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Sydney Storm MC Complete Series

Page 133

by Levine, Nina

  Pulling out my lighter, I said, “That’s a fuckload of fucks, woman.” It was unlike Lily to swear so much, which only told me how worked up she was over this.

  She ripped the lighter from my hand, still crazed as fuck. “Yeah, because they are necessary!” Lighting the smoke, she sucked nicotine deep into her lungs.

  “What’s going on with Zara? You know for sure she had sex?”

  “No, she won’t confirm it, but I read some texts on her phone from that little shit, and I’m almost completely certain she has.”

  Lily was fucking hot when she was worked up like this. I had to work harder than usual to drag my mind from thinking about the shit I wanted to do to her. “Right, so you get through tonight, and then tomorrow you force a pregnancy test on her.”

  She pulled a face as she took another drag of her smoke. “You have to wait a little while before those tests will work accurately. God, unless she had sex weeks ago, and I didn’t know. Fuck.”

  In an effort to take her mind off her daughter, I said, “How’s Brynn?”

  Her shoulders lifted and then dropped as she let out a long breath, almost like she’d been holding it forever. “She’s confused and not really with it.” She gave me a small smile. “But she’s awake and that’s all that matters.”

  “Yeah,” I agreed, because that really was all that fucking mattered.

  She reached for the milk after she finished her smoke. “Are you hungry? I put some steak and veges in the oven for you.”

  I closed the space between us and grabbed her around the waist. I needed my hands on her. Hell, I needed a lot more than that, but it was what I had to settle for. “I’m fucking starving.”

  She stared up at me, aware I wasn’t referring to food. Her eyes flared with the same heat running through me. She surprised me when she said softly, almost hesitantly, “Are you sure this is what you want?”

  I tightened my hold on her. “Never been more sure of anything in my life.”

  Continuing to watch me with uncertainty, she said, “I’ve only ever dated a handful of guys in my life, and have mostly been with Linc, so I’m not experienced in this whole relationship thing, but I will tell you one thing—I don’t do games. I’m not saying that’s what you’re doing, at all, but I am saying, the idea of you walking away again hurts. It hurt the first time you did it, and I don’t wanna go through that again. So if you’re—”

  I put my finger to her mouth. “I don’t like games either, and I don’t engage in them. I’m not going anywhere, Lily. And if you ever mention those motherfuckers you dated again, I’ll put you over my fucking knee and spank that out of you.” Bending my head, my lips grazed her ear as I growled, “You’re mine now, and I don’t fucking share.”

  Her hands found my face and she took hold of it so she could direct my mouth to hers. Her grip was hard, determined, and when our lips met, she kissed me with an urgency and passion she hadn’t yet. This kiss was hot as hell, and all I wanted to do was rip her clothes off, lay her the fuck down, and slam my dick inside her.

  I gave her a minute longer with my lips than I should have before tearing myself away. Jesus, it had been hard enough not having her last night—I had no fucking idea how I’d make it through tonight without getting my fill of her.

  “Fuck, woman, don’t kiss me like that when I can’t do anything with it,” I rasped as I took a step away from her.

  She watched me, breathless and just as aroused as I was. “Well don’t tell me I’m yours and that you don’t fucking share. That shit is hot and makes me wanna climb you.”

  Jesus fuck.

  “We need to move this inside,” I muttered as I put my hands to her hips and spun her around.

  “You do realise that manhandling me only gets me hotter, right?” she threw over her shoulder as we walked inside.

  I ignored that and focused on getting us inside so I could eat my dinner and take my mind off screwing the hell out of her. There was only so much a man could take when he was as hard as I was, and I’d reached my limit. At this point, I was calling on divine fucking intervention, and that was saying something, because like I’d told Lily today, I didn’t believe in that shit.

  Robbie came screaming into the kitchen as we entered, irritation plastered across his face. After a quick glance at me, he grumbled, “Mum! Zara won’t get out of the bathroom, and I want to have a shower.”

  Lily looked at her son. “She only just hopped in the shower. You need to give her some time.”

