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Alien Tribute

Page 17

by Lee Savino

  "You will not touch him or any other warrior, either." I growl.

  “I won’t. I promise it didn’t mean anything.”

  “It meant something to me.”

  She reaches up to cup my face, her dark eyes searching mine, for what I do not know. I can feel her soften in my arms, her expression becoming sympathetic.

  “Hey, I’m yours, okay?” She snuggles into me, holding me so tightly that my seela barely have room to move. It feels strange but nice. I do not object. "I have no interest in Arkdhem. He's not even really interested in me. He just wants a Tribute. Any Tribute will do. But you... I know you see me."

  Playing with her hair, I know she speaks the truth. I can feel it reverberating through my chest.


  Who knew Bogdan would be such a cuddle bug?

  I definitely need to introduce him to Harry Potter though. Maybe we can even get access to Urban Dictionary somehow, but if I have to explain that '10 points to Slytherin' means butt sex, then I will. Because I think if I have to be mated to someone for the rest of my unnaturally long life span, he should at least get my jokes. And for that, he needs to read Harry Potter.

  Does this mean I'm accepting that I'm actually not about to die and that, instead, I'm going to have a really long life in space?

  My mind shies away from thinking about that too hard. Because if it's real... I'm starting to realize that I almost don't want it to be. If this is real, I've gone from having nothing to lose to having everything to lose.

  So instead of dwelling on it further, I do exactly what Bogdan just accused me of doing—I distract. I’m distracting myself though, not him.

  “Are you really going to let us go down to the planet?”

  “You heard the High Commander say he would try. If there are no Vgotha." He adds the second part hastily and with a little bit of relief.

  Hmm. I get the feeling he doesn't actually want me on the planet, Vgotha or no Vgotha. My eyes narrow suspiciously. "Do you expect there to be?”

  Rather than answer yes or no, he sidesteps the question again. This time he leans forward as he does so, to brush his lips over my shoulder—which also helpfully breaks our eye contact. Helpful for him that is.

  “The scans will tell us more.”

  “I’d really like to go." My tone is wheedling, caught somewhere between whiny and pleading. "Get some fresh air… I was stuck in the hospital for so long...”

  My chest tightens because I'm not one hundred percent sure that I'm not still there... or what it really means for me if I'm not.

  I feel Bogdan still as he contemplates the implications of my words. He's a bit of a creampuff, my Bogdan, even though he doesn't look it. That hard, brooding exterior was protection for the sweet, fluffy middle that makes up his real self.

  “As long as it’s safe.” There is a firmness to his voice, and I know there's no arguing with him. “Your safety means more than anything to me.”

  Okay, well I definitely can't really argue with that. I melt a little bit too. I know part of it is that he has a need to keep me safe as part of his survivor's guilt, but I can also feel that his need is personal to me. Which is supposedly part of the bonding process... or I can feel it because I've made him up and he is me. Yeah, let's get back to that alien planet thing. Because real or not, there's no way I'm missing out on a chance to be outside again.

  “But if the scans don’t find evidence of any Vgotha… then it's safe, right?"

  “We will run more scans to be sure. Many cycles’ worth. And send advance scouts to make sure the scans don't miss anything."

  My lips twitch and I raise my eyebrows at him. "And then you'll take me to the alien planet?"

  “Maybe you should convince me,” he suggests, a wicked glint in his eyes, and he pulls me on top of him, making me laugh.

  My ass is still sore from last night, my nipples feel oversensitive, and my pussy... is absolutely ready to earn ten points for Gryffindor.

  But, even though I'm a Ravenclaw, we're definitely never earning sex points for my house. Hm. Maybe I shouldn't try to access Urban Dictionary either. I don't want to give him ideas.


  The planet scans and advance scouts recover no sign of the Vgotha. I grind my teeth. While we are all uncertain of our scanners, the advance scout reports are more concrete. There was a small blip on the scans, on one small island, that we couldn't account for, but the scouts found nothing. Arkdhem led them and announced it as being completely clear, possibly the safest place on the planet to take the Tributes because they were able to explore every inch of it. No matter how I feel about him, I know he and his warriors were thorough.

