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Holiday Hookup

Page 2

by S A Clayton

  When the late November air hits my bare legs, I wonder why I thought it was a good idea to wear this dress, and why I didn’t think to bring a heavier coat. I pull out my phone only to find it died some time while we were in the bar and so I do the only thing I can think of… look up at the sky and wonder what I did to deserve this.

  I quietly whisper, “Why?”

  “Everything okay?”

  My body jolts at the recognition it feels toward that voice, the one I’ve been conjuring in my mind all night. I slowly turn and as those green eyes meet mine, I thank whoever sent him my way.

  “Yup, just trying to decide whether this is a cruel joke or just karma for trusting my friend.”

  He’s leaning against the brick wall, one foot on the ground, and the other planted on the wall. It’s sexier than anything I have ever seen until that smile graces his face and I realize that that is the sexiest thing I have ever seen.

  “Where is your friend?” he asks, looking down the empty street as he pushes himself off the wall, making his way toward me.

  “Went home with some guy.” I shrug as if it’s no big deal, but really, I just want to go home, get out of this dress and get into my bed .

  “And she left you all alone knowing you’ve had a good bit to drink?”

  I can’t quite place the tone of his voice. I want to say he sounds angry at Jenn for leaving me, but the quirk in his lips as he said it shows a hint of humor.

  “Unfortunately, yes. She also left me with a dead phone and no way of getting home.” I look down the street hoping to see a cab drive by, but of course, I see nothing.

  “That’s quite the predicament you’ve gotten yourself into.” His eyes sparkle as he walks just a bit closer, his cologne taking over all my senses.

  “I thought you left.” I groan inwardly at the word vomit that just left my mouth.

  “I didn’t think you’d notice.”

  Those emerald greens wash over me as my shoulders shrug, trying to calm my racing heart as he steps even closer, causing all of my senses to go into overdrive.

  “Thought maybe you were too into showcasing just how amazing that body of yours looks while it moves.” His fingers tug on the velvet belt of my jacket and pull, causing me to fall into his hard chest.

  “What are you doing?” My voice barely above a whisper, my eyes searching his only to find pure lust staring back at me.

  “Something I wanted to do the second you walked away from me.”

  And before I can question him further, his head dips and I know exactly what’s about to happen.

  “I don’t think this is smart,” I murmur, my eyes remaining closed, too embarrassed that I’m stalling the hottest guy I have ever seen from kissing me.

  “Who says I’m smart?” he teases, my eyes opening only to find his gaze searing into mine. I swallow audibly as that cocky smirk filters across his lips. “You say the word and I’ll walk away, but I think… I think you want me to stay.”

  I close my eyes one more time, trying to find the courage to say no because that’s the responsible thing to do. But every cell in my body is screaming to find out what those lips feel like against mine.

  So, against my better judgment, I do the one thing I never thought I’d ever do. I pull him close, melting against him. I throw away all my anxiety, all my fears, and touch my lips to his.

  Chapter 4

  Fucking Hell. She tastes even better than I imagined and trust me when I say I imagined it a whole lot as I watched her on that dance floor. Our lips meld together as the kiss becomes all-consuming. Her fingers find the edge of my leather jacket, pulling me closer. On a groan I pull away, wanting nothing more than to stay here in this moment with her, but knowing I need to stop this before I fuck her against the light post behind her.

  “What’s your name?” I murmur against the side of her neck, my tongue darting out and I groan at the taste of her skin.

  “Nellie.” Her breathy moan causes my cock to harden as I pull her closer. “What’s yours?” Her eyes are closed, and I wonder if she’s even paying attention.

  “Doesn’t matter…” I’m stalling for two reasons. One, because I don’t want her to pull away from me, and two, because I’m worried once I say my name, she’ll realize who I am. But just as my hands find their way to her ass, pulling her even closer, she stills.

  “Doesn’t matter?” Shit. My plan is backfiring so I do the only thing I know will distract her.

  I kiss her.


  And instantly she melts into me once more as I revel in her taste, the feel of her under my hands, and wondering where’s she been my whole life. But it doesn’t last long. She breaks away, her eyes searching mine as she takes a deep breath.

  “So, you kiss me, demand my name yet refuse to give yours?”

  Well, this turned quickly, and from her stance—hands on her hips, head cocked to the side—we’re not leaving here until she gets an answer.

  “It’s complicated,” I admit, watching as her eyes roll and her hands fall to her sides.

  “You know, as good a kisser as you are,” she starts, my chest puffing out at the compliment before she holds up her hand to let her continue, “I’m too old to play these kinds of games.” With that, she gives me one last look, as if she’s saving me in her memory, and starts to walk away.

  It takes a few seconds before I realize I haven’t moved, so I jog to catch up with her.

  “Look, Nellie…” God, I love the sound of her name on my lips. “At least let me walk you back to my hotel. You can use their phone.”

  She eyes me, her gaze going to my pockets, obviously searching for an outline of a phone.

  “I left my phone in my hotel room. Didn’t want any distraction tonight.” Although I got one anyway.

  “You know, if I wasn’t stranded, cold, and exhausted, I would tell you to F-off, but I need a ride home.”