  His eyes widened. “But I need a shower now!” He’d worked himself up into a state over this and looked like he was about to completely lose his shit.

  Lily wrapped her hands around his biceps and bent so she could look him in the eyes. “Baby, take a deep breath.” When he refused and simply stared at her, she said, “Robbie, we’ve talked about this. Being part of a family means we have to make allowances for each other, and learn to compromise and share. Just because you’re ready to have a shower right now, doesn’t mean you can. Sometimes our plans don’t fit with each other’s, so we have to rework them. You understand that, right?”

  His lips flattened as he stared at her. He seemed caught in that place where kids know they’re wrong but don’t want to admit it. Finally he nodded. “I do, but I don’t like it.”

  I fought back a smile. I liked his style. I also liked her patience with him.

  Lily stood and pressed a kiss to his forehead. “Yeah, buddy, I get that. There’s a lot of things I don’t like, too, but that’s life and we just have to learn to work with it.”

  He grumbled something I couldn’t figure out as he stomped out of the kitchen.

  Lily sighed as she watched him go. She then turned to me and said, “You want a beer with your steak?”

  “You drink beer?”

  “No. I picked some up on the way home. I figured you probably drank it and might want some. I mean, I have no idea if you do or what you’d prefer, but the guy in the shop told me which ones were his bestsellers so I ran with one of them.” She paused for a moment, thinking, before adding, “Mum probably has some whisky in the house if you want that instead.”

  Fucking hell, this woman.

  I jerked my chin. “I’ll have a beer.”

  “You don’t want me to look for some whisky?”

  I shook my head. “I’m good with beer.”

  Something I said, or my tone, caused her to slow down and hit me with a smile that shot warmth to my gut. “Okay.”

  She then busied herself heating my dinner, grabbed a beer from the fridge, and brought it all to the table for me. I sat on my ass and watched her every movement, paying special attention to her ass and legs that were painted with those tight-as-fuck jeans she liked to wear. As hard as I tried, I failed at not allowing my mind to wander back to last night when I’d had my hand in her pants. She hadn’t wanted to admit how much she wanted me. I’d known it wouldn’t take long to break her down though, because it was clear as fucking day that she wanted my hands on her.

  “What are you thinking?” she asked as she placed my meal in front of me.

  I hooked my arm around her and pulled her onto my lap. She came easily, sliding into place like she was made to be there, arm around my neck, tits pressed against me, smile blazing just for me. Moving my free hand to her throat, I ran my fingers over her collarbone and said, “I was thinking about our fingers deep inside you and about how much I need to taste you again.”

  She bit her lip, and fuck if that didn’t hit my veins with a craving I knew wouldn’t be satisfied tonight. “I’ve never been with a man who has a filthy mouth like yours.”

  My grip around her neck tightened. “Pretty fucking sure I told you never to mention another man to me again,” I growled, shocked as shit at the possessiveness sitting deep in my gut.

  Heat radiated from every inch of her and she brought her mouth close to mine. “It needs to be said that you’re hot when you’re jealous.” As the last word fell from her lips, she kissed
me, her tongue tangling with mine in ways that made me think of it on my dick.


  Lily had me all worked up to the point I could hardly fucking think straight. Dragging my mouth from hers, I smacked her ass and ordered, “Off. I need a moment without you wiggling that pretty ass of yours all over my dick.”

  She raised her brows, her lips twitching with a smile. “If I’m not mistaken, it was you who pulled my ass onto your lap, so stop your whinging and bitching.”

  She did as I said, though, and sat next to me, watching me with amusement, and heat, and care all rolled into one. I’d never met a woman like her, and maybe that was half of my attraction to her, but the way she nurtured had a lot to do with it as well. Lily might have been gentle, with a softness I didn’t often see in my world, but she was also solid, and there for those she loved, and that was something that called deeply to me.

  I took a swig of beer before asking, “When are you moving back home?”

  “Oh God, I’ve hardly thought about that. Soon. The kids need to get back into a routine, and I do too.”

  “It’ll be a mess, Lily. I can organise for the boys to clean it up for you.”

