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Alien Tribute

Page 4

by Lee Savino

  Dawn gives a little wave as we pass her by, and I see that she’s also collared and on a leash. At least I’m not the only one. She looks happy though, even content, standing at the High Commander’s side.

  “Good luck,” she mouths before Bogdan tugs the leash again and I hurry to keep up, almost stumbling through the door into the hallway and letting the low light swallow me.

  Still no orgasm in sight. Drat.



  I march down the hall to my quarters, leading my Tribute, doing my best to ignore her beauty and the way her tech already tugs at my consciousness. I am far too aware of the training belt around her waist and what it reveals about her state of arousal. Her nanotech responded to me as soon as I touched her, integrating with my own. It is not the full Tsenturion bond, but it feels so close to what I imagined the bond would feel like that I am disturbed.

  Because of Tribute Dawn, I know the full bond is possible, but she and the High Commander did not immediately have such a strong connection. I am acutely aware of my own Tribute, which rouses both my temper and my protective instincts. Especially when she tries to dawdle in the hall, looking around rather than following me closely.

  After a few tugs on the leash when she tries to slow, she seems to realize I will not be indulging her, and she matches my quick pace. Good. I knew from her file that she was intelligent.

  Leaving the Ceremony so abruptly will cause questions, but I had no desire to examine my new Tribute in front of my Commander or the warriors. I have followed the bare minimum of protocol and everyone will have to be content with that. It is bad enough that she has been matched to me and that the tech bond is so strong so quickly. I do not trust myself to contain my emotions and therefore I need to sequester us.

  The door to my quarters slides open and I march inside, relief washing over me now that we are in the safety of my own quarters, away from prying eyes.

  “Stay,” I order her. The beautiful female just stares at me silently and I turn away, needing a moment to myself, to adjust to my new reality.

  My head throbs. I retract my helmet so I can rub my scalp, trying to soothe away some of the pain. Behind me, my Tribute sucks in a breath. I don't know why. I tell myself I don't care.

  Pretending to ignore her, I drift to my console. The screen reflects her image, still watching me curiously from the center of the room.

  She is even more attractive in the flesh than she was on the vids. Tawny skin, shining dark hair, big brown eyes. But much smaller than I expected. Somehow, she looked larger, more sturdy in the pics and vids. In the flesh it is clear she is fragile, delicate, and far too breakable, even with the changes the Jabol have made to her body. What were the Jabol thinking, abducting human women to be our mates? The top of her head does not even reach my shoulder and I must be three times her weight. I could crush her by lying atop her. How does the High Commander manage it?

  “Drakk,” I mutter the curse under my breath. Already I am overwhelmed by this new duty and I have barely begun.

  “What’s that, Master?” My Tribute's voice is low and sultry, tugging at my senses with feminine allure, yet her tone is hardly subservient. I know from the manuals from her world that I must begin as I mean to go on.

  I turn and fix her with a foreboding glare. “I did not give you permission to speak.”

  She raises her chin, dark eyes flashing with emotion that I can feel a small spark of. She is annoyed by my response, and strangely unafraid. Small as she is, she is full of fire. The hard look in her eyes says she is strong... but her skin is so soft and fragile. She is an interesting dichotomy and I feel a reluctant admiration for her already.

  From death she was rescued through the wormhole and delivered to the Jabol for training, and now she is here as my Tribute, yet she stands tall and proud. Still, her fire must be tempered. For one so small, she is foolish to think she can stand against me, even were I not a warrior.

  Perhaps her intelligence was overstated.

  Crossing the room, I loom over her. She doesn’t shrink away. Either she is very brave or very foolhardy. I cannot help but feel some admiration for her courage, regardless, but I also know I must take control of her.

  I take hold of her nape, gently but firmly, feeling the coolness of the collar against the warmth of her skin. She gasps at my touch, her lips parting, a reaction I approve of. Her nipples bead at the front of her filmy dress and I can almost feel her arousal. Or perhaps I can actually feel it, through the nanotech.

