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Dearest Stepbrother: Twin Doms (Book One)

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by Hawthorne, Olivia

  “I don’t know about this. Maybe I should just change into something I brought home with me…”

  “Don’t be silly! You look amazing! Beautiful as ever.” Grabbing my hand, Kyle dragged me towards the door, pulling his keys out of the pockets of his black slacks. He looked handsome in an emerald green button down shirt that matched the jewel tone of his eyes. His blonde hair was stylishly messy and he’d elected to leave a little bit of a five o’clock shadow on his face to give him the appearance of casual – even though he was anything but.

  “I don’t want to be late,” he explained as he dragged me through his parents’ house and out into the cool night air. Tucking me into the passenger seat, he smiled down at me and said, “George is going to be waiting for us out front and I don’t want to leave him standing there for too long. Somebody might snatch him up.”

  I watched as he rounded the front of the car, jumping into the driver’s seat and buckling up before turning the key to start the engine.

  “When did you meet George anyway?” Kyle hadn’t explained how he ended up dating a guy who lived an hour away from the campus where he lived and attended school.

  “A year ago. But I’ve only driven down a few times to see him.” He turned to glance at me. “I really like him, Maya, and I’m ready to take that next step, you know?”

  Nodding my head, I smiled. I was happy for Kyle, and hopeful that George would live up to all of Kyle’s expectations. Driving through downtown, I gazed up at all the sky-rises as we drove into the business district. Clubs and bars lined the street, one in particular looking far too exclusive for people like Kyle and me. A line of people waited behind red ropes that lined the exterior of the building – beautiful women and powerful men waiting their turn to gain entrance.

  “Wow, look at that place.”

  Kyle smiled. “That’s where we’re going.”

  “What?” My jaw dropped and my eyes widened. “There’s no way we’ll get in there. Look at the line.”

  He glanced towards the building before driving past it. “Don’t worry about that. George told me that there is always a line out front, but not everybody will get in. Even if they do, they’ll only be allowed access to the front part of the club while the VIPs – which is us, by the way – are given access to the upstairs. George knows the owners, so that’s why we’re being given preferential treatment.”

  Pulling into a parking space, Kyle barely gave the engine time to turn off before throwing open his door and jumping out of the car. He was opening my door within a split second and pulling me out and onto my feet.

  I laughed at his enthusiasm. “Excited much?”

  “Yes.” He attempted to drag me across the parking lot, but I pulled back and grabbed his arm.

  “Kyle. Seriously, buddy. You need to calm down. You don’t want to appear too eager do you?”

  He looked at me and smiled. “You’re right. Let’s strut up like we own the place.”

  Through laughter, I answered, “That’s the way to think.”

  Chapter Four

  As soon as we reached the sidewalk in front of the club, a man came running up, his smile stretching from ear to ear as he took Kyle into a warm embrace before planting a light kiss on his cheek.

  I assumed the man was George and I stood still watching the affectionate moment with warmth in my heart because I quickly realized that Kyle had found someone who appeared to care for him. As an added bonus, George wasn’t bad on the eyes either. With brown hair cut short to his scalp and a physique that gave away the hours he must spend in a gym, George was only slightly taller than Kyle and was dressed in a black button up shirt with black slacks.

  Kyle turned around to introduce me, throwing his arm over my shoulders as he pulled me into his warm side. “George, I’d like to introduce you to my best friend in the entire world, Maya Carter. This poor girl has put up with me since Kindergarten.”

  I smiled and extended my hand, my cheeks flashing red when George bent down to place a kiss on the top of it. “It’s wonderful to meet you, Maya. Kyle has told me a lot about you.”

  “He’s told me a lot about you as well,” I lied. I was a little surprised that Kyle had been dating George for a year, but hadn’t actually mentioned him to me until earlier in the afternoon. “Looks like there’s a big line, should we get in to wait our turn?”

  George laughed. “Don’t be silly. We’re VIPs tonight. We can go in the front entrance without having to wait.”

  George wasn’t lying about having VIP status. As soon as we walked up the length of the line and approached the front door, the bouncer took one look at us and opened the large black wood partition, allowing the bouncing beat of the music to wash over us as we walked inside without question or having to show ID.

  The club wasn’t as packed as I assumed it would be and my eyes glanced over the modern lighting and decadent furnishings, completely amazed at the posh and alluring quality of the interior style. Different seating areas were scattered throughout with rice paper privacy screens and dark mahogany tables. The bar was located to the left of the center dance floor, the barstools occupied by beautiful women and the men who were catering to them.

  Glad that Kyle had convinced me to wear the silver dress, I didn’t feel out of place in the club, but did feel like the third wheel tagging along on Kyle’s hot date.

  George leaned over to talk to me, pressing his mouth close to my ear so I could hear him over the fast paced, heavy and pounding music. “We’re going to get some drinks. What would you like?”

  Glancing up at him, I didn’t have a quick answer because I’d never really been a drinker. “I’ll have whatever Kyle or you think I’ll like.”