  Multiple sweeps were made.

  The planet is clear.

  Yet I feel a rising anxiety. Perhaps just because a planet is so out of my control.

  “You know what this means.” The High Commander rubs his forehead. "I don't like it."

  We would only allow our Tributes in a safe area, well-guarded, but still... I don't like it either.

  “We should scan again," I say. There is no logical reason for my uneasiness, but I find I cannot brush it away either.

  “The results will be the same." The Commander blows out a breath. “Dawn has been hounding me, accusing me of breaking my promise. I will not have her think me dishonorable. Have Miths prepare a landing shuttle suitable for a crew and our Tributes.”

  "It is perfectly safe," Arkdhem speaks up, frowning fiercely at us. He does not like being questioned. To do so shows our doubt in him... but it is actually not doubt. Just fear.

  Fear of what I cannot control.

  I grind my teeth. The island is small, we have scanned it, explored it, and found nothing. But suddenly it seems like the most threatening thing in the galaxy. So much could go wrong. Colors flash across my armor before I can wrest it back to black.

  Arkdhem narrows his eyes at me. I hope the flashes were too fast for him to interpret. I do not want him to ever see my fear. I stare back at him, my expression impassive. I will not let him see me uncomfortable either.

  The Commander shakes his head. “Prepare the shuttle. Arkdhem, you are dismissed to rest for now. When the shuttle is ready, I want you back to guide us."

  Pressing his fist to his chest, Arkdhem nods and leaves the bridge. My fists clench at my sides as I stare at the screen. The planet, which had seemed so beautiful, now looks like a threat.

  I want to believe in the superiority of our warriors but faced with the possibility of harm coming to my Tribute, I cannot deny the emotion that the Vgotha so often make me feel. The emotion I have tried to run from since the day Tsentur was destroyed.

  I am afraid.


  When Dawn knocks on the door, I'm reading one of my favorite 'manuals.’ Calling them that makes me snicker to myself. I hurry over to open it, only to find that I'm still locked out. Note to self: I really need to get Bogdan to give me access to it. In my defense, I got a little distracted. Not just by the punishment and sex, but also by the lure of the planet we're currently orbiting. I want to go down so badly.

  "Override," Dawn says, and the door opens to her beaming face. I'm so shocked by her outfit that I barely even notice Arkdhem standing behind her, as usual.

  "Where did you get that?" I ask, pointing at her jeans and t-shirt, suddenly very aware of the very pretty, flowing, and nearly see through gown that I'm wearing. I have an entire closet full of these gowns in varying colors but nothing else—and until now, I hadn't seen Dawn in anything else either.

  Dawn beams at me. "I had a feeling Bogdan hadn't given you anything but gowns. Neither did Gavrill, but he let me use the replicator and eventually we figured out how to make some Earth clothing. I thought you might want a different outfit for going down to the planet."

  "Are we going down to the planet?" I ask, trying to suppress my excitement in case the answer is no. Bogdan has been on the bridge for hours now and I haven't heard from him.

  "Yes," Ar
kdhem says from behind her, smiling widely at me. "I have just returned from leading a scouting mission. We have scanned and thoroughly explored the island on foot. There are no Vgotha. The High Commander has already ordered a shuttle to be made ready."

  Squealing with joy, I bounce in excitement and the next thing I know, Dawn's arms are around me and we're squealing and bouncing together. Arkdhem is still smiling as he watches us, his head tilted almost as if he's confused—or at least amused—by our reactions.

  "Okay, so come on," Dawn says, pulling away from the hug and grabbing my hand. "We need to get you properly outfitted. There's no way you can explore an alien planet in that."

  "There is nothing wrong with the gowns," Arkdhem murmurs.

  We both give him a look as Dawn drags me past him.

  "You would think that," Dawn says. Typical male.

  The door swishes shut behind me and my bottom tingles, reminding me of the punishment I received not that long ago.

