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Siobhán and Gabhain at 241 Harper's Cove

Page 7

by Deanndra Hall

  Russell shakes his head. “Nah. I think I’m good.”

  “Okay then,” Gabhain tells him and points to the dressing area.

  Ten minutes later, he comes out in a pair of jeans, white button-down shirt, and a gray woolen sport coat. Rhonda’s knocked herself out with the accessories, because he’s got a very big, bright gold watch on his arm and a heavy gold chain around his neck. I have to say, he looks good―very good. Kelso goes over their marks with them, and they seem to get it.

  “Are we ready to give it a go?” Kelso asks. They both nod. “Okay, places everyone. On your marks. And … action!”

  The twin beds we got at the thrift store are perfect, and the scene starts with Belinda sitting on her bed in her dorm room. There’s a knock at the door and she opens it hesitantly. “Yes?”

  “Is Whitney here?”

  “No, sir. She’s gone to a ballgame.”

  “I’m her grandfather, David. Could I come in?”

  Belinda looks around like she’s checking things out and says, “Sure. Come on in.”

  He strolls in and talks to her for a minute, then says, “It’s a little warm in here.” The sport coat comes off.

  “You know, my grandpa looked like a … grandpa. But you don’t.”

  He laughs. “Oh, really? And what do I look like?”

  Belinda’s character, Brandy, says, “For a grandpa, you’re hot!”

  “Thanks!” He sits down beside her on the bed. “You’re pretty hot yourself,” he tells her, trailing a finger up and down her arm. “This is a nice bed you’ve got here,” he says.

  “It is. I really like it. I especially like it when my boyfriend comes over,” she says, loosening the ties on her halter top and unbuttoning the button at the top of her cut-off jeans.

  “When your boyfriend comes over? And what do the two of you do in here when you’re alone?” Russell’s character, David, asks.

  “We fuck. We fuck like fucking rabbits. I guess you don’t care about that, do you?” she asks.

  “I care a lot about it. I like it like anybody else does. I’m big and hard, and I have a lot of experience.”

  Belinda says, “Can I see how big and hard you are?”

  “Only if you plan to do something with what you see,” Russell says, following the script.

  “Oh, if you show me, I’ll do whatever you want me to,” Belinda says, then unties her halter top the rest of the way and drops it on the floor. She’s got these really hard nipples that make themselves known in obvious ways, and he reaches over and begins to fondle them immediately.

  “Unbutton and unzip my jeans and you can have whatever you find there,” he tells her.

  From that point forward, things sort of explode. She starts out sucking him in a way that’s almost an art form, her hands helping. Then he finishes undressing, practically rips her shorts off, and crawls up on the bed. “Get up here and ride me, little girl,” he says, and she hops right up there.

  She rides him like crazy and it makes me hornier than hell to watch. Next thing I know, he’s got her down on the mattress and is kneeling between her legs, pouring it to her. I stare, almost transfixed, at his muscular back and arms, not to mention his ass. He’s got a great ass. I was hoping for a good shoot, but I’m getting a great one instead, and I couldn’t be more pleased.

  I feel a presence at my side and hear Gabhain whisper into my ear, “What do you think?”

  Turning my lips to his ear, I whisper back, “I think this is awesome. If this is what’s selling these days, then we should have a winner on our hands!” He smacks my butt playfully, and I know he’s grinning from ear to ear as I turn back to watch the action.

  And it’s good action. I can’t imagine that anyone wouldn’t enjoy watching this. Belinda is a pretty girl, and her pussy’s pretty too, but Russell … the guy is a stud. Does Gloria take advantage of this? Probably not, or she wouldn’t be so damn nosy. She’d have her hands full with him.

  Kelso moves over toward me to check on the close-up camera, then goes back to the main one. I glance over at him to see him wink at me. He’s liking the way this shoot is going, and I have to believe he’s enjoying this too.

