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Sydney Storm MC Complete Series

Page 12

by Levine, Nina

  Hyde found me before I found King. Anger rolled off him. I’d never seen him this fired up. “What the fuck did you do?”

  “I sorted some family shit out,” I threw back at him. “Just like you would have done if it was your family on the line.”

  “No, what you did was create club shit and that’s something I sure as fuck wouldn’t have done. When Gambarro figures out who you are and that you’re with Storm, he’ll come, gunning for us, and he won’t fucking hold back. I can promise you that.”

  “You don’t think I’ve already thought of that?”

  “I seriously don’t know what the fuck goes through your mind anymore, Kick. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you had a head full of pussy and had lost your fucking mind, but seems as though I know you’re a cold-hearted bastard who doesn’t ever let pussy control him, I don’t know what’s gotten into you.”

  “Hyde,” King’s voice sounded from behind me and as he got closer, he said, “we’re backing Kick on this.”

  Hyde’s anger and frustration grew and he channelled it into a punch to the wall closest to him. “Fuck!” he roared as he stood staring at us, his eyes wild, his face flushed. “Do you know what the fuck that will do to Storm, King?”

  King was the master of controlling his emotions when he wanted to and he did that now. The vein pulsing in his neck was the only giveaway he was angry. “Of course I fucking know what this will do to Storm. I also know we have the connections to take him on. And win.” He turned to look at me, his eyes flashing from anger to that wicked look he got when something excited him. “And I’m in the mood for some fun. Let’s shake this shit up, boys. Let’s show Sydney what the fuck Storm is made of.”

  Hyde shook his head. “Fuck, you’re an insane motherfucker sometimes, King.”

  King grinned. “It keeps life interesting, my friend.”

  “And what about this other shit with Silver Hell? If they figure out that was you, then we’ll have two lots of assholes coming after us,” Hyde said.

  King shrugged. “Bring it on. Like I said, Storm is connected, and if need be, I’ll fucking drag our other chapters in.”

  Hyde raised his hands. “I’ve had my say. You’re the President, so whatever you say goes, but I’m letting you know I think this is some fucked-up shit.”

  King took in what he’d said and then grew serious. “Hyde, we’re brothers. If one of us needs help, we all pull together. Kick always has our backs. It’s time we take his.”

  Hyde stared at both of us for a long moment and then blew out his breath. “Fuck,” he muttered. “Yeah.” And then he walked away, leaving King and I alone.

  “Thanks, brother,” I said.

  “No thanks needed. Whatever you need from me, you have it. Just ask.”

  I nodded and watched as he, too, walked away.

  Storm had become my family when my own had fallen apart years ago and King had always been there for me. He’d just shown me I was true family to him because King never offered anyone whatever they needed. He never told anyone just to ask for what they needed. Usually you had to sell your soul to get that kind of offer from King.


  I’d sold my soul a long fucking time ago.

  King was only giving me what I was due.

  Chapter Eleven


  I shimmied into the new red dress I’d bought today and smoothed it down into place. Stepping in front of the mirror in my bedroom, I assessed myself. Not bad. I’d spent the day pampering myself with a haircut and colour, and then a pedicure and wax. Kick might not be the kind of man to celebrate Valentine’s Day, but that didn’t stop me from acknowledging it and looking good for him. Tonight, I planned on seducing him into giving me multiple orgasms. Kick was the only guy I’d ever slept with who’d been able to do that for me, and I could hardly wait to get him started. Shit, I’d been thinking about it all day and was more than ready to go, so the first one wouldn’t take him long.

  Once I was happy with my dress, I headed into the kitchen. It was nearly seven o’clock. Surely he’d be here soon. I’d actually expected to see him much earlier today but he must have had a lot to take care of because I hadn’t seen or heard from him since he left my bed this morning.

  I kept myself busy for another half hour but when I still hadn’t heard from him, I decided to call him instead.

  He didn’t answer.

