she is in his arms. For a serious man who had been a workaholic since he inherited the Darcy family estate after his father’s death, this would likely be the first time he had been close to a woman. There would be little doubt that meeting such a vivacious and intelligent young woman might draw him to her and that he and his sister and Elizabeth might benefit if they formed an attachment.

  I believe that two years earlier at Longbourn, the home of the Bennet family, Mrs. Bennet would not be as excitable for she had only her two eldest daughters to marry off as the others were too young. Also, the household would be less hectic than two years later with older daughters and a regiment of soldiers in camp nearby.

  This story removes most of the angst of Pride and Prejudice for Darcy and the others are two years younger and Darcy has not yet dealt with George Wickham and his sister’s near elopement. With this knowledge we have a chance to see his reaction to suddenly having young Elizabeth Bennet come into his life. His good friend Charles Bingley is still determined to move to a country estate but his sister has not yet formed an interest in Mr. Darcy and both she and her brother are not presently on good terms. That alone removes the angst that the Bingley sisters brought to Netherfield in Miss Austen’s story.

  Should Darcy and Elizabeth marry, such a move would put the other Bennet sisters in a position to meet better prospects and with Darcy and Elizabeth on friendly terms, Wickham would not be allowed near Darcy’s sister or any of the Bennet sisters as Darcy would have confided in her.

  I hope you will enjoy my little story but please first read the free sample that Amazon allows you to read before you purchase it.


  I have asked you to read the free sample because I do not want you to be disappointed. The book is written as a fun story meant to entertain you and nothing more. You will likely find errors, so if that bothers you, and you want to grade my paper, I prefer you save your money and time and not make the purchase and later complain. Unlike some others, I do not have people proof my stories and write good reviews and game the system. If you do have an honest review with recommendations, I would like to read it and I thank you ahead of time.

  Before I wrote this book I reviewed many readers who publish reviews on Amazon on P & P stories and there are some readers that appear to look for a new book with little or no reviews and rate their review as a #1, the lowest on a scale of 1 to 5. Some even say they would rate some books a 0 if possible. These people give Amazon a bad name and my hat is off to the Flying Detritus who wins the Oscar this year for the most Drive By #1 reviews on new books. I hope other readers and writers understand what is going on here, for these people get their jollies being the first person to kill a book, for how can one promote such a book after it has been destroyed the first day it is out? Such reviews are mean spirited and done intentionally to harm those authors and uplift others. One must believe they have an agenda to tear some authors down whilst building up their favorites. I have seen some books being torn apart for poor grammar and poor spelling yet most of these books have few errors and very few justify the lowest one star rating.

  The majority of fan fiction authors write because they enjoy doing so. If you do not enjoy the free sample that Amazon allows you to read, kindly do not make a purchase. The large majority of reviewers are sincere and honest. Still, some reviewers live just to stab authors with biased poor reviews right out of the gate. These people should be censored by Amazon or perhaps a hacker can identify them.

  I ask you to provide any comments you have with your review.

  PART 1

  LONDON AUGUST 11, 1809

  The young woman was out early one Friday for a walk in the park when she saw a man on a horse approaching her. When he came nearer the man’s horse became spooked and the horse reared up as if to throw him. As the young woman ran to be near him, for she was certain he would fall from the great animal, she tripped over a root of a nearby tree and fell awkwardly onto the ground and grabbed her ankle.

  The man next dismounted and ran over to help the young woman who he could see was in much pain and saw her blush crimson as she lay on the ground helpless. She grimaced as she spoke, all the while holding her ankle.

  “I was running to help you, sir, for I was certain you would be thrown from your horse. You must think me to be stupid, do you not?”

  “No, Miss, something like this can happy to anyone, but I saw you running after my horse reared up and I could see you feared for me and so I thank you for your concern. You are not the first person to trip and fall but let us hope it is not a break.”

  “It hurts a great deal.”

  “I know you are hurting but I must remove your half boot from your foot and examine to see if you have a break. If it is a bad break, we will learn the truth immediately. Hopefully it is but a mild sprain and nothing worse.”

  The ground was damp and the man spread his jacket for her to rest on. “I must examine your ankle now. Please try and relax if you can and take short breaths.”

  “But sir, this is all not necessary, and what about propriety?”

  “This is not a time to think about propriety and instead we must focus on priorities. Now once again, please try and relax. From the look of things, I am confident that you have a sprained ankle.”

