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Suddenly Elizabeth

Page 4

by Anne Louise

  “Thank you, but you have magical fingers. Where did you learn to do that?”

  “I just felt your hands were as soft as velvet and I wished to massage them.”

  Their eyes locked on one another and each could see that things were different and Darcy noticed her nervous speech and rosy blush and heightened breathing. She had never looked more appealing.

  “Then I hope we can have this discussion again and I hope you will perform your magic again. Thank you, I enjoyed it very much.”

  “And I enjoyed it as well, Miss Bennet.”

  “Mr. Darcy, let us talk some more about this manual labor you do. I still cannot fathom that you like to do this work. We are in town and I have seen no property needing to have brush cleared or trees and other debris cleared from streams. Now, tending to gardens is another thing.”

  “Oh, I see your confusion. I am speaking of my home in Derbyshire. I do some gardening at my home in town but most of my outdoor work is at my country home. You would think me as a gardener or just another servant if you stumbled on me whilst I was digging about.”

  “Mr. Darcy, please do not use the word stumble again.”

  Darcy grinned and Elizabeth softly chuckled and next replied.

  “You, sir, are being mischievous again. What is so amusing?”

  “Well, I understand your reason for not wanting to hear that word, but it was because of that stumble that I met you. Now do not get me wrong, I wish you had not stumbled, but had you not I would be moping about. I quite enjoy your company.”

  Elizabeth chuckled softly. “I do hope that you will not continue to take early rides in the park and look for other young women to trip up.”

  “No, I am finished with such rides for the present. From the little I have seen so far, you are more than enough for any man, yet I like the challenge. I do wish to walk with you in the park once you are able.”

  “I should like that if you keep Sampson away and I will promise to watch my every step.”

  “But I cannot promise to watch my every step, Miss Bennet.”

  “One can take those words to mean different things, but let us get back on the subject of gardening. I just think it odd that this very handsome gentleman dressed in rich clothes and with just an unruly curl away from being a perfect male specimen, is sitting near me and describing that he enjoys physical labor. This is a strange contradiction.” What is wrong with me? I told him I believe him handsome, and why did I say specimen?

  “You sound as if you are a botanist cataloging new plants.”

  Elizabeth blushed as Darcy looked for her reply.

  “I should not have used the word specimen.”

  “But are we not all specimens? No two people are exactly alike in thoughts and actions. You are different from any young woman I have ever met, and I mean that in a good way. So Miss Bennet, once you improve and are able to walk, I would like to show you my house and the small amount of gardening I do there.”

  Elizabeth had a twinkle in her eyes. “Will you show me how you garden?”

  “No, but I will show you my gardening clothes and point out what I have recently done in the gardens.”

  “That is something I would like to see.”

  “Miss Bennet, I wrote to my sister and she will be arriving in a few days. Would you allow me to bring her here and introduce both of you?”

  “That would make me happy and I look forward to meeting her.”

  The two visited for nearly four hours and talked of their favourite authors and discussed their opinions on many subjects. Both discovered they shared a deep love of history and politics and poetry and had many things in common. During their talks Darcy was amazed at how well Elizabeth could make a case and defend her position, but he let her run on so he could study those beguiling eyes that he now dreamed of most nights.

  Before he took his leave she thanked him for visiting her and he and Mrs. Gardiner helped her adjust her position. They watched as she fell asleep but not before he said he would return in two days.


  It was a beautiful summer day when Darcy and Georgiana arrived. Darcy introduced his sister to the Gardiners and then to Elizabeth. He immediately saw the glow on Elizabeth’s face as she motioned for Georgiana to pull up a chair.

  Once he saw how well they got on, Darcy left them together and went to visit with the Gardiners.

  Mr. Gardiner was at work in his warehouses on the Thymes but Mrs. Gardiner spoke with Darcy.

  “You are kind to bring your sister to visit. Lizzy must have told you she has four sisters and I am certain she misses them.”

  “She did tell me about her family and I told her that I wanted Georgiana and her to meet.”

  “I predict your sister and Lizzy will become friends.”

  “That is what I hope. Georgiana has not been around many young women near her age. Our mother died right after childbirth and our father nearly two years ago. It is just her and me. Our family has never been large so she has never been around a normal family. My cousin, Colonel Fitzwilliam, and I are her guardians but she needs female friends nearer her own age during these trying years. You may have noticed that she is very shy.”

  “Oh, that is nothing to worry about. Lizzy will take her under her wing. I am just happy that you have brought your sister. She will be good for Lizzy as well. Has your sister any relatives with younger children, or experience with younger children?”

  “No, all the cousins are older. Up until our father died he watched over her but her only female friends were her companions and tutors. I believe she will enjoy visiting with your children, just as I have.”