  Shit, where was he?

  I sat at the kitchen table and thought about it for a few minutes, and then I knew. Well, I had an idea of where he might have gone so I grabbed my car keys and went in search of him.

  Fifteen minutes later, I walked into the pub that used to be ‘ours’. It was the place he took me to celebrate my eighteenth birthday which then led to us getting together, so I’d always thought of it as ours.

  He was sitting at a table in the far back corner. Alone, and he wore a look that told me he was contemplating stuff. Something bad must have gone down. It was never a good sign when Kick was contemplative.

  I walked to where he sat and he looked up as I approached. His eyes were vacant - it was as if he was looking straight through me. And then he blinked and I must have come into focus for him, because his gaze travelled over my body. When his eyes came back to mine, I saw the want in them that had been missing a minute ago.

  “Evie,” he murmured, “what are you doing here?”

  I sat opposite him, hating that he’d asked me that. “Is it not okay that I came looking for you?”

  He reached his hand across the table to take hold of mine. “It’s always okay for you to come looking for me.”

  “So why did you just ask me what I was doing here?”

  “Guilt,” he said softly and didn’t elaborate.

  “What’s wrong, Kick?”

  He stared at me for what felt like ages. He seemed to be weighing something up and I expected something bad to come out of his mouth but he surprised me when he finally spoke. “I fucked up Valentine’s Day.”


  “I should have picked you up earlier and taken you on a date. I’d planned to . . .”

  “I think we both know dates on Valentine’s Day are not your kind of thing, and I’m okay with that.”


  I smiled. “Yeah. But you’re gonna have to make up for that in other ways.”

  Heat flared in his eyes. “I think I’m good for that, baby. I don’t think I could fuck that up even if I tried.”

  “I think you’re right there. You have mad talents in that department.”

  He laughed, and it was so damn good to see him relax a little. “Good to know my talents are appreciated,” he said, letting go of my hand and sitting back in his chair.

  My smile faded. “Now, are you gonna tell me what’s really going on, because I am betting it’s got absolutely nothing to do with Valentine’s Day? Is it something to do with my father? Is that why you’re sitting alone in this pub tonight looking like you’re assessing your whole damn life?”

  “This is our pub, Evie. It’s where I come to think.”

  Warmth spread out from my belly.

  He remembers.

  “Yeah, I know it’s our pub,” I said, and then asked, “What are you thinking about?”

  “Do you ever look back on your life and wonder if you could have done it better?” His eyes watched me intently, waiting for my answer.

  I nodded. “Yeah, I do it a lot.” I drove myself crazy with my thoughts sometimes.

  He listened to what I said, remaining still. His body was so tightly wound by the looks of it and I wanted to lay my hands on him and try to work some of that tension out. But what Kick needed at this very minute was a listening ear so I gave him that instead.

  Eventually, he stretched his arm back to grab hold of the back of his neck, letting out a muttered, “Fuck,” while he did it.

  I leant my forearms on the table and shifted forward in my seat. “Please tell me what’s wrong.”

��I sorted your father’s debt today . . . but I’ve caused other problems in order to do that.”

  My relief was short-lived as what he’d just said filtered through. I frowned. “What kind of problems do you mean?” My heart beat faster in my chest at the thought something bad would come of all this.

  He reached for the beer in front of him and took a swig before placing it back on the table and absently running his finger around the rim. Eventually, he gave me his eyes, and said, “It’s nothing the club and I can’t handle, but . . . fuck, I don’t know, have you ever gotten to a point in your life where you feel sick of all the shit you have to deal with? Like, if you’d made different choices in your life, things would be so much different.”

  “Yes,” I whispered, not taking my eyes off him.

  “I just want this to be simple, Evie,” he said quietly.

  “What?” I asked, unsure of what he was referring to.

  Anguish burned in his eyes. “Us. I just want us to be easy for once.”

  My heart squeezed in my chest.

  I hated seeing him hurt.