  “Oh,” exclaimed the young woman as the man touched her ankle. “This hurts a great deal. I have sprained my ankle before but this is very painful. It may not be broken but at least it is a bad sprain for I have never felt as much ankle pain as now.”

  “Yes, so I must get your foot out of your half boot before the swelling makes it impossible.”

  “No, sir, I must return to Gracechurch Street. I can hobble along.”

  “That is not possible, and we need to get you home and fetch a doctor. Where is your home on Gracechurch Street?”

  She continued to protest as the man carefully loosened her half boot. His fingers were unaccustomed to holding a young woman’s leg but soon they grew more confident as the man carefully began the process of stretching the half boot.

  “Be careful sir, I beg you.”

  “Yes, Miss, I will try to remove the boot without cutting it. I will be as gentle as I can and I feel some progress.”

  She tried to hide her tears but the pain was great and he watched as her body shivered as he finally freed her foot.

  “There, you are quite brave, my young friend. I hope you will be well.
This would not have happened if I had not taken Sampson out this morning. It was my first time riding him.”

  “He is a beautiful beast sir, but I was certain he would throw you and so I ran in your direction.”

  “I would gladly change places with you but I will thank you for your concern for me. The horse is a good one and I came out early for my ride just so I might be alone.”

  “Then I am sorry that I have interfered with your plans.”

  “Hush, for we need to make a decision. Should I carry you home or let you ride with Sampson and me?”

  “Neither alternative will work, sir. Just let me try to hobble.”

  “No, that will not do. It will take too long and you need to be tended to very soon.”

  The man now bent over the young woman and lifted her onto Sampson and swung his body on the saddle behind her as she clung to her half boot. So sudden was the movement that she next felt the heat of the man’s body against her and his hands around her waist and his jacket was still wrapped about her.

  “Which way to the house,” he asked?

  “It is three blocks from The Thames and less than a mile from here. Sir, why did you not wait for my answer before hoisting me upon this horse that you know cannot be trusted?”

  “That is a good question, but you will be safe on the horse and to carry you all that way would exhaust both of us. Besides, I believe Sampson likes you.”

  “Sir, I do not like horses. When I was eleven my horse stopped suddenly and I flew over his head into a creek. I have not been on a horse since then.”

  “Thank you for explaining this. We will be very careful to take you to your home quickly and to get a doctor to examine you.”

  They next went to the home of her Aunt and Uncle Gardiner and the man carried the young woman to the front and knocked on the door. The housekeeper answered and soon the man carried her inside as an older woman asked that she be brought into the parlor and laid on the sofa. Darcy had never met the woman but she was well dressed and had a friendly smile and was attractive. He watched as she adjusted Elizabeth’s leg over some pillows to keep her ankle from any contact.

  “Lizzy, what has happened?”

  “Aunt, I was walking in the park and tripped and sprained my ankle. Oh, I am so embarrassed. This fine gentleman came upon me and brought me home.”

  Mr. Gardiner next approached. “Good morning sir, I believe we are indebted to you. I am Lizzy’s uncle, Edward Gardiner. Our Lizzy is staying with us a few weeks and enjoys early walks, but we have told her of the danger and yet she continues her walks.”

  The man introduced himself as Fitzwilliam Darcy. Next, he was introduced to Mrs. Gardiner and Elizabeth.

  “Mr. Darcy, Lizzy looks comfortable for the present. Thank you for bringing her home where we can care for her.”

  “You are very welcomed, Mrs. Gardiner.” The Gardiners and Mr. Darcy then went into another room and spoke of her accident and after that Mr. Gardiner returned with Mr. Darcy to be with Elizabeth.

  “Lizzy, Mr. Darcy has been so kind as to say he will have his doctor come here to examine you, and he is leaving for that purpose. Thank you sir, for looking out for our Lizzy.”

  Darcy looked on awkwardly. “Your Lizzy, you say? Does she go by another name?”

  “Yes, but did she not tell you that she is Elizabeth Bennet from Hertfordshire?”

  “No, sir, I regret that neither of us exchanged names.”

  Darcy next took his leave and said he would return soon with his doctor. As he left, Elizabeth cried out in pain. “I am sorry Aunt, but the pain is great, though the man did remove my half boot.”

  Madilyn Gardiner tried to make her niece comfortable and next she and her husband went into another room.

  “Edward, this is the Mr. Darcy from Pemberley. Did you see the way he looked at Lizzy? Please do not tell Lizzy who he is.”