  "Wait—" I manage to grind us to a halt. "Bogdan told me not to leave the room, remember?" He hadn't reinforced that order when he left for the bridge, but I don't want to take my chances. Especially since I'd be leaving in Arkdhem's company, even if Dawn is with us too.

  "Well, you can't wear that," she says, gesturing at my outfit. Turning to Arkdhem, she gestures imperiously. "Call Bogdan, we'll get permission for Pareena to leave the room."

  Oh yeah, Arkdhem calling Bogdan to get permission to take me out and around the ship. Especially, since I've technically already left the room, even though it's only by a couple of steps. That should go over great. But I don't protest. I can't help it that Arkdhem is Dawn's constant companion. And she's right, if we're going off ship, I want something different to wear.

  "Yes?" Bogdan's voice, much surlier than he ever uses with me, makes me jump about ten feet in the air. Then I realize that Arkdhem is holding up his arm—using his armor to communicate with Bogdan and allow us to hear him.

  "Hey, Bogdan, it's Dawn," she chirps cheerfully. "I want to take Pareena to the replicator to get some clothes for going planet side. Can she leave her room, please?" The way she says 'please' is rather pointed, almost like she's warning him that he better answer yes. My lips twitch in amusement before I wonder if I should make sure he knows that Arkdhem is coming with us too.

  Then again, he must know, right? Arkdhem is the one who contacted him and he's almost always at Dawn's side when the High Commander isn't. I found out during the group session that he wants to learn as much about human females as possible, so that he can be a good mate. It's a very sweet sentiment, and I have to admit, he's far more charming than Bogdan or Gavrill are. Hm. Maybe that's why Bogdan doesn't like him very much.

  There is a long pause.

  "Pareena?" Bogdan asks, jolting me with his use of my name without the word 'my' in front of it. I don't think he's ever just called me by name before. "You wish for a different garment?"

  "Just for being on the planet," I say, resisting the urge to move closer to Arkdhem. Bogdan can hear me just fine from where I am. "I'd rather wear boots, pants, and a top that's not flowy. It will be easier to move in and if there's any vegetation that might irritate my skin, it will be better to be covered up." Because I don’t have any interest in encountering the alien version of poison ivy. Especially since, because it's alien, it might be even worse than the Earth stuff. Who knows what's down there?

  There is another long pause.

  "Fine," Bogdan says gruffly. "Just to the replicator and back. The shuttle should be ready soon. Stay close to Dawn." I take that last sentence as a reminder to stay away from Arkdhem.

  "Woo-hoo, let's go!" Dawn cheers and grabs me by the hand. This time I don't resist at all.

  I get new clothes! Planet clothes! I can't wait.



  "That. Is. Awesome." Dawn stares enviously at my newly manufactured Ravenclaw shirt. I grin and drape it over my arm, along with the jeans that we made. I'll have to try them on when I get back to my room, but I can already tell the fabric should be stretchy enough to fit. We couldn't figure out how to get images from Earth—apparently, the Jabol only sent over the manuals and our files... go figure—but the shirt is blue and has my house motto on it. That's good enough for me. "I didn't even think about anything like that."

  "What house are you?" I ask, curious now.

  She hesitates. "I'm not sure. Um, definitely not Hufflepuff or I probably wouldn't have been picked up by the Jabol. My lack of close relationships was a big part of the reason they thought I was an ideal candidate."

  "I think you're a great friend," I say immediately reaching out to take her hand. "Maybe you're Gryffindor? You seem pretty adventurous."

  "That's true." She brightens. "And I always liked Hermione."

  "What are you two talking about?" Arkdhem asks, sounding completely lost.

  "Harry Potter," Dawn tells him. "It's a book series that a lot of people really love back on Earth."

  "And you love this series?" he asks, looking back and forth between the two of us.

  "Always," I say immediately.

  Dawn laughs, getting the reference. "I liked it a lot, it was fun."

  Arkdhem wrinkles his forehead thoughtfully. "So, I should read these books?" Dawn and I exchange an amused look. I'm pretty sure that if we told Arkdhem he should paint himself purple, because it would impress his Tribute, he would do it. He's very goal focused.