  She is well primed.

  A thousand tsencycles and I am mated. Just not to the one I should have been, because that is how long she has been gone. Loss stabs my chest, thwarting my own arousal.

  No, not mate. Tribute. She is human. A prize for my stellar service, and a vessel to continue our race. As lovely as she is, I will not forget my warrior responsibilities nor my mission to destroy our enemies. No matter how soft her skin or enticing her scent, I will not be distracted from my vengeance upon the Vgotha.

  My Tribute is my duty, nothing more.

  Perhaps one day... but certainly not now.

  And it is my duty to train her properly.

  “Remove this,” I growl and pluck at her gown. I release her neck and she sways backwards, her breath coming faster. She blinks, but obeys without protest, her movements graceful and slow. Something about the look on her face is almost trance-like. I cannot tell what she is thinking, but the nanotech informs me that her arousal has increased.

  My seela stir as her body is bared to me, my own arousal growing as she steps out of the gown and straightens. I clench my fists to keep my suit from lightening. Her hair falls about her narrow face, brushing the tops of her breasts, which are full, rounded, the perfect size to fit in my palms. Her nipples are upturned, begging me to stroke them.

  She actually smiles at me, tilting her head to the side, her body shifting to an even more seductive stance. My seela react immediately and my cock pulses, thickening with interest.

  “You prefer me naked?” She flutters her eyelashes at me, her voice sultry. I do not understand why she moves her eyes in such a manner, but I have to admit, there is something oddly appealing about it.

  “Inside my quarters, yes.”

  “Our quarters," she corrects me, throwing me off balance.

  “What?” I did not mean to ask the question, but she surprised me so much that I did so before I could stop myself. Asking a question is not weakness, I decide. I need to know how my Tribute thinks if I'm going to properly train her.

  “Our quarters." Her smile widens, confusing me. "Because I live here now, correct?”

  “I... that..." Technically she is correct, but she makes it sound as though we will be equals within these rooms, which is not at all correct. I cross my arms over my chest, giving her a hard look. "You will be staying here with me. These are my quarters and you are my Tribute.”

  I emphasize my. She belongs to me and she is staying in my quarters. Both are mine. I can tell I have not established proper dominance with my stumble over answering her question though, because her smile just widens. I will establish my mastery over her now and then there will be no more question in her mind about whose quarters these are or who she belongs to.

  I issue a neural command and a platform rises from the floor at the foot of the bed. I stop it at the perfect height for her to kneel upon it with her upper body braced by the bed. “Get on all fours. I wish to inspect you.”

  My Tribute blinks. It is her turn to be thrown off balance, to my satisfaction. “Right now?”

  “Are you disobeying me?” If she is, I will be happy to demonstrate the consequences of doing so. My lower body throbs at the thought. Sometimes, one can take pleasure in duty.


  “No?” I point at the platform. "Then obey."

  “No, it's not..." The seductive stance she had adopted has fallen away and she looks uncomfortable. I find her no less attractive this way, in fact I rather enjo
y seeing her look a little more unsure. "I just need to... powder my nose.”

  An errant lock of hair has fallen over her cheek. Moving closer to her, I brush it back, my fingers lingering on her soft skin as I frown. She sighs and leans into my touch and the tightness in my chest eases.

  “Why do you wish to powder your nose?” I caress her cheek and then run my fingers over her nose, not understanding her request but not wishing to be cruel if it is something important. She closes her eyes and my tech tells me that her arousal is increasing, her pussy growing slick and ready for me. Her responsiveness makes me want to draw her into my arms and sink back onto the bed, to learn all the ways to make her sigh and moan. I could spend cycles with her, exploring her body.

  I stiffen, uncomfortable with the direction of my thoughts.

  But I am meant to train her, to master her, and ultimately to protect her. To do the first two, I must explore her form. Thoroughly. I relax. This is my duty. And I will be recalled to the bridge when it is time to return to my regular duties.