  George smiled and motioned for me to take a seat in a quaint sitting area that was furnished with dark red, plush seats. As the two men went to fetch our drinks, I people watched, tapping my foot to the music as my eyes took in the men and women who all looked like they belonged on the cover of some high-end fashion magazine.

  Kyle and George returned to the table, and Kyle placed a small tumbler glass in front of me containing clear liquid and what looked like crushed leaves in the bottom. I sniffed at the drink and held it up with a questioning look on my face. “Mine came with lawn trimmings?”

  George laughed and leaned over to explain, “It’s called a Mojito. Those are crushed mint and spearmint leaves. It’s something sweet, but not too sweet. You’ll love it. Drink up.”

  I took a sip of the drink and immediately realized he was right. I did love it. It didn’t have a powerful alcohol taste, but it also wasn’t overly sweet to a point where it needed an umbrella sticking out of the glass.

  * * *

  The next few hours were spent sitting around talking and laughing with George and Kyle…drink after drink going down my throat until I was barely able to speak without slurring just a bit.

  George finally stood up and said, “Let’s go upstairs to the private area. I have something I’d like to show you both, and I’m hoping you’ll be as receptive and understanding as I assume you both are.”

  His words confused me, but the alcohol running through my veins made me game for anything. Kyle also looked a bit nervous and I remembered him telling me that George had said we should keep an open mind tonight. I didn’t have a clue as to what could be upstairs in the club that would be any different than what we’d already seen.

  Walking up the stairs, I grew nervous when the doorman held out a hand to stop us, but took something from George that looked like a business card of some sort. The doorman eyed Kyle and me, but eventually opened the door to allow us entrance onto the private level.

  As soon as we stepped in, I noticed that the atmosphere was completely different. Instead of bright lights and loud music, there was low, ambient lighting and a darkness about the room that was only broken apart by the flickering of candle lights from the tables and soft lamp light coming from the walls.

  The smell of incense filled the air and people w
ere gathered at tables quietly chatting, glancing every so often at a stage partitioned off by a black curtain in the front of the room.

  George led us to a table. After we took our seats, he walked off to grab us another round of drinks.

  Turning to Kylie, I asked, “What do you think this is all about?” My eyes looked around the room and I noticed the odd clothing that some of the women were wearing. I’d noticed a few downstairs dressed in what amounted to straps of leather, some with collared necklaces to match, but it seemed like every woman on this level was in some form of costume. “Did I miss the memo about a dress code? I’m feeling overdressed suddenly.”

  Kyle shook his head, his eyes also perusing the occupants of the room. “I have no idea. I mean, George told me to keep an open mind about this place because it represents something he’s been nervous about telling me about himself, but I can’t figure it out.”

  “Ladies and gentleman…” The announcer’s voice boomed out through the room as George finally took a seat at the table and handed each of us a drink. He winked at Kyle and turned his attention towards the stage.

  “We have a very special demonstration for you tonight. The owners of Club Harem will be performing for your adoring eyes, after which the private rooms and demonstration cubbies will then be opened for use.”

  The audience applauded and the stage curtains opened. When I focused my eyes to see what appeared beneath the stage lights, my jaw fell so far open, it damn near slammed against the table.

  Chapter Five

  “Maya…” Kyle tapped on my shoulder. “Hey…buddy…you need to start breathing again.”

  I snapped out of my shock and took a deep breath. My eyes were opened wide, moving between the two men on stage who weren’t identical, but I knew were twins.

  Greer and Gage stood on the stage, naked except for a pair of ragged jeans, frayed at the bottoms. Beside them knelt two women – one blonde, one brunette – both completely naked except for leather collars with silver o-rings that shown beneath the stage lights. The announcer walked away from the stage and Gage stepped forward to look over the hushed crowd. His eyes met mine and shock rolled behind the striking blue color before he immediately schooled his expression back to the blank slate it had been just seconds before. However, when he turned to look at the woman who was kneeling down by his feet, I didn’t miss the sly grin that pulled at his lips.

  “Holy shit on a shingle, Maya. Those are your stepbrothers up there,” Kyle said.

  I nodded my head and barely breathed out, “I noticed.”

  George looked at us both, nervousness and apprehension barely hidden behind his eyes. “Is everything okay?”

  Kyle leaned over to whisper something to him and George’s eyes widened, his head turning just a bit to look in my direction. Assuming that Kyle had just mentioned my relationship to the two men on stage, I returned my attention to my stepbrothers, not completely understanding what this demonstration was about.

  “Crawl to your pedestal, pet.” Gage’s voice swept throughout the room like a distant whisper, the sensual notes washing across my senses and locking my eyes to the stage. I fidgeted where I sat, not fully comfortable to be watching the demonstration without fully understanding what would happen next.

  I expected the woman to protest to his instruction, to find some offense to being referred to as pet . But instead, the woman crawled, her head held high as she moved gracefully across the stage to a table that was covered in what appeared to be black velvet or satin. Pushing up on her feet, she pulled herself up onto the table, kneeling again on its surface with her beautiful face looking in the direction of the audience. Gage moved to stand beside her and I realized I was holding my breath as I watched his powerful stride across the stage.