  I’m starting to wonder how long Russell can hold out when the sounds from Belinda’s throat become deep and guttural, so I know her climax is imminent. I remember the script and wait for it―this is a creampie shoot. Eventually, Russell says, “Come for me, you little slut. I know you want to.” He slaps her ass a couple of times and she moans loudly. “I’m gonna shoot my load right in you.”

  “Please, no, don’t!” she cries out. “Not inside me!”

  “Oh, yeah, inside you. You’re gonna take every drop and you’ll love it, hear me? Oh, god, yeah. College girls are so hot and tight,” he says in a sexy, whispery voice. Why is it that when he says it, I go wet?

  And I know why. I’d really like to fuck this guy. I hope Gabhain wants to do a threesome or something at some time, because I’d love that. He’s big, hard, and sexy as hell. Who knew somebody as irritating as Gloria could have a husband like this stashed away at home? And why in hell is he still with her?

  Very low and growly, Russell says, “Oh, yeah, baby. Oh, yeah, I’m coming. I’m coming, baby, and I’m gonna load you down.” I watch, barely breathing, as he strokes into her hard a couple of times and stops, resting against her ass. Then he begins to pull out.

  And I’m hoping Kelso told him what to do. If we lose that footage, what a waste it would be! Looks like he knows, though, because he takes the fingers of the hand that won’t block the camera and spreads her slit open. From her pussy rolls a stream of thick, white cum, and I feel everything below my waist start to burn. It’s a beautiful thing, that much cum.

  He sticks to the script when he says, “Now, you won’t tell anybody we did this, especially not my granddaughter. If you’re a good girl, I’ll come back sometime and fuck you again if you want.”

  “Oh, yes, please! I want you to fuck me again! When are you coming back?” Belinda says, reciting her lines perfectly.

  “When you least expect it. Just make sure you’re ready for me.”

  With that, Kelso yells, “That’s a wrap! You guys did an incredible job! I think we got some footage that will be spectacular.”

  Just as innocently as anything, Russell looks up from the spot where he’s taken a seat on the sofa and asks, “Did I do okay?”

  I’m about to say something when Gabhain says, “Okay? Siobhán was over here drooling a puddle! You did great, both of you!”

  “You did,” I say, echoing my husband. “That was awesome.”

  “Good! What’s next?” Russell asks.

  “Kelso works his editing magic,” Gabhain says, “and when it’s ready, we’ll have you both over to screen it. May invite Michael too. He’d probably like that.”

  “I’ll be waiting. So now I just dress and go home?” he asks, seemingly bewildered.

  “Unless there’s anything else you need,” I tell him, wondering what he’s thinking.

  “I could really use some water. I’m exhausted,” he says, dropping his head back onto the top edge of the sofa.

  “Oh, shit! Of course! I’m so sorry.” I try to go to the refrigerator but Rhonda stops me and hands me a bottle of water. “Here you go,” I say as I pass it to him.

  “Thanks.” Russell opens the top and takes a big swig. In the meantime, Belinda has moved over by Kelso and is asking him questions about the creampie shot. I hear him telling her that he thinks he got the whole thing, and I’m really happy about that.

  An hour later, everybody’s gone and Kelso’s downstairs, loading everything into his new laptop to start the editing process. It’ll be dark outside in about an hour and a half. “What do you want to do for food?” I ask my hubby.

  “Let’s all go out. I think this film will be something we’ll want to celebrate.”


  I’ve been keeping an eye on those McAllister people’s house. I see that nephew
of theirs coming in and out, and then a girl. I’m betting if I asked, Siobhán would tell me she’s their niece.

  Yeah, right.

  There’s something fishy going on over there, I just know it. I’ve fixed a great dinner of roasted, herbed chicken, mashed potatoes, and broccoli with cheese sauce. I know how much Russell loves that stuff.

  “Russell, are you out here?” I call out the back door.

  “Yeah. What?” he yells back from the garage.

  “Dinner’s ready. Don’t let it get cold.” I go back in and start plating food so it’s ready when he comes in. I have to say, it really looks nice, and the chicken smells delicious. My mouth’s already watering.

  He hits the back door. “Wow. What smells so good?”