  “I meant that I need to use the little Tribute’s room," she explains, but I do not understand the explanation and I frown down at her in further confusion. She sighs. "The bathroom. I need to pee.”

  Ah. I do not understand why she did not just say so, but Tribute Dawn sometimes says strange things as well. Humans do not always speak the way Tsenturions do and it is another reminder of the differences between us.

  I release her and step back. “Go then. You have five minicycles. Then you will return, and your inspection and training will commence.”

  With a shaky nod, no longer looking so sure of herself, she sways in the direction of the bathing room. The rounded curve of her bottom is very appealing, and I am looking forward to seeing the secondary entrance all the manuals make much of. I can feel it through the nanotech, but I want to see it before I do anything to it.


  Holy hell. What have I gotten myself into? This fantasy is out of control.

  I thought I could keep it together right up until he wanted to inspect me. The thought of getting on all fours for him to look me over, touch me... for some reason I balked. Even though I'm desperate for an orgasm, this is all happening so fast.

  It's not real.

  But it feels so real. If it didn't, it would be so much easier to just let myself go. I stare at my reflection in the mirrored surface of the wall. This helps me remember that it's not real. Because if this were real, I'd see a body eaten away by cancer, with my ribs showing through, skin dulled, and hair gone. Instead, my hair falls around my full curves, my skin glows with health, and my eyes are bright with energy.

  Exactly as I wish I was.

  Which means I need to get back to my fantasy and enjoy myself. I could wake up at any moment and be thrust back to cruel reality... or I could never wake up at all and this dream could just abruptly end.

  It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

  Dumbledore almost had it right. When there is nothing left to life and you're given the opportunity to live in the Mirror of Erised, you don't say no. I'm going to grab onto this particular dream with both hands and savor the ride. Carpe diem and all that. It's definitely what I would counsel a patient to do.

  The giant warrior is waiting for me when I return to the bedroom. His suit has retracted from his torso, leaving only the lower half of his body covered, and his golden skin glitters in the low light. His muscles are ridiculously huge. If I hugged him, I’d barely get my arms around the barrel of his chest. The expression on his face remains as foreboding as ever. Why I find that such a turn on, I have no idea, but my alien master is as stern as any of the doms in my fantasies. Maybe sterner.

  My pussy pulses against the training belt. I can't wait for him to take it off and touch me. There's no sense in feeling shame or embarrassment about an inspection, because this isn't real, right?

  Bogdan points to the platform a few feet off the ground.

  “Up.” His command is said in a voice so deep it sends tremors through me.

  I make myself move forward, well aware of how naked and vulnerable I am. Not real. Happening in my head. Just enjoy the fantasy, Pareena!

  Taking a deep breath, I place my knee on the platform and push up with my other foot. With my knees spread wide to help keep my balance, I bend forward and rest my elbows on the bed. It is soft, but doesn’t have too much give, and my breasts sway beneath me, my hair falling like a curtain on either side of my body and providing me with a tiny bit of coverage.

  My ass and pussy are completely displayed by the position though, and for the first time I'm grateful for the training belt. Imaginary alien sex fantasy or not, my emotions feel very real.

  “I will inspect you now. If you disobey me at any point, I will punish you.”

  The temptation to disobey is strong... exactly what would punishment entail? But considering that everything feels so very real, maybe I don't really want to know what my brain would come up with.

  “We will proceed according to manuals.”

  "Manuals?" I echo the word without thinking and then cringe. "Sorry, Master, I didn't mean to speak out of turn."

  I feel a little silly saying it, calling him Master out loud in a manner that isn't joking, but it feels oddly right too. Probably because I had always wished I could find a Dom who would become my Master. So my brain provided. Thanks, brain.

  "The courtship manuals, like the one you were reading before you chose to come here."

  "You mean the book I was reading about Tsenturions?" Aka the whole reason my brain must have latched onto this particular fantasy for my dream.

