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Alien Tribute

Page 24

by Lee Savino

  The tight ring of my anus stretches, and I whimper, wriggling on his lap as he slowly sinks his fingers into the narrow space.

  “I wasn’t that naughty!” I protest, although my objection is admittedly half-hearted at best.

  Bogdan chuckles and I can feel his amusement. “No, but you did call me an ass… I think you meant it as a hint for what you wanted.”

  “I definitely did not,” I retort, although my toes curl as he pumps his fingers harder, stretching the small hole. The slight burn has me panting with desire. I want him inside of me so badly, but for some reason I can’t turn off the sass.

  “Oh, well then.” He slides his fingers out of my ass, leaving me aching and hot all over, the teasing vibrations on my clit feeling so much worse now. Dammit!


  I can feel my Pareena’s rising frustration and I chuckle. I will not torment her for very long, though. I am too relieved to have her safely back in my arms. Even though she does not see the need for rest, I am determined she will get some. If I have to fuck her into submission to ensure that she rests afterward, then so be it.


  I begin to spank her bottom again and she wails. Not because of the pain, as I am not spanking her nearly as hard as I could be, but because she is flush with passion and aching to be filled.



  My cock rocks against her side as she writhes on my lap, my seela straining against the inside of my armor.

  Shifting the aim of my hand, I land the next swat directly on the pouting lips of her pussy and my Pareena cries out in pain and pleasure. Ordering the nanotech away from her swollen clit and back to the belt around her hips, I aim the next swat carefully and the tips of my fingers snap against that tender bud. I can feel the aching need, the ecstatic agony, the blow produces, and I do it again.

  And again.

  She sobs, bucking her hips upwards, on the verge of orgasm...

  Rather than giving her the final swat that she needs, I lift her up off my lap.

  "Wait! No!" she cries out, scrabbling uselessly and trying to keep her position so that I will keep spanking her sweet pussy. "I was almost there!"

  "I know," I chuckle, tossing her onto my sleeping platform on her back. "There are more punishments than just spankings, my Pareena."

  "Stupid manuals," she mutters, making me shake my head. I am amused that she believes I would be helpless to punish her without the manuals. But perhaps I should read more of them, as they do have such interesting ideas.

  I pull her jeans from her body so that I may spread her legs and lift the hem of her shirt up above her breasts. The rounded curves with their brown peaks are too tempting to resist and I lower mouth to the luscious bounty.


  Being edged as a punishment sucks.

  On the other hand, I'm pretty sure Bogdan isn't going to keep punishing me much longer. His hot mouth closes around my nipple and I moan, arching my back and wrapping my legs and arms around him. Well, trying to. He holds himself apart from me, keeping our bodies from touching the way I want them to, need them to, and it's driving me wild.

  The sensitized skin of my bottom rubs against the sheets beneath me, my clit throbbing between my legs after being spanked, and the hot suckling of my nipple creates a maelstrom within me, pulling me into its grip. When Bogdan plucks my hands from his shoulders, pinning arms down beside my head, I feel my entire body spasm in reaction to being rendered so completely helpless beneath him. His big body is between my legs, keeping me from being able to press my thighs together and rub, and I can feel the tickling sensation of the very tips of his seela questing over the tender skin of my inner thighs.

  "Please, Bogdan," I beg, writhing as he switches his attentions to my other nipple, leaving the first one tightly budded, wet and throbbing in the cool air. "I need you inside of me, I need you to fuck me... claim me..."

  He groans around my breast and I feel his weight come down on me more, the flexible head of his cock parting my pussy and teasing the lips with its waving motions. Then his mouth moves away from my nipple and covers my lips, keeping me from being able to say anything. I open my mouth, taking him inside me the only way I can right now, sucking on his tongue and trying to rub my pussy against the tip of his cock.

  I can feel his own desire, barely held back by his self-control, his determination to torment me, and I let my own emotions go completely. If I can feel him, then he can feel me, and I wallow in the passion that was threatening to overwhelm me, letting it swamp me completely.