  “Lizzy will soon have them in her room with your sister playing games and telling stories.”

  The two young women talked for nearly three hours about many things. At first Georgiana was shy but Elizabeth made her comfortable and made her younger friend more confident. Georgiana did meet the younger children who hugged her and begged for her attention. Once they had it they bombarded her with questions and pulled her in all directions until Elizabeth promised to read them a short story. When the reading was completed, Georgiana ushered them to the children’s rooms and returned to see Elizabeth.

  “Miss Bennet, once you are better, my brother and I wish to invite you to Darcy House and perhaps we can do some shopping if you wish, and later have dinner.”

  “Thank you, Miss Darcy, I should like that, but my recovery has been slow so far and I may not be able to visit any shops so soon.”

  “Miss Bennet, please call me Georgiana?”

  “I will do that Georgiana, and you must call me Elizabeth.”

  “My brother told me about your injury. He was very upset that you sprained your ankle and he told me that you like to take long walks.”

  “I do enjoy such walks but mostly I walk alone. My sisters do not share my love of walking. Anyway, I get to clear my head during my walks. It is not so easy living with four sisters and no brothers. Our estate is entailed along the male line so my mother worries we will be thrown out into the hedgerows to starve as soon as our father passes.”

  “Then let us hope he lives a long life. Are all of your family in good health?”

  “Yes, and thank God for that, as we are in excellent health. I am not so certain about our mental state. My mother is preoccupied with finding husbands for all her daughters and it distresses my father and all of us.”

  “I should wish to have a sister.”

  “Yes, all our family wished that we had a brother, but it was not to be. Your brother is very kind to you, I am certain. He has been very kind to me. Georgiana, I have never had a man friend before and have only recently turned eighteen.”

  “William is twenty-six and not far from twenty-seven. He works a great deal on estate matters and often works late into the evening. When father died suddenly my brother inherited all the Darcy estate and he has worked nearly non-stop, often working fifteen hour days. He wrote that he took Sampson out for a run for the fir
st time that morning he met you. My brother seems happier now that he has met you.”

  Elizabeth hoped that was true. She did like the man and her life had changed when she met him. It was not that she and Darcy might marry one day as much as her realizing that she liked the man and he appeared to like her. The fact that he was the handsomest man she ever met was not lost on her but he was a gentleman and was easy to talk with and they both had much in common. Ever since he massaged her hands days earlier and her dream of him that night when he kissed her, she knew she was in danger around Fitzwilliam Darcy.

  Before Darcy and his sister left, Mrs. Gardiner arranged for tea and scones in Elizabeth’s room. Elizabeth watched as first Georgiana and next Darcy thanked her aunt and praised the children.

  Mrs. Gardiner was certain of their sincerity and her niece’s countenance confirmed as much. The visitors left after that to return to Darcy House.

  They chose to leave at the right time. The sky was looking dark and menacing as they made their way back to Darcy House and they could hear thunder and saw lightening in the distance. Mere minutes after they arrived the sky turned dark as midnight on a moonless night. Fearsome wind gusts and driving rain pelted the home and they watched as the storm raged for over an hour as small twigs and brush were strewn about. The loud sound of thunder and the heavy lightening were on top of them now and they could hear the crackling of large trees that had been struck and some that had fallen. The canopy of leaves had acted like a sail on a ship to topple and uproot some trees.

  “William, I hope all is fine at the Gardiner home. We made it back just in time.”

  “All will be well, Georgie. We may have received the brunt of the storm. The storm did not seem to be moving toward Gracechurch Street but they probably received some needed rain. Already I can see glimpses of the sun trying to break through. At least the storm has broken the heat. I believe some trees nearby have fallen and may have been struck by the lightening.”

  “I do not believe we had any damage here.”

  “No Georgie, I do not think we did. Tell me, did you like your visit?”

  “Oh, yes, I enjoyed everything about my visit. Elizabeth is very kind and I just know she will be the sort of friend I have wished for all my life. We played with her younger cousins and both of us read to them. It is my first time being around the little people and they made a lot over me. It was all a new world to me and her aunt treated me special and was happy I visited. William, I invited Elizabeth to visit with us once her ankle heals.”

  “That is all good, Georgie. I hope that will be soon for she does not do well being confined to her bed.”

  “And she told me the same and asked me to return to visit as often as I can. We spoke of many things and she made me feel like a sister.”

  “That should be easy for she has four of them.”

  “Yes, she told me about her family and I would like to meet them one day. Her life has been so different from my own and yet I feel a bond with her. She has confidence and I feel some of that is rubbing off on me. My nannies and companions have all been much older but Elizabeth is closer to my age.”

  Darcy did not ask Elizabeth’s age but would wait until later for he did not wish to appear too anxious.