  “Linc already cleaned it. Well, he said he did. I haven’t been over yet to inspect.”

  “I’ll go over and make sure. Fingerprint dust is a bitch to fucking clean and there may be some shit that needs to be repaired or thrown out, depending on…” I pulled myself up—she didn’t need to hear or think about her sister’s blood splatter. “I’ll check it out and clean up anything that still needs it.”

  “Thank you,” she said softly.

  I eyed her mother who had entered the dining room, and Lily turned to greet her. “Hey, Ma. You okay?”

  Hannah sat next to her and threw me a smile before answering her daughter. “I’m just tired, that’s all. I think I might go to bed now.”

  Exhaustion lined her face. Hell, it lived and breathed all over her. She was far from the woman I’d met who talked my ear off.

  Lily reached out to hug her. “Do you want a sleeping pill or do you think you’ll be okay without one?”

  Tears pooled in Hannah’s eyes as she nodded. “Yes, I think I need one, darling.”

  Lily jumped up. Glancing at me, she said, “I won’t be long.”

  I jerked my chin. “Don’t worry about me.”

  She ushered her mother out, speaking soothingly to her as they went, leaving me in silence. I sat and ate the best damn meal I’d eaten since the last time I’d had Lily’s cooking. The peace and quiet in this house was fucking music to my ears. And yet, it wasn’t completely quiet because I could hear the kids arguing over something. But without the tension I was used to being surrounded by daily, this was peaceful. Calm.

  I finished my dinner and beer, and had just finished washing the dirty plate and cutlery when Lily walked into the kitchen. She moved next to me, placing her hand on my hip. “Thanks for doing that.”

  I didn’t know if it was the need I had for her, or the gratitude I heard in her voice, or the softness in her eyes, or what the fuck it was, but one of those things drove me to reach for her waist, lift her onto the kitchen counter, and crush my lips to hers.

  She moaned into my mouth as her legs and arms circled me. By the time we finished with the kiss, we were both a mess of frantic desire. Problem was, we couldn’t do anything with it. Not with her family in the house.

  Gripping my hair, she panted, “God, I want to fuck you.”

  “Jesus,” I rasped, “I need to get out of here.”

  She pulled her head back to look me in the eyes. “You’re not staying the night?” Her disappointment couldn’t be mistaken. It was written all over her and bled from her voice.

  My fingers dug into her hips. “There’s no fucking way I can sleep next to you tonight without having my hands all over you and my dick inside you.”

  “So do that.”

  She didn’t know what she was saying. “Lily, your mother and your kids are in the house. You do not want me—”

  She pressed her lips to mine and claimed another kiss from me. “Maybe I do.”

  “Fucking hell.” I slid my hands around her ass and yanked her hard against me. “The level of need I have for you isn’t the kind that can be satisfied with a quick fuck, and it sure as hell won’t be quiet. There is no way I’m fucking you tonight.”

  She squeezed her arms and legs around me even tighter, like she couldn’t get close enough to me. Bending her face to my neck, she kissed me there and murmured, “I’m sorry I’m being needy. I just really want you to stay and cuddle me tonight.”

  “I don’t fucking cuddle, Lily.”

  Her mouth moved along my collarbone as she continued kissing me. “Yeah, you do. It’s nice.”

  Hell, no one had ever called the shit I did nice. And just like that, I changed my fucking mind. I let her go and took a step back. “Get your ass in the bedroom.”

  Her eyes lit up. “You’re staying?”

  “Yeah, I’m fucking staying.”

  Chapter Twelve


  “See, you do cuddle,” Lily said early the next morning when she woke. “You’re like a big bear, all arms and legs around me.”

  I tightened my embrace and ground my dick against her ass. The night had been hell sleeping next to her. I put my mouth to her ear. “What time do your kids wake up?” I’d stuck to my word last night and hadn’t fucked her, but I wasn’t a fucking saint—I couldn’t restrain myself any longer.

  She wiggled and twisted until she faced me. Reaching for my dick, she said, “We’ve got at least an hour, I’d say.”