  "Those books were modeled after your courtship manuals, I am told." Fingers touch beneath my chin and lift my head up, directing my gaze to a small stack of books at his bedside. Yikes. I recognize those titles, those authors. Zylonn's Human Bride by Sue Lyndon. His Human Slave by Renee Rose. A Berserker book by Lee Savino.

  “These are your manuals?” My voice goes a little high and my ass clenches automatically. I downloaded these after getting into the stories already on the e-reader I now know Frllil sent me. Books with lots of sexy discipline. Drat. Where are the slow burn romances when you need them?

  “They were collected from Earth. The Jabol tell us they are very popular.”

  “Yeah... as entertainment, not instruction books."

  Bogdan gives me a patronizing look. “The Jabol sent devices to monitor your responses as you studied the manuals. The stories primed you for your role as Tribute.”

  That made almost too much sense.

  “That’s a huge invasion of privacy,” I mumble and duck my head. Or at least it would be, if this wasn't in my head. If I wasn't imagining this, I would be livid. Even knowing it's not, I feel indignant at the idea of aliens studying my kinky preferences for their own sordid reasons.

  Bogdan releases my chin, letting my head drop back down. “Your responses were why you were chosen as a Tribute. This is the life you sought. Now that you are here, you will submit to me in all things.”

  I squeeze my legs together to hide my wetness. Fine. I was chosen. My brain has pulled from all my favorite books to put together my fantasy.

  “Okay.” I lick my lips and turn my head to look up at him. “What’s my safeword?"

  He gets the same blank expression as he did when I told him I needed to powder my nose. Apparently, that's what he looks like when I confuse him.

  “I do not understand. You are safe here with me. You may use words, unless I forbid your speech.”

  “I mean, a word I can say to make the play stop.”

  “This is not play." He fists a hand in my hair and tips my head back, much less gentle now, and my body responds immediately. A whimper falls from my lips and I am quivering all over at his touch. Yes, please, more hair-pulling. “You are not in control. You will submit to my desires. I am your Master.”

  I’m panting now, my arousal back up to a full ten. I've been a bit back and
forth, but now I'm finding it easier to get into the right mindset to just enjoy myself. Guess my fantasies of no control are coming true. In the safest way possible, but hey, might as well enjoy it.

  “Consensual non-con. Okay. I can be down for some edge play.” As long as I get my orgasm.

  Bogdan’s face goes blank, his grip gentling, and he turns to look at the books again. “I will do more research.”

  He releases my hair, starting to step away, and I panic.

  “No, please, Master,” I blurt, afraid he’s going to walk off and start reading, leaving me here to burn. “Please. I will be good. Use me as you wish.” I flush at my wanton words but push back my embarrassment. Especially because it works. He looks down at me, contemplation in his dark eyes.

  “You will obey my every command.”

  “Yes, Master,” I agree breathlessly. Yes! Let's get this party started!

  “I will inspect you. If you are a good, obedient girl, I may permit your climax.”

  I press my lips together. Yes please, that's what I'm talking about!

  He digs his hands into my hair again, rubbing my head like he’s petting a cat. I love it, though. I almost want him to stroke my hair forever, except my pussy is pulsing like a second heartbeat, trying to get his attention. Me, me, me!

  Bogdan takes his sweet time sliding a hand down my back, over my shoulders to encircle my arms. His hands are so big he can easily shackle my wrists. He crouches to explore my chest and belly, tracing my breasts with a single finger. I close my eyes and moan at the teasing sensation. When he rises and cups my breasts in both hands I hum happily. My nipples press against his palms, his fingers deftly massaging my soft flesh and I feel like I am literally turning to putty in his hands.

  When he moves away, I almost protest, except that I feel the Bride Trainer moving against my swollen pussy and I realize it's receding. Yes! Tracing his hands over my back, he slides them down my sides to my ass and I sense him crouching down behind me, his hands on my ass cheeks, holding them apart as he inspects my pussy. At this point, he could breathe on my clit and I’d cum. Shivers spread through my body, little champagne bubbles, like I’m a bottle, corked, shaken and ready to explode.


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