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The Obsidian Crown of the Lost Dominion

Page 21

by Akira Knightley

  “I understand. Yes, I understand,” I said, trying to take the edge of my voice.

  I need to get out of here. I am running out of time.

  Diwatha closed her eyes and started to chant again. Despite my curiosity I was beginning to reel in my seat knowing I don’t have time for this magic lesson. Then it happened. The signs and symbols in the air flew towards me. I nearly jumped up on my chair but there was no avoiding the onslaught of the magical sigils. They embedded themselves to my skin and for a minute or so I was covered in a full-body golden tattoo.

  I didn’t notice anything change in me. I didn’t feel any different.

  Diwatha opened her eyes and said, “You have the best tools and protection we can give you but for now, we will say goodbye.”

  They all stood. Elmwood approached me and pulled up my hand that held the transavite. “Take a look.”

  I did and was drawn to the purple and blue hue of the ball. When I looked up from the ball, I was sitting alone at a table in the Solomon Triangle with the Codex on top of my lap.

  I gathered my things as fast as I could and ran out of the library.

  “No running in the hallways, Miss Montserratt!” Professor Andrews’ voice rang out as I passed him in the hallway.

  In some strange way, hearing his voice even as he admonished me made me feel like there was hope to getting back to normal.

  “Sorry, Professor Andrews. Late for class!” I lied again and dashed out of the Triangle. My cell beeped. Several texts from uncle showed up on the screen. I cringed. I forgot to check in with him. I started typing a quick response to assure him everything was fine at school. I still had my head into what I was typing when I heard,

  “Hey! Wait up!” It was Hailey’s voice. I didn’t have time to finish my message. I stuck the phone back into my pocket without hitting send.

  “Hey, sorry you got caught last night. I really didn’t what I could have done to save you. I hope you can forgive me,” I said as I stopped running to wait for her.

  “It’s fine, it all worked out. Don’t worry about it. We can talk about that later. For now we need to figure out the crown.”

  “Yes, you’re right. I have a lot to tell you,” I said.

  “Yes I know. I know about the third key,” Hailey said.

  I pulled her away from the students in the hall. “Wait how did you know?” I asked in a hushed tone.

  “The incantation to hijack your dreams were from Dr. McGrath’s journal. I memorized it in case I needed to do exactly this,” she said proudly. “Although you were really acting weird, like you were in a trance or something,” she added.

  “I was. I don’t how it happened but I can’t think of that right now. We have bigger issues. Wait, did you sleep in jail? I’m so sorry.”

  “No, no. My mom picked me up right away. I got released under her care but she was to bring me here super early this morning so Detective Dimwitt and Detective Murky-at-best could show her and Professor Andrews that I was lying about last night and that I was really here trying to commit grand-theft-phone. Well, the joke’s on them because I wasn’t lying...about my phone. It really was in my locker. Besides, Professor Andrews was so mad when he saw all those pumpkin seed spit on the floor that not only did he not file any charges against me, he gave them hell for disrespecting school property. I’m off the hook.”

  “Oh that’s great news. I was worried sick,” I said and gave her a big hug.

  Then something occurred to me. “So, were you at the Sanctuary the whole time?”

  “Yeah but I wasn’t the only one. I could feel there was another presence there but I don’t really know for sure.”

  “I don’t get it. I’m sure I did the protection spell before I started. Maybe I did it wrong.”

  “I don’t know but when I saw you get in the fireplace to go to the Black Rose, I figured it was time to bounce to. Just as well because my phone alarm went off and it was time for me to wake up,” Hailey said.

  “So you didn’t hear what the Brotherhood said?” I asked.

  “‘fraid not, sista. I was busy showing off my phone,” she responded, smiling.

  She stopped walking and nearly yelled, “Wait, what? What Brotherhood? What did they say?”

  “Not here. We need to get to the hospital quick. I need to see Blaise,” I said.

  “Ohhhkay. I didn’t see that coming,” Hailey said but followed me past the student lockers.

  “C’mon, quickly!” I whispered as we rushed through the front door of the school. “We’re going to hide behind some of the cars leaving the grounds. That way the guards won’t see us.”

  I heard Hailey right behind me.

  I was about to run down the steps to the driveway when my phone chimed. I read the message.

  Jake: Where are you? I’ve been texting you and the phone company tells me your phone was not in area last night. Where are you now?

  Abigail: I’m at school. I just forgot to charge the phone last night.

  Jake: The police were out here this morning. They are claiming you are missing, again!

  Abigail: Uncle Jake, I’m at school. You can call Prof. Dewitt. I’m here, really.

  Jake: Don’t go anywhere. I will go there and pick you up.

  Abigail: But Uncle Jake. I’m okay. You don’t have to get me.

  Jake: Just stay there. I will be there in a couple of hours. This is not a negotiation. Don’t you understand what’s at stake here?

  Abigail: Okay. I will wait for you at school.

  I slowed down my pace and told Hailey what my uncle’s instructions were.