  When I don’t say anything or move, she looks back toward me.


  “You don’t swear?” Noticing that the whole time I’ve been around her, even listening to her in the bar, she never swore.

  “Habit, I guess.” Her eyes glance down and I know there’s more to that than she’s saying but I let it go. For now.

  We start walking, my hand brushing hers every once in a while, and every time her eyes look over catching mine, she smiles. It’s been a long time since a woman has had this kind of effect on me, and I honestly have no idea what to do.

  “So, am I ever going to learn your name, or will you have to be the mysterious guy from the bar for the foreseeable future?” She’s adorable. The laugh that bubbles out of her is probably the purest thing I have ever heard and all I want to do is hear it again.

  “It’s Dane,” I admit, hoping to God she doesn’t listen to my music.

  “See? It wasn’t that hard.” Her fist hits my arm as I breathe a sigh of relief. She has no idea.

  “So… Nellie, huh?” I ask, loving the blush that creeps up her cheeks and wishing I could find out exactly how far that blush goes down her chest.

  “Don’t start,” she answers, laughing. “My mother loved Little House on the Prairie when she was growing up and was set on naming her first daughter after a character from the show.”

  I smile at her as we continue to walk. I can see the sign for the hotel a few blocks away and a pit starts to form in my stomach. I don’t want this night to end.

  “What brought you out tonight?” I can guess the answer, but I don’t want to stop talking to her.

  “My best friend, the one that left me alone to get laid, she thought I needed a night to forget my responsibilities.”

  “And how did that work out for you?”

  “Well, she ended up going home with a hot guy and is probably getting laid as we speak, and I ended up with a dead ph
one and no way of getting home.”

  “You’re telling me I’m not a hot guy?” My hand going over my heart as if I’m terribly offended and when she graces me with that laugh once more, I feel the warmth wash over me. “’Cause I’m pretty sure you’re going home with me.” I wink when she looks over and just shrugs. “You know, feigning indifference isn’t the way into my pants,” I tease, loving the blush that continues to grace her gorgeous face.

  “Who says I want into your pants?” The glint in her eyes tells me otherwise as my mind wanders back to the way her lips felt, and how much I want to taste them again.

  I’m in so much trouble.

  Chapter 5

  Why can’t I stop thinking about his lips? Or the way his hands felt pulling me closer and closer to his chest. It’s not like I’ve never had sex before, it’s just been a while… okay, maybe long enough that I wonder if my vagina still works.

  “So was the night a success?” Dane asks as we approach the hotel, stopping as his eyes track down my body, the heat from his gaze lets me know he remembers exactly what’s under this coat.

  “I’ll let you know?” I question, worrying my bottom lip between my teeth and before I can blink, his thumb traces the edge, releasing my lip as his head dips, and just like that, his lips are on mine once more and all rational thought leaves my brain.

  “Come upstairs with me,” he whispers against the shell of my ear and as if a cold bucket of water falls over my body, I lock up. “Nellie?” he questions, his palm finding the side of my cheek and pulling my eyes back to his.

  “I…” I start but words fail. Kissing him is one thing, feeling his hands grab my ass is another, but going up to his room knowing full well nothing can happen between us is the dose of reality I desperately needed. “I can’t.” I sigh, hating the look of disappointment that crosses his face.

  “I thought…” he says but I stop him with my finger on his lips.

  “I know. It’s just… my life is not ready for someone like you.”

  His eyes narrow and for a second I think he’s pissed but then it passes.

  “As much as I would love—and I mean love—to go upstairs and find out what this” —I point between us— “can lead to, I think I should go home.”

  The solemn nod tells me all I need to know, and as he opens the front door to the hotel, I can’t help but wonder if I’m doing the right thing.

  “Nellie?” he calls as the warmth of the lobby washes over both of us. “Can I call you sometime?” Before I think better of it, I walk to the front desk, ask for a scrap piece of paper and a pen, writing down my name and number.

  “You know, usually you do this before you kiss a girl.” Am I flirting? Have I ever flirted in my entire life? By the heat in Dane’s eyes, I’d say whatever I’m doing is working.

  “Well, to be fair, you shouldn’t look like you do and expect me to keep my hands to myself.” His voice drops, causing goose bumps to cover every exposed inch of my skin. He’s making it really hard not to take him up on his offer.

  My gaze drops to his lips, trying so hard not to cave in to my desire to feel them against mine once more. You can’t go sleeping with random guys no matter how hot they look, especially in a leather jacket. I shake myself out of my delirium and hand him the piece of paper.

  “It was nice meeting you, Dane,” I say, leaning in, placing a kiss on his cheek.

  “It was nice meeting you too, sweetheart.” His voice follows as I walk toward the front desk and further away from where he stands. Am I doing the right thing? My brain says yes, but my body says hell no.

  “How many times has that man texted you?” Wendy asks as I sit at my desk looking at my phone as if it’s an ancient torture device.

  “A few times,” I admit as she eyes my phone once more, rolling her eyes.

  “Girl, I’ve heard that thing vibrate at least five times since you walked through those doors. Aren’t you going to put the man out of his misery?”