  Before she knew what was happening, I had her under me, naked. Raising her arms over her head against the headboard, I pressed firmly on her wrists and ordered, “Keep them there.”

  The change in my tone caught her attention and her eyes flared with the same excitement they did every time I had her. That always increased my desire, and today was no different. But fuck, after the past couple of days, the need I had for Lily had stirred some dark shit in me, so what I felt now had me on the edge of danger. I was fighting with myself not to take her too far, not to fucking break her. And that in itself was a whole other mindfuck, because caring whether I forced a woman past that edge wasn’t something I’d experienced for a long time.

  I ran my gaze down the curves of her body, taking my time with this because it helped focus the erratic thoughts in my head. When I was this wired for sex, my mind ran in a million different directions, imagining every last fucking thing I wanted to do. Some fucked-up shit drew me down dark alleys in my brain, demanding release. Driving my actions. Sometimes I acted on these thoughts, other times, I managed to control myself. Today, I was working like fuck to get a handle on my shit. It seemed that wanting a woman as much as I wanted Lily, heightened my dark desires.



  Her voice snapped me back to attention, and I reacted with a hand around her neck. “Don’t talk,” I rasped, my gaze pinned to her throat. I’d come back to her neck, but first I needed to taste her.

  I bent my face to suck one of her nipples into my mouth as I cupped a hand around her tit. Lily’s breasts were a perfect fucking handful, and if we weren’t on a time limit today, I’d dedicate some serious time to them. Since we were low on time, I made do with a few minutes sucking and biting before continuing down to her pussy.

  She arched her back as I let go of her neck and gripped her hips. And when my fingers dug into her soft skin, a moan fell from her lips. Before I buried my face in her cunt, I glanced up to find her head turned to the side, eyes closed, mouth parted while she took shallow breaths.

  Fucking hell, she was beautiful.

  My need raged through me at the sight, and I forced her legs wide, slid my body down the bed, flat to the mattress, and finally took the taste of her I’d been craving for days.

  She was wet for me, and within a few moments of running my tongue throug
h her, my beard was fucking coated in her. Gliding my hands under her ass, I lifted her slightly so her pussy was in line with my mouth. And then I ate her out, my rhythm rough and hard.

  It was all lips and tongue and teeth, a little brutal, completely possessive. This was me stamping my fucking ownership of her cunt. And she fucking loved it. Lily writhed and moaned and pulled my hair while I made her come. As her orgasm took hold, our eyes met and I licked slowly along her pussy, lapping her cum up.

  “Oh fuck, King… Fucking hell…” Her head fell back as she arched up off the bed again and shuddered through the orgasm. Her body was a quivering mess, and seeing her lose herself like that got me harder than I already was.

  I moved off the bed, stripped out of my boxers, and grabbed a condom before coming back to her. Dropping it on the mattress, I reached for her legs and yanked her down to where I stood at the end of the bed. She’d barely recovered from her orgasm and my rough movements appeared to bewilder her as she attempted to bring her complete attention around to what I was doing. She was fucking hot with her flushed skin, messy hair all over the place, and those lips of hers slightly parted while she watched me to see what would come next.

  When I had her sitting on the end of the bed, I grasped her cheeks with one hand while slowly wiping her cum from my beard with my other hand. She stared silently up at me, just like I’d told her. Taking hold of my dick, I ran the tip of it along her mouth. “Open up and suck me in. I wanna feel your throat,” I growled.

  Keeping our eyes locked, she placed one hand over mine, wrapped her lips around my cock and took it into her mouth. She did as I said and sucked me back to her throat. As I shifted my hand away, her fingers laced through mine and she gripped me firmly keeping our hands together, eyes still holding mine. She worked my dick with long and slow sucks. Her rhythm wasn’t my usual preference, but fuck if I didn’t want anything but what she gave. Her tongue slid over me with the same slow style her lips did, and a low moan came from deep within her, signalling how fucking turned on she was. It vibrated along my dick, and her lips pulled up a little as the hint of a smile touched them, revealing her pleasure.


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