  It works.

  He groans and then his cock is pushing inside of me, stretching me open so wonderfully as he thrusts forward. My pussy shudders around the bumps and curves of his shaft, my clit practically pulsing with joy when his prime seela slides around it. I cannot use my arms, but my legs wrap around his hips, pulling him into me until he is completely buried in my aching pussy.

  I moan against his lips as he recedes, and then cry out again when I feel the nanotech from my belt trickling down the crease of my bottom and sliding into my ass, quickly thickening and stretching the tiny hole. The sudden double penetration is shockingly erotic. I am so completely full of him, our passion twisting around each other… It’s like we’ve completely opened ourselves to each other, to our love. I no longer have any doubts that he’s real and he no longer is trying to hold back from me.

  That’s when it happens.

  The hot pleasure is interrupted by a sudden stabbing pain on my arm.

  “Ow!” I tear my lips away from Bogdan, my head jerking around to see the problem. My arm throbs but the skin is unbroken. A jewel-like shape of thin golden lines appears, pulsing lightly. “What the—”

  “My Pareena,” Bogdan murmurs, his tone almost savagely possessive. Startled, I look up at him and see him staring at his own arm where a similar image glows. I thought I was in tune with his emotions before, but now I can feel everything rushing through me—wonder, ecstasy, heart-bursting happiness.

  And love. So much love. His eyes are shining as he meets my gaze, a smile unlike any other spreading across his lips.

  “These are our bond marks,” he says reverently.

  “I can feel you,” I whisper. “It feels...” My voice trails off as I try to find the right words.

  “Like coming home. You are my home, Pareena.”

  For a being who has lost his home and spent centuries without, that means everything. Tears spark in my eyes, choking me and I can’t speak, so instead I arch my back and lift my head, pushing up to meet his lips in another passionate kiss. The mark on my arm tingles and suddenly he's thrusting into me in a frenzy.

  His seela latch onto my pussy and I scream against his lips, my orgasm exploding in a fit of ecstasy that consumes me heart, body, and soul.


  My Pareena.

  Completely mine now. By choice and by the mark. I cannot decide which gives me more satisfaction. Curled up with her in my arms, our bodies sated from pleasure, I feel... at rest. Peaceful in a way that I had never expected to feel again. I mourn the loss of Harai and the life that might have been, but I think she would be happy to see me where I am now.

  I am happy to be where I am now. I wish it had not come at such a cost... but I cannot change what happened to my people. All I can do is try and work to better their future.

  "Bogdan?" My Pareena's fingers stroke down the center of my chest, as though she is petting me. “Are you serious about considering evidence of the Vgotha’s innocence?”

  I wonder if the bond allows her to follow my thoughts as well as my emotions or if the Vgotha are just at the forefront of her mind as well. “I do not know if I can fully forgive them. They have fought with us many times. And the losses of Kalexston and Borodem are fresh in all our minds.”

  "Mine too," she says quietly, shifting slightly in my arms so that she can look into my eyes. I see the sadness there, feel it in my heart. “But… Tor lost warriors as well. And po
or choices were made by both sides that led to those losses.” A small smile curves her face, although there is not much humor in it. “Neither Tsenturions nor Vgotha seem to be very good at talking.”

  “Then it is a very good thing that we have you and Dawn now.” I brush her hair back from her face. “You are both very good at talking.”

  “I have a degree in talking,” my Pareena says, and this time her eyes sparkle with real amusement. “I just… you’re going to consider what the Vgotha have said, right?”

  “For you, my Pareena, I will consider anything. For you have proven anything is possible.” It will not be easy, and I do not know how the rest of the warriors will feel, but for her I will try.

  She leans in for a kiss, but before our lips meet, a chime from the bridge com interrupts. I still, fully alert.

  “Bogdan, you’re needed on the bridge.” Medik’s voice harsher than usual. Something is wrong.

  “What is it?” I rise to my feet, shifting seamlessly into warrior mode, protectiveness surging through me.

  “Vgotha ships are departing the planet.”