  Standing, I held out my hand to him. His brows pulled together, questioning, so I said, “I want it to be easy too, Kick, so I’m going to show you how much I love you, and we’re going to make a pact to stick together no matter what. Life might be hard, but you and I can do everything possible to make us easy.”

  He stared at my hand for what felt like ages and then gave me his as he slowly stood. When his gaze met mine, he said, “I fuckin’ hope so, baby.”

  * * *

  “Stop,” Kick growled, his arm wrapping around my waist and pulling me back to him as he came through my front door. He closed the door behind him and whispered in my ear, “That was the longest fuckin’ ride.”

  I let my head fall back on his shoulder, and when his mouth found my neck a moment later, I moaned as his lips set my body on fire. My hand reached up and my fingers slid through his hair. Gripping tight, I admitted, “The last three years have been the longest fucking years, Kick.”

  He ground his erection against my ass. “Fuck, baby, never going there again,” he promised gruffly. His mouth pressed harder into my neck, and his lips and tongue worked their magic on me. His hand skimmed up my body, ghosting over my breasts and my neck to eventually end up in my hair. My core nearly exploded when he roughly grabbed my hair, yanked my head to the side, and rasped, “You ready for your Valentine’s present?”


  I’d missed this.

  Missed Kick’s rough side.

  Before I managed to form coherent words, his hand that was around my waist, reached down to the bottom of my dress, and pulled it up high enough to give him access to my panties. His hand slid straight in, his fingers gliding through the wetness I’d had for him all day. He teased me for a few moments, sampling my pussy without giving me what I wanted. What he knew I wanted. Every time his finger came near my entrance, I pushed myself into his hand, trying desperately to force him inside, but he quickly moved his finger away and circled back to my clit.

  “Kick . . .” I groaned, trying to move my head out of his hold so I could attempt to gain some control back.

  “No,” he growled, holding my hair tighter, yanking it harder to the side, showing me who held the control here. His finger ran circles over my clit again before slowly moving back down. “Tell me how much you want this, baby,” he ordered, his finger hovering over my entrance, teasing the hell out of me again.

  “I want it so bad,” I mewled, my mind and body completely consumed with the need for his finger to be inside me.

  “I’m not convinced.”

  His gravelly voice drifted into my consciousness, and I decided to show him rather than tell him. I moved one of my hands down to his with the intent of making him do what I wanted, but his hand swiftly left my panties to grab hold of mine. A groan escaped my lips at being thwarted.

  “I said tell me, not show me,” he warned, trapping my hand in his firm grip.

  Lust had taken over my body, pure need flowing through every vein. Kick had always been a master of bringing me to the edge, of driving me to complete desperation.

  Desperate for his touch.

  Desperate for his words.

  Desperate to be joined as one.

  “I want you more than anything else in this world, baby,” I whispered.

  He stilled and I waited.

  I knew those words would send him over the edge, and I was right. He let me go so he could roughly push me against the wall. Forcing his body hard against mine, his hands took hold of my face and his mouth pressed down onto mine as he took what he wanted. A searing kiss that was as demanding as it was tender.

  My arms wrapped around him and I dug my fingers into his back, knowing that would fire him up as much as my words had. Kick was right about something he’d said the other day – we knew each other so well. Sex with him was amazing because we knew exactly what turned each other on.

  His kiss grew more urgent, his body pressed even harder against me, and I took everything he had to give. Years of denying our desire shaped this kiss and I felt it all.

  He devoured me.

  He worshipped me.

  He loved me.

  “Fuck, you’re beautiful,” he murmured as he ended the kiss and searched my face. His finger lightly traced patterns over my lips. When he forced my lips open, I took what he offered and sucked his finger, tasting myself there, swirling my tongue over his finger because I knew he loved that. I knew he got off on me tasting myself and loving it.