  “You did not visit that much with her, but why?”

  “Mainly I wanted you both to meet and I felt my presence would get in the way. Perhaps I should let you visit her by yourself the next time.”

  “No, that will not do, she likes you, William. Do you not see that?”

  Darcy was silent but inside his heart was thumping. At times he thought Elizabeth might like him but was not certain. Georgiana’s confirming it brought out a big smile. It was the first time that he had taken an interest in any woman and to learn that she liked him made him happy all over. It was one thing to discover he had an interest in a woman for the first time but to hear from his sister that Elizabeth liked him was more than he could ask for. He had always been careful and on the look out for fortune hunters but she was not one. She was young and it was as though he had a second chance to experience young love. Darcy had always been serious and never took the time to meet younger women and now his heart nearly burst with happiness.

  “I asked you a question, William.”

  “Yes, you did. It is just that I thought she might have blamed me for her injury and did not like me.”

  “You do not know young women, brother. She is as much an innocent as you are, though she is almost eight years your junior.”

  Ha, she is nearly eighteen. My God, her skin is as smooth as porcelain and her eyes are as bright as diamonds when she laughs. Oh, but to hold her in my arms and kiss her ruby lips. Darcy was mesmerized by Elizabeth Bennet.

  “William, what do you think about the difference in your ages?”

  “She will catch up to me.”

  “Do tell me, brother. That makes no sense.”

  “Look Georgie, let me say that a boy is ten years of age and a girl is two years. That would make him five times as old. Now two years later he would be twelve and she would be four so he would only be three times her age.” Darcy looked at her in mock seriousness and awaited her reply.

  “You are just trying to be funny, but I will not be altered. She is a perfect age for you and would make you a good wife. You cannot work yourself to death and I know that you care for her.”

  “Do you not think it is a bit early to start making wedding plans?”

  “Well, what are you going to do?”

  “Georgie, I am too young to consider marrying. There is too much work in front of me and I do not have time to invest in looking for a wife. Besides, I must marry well and that means that I must marry from the highest circles.”

  “Would you be happier with Elizabeth or another woman? She is the daughter of a gentleman and she is very intelligent. If you were forced to marry this day, would you not choose her?”

  “I do not know many women, and I am not interested in continuing this discussion.”

  “But you sent for me to come to town and meet her. I like her very much.”

  “Georgie, I like her as well and want her to be your friend and mine as well. I do want her to recover from her injury and I still feel responsible for her injury.”

  “I believe your meeting her was the best thing that ever has happened to you. Do you believe in fate?”

  “That is a question I must ponder. Perhaps it was fate that I met Miss Bennet that way. Georgie, I will take things slowly and to do otherwise would be out of character. Marriage is the single most important decision a person can make. I will tell you that everything I learn about Miss Bennet tells me she is a special woman. We shall have to wait and see how things play out.”

  Darcy returned to his study as Georgiana went to her room. He liked what he heard from his sister but did not want to move so fast. It was less than a fortnight ago that he felt despondent and prayed that he might meet a young woman who he might love. Suddenly he met Elizabeth Bennet and his life had changed and he was unsure what to do. Darcy now knew Georgiana liked Elizabeth and that she would make her a loving sister. That knowledge meant that he could not dismiss Elizabeth Bennet as a future wife and he believed she would make him happy. He thought of how he might woo her and remembered she was due to return to Hertfordshire soon.

  This was a problem but was not unmanageable. A bigger problem was that he did not know enough of her and her family, though his uncle had spoken well of Mr. Gardiner and said he liked the man. But he had not met her family in Hertfordshire and that made him uncertain. Lastly, he believed Elizabeth was not one to marry unless she was deeply in love and he believed the same. He was certain he would think on such things later when he went to bed.

  After a while he and Georgiana walked around and inspected the damage from the storm. Darcy House had no damage other than some small limbs and leaves and mud from the heavy rain. They did see that a large oak in the park nearby had been struck by lightening and two smaller tre
es had fallen and there were many scattered twigs and small limbs that littered the grounds.


  The storm was not so violent on Gracechurch Street. They did get some much needed rain and the cooler air was welcomed. The opened windows now had a breeze circulating the cooler air as Elizabeth’s aunt came into the room and handed her a letter.

  “Thank you Aunt. It is from Jane.”


  Madilyn Gardiner returned downstairs as Elizabeth broke the seal of her sister’s letter. This was the first letter she had received since her accident and she hoped all was well. She wondered if her injury might prompt her father to bring Jane to town early to help out with the children and she did not wish to return to Longbourn after having met Mr. Darcy and his sister. Suddenly she felt a sense of dread and her stomach hurt because of this uncertainty. It would not be fair if she had to return home and have Jane replace her.


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