  The Vgotha are leaving the planet? Although, it makes sense. If they stay there, even hidden from the Tsenturion scans, they are vulnerable because the Tsenturions—and therefore the Jabol—know exactly where they are.

  “Drakk,” Bogdan races to the door and I scramble to follow, snatching up a gown that’s laying on the couch as I go. It’ll be faster to put on than the jeans and t-shirt. As the doors open, Bogdan realizes I’m right behind him and he turns to face me, pointing his finger back toward the bed. “Stay here, you need to rest.”

  “No.” My voice wobbles but I take the opportunity to tug my dress on over my head before putting my hands on my hips. “If they’re attacking, I want to know. I need to know. I feel responsible.” If he locks me in, I’ll figure out a way to override the door and deal with the punishment later. “Please, Bogdan, I need this.”

  He hesitates for only a moment. “Very well,” he says finally. “But you stay at my side and follow orders at all times. You must be silent while we are on the bridge.”

  “I understand,” I nod vigorously. Hand in hand, we race to the bridge, passing warriors on the way who are all scrambling to reach their stations. I only hope we’re not too late.

  As soon as the turbo lift opens onto the bridge, Bogdan practically leaps out. The Vgotha ships on are the screens and Arkdhem is barking orders to aim weapons at them. Medik stands off to the side, his expression blank, and I can’t help but wonder if Arkdhem even knows that Medik called Bogdan. My heart jumps into my throat… is Arkdhem about to start a new battle?!

  I hover at the back of the room, next to the lift, not wanting to distract any of them—and definitely not wanting to get in Bogdan’s way.

  “Hold fire,” Bogdan orders, overtop of Arkdhem. The Vgotha fleet is rising from the planet on the screen and I realize it’s not a scan—we can actually see them. Arkdhem turns to glare at Bogdan, his armor streaking red with anger.

  “I am not attacking,” he snaps, bristling. “I am preparing us in case they attack.”

  “They are flying away from us,” Bogdan says harshly, and I can feel his mistrust of Arkdhem’s motives. He looks around at the other warriors on the Bridge. “We will not fire on the Vgotha unless they fire on us first.”

  “But Commander...” I recognize Corin, who looks distraught at Bogdan’s orders. I bite my lip. He and Borodem were good friends, I can only imagine how he’s feeling right now. Bogdan was right. This is not going to be easy. Even though the Jabol are ultimately the ones at fault, it is the Vgotha who have directly caused their losses. That the Tsenturions have caused the Vgotha loss as well may or may not matter to a grief-stricken warrior.

  “What?” All the officers besides Bogdan look shocked.

  “You heard me,” Bogdan folds his arms over his chest, glowering harder than ever. Glower Maxima! It’s almost as good as a Harry Potter spell. The officers all put their heads down and avoid his gaze. Even Corin bows his head and turns away, although I can see the muscle in his jaw clenching with anger.

  The lift slides open beside me again and the High Commander strides on deck, Dawn following him a few steps behind, the same way I had done with Bogdan. She’s pale and looks relieved to see me, sidling over to stand beside me. We grip hands, the same way we did in the forest, looking to each other for support while surrounded by warriors whom we know will disagree with what we think should happen.

  “Report,” Gavrill demands in a sharp voice.

  “High Commander, the Vgotha ships are retreating from the planet,” Arkdhem replies, standing at attention. “When they were visible on screen, I prepared us for battle, in case they engaged. Bogdan arrived on the bridge shortly before you and countermanded an order I hadn’t yet given.” He glares at Bogdan, but it’s not as impressive as Bogdan’s glower. I don’t think anyone can glower as well as my mate.

  I know that’s a weird thing to be proud of, but it kind of reminds me of Alan Rickman’s best Snape glare and, well… it’s hot.

  “Please, High Commander… Why aren’t we attacking?” Corin asks, although his question is closer to a demand. He flings his arm at the screen, pointing. “They’re right there.”