  I stopped walking. I knew I was supposed to follow my uncle. But I was torn between that and doing what I thought was right. I kicked one of the dandelions on the side of the driveway in frustration. “I don’t know what to do. I can’t let Blaise and Dr. McGrath suffer any longer. I need to get to the hospital.”

  “Well whatever you decide to do, you need to do it soon. If you’re going to wait, then we need to get back inside the building. If you want to go to the hospital, then we need to get past the gate while there are still a lot of cars leaving,” Hailey said, looking very suspicious as she kept looking back at the school doors and the back at the gates.

  “C’mon, we’re going,” I said and we headed for the gates. We ran for the bushes by the gates so we wouldn’t be seen from the school building. We inched our way closer to the gate, choosing a long black limousine as our camouflage to get outside. I nodded at Hailey to get ready. The black car started to get close to the gate.

  As I was about to run to the gate, a small dust devil formed in front of me, stopping me in my tracks. I signaled Hailey to stop. She moved closer to me and we watched as the whirlwind got thicker and thicker. A few moments later, it stopped swirling, leaving a dark gray mist hanging in front of us. Like a thick fog just sitting there. I looked at Hailey and swallowed. I’d never seen anything like this before and I didn’t know what to expect. She too looked apprehensive.

  Once the mist was about three feet across still floating right in front of me, a writing in impeccably clear script started to form, as if someone was writing on the gray cloud.

  “If you want proof that I have your parents, go to the boiler room of the main building. Look behind the last cabinet.”

  I looked at Hailey to make sure I was not imagining this. I asked, “Do you see this?”

  She nodded with a gulp.

  In that short moment, the mist was gone.


  Proof Of Life

  I have a couple of hours before Uncle Jake arrives. We have got to find proof that they are still alive.

  I was so excited. Finally something I could show the police that I was not the monster they made me out to be. That my parents were actually alive and they needed to help me find them and rescue them.

  As soon as the mist disappeared, we rushed back. We got back into the main building right before the doors were locked for classes.

  As soon as we were inside, we searched for the entrance to the basement. We found the door to the boiler room. I couldn’t wait to get in there. As I expected, the place was dark and empty. I searched for the light switch and found one.

  When I turned the lights on, I found myself facing a long line of cabinets. We started opening each of them.

  Then Hailey said, “Didn’t the note say the very back?”

  “You’re right!” I rushed to the very back of the room.

  I found a lone cabinet standing by the wall. I looked down and noticed that the grime and dust below the foot of the lone cabinet had a semi-circular pattern, as if the cabinet had been swung away from the wall just recently.

  “Is that it?” Hailey asked. “Hey, wait. Maybe it’s a trap?”

  “What choice do I have?” I said.

  I looked at the cabinet again. My heart pounded, thinking this could be my salvation or my doom. I don’t have a choice. I need to know.

  I pulled the cabinet away from the wall and it swung out easily. Behind the cabinet was a bundle wrapped in butcher’s brown paper. I quickly retrieved it and tucked it under my arms.

  “Let’s go!” Hailey said.

  “Not if I can help it!” Detective Dewitt’s voice roared behind us. “Hands in the air.”

  I turned around and behind Hailey and I were Professor Andrews, Detective Dewitt, and Mercado. Behind them, I could see my uncle’s face. Uncle Jake forced his way into the front of the group, saying, “What’s the meaning of this? I’m here to pick up my niece. C’mon, Abigail.”

  I made to follow my uncle when Detective Dewitt grabbed the brown package from me. I tried to take it back. “Hey, that’s mine!” But he was already tearing the wrapping.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” Uncle Jake asked the detective.

  “Proving your niece is a heartless murderer,” he said as he pulled out the plaid red and black shirt of my dad for everyone to see. My uncle pulled the brown paper from the detective and pulled the rest of the contents out. Left inside the wrapper was a pair of shoes I gave my mother for her birthday. I could tell by his reaction that he recognized them. Then he looked at the other items, their passports, wallet, and money.

  I couldn’t believe my eyes. This was just too much. I looked at Hailey and then my uncle and said, “This is not what you think. This is not proof they are dead. This is proof they are alive! They’re alive. They’re alive!” but I could see that I had lost my uncle. He was not listening to me. He was standing there looking at the contents of the brown package.”Take her away,” Dewitt said.

  “Abigail Montserrat, you are under arrest for the kidnapping and murder of Mr. Frederick and Jane Montserrat...” Mercado began.

  “Uncle Jake, believe me they’re alive!” But he was still in shock.

  I don’t know when Detective Mercado finished the Miranda rights but I remember when he started leading me away from the basement. I was drained of hope, of energy. It was all I could do to not fall on my knees right there. I was numb as they pulled my hands behind me and put the handcuffs on. I felt my entire being frozen and unfeeling as they walked up the basement stairs, past the students in the hall, and across the school grounds to the police car. Finally, I heard the muffled voice of my uncle protesting my arrest against the deafening sound of the blood pumping through my temples. I heard Hailey’s voice screaming at the cops, as she too was led away as an accessory to kidnapping and murder.