  I take a deep breath, looking at all the texts Dane has sent over the past few days. I’ve answered none of them. Why? Because I’m a coward.

  “Your loss, hun,” she mutters as she leaves my desk and walks back to her own.

  As I look around the room, I watch as a bunch of overdressed men put up a Christmas tree, struggling to get it to stay straight. Every woman in this office is watching, and if I’m honest, if I hadn’t been daydreaming about a certain man for the past few days, I’d be doing the same thing because dress pants are not meant for that amount of bending.

  Seeing the decorations that adorn all the desks and hallways remind me that I need to take Jaxon out to get a tree, and it also reminds me that I need to go shopping so my son doesn’t think Santa forgot him.

  My phone vibrates once more in my palm and when I look down, my heart sinks.

  DANE: Okay, I get it. You clearly don’t want me texting, so this will be my last one. Sorry for bothering you.

  It’s for the best… right?

  Yes. I think it is for the best. My life is way too complicated for a man who probably uses his smile to get whatever he wants, whenever he wants. Someone like him doesn’t fit into my domesticated existence, and it’s probably for the best. Then why does my heart hurt knowing I won’t hear from him anymore?

  Chapter 6

  It’s been three weeks. Three weeks since I decided to stay here in this small town, three weeks of looking for a place to live, and two weeks since I last texted Nellie. I’m still wondering what I did wrong.

  “Where did you want these, sir?” a young kid asks, carrying a box labeled Master Bedroom.

  I fight the sarcastic comment that’s on the tip of my tongue and point him in the direction of my bedroom, which just happens to be down the hall from the front door. As he passes, I take a second to soak in the moment. This place is mine and mine alone. I take in the open concept living room and kitchen that has a great picturesque view of the parking lot downstairs. It’s not perfect, certainly not the five-star hotels I’ve been staying in over the past few years, but it’s mine. It has nothing to do with the band, fame, or recording a new album. All this place represents is a fresh start, allowing me to blend in; to feel like a normal human being for a while.

  Suddenly there’s a loud crash from the hallway, followed by a cry. Before I have time to think, I’m running out the door, looking around for the source of the sound.

  “What the hell happened?” I ask, the three movers standing there stock still as if waiting for a lashing. Their eyes are wide, taking in what once was my glass coffee table that is now a pile of shattered pieces on the hallway floor.

  “He came out of nowhere, startling us. I’m so sorry, sir, we just lost our grip.”

  All their eyes dart to the floor and I’m surprised to see a small body huddled against the wall, crying and surrounded by shattered glass.

  “Shit!” I curse, crouching down, the crunch of glass underneath my feet reminding me to tread carefully as I pray I won’t have to pry glass from this kid’s body.

  “That’s a bad word,” the kid says quietly, his big brown eyes meeting mine, a small smirk curving his lips. I can’t help the chuckle that escapes my chest, relief flooding me as I take in his unharmed body.

  “You’re right,” I admit as he eyes the glass once more, the guilt taking over his features. “You okay, little man?”

  He nods slowly, sniffling as his tiny hands wipe away a stray tear from his eye. “I’m sorry about your table. I didn’t mean to break it—” His voice breaks and that’s when my chest constricts.

  Do I love that my table is broken? Of course not. But it’s just a table.

  “Hey…” I start, hoping to distract him any way I can. “What’s your name?”

  “Jaxon,” he mumbles, barely audible. I hold out my hand, waiting for his eyes to meet mine.

m Dane.” His small hand lands in mine, and it’s at that moment I realize just how small this kid really is. “How old are you, Jaxon?”

  He proudly holds up five fingers, smiling that lopsided smile that sends a sense of familiarity through my chest. “I’m five!”

  My eyes widen for his benefit as I stand, holding out my hand to help him to his feet. When we’re standing, his eyes avert to the door across the hall.

  “Is that where you live?” I ask, seeing the hesitation in his eyes.

  “I’m not supposed to say,” he whispers, although it’s a kid whisper, so everyone in the hall probably heard it. Before I can ask another question, the door opens and my eyes land on a pair of Iron Man slippers, followed by Brooklyn 99 pajama pants and finally a Breakfast Club T-shirt that is at least three sizes too big.

  I have so many questions…


  That voice travels over every inch of my skin as I close my eyes and bask in it for a few seconds. As I open them and take in the scene before me, it takes a few seconds before my brain catches up with what my eyes are seeing. Because standing in front of me is the woman that turned my world upside down and then crushed it beneath her feet.

  “What are you doing here?” she asks, her hand going to caress the blond hair on top of Jaxon’s head as she takes in the scene before her.

  He’s her son?

  “Oh, no! Jaxon James, what have you done?”

  “Nellie, it’s okay. It was just an accident.”

  Her eyes meet mine, but the shock that was there a minute ago is replaced with frustration.

  “Yeah, Mama, I didn’t mean to.”

  I give Jaxon a wink as he gives me a big toothless smile, but that smile doesn’t last long as Nellie kneels down, takes him by the shoulders before taking a deep breath.

  “I know you didn’t mean to, sweetie, but you need to be more careful when you’re out here. Okay?”


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