  Gavrill hesitates for a long moment and the warriors stare at him, obviously picking up on the fact that something has changed. Several of them glance at Bogdan and then Arkdhem, confusion and worry creasing their brows. I know that Gavrill didn’t want to tell everyone the message Tor sent Dawn and I back with, but I’m a little worried that if he doesn’t say something, this may end up as a mutiny situation.

  “It is possible…” He says the words slowly, almost quietly, and then clears his throat to speak a little louder. “It is possible the Vgotha were not responsible for the destruction of Tsentur. You all know our Tributes returned to us unexpectedly. The Vgotha let them go, sending a message for me with them.”

  “It’s a trick!” Corin snaps out immediately and I don’t miss the fact that Arkdhem immediately nods in agreement.

  “It may be,” Gavrill says seriously. “But until we know, we are not going to engage with the Vgotha. The High Command is still reviewing the message the Tributes brought us and we will decide on our next course of action soon.”

  “We can’t just… let them go!” Corin fumes. “They killed Borodem today. Kalexston.” A murmur of agreement, soft but noticeable, travels around the bridge. Dawn and I both tense. I’d known that this wouldn’t be easy news for the Tsenturions to digest, but seeing it play out in front of me really drives that home.

  “And we killed some of theirs. If what the Vgotha say is true, all of those deaths lie at the hands of those who made it appear that the Vgotha were the ones who destroyed Tsentur.” Gavrill is very careful to talk around exactly who the Vgotha have accused of doing so, and I can’t blame him.

  The officers on the bridge are already on edge. Accusing the Jabol… it could push them over it, whether or not they believe it’s even possible. I bite my lip to keep from speaking. It is part of my personality to want to keep the peace, but I don’t know if I could say anything that would help right now. As if sensing my thoughts—and he very well might be—Bogdan glances at me and gives me a subtle shake of his head.

  “I will not have it!” Corin shouts, slamming his fist down. “We cannot disregard the deaths of our warriors—”

  “Stand down, officer,” Gavrill says sharply. The very air in the room is thick with tension and I feel like I can barely breathe. On screen, the Vgotha fleet suddenly disappears, streaking away from both the planet and the Tsenturions, and Dawn and I both let out relieved sighs. Unfortunately, that draws all eyes to us, and we immediately stiffen again.

  Not all of those gazes are friendly anymore.

  “You’re making a mistake,” Corin says acidly, turning his hostile gaze back to Gavrill. “You’ve become soft. The Tributes have made you em
otional. Weak. They have been easily tricked with Vgotha lies, but you should be better than that.”

  “Officer,” Medik puts his hand on Corin’s shoulder in an attempt to console him, coming up to him from behind, but Corin whirls, shoving the older man away in anger. Taken unaware, Medik goes flying and falls against a console. Dawn and I cry out. Several officers rush to help the fallen older warrior. I can see the expression of regret that immediately crosses Corin’s face when he realizes what he’s done.

  “Warrior Corin!” Gavrill’s voice roars out. “You will stand down and present yourself to the brig for disciplinary matters.”

  Still rigid with anger, Corin flexes his fists and then nods his head. He walks briskly to the lift, and both Dawn and I shrink back as he approaches, afraid of the fury-fueled grief roiling over his armor. He doesn’t even look at us as he passes. Our movement takes us closer to Medik and Dawn pulls me along with her, obviously concerned.

  “Are you all right?” She asks, as Arkdhem helps the older warrior to his feet.

  “I’m fine,” Medik reassures her, although he doesn’t have his usual air of quiet confidence about him. “He tried to pull his force at the last moment. He just caught me off balance.”

  Gavrill begins speaking again, addressing all of the warriors on the bridge, and we fall quiet. “We are reviewing evidence and will provide a debrief soon. For now, you will not speak of any of this outside of this room.”

  I wonder how many times he’ll have to say that before this is all over.

  There are some hard decisions to be made soon. I’m glad I don’t have to make them.

  Nodding at Arkdhem, Gavrill turns to collect Dawn, silently passing command of the bridge back to his third.


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