  His eyes met mine again for only a brief second and I felt a twinge of something inside me that was both exciting and frightening at the same time.

  He stood still as Greer directed his woman to her table, his voice and body almost identical to the sound and movement of his twin’s. Once both women were in place and the twins had taken their positions, Gage spoke again, his words haunting me with their sensual and powerful tone.

  “To whom do you belong, pet?”

  The question hung in the air, the woman finally lowering her eyes to the floor as she opened her mouth to respond, “To you, Master.”

  Gage’s hand stroked down her long blonde hair, the silken strands sweeping over her shoulders and back as her body prickled with goose bumps, a slight tremble apparent in her arms.

  “What will I do for my pet?” Gage asked.

  A smile creased her lips. “Anything to make me feel good.”

  He leaned down to whisper to her, but due to the microphone near the table, the audience could still hear what he said. “Do I have your trust?”

  “You have all of me,” She whispered back, reverence and need apparent in her voice.

  My thighs clenched together, my body responding even though I wasn’t the woman on stage being seduced by my stepbrother. I’d never seen this side of Gage, but somewhere deep down, I’d always perceived that it existed. His control of himself – of his environment – of me…it had always been there. But until now, I’d never seen the sexual connotation, never imagined that I would find myself attracted to the man that had been so strict and protective of me for most of my life.

  His fingers traced down the curves of her body as he positioned himself behind her. Never fully touching her, he stroked and teased her skin until she was panting with anticipation. Reaching up with one hand, he gripped his fingers into her hair, her head falling back as he tugged on the strands.

  On the other side of the stage, Greer mimicked Gage’s movements with his woman – the twins’ performance appearing more like art than sex. But despite the beauty of their movements – combined with those of the women they teased – the sexual element could not be denied.

  I took another sip of my drink, but then found myself gulping down the bitter sweet liquid until there was nothing left in my glass besides ice and crushed mint leaves. A rush of warmth brushed over me, the chill in the air feeling like cold breath against my heated skin. Just watching them made me want them – the oddity of the emotion not lost in my thoughts.

  I couldn’t help myself in that moment. They were so undeniably masculine, the women they were teasing and enticing into submission making them even more desirable by their visceral reaction to the twins’ touch.

  A sharp slap of their palms against the women’s behinds, the soft brush of skin against skin as they soothed the sting away. The women looked like they would have an orgasm before either of the twins had come close to touching them in a sexual manner.

  I found my own breath was heavy, my body prickling with need and desire, my eyes losing focus as I was transfixed by the demonstration of control and power the twins gave to the audience.

  Greer and Gage continued to whisper to the women, praising them for their beauty and submission as their hands continued to touch and tease. I could see the women’s pleasure in their faces, the moment that both of them began to climb a steady ladder towards climax without the twins ever having touched them between the legs. With only words and fingers against their skin, the twins pushed the women towards orgasm, their climax finally exploding within their bodies, manifesting into a sound of decadence and pleasure in the moans that fell from their trembling lips.

  I’d been hypnotized by the act, not noticing how much time had passed. However, I wasn’t alone in my fascination, both Kyle and George were stunned silent – the rest of the audience held in quietness until the twins left the stage, leading the two women back behind the black velvet curtains.

  Only then did I finally breath out as hushed accolades and light applause burst through the room now that the demonstration had been completed.

  But what had they shown us other than their ability to make a woman climax without ever touching her in a sexual manner? I was confused and I wanted to
find out.

  The announcer returned to the front of the stage, the microphone firmly gripped in his hand as he told the audience that the back rooms and demonstration cubbies were now open and available.

  What kind of club was this?

  Music began playing throughout the room, couples walking off in pairs – or in threes – as they left their tables to go about their evening.

  I was still stuck in place, my eyes barely blinking as I attempt to process what I’d just seen.

  “It’s called BDSM – the mixture of pleasure and pain, dominance and submission in a sexual manner,” George explained to Kyle. “I wanted you to see it first hand before I told you about this part of my lifestyle. I wanted you to see how beautiful it can be.”

  I didn’t intend to eavesdrop on their conversation, but I listened anyway, my eyes still glued to where I’d last seen the twins.

  George’s voice was a bit stronger when he finally said, “I didn’t want you to be scared when you found out. I know that the lifestyle can be confusing to people who don’t understand it.”

  This wasn’t my conversation, it wasn’t my relationship and I had no right sitting around listening to what George and Kyle had to discuss. Besides, I knew Kyle would tell me what he decided about this revelation from the man he’d been dating when I saw him the next day.

  All I wanted to know at that moment was why I’d become so transfixed by two men who, up until that time, had always been the bane of my existence. Was it the alcohol that made me feel mushy inside – or was it the question of who the twins really were that had me reimagining in my head everything that I’d just witnessed?

  Stepping up from the table, I didn’t bother to tell Kyle where I was going. My feet carried me forward, my body crossing the room and my arm reaching out for the door that led to the back rooms before somebody grabbed me and stopped me from opening the heavy wood partition.


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