  “I watched her look at him as well. My word, the man was dressed at his best, and at such an early hour and gave up his jacket. Not a hair was out of place.”

  Now more comfortable, Elizabeth took a light breakfast of toast and jam and some coffee before falling to sleep. There Mr. Darcy was, examining her ankle and removing her half boot and next he had lifted her into his strong arms. She again felt the heat of his body against her own and sensed his man’s fragrance of spice and leather. His strong arms around her brought new feelings to her and his strong manly voice was tender and kind. She next awoke at the sound of a knock on the door.

  Mr. Darcy and his doctor were let in and Darcy introduced Doctor Jones to the others. The man came into the room and saw to Elizabeth and asked that the men leave the room as he examined her ankle. A few minutes later he had cleaned her ankle and wrapped it to protect it and gave instructions to her and the others.

  “Miss Bennet, you have a severe sprain but I do not see evidence of a break. You must stay off your feet for at least a fortnight and perhaps longer. Mrs. Gardiner, do you wish her to stay here or in her bedroom?”

  “Lizzy, it is your choice, and there are advantages each way. I believe you might be wise to stay the first week or so in your room but you can remain here if you wish.”

  “I think that I should go to my room. Mr. Darcy, let me thank you for bringing Doctor Jones to help me, and thank you for looking out for me.”

  “It is the least I can do, Miss Bennet.”

  “Good,” replied Mr. Gardiner, as he next asked Mr. Darcy to help him carry Elizabeth to her room. Mrs. Gardiner went straightway to the room to see that everything was in place for her. Finding everything in order, she announced that Elizabeth could be moved to her room.

  “Mr. Gardiner, I trust you will allow me to carry Miss Bennet to her room. It is easier for one man to carry her than to use two men.”

  “I concur, sir.”

  Elizabeth next watched as Darcy again picked her up in his strong arms, but this time she wrapped her arms around his neck. Elizabeth still had some pain but the doctor had provided her with something that would allow her to sleep. She practically fell asleep before he put her into her bed, and after that he met with Mr. Gardiner and asked if he could come by and check on her during her recovery.

  “That will be fine, Mr. Darcy. I expect Lizzy will be doing a lot of reading whilst she is bedridden. She is a prolific reader, just like her father.”

  “Mr. Gardiner, I have a large library. Is there a particular book that she wishes to read?”

  The man removed a slip of paper and told him that she wished to read two books, but he had not yet bought them. Darcy then looked at the names and smiled.

  “Mr. Gardiner, I have those books at my home. I shall bring them by on the morrow when I come to check on her.”

  After that he left to return to Darcy House. He could still feel his rapidly beating heart and could recall her scent of lavender. She felt so comfortable in his arms and her eyes were more beautiful each time he looked at her. What is she all about? Elizabeth is probably not older than eighteen. Her relatives are in trade but now I wonder if her Uncle Gardiner is the very man who is the owner of the import and export company. And why do I call her by her Christian name? We are not engaged. The woman is outside of my sphere.

  Darcy tried to calm his thoughts and settle himself but he could not. This young woman was the first young woman he had ever been attracted to and he had just met her and was clearly nervous and watched as his hand shook. He was certain her relatives would tell her about him and she would become another fortune hunter, just like the rest. For a brief moment he thought of not returning on the morrow and decided to think no more on the subject, but this was impossible as his only thoughts were of being with her and wanting to know her better.

  Even when she was in pain, he was captivated by her unreserved nature and her beguiling eyes and her sweet voice and he wished her in his arms again. He knew he would dream of her and hoped to relive the memory of holding her body next to his and breathing her scent of lavender as he carried her to her roo

  Darcy wondered if anyone saw him but that did not bother him so much. Someone had to come to the young woman’s aid. Anyway, most people were not up at such an early hour. The more he thought of the events of the day the more excited he became. He knew this was the first time he ever had tender feelings for a young woman. Unlike his friend, Charles Bingley, who seemed to fall in and out of love with the seasons, Darcy was happy to experience for the first time the beginning of such feelings for the first time. When he arrived home he went straight to the library and pulled out the two books that she wanted to read. On the morrow he would bring them when he visited her on Gracechurch Street.

  Darcy next realized that he had not eaten and so took some coffee and ham and scones before returning to his study, but his thoughts returned to Elizabeth. He knew his thoughts were the beginning of an infatuation, but he did not care. That evening he found sleep difficult, but that did not seem to bother him. For the first time in his life he had felt a man’s desire for a woman, but this was not in a physical way, or was it?


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