  I felt the cuffs bite into the flesh of my wrists every time Detective Mercado took a step and ended up tugging on my arm. I lost all notion of time. I could not begin to guess how long it took to get to the police car.

  I heard the car door open. I felt the officer lead me to the passenger side back seat. He was saying something about being careful not to hit my head. He covered my head for protection and pushed my head gently as I got inside the back of the car. I felt the touch of the back seat against my hands and back. I had a vague notion they were putting Hailey next to me in the back seat.

  I couldn’t say how long the ride was because at some point during the drive, I lost consciousness.

  When I opened my eyes, I saw a beautiful modern room, complete with a canopy bed, a pink chandelier, and a lot of cheerleading trophies, pom poms on the wall, and a nicely made bed. Hailey materialized next to me.

  “Do you know what’s going on?” I asked.

  “No idea,” she said.I shrugged.

  “Wait, just wait one second, I’m trying to figure this out,” a bodiless voice said.

  “Taylor? Is that you?” Hailey said, scrunching her face in disbelief.

  “Yes it’s me, wait, just wait,” the bodiless voice answered back.

  Then in a couple of seconds, she too materialized.

  “I never could figure out how to do that. That’s why you guys couldn’t see me every time we go into these dreams. Anyway, I’m glad it worked this time.” Taylor was holding the transavite I got from Diwatha.

  “How did you?”

  “Long story short, I saw the two of you sprinting across the school ground and I noticed that idiot detective was following you guys. So, I followed them and then they found you guys and they arrested you. I found your packs by the door where you left them so I picked them up and absconded with them in the cover of looky-loo students filling up the hall,” Taylor said.

  “But how did you know how to do this?” Hailey asked.

  “It’s really not that difficult, especially when you put a big bold star on the page that says “Cool” on it. I figured this is how they are getting us into the shared dreams.”

  “But I thought you want out?” I asked.

  “I thought it over and I figured if I lose you two, I would never find out how to fix what’s wrong with Blaise and I will never get him back. I don’t know anything about this magic stuff, so you’re my only hope. I know he can be a little dense sometimes but he’s really a good guy and I really love him,” Taylor explained.

  “So you basically dream-abducted us from the cops so we can help you fix Blaise, seriously!” Hailey said.

  “It’s okay, Hailey. I wanted to talk with Taylor anyway. I know how we can fix Blaise,” I said.

  I told them what the Brotherhood said about the cure to the poison in Blaise’s blood. “Unfortunately, it would mean fighting and defeating the person who put him under this spell. The more they use their power, the less they have to sustain any spells they have going. Which means somehow defeating the Sorceress.”

  “How are we going to do that? We are in custody and all our allies are in the hospital,” Hailey asked.

  “Maybe if I can get the doctor out? She can probably help me,” Taylor said.

  “Well, why can’t you do it?” Hailey asked.

  Taylor looked at us disbelieving and said, “Because I can’t rescue her by myself and how exactly are you guys going to rescue Abi’s parents from a freaky dungeon in Xana Mundi, if you yourselves are in jail?”

  She made some very good points there. Then I realized they both stopped talking and were looking at me. “Oh, you’re waiting for me to say something?”

  They nodded and I started to think. “Ok, wait. I think I have a plan.”


  The Rescue Mission - Part Deux

  “You thought you’re so smart. You thought we’re going to buy that whole act about being so innocent. Well, we got you now,” Dewitt said.

  I heard the muffled voice of Detective Dewitt. I couldn’t respond. I felt woozy and disoriented.

  “This would be a good time for you both to tell us where the bodies are. If you cooperate now, they might be more lenient on your sentence,” he pressed.

  Neither Hailey no
r I said anything.

  “Hailey, you don’t really want to go to prison with this girl, do you?”

  Hailey didn’t answer. Wait, why didn’t Hailey say something? That’s something she normally wouldn’t let pass.

  “Hey, are you listening to me?” Detective Dewitt yelled.

  No answer. I looked over at Hailey and I got unsettled by what I saw. There was another Hailey with the halo around overlapping her real body by a couple of inches. The apparition was not quite detached from her body and it was literally making me see double. Her spirit looked over to me, confusion taking over her demeanor. Then I realized she was watching as the same thing started happening to me, too.

  I saw the detective crane his neck to continue talking with Hailey who was behind the driver’s seat. When he didn’t see her head, he looked over his shoulders to get a closer look of the backseat. Our bodies were slumped against each other as if they were unconscious.

  “Hey! Hey! You’re not fooling anyone with this crap. Mercado, Pull over, Pull over! Something’s wrong!” Detective Dewitt yelled. He went and opened the back door. “Hailey! Abigail!” He checked our eyes and pulse. He shook me by my shoulders. “Abigail! I don’t know what they took but they’re unconscious! Get us to the hospital. I’m not having her get away this easy.”

  “What do you mean?” Mercado asked.

  “They were fine when I put them inside the car but now they won’t wake up? Their eyes are dilated. They took something. I don’t know how or what. I don’t know when, either. We’re just a few blocks away from the hospital. Let’s go.”

  Hailey and I exchanged glances before the familiar blackout overtook us.


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