  I reached for the button on his jeans and he let me, but he never took his eyes off mine. Once I had his jeans undone, I reached in and took hold of his hard cock, running my thumb over the pre-cum on the tip. His eyes fluttered shut for a moment and he exhaled a hard breath. When he gave me back his gaze, I said, “I’m ready for your Valentine’s present now.”

  “Suck my cock, baby . . . show me how fuckin’ much you love me,” he commanded, heat-filled eyes telling me how much he wanted that.

  My lips pulled up at the ends in a smile. I loved sucking his cock. Without hesitation, I knelt and pulled his jeans and boxers down to free his cock. After he’d kicked his pants aside, I ran my hands up his legs, taking my time so I could appreciate the muscles he’d built since last I’d had this pleasure. His hand landed on my head. The way he held tight combined with the sounds of his heavy breaths told me how much he wanted this. I took hold of his cock and wrapped my lips around the tip and gently sucked it. Only the tip. Two could play at the game of tease.

  His hand pressed harder on my head, trying to force me to take his entire length into my mouth. “Fuck, Evie, suck the whole fuckin’ thing, baby,” he groaned, obviously craving what I wanted to make him work for.

  I gripped him harder and stroked the length of him while moving my mouth away. “All in good time,” I murmured, enjoying the game.

  Just as I was settling in to play with him a bit more, hands reached under my arms and yanked me up and over his shoulder. He strode down my hall and towards my bedroom while I cried out, “Kick! Put me down!”

  His hand met my ass in a slap that jolted pain through me while at the same time causing intense pleasure to shoot through me. “Not fuckin’ likely, sweetheart. You wanna play with me? Well, we play my fuckin’ way,” he said, and I almost came just from his words. At his promise.

  Fuck me, I loved it when Kick took charge like this.

  A minute later he dumped me on the bed before standing at the end of the bed and demanding, “Where are they?”

  I shifted to lean on my elbows and look up at him. Frowning, I asked, “Where’s what?”

  “The cuffs I bought you.”

  Oh god, yes.

  “In the bottom drawer,” I said, pointing my chin at the chest of drawers in the corner.

  He stalked over to the drawers, found what he was after and came back to me. “Up and turn around,” he barked, indicating for me to stand in front of h
im facing the other way.

  Without hesitation, I did what he said and a moment later, he snapped the handcuffs on my wrists and locked them into place. His hand slid around my waist to spin me around to face him again. The carnal desire written on his face pulsed happiness through me and my body buzzed with expectation.

  This is going to blow my fucking mind.

  He ran his finger across my lips and said, “I want these lips around my cock and I want you to suck until I come like I haven’t come in three fuckin’ years.” He paused, his gaze locked on my lips as if his mind was far away, and then he murmured, “There are no lips like yours, Evie.”

  As my body tried to cope with the assault of desire his words caused, his hands moved to my shoulders and pushed me down to my knees. Once he had me where he wanted me, one of his hands held my head in place while the other one guided his cock into my mouth. I took it all the way in and began sucking. My hands locked behind my back itched to be involved, but he’d made sure I had no control over this so I worked with what I had. My lips and tongue worked him up into a frenzy and I almost gagged as he forced his dick as far down my throat as he could, but Kick and I had this down to a fine art from years of practice and he knew when to back off and I knew when to breathe.

  Kick’s breathing grew ragged and he began grunting his appreciation of my mouth, and then he stilled and demanded, “You wanna swallow, baby?”

  Still with his cock in my mouth, I nodded and he muttered, “Fuck.” A moment later he pumped cum down my throat and I happily swallowed it all.

  He pulled out and dropped to his knees in front of me. Reaching behind me, he undid the handcuffs and freed my hands before roughly taking my dress and bra off. He then moved his hand down to my panties and ripped them off. I shivered at his rough touch. So hot, and it turned me on even more. His finger found my clit and began massaging it. Then he slid his finger along my slit before finally . . . god, finally, pushing his finger all the way in. And then he fucked me hard with his fingers.


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