  "Not everyone loves it, and not everyone loves it as much as I do," I admit. "If you want to make sure you connect with your Tribute, you should wait to find out what her interests are."

  He nods thoughtfully, but honestly, I'm not really sure he gets it. The way he talks to Dawn and me, he's always looking for whatever will make his Tribute like him. There are definitely a few things the majority of women look for in a potential mate, but he doesn't seem to quite understand that a woman's choice is highly individual. That being said, the Jabol must be doing something right, because Dawn and Gavrill are a good match from everything I've seen, and I think the same is true for Bogdan and me.

  "Excuse me, Tribute Dawn?" We all turn to see a warrior; one I don't recognize, which is no big surprise. He’s looking at Dawn hopefully. "I know it is not class time, but would you have a minicycle to spare—we need some help." He gestures down the hall to a small area where there is a small group of warriors, all of them in what look like various yoga poses.

  Dawn lights up. "Of course!" She glances at Arkdhem and me. "I'll be right back!"

  Before I can protest—or even think about what I might say to keep her there—she's off with the warrior, leaving me there with Arkdhem. Crap. This is not my fault, dammit. But will Bogdan see it that way?

  "Um, let's go watch," I say, trying not to show how anxious I am to get away from him, because that seems pretty rude, and it's not his fault that he makes Bogdan feel insecure.

  "Pareena, wait," he says, and I jump when I feel his fingers close around my arm, pulling me back to face him. Instinctively, I try to jerk away, but his grip is too strong. Not that he's hurting me, he's very gentle, but I'm no match for his strength. A little trickle of fear slides through me before I push it away. No matter what, I do not believe that Arkdhem would harm me.

  Even if he were the type, to do so with Dawn and a small cadre of other warriors so close by would be the height of stupidity.

  "Please let go of me," I say, keeping my voice calm but firm.

  To his credit, he immediately releases me, but the intense way he’s looking at me still makes me feel anxious. That and the fact that I'm definitely not supposed to be spending time alone with him, but here we are. Maybe the fact that the others are nearby will be enough to counter Bogdan's possessiveness?

  “Pareena, please listen. You were given to the wrong warrior. You were to be with me.” He puts his hand on his chest, staring soulfully into my eyes.

  “What?” I step back. Had there been some ambiguity about which warrior I
was matched with? That would explain Bogdan's insecurity about Arkdhem.

  "Bogdan didn't even want a Tribute," Arkdhem says quickly, scowling. "The Jabol matched you with him, but they did not understand what they were doing. He is incapable of love.”

  “That’s not true,” I snap, surprising us both with my vigor. Just because Bogdan hadn’t wanted a Tribute doesn’t mean that he’s incapable of love. In fact, I think part of his problem is how deeply he loves, not the opposite. “Look, I know he’s Mr. Grouchy, but he's a good mate. I think the Jabol knew exactly what they were doing when they matched me with him.”

  Because I'm not sure just anyone would be able to understand where Bogdan was coming from. Not just anyone would be as patient with him as I have been. Although some of that stems from thinking that none of this is real... but I'm starting to think that I was wrong about that. Hoping that I was, in fact. I want this to be real and I want everything being offered to me. I'm willing to fight for it.

  Arkdhem's expression turns to one of pity, which makes me grind my teeth together. “He is not suitable," he insists. "You should have been assigned to me. I want a mate.”

  “That’s not—you can’t—” Gah! I don’t even know where to begin. His retort feels so very Arkdhem. He wants a mate and so he thinks he should get one. That we might not actually be well matched doesn't even occur to him. Heck, he'd probably try to change himself to meet my needs, but that's not what I'd want. I need someone who knows who they are and is confident enough to stand up to me. Someone like Bogdan. But Arkdhem's desperation tugs at my heartstrings. “We'd make a terrible couple, Arkdhem. Even if I didn't have feelings for Bogdan, you and I wouldn't be good together.”

  “You and Bogdan aren’t bonded yet, correct?” I hesitate and that gives him all the information he needs, turning his expression sympathetic. “I’m sorry."


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