  That’s the closest thing to a compliment that I’ve gotten from him in months. “Come see! I know you like broccoli, so I made sure to have it.”

  “This looks really good. Let me get the drinks,” he says. I want to stop him, but I don’t. It would’ve been nice if I’d already gotten them. I could’ve fortified mine, but now I won’t get a chance. I certainly don’t dare do it in front of him―he’ll have a hissy fit.

  Two big glasses of iced tea appear on the table and he pulls out my chair, then helps me scoot it up to the table. “Why, thank you!”

  “You’re welcome.” Taking a seat, he picks up his fork and knife and cuts into his chicken thigh. “This is delicious,” he says around the mouthful of food.

  “Glad you like it.”

  “You know, Gloria, I don’t tell you often enough, but I really appreciate everything you do around here,” he says, and that knocks me completely off balance. “A lot of things get done around here because you do them, so thank you.”

  I can feel myself blushing. “Well, I appreciate you saying so. After all, half of it is for me anyway, but I do enjoy doing things for you when you have time to enjoy them.”

  He takes another bite of the chicken, chews, swallows, and smiles. “I do. So thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” Where this is all coming from, I don’t have a clue.

  “Maybe we should go on a little trip,” he says, grinning.

  A trip! That would be nice. “Oh! Well, where would you like to go?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe Vegas?” he says.

  What? Las Vegas? Why on earth would he want to do that? “Vegas? Well, actually, I was thinking of something more like, oh, I dunno, Washington, D.C.? I’ve always wanted to go,” I tell him.

  “But Vegas has the lights, the food, the hotels, all the shows … Wouldn’t you rather go somewhere exciting like that where we can have fun, instead of a bunch of stuffy old museums,” he says, and he looks genuinely perplexed, like he can’t imagine why I wouldn’t want to go there.

  “The shows? Mostly-naked girls dancing around? Really?”

  “They’re not all shows like that, Gloria. I think Wayne Newton’s still there, and Cher, and a lot of other stars,” he says.

  “No. It’s just full of sin and I don’t want any part of that,” I tell him, remembering something Reverence Cheryl said in a sermon one day: Don’t put yourself where you’ll be tempted and you’ll never fall. That’s what she said. “Besides, we don’t gamble.”

  Russell huffs before he says, “Well, maybe you don’t, but I like to play the ponies every once in awhile.”

  Oh, really? I find myself thinking. First I’ve heard of it. “And when do you do that?”

  He chuckles. “Oh, I do a lot of things you know nothing about.”

  “Like what?”

  “I’m not getting into that right now. Let’s just enjoy our dinner. But I was thinking that Vegas would be a nice place to go to have some excitement, eat some really rich food, and maybe get a little physical together,” he says, staring straight into my eyes.

  “Get a little physical? Go to a gym? Because we have gyms right here in town,” I tell him.

  “Not that kind of physical. The kind of physical that a man and a woman have together,” he explains, never flinching.

  “You mean go to Las Vegas and have sex? We can do that here.” Actually, if I’ve got to do it, I’d prefer to do it here in my own bed.

  “Yeah? Well, we don’t, and that’s the problem.” He forks up another bite of mashed potatoes, then holds them in mid-air before saying, “I thought maybe different scenery, shaking it up a bit, might put you more in the mood.”

  “Um, I don’t think so,” I tell him, shaking my head. “Besides, what’s so important about it? You do it once and it’s just like the next time, and the next, and the next.”

  Russell glares at me. “Not if you don’t want it to be.”

  “And how exactly is it supposed to be different?”

  “There are all kinds of things we could do, toys we could use, creams and jellies and―”

  “Stop!” Now I’m getting a little embarrassed. “I do not want some rubber thing shaken at me! That’s not my idea of making love,” I tell him.

  The face across the table from me is very, very angry, but he doesn’t yell. “What exactly is your idea of making love, Gloria? Because it’s been so damn long that I’ve forgotten.”

  “I don’t know, but it sure isn’t with all that perverted stuff!” My voice sounds flustered, I’m sure. “How about we don’t talk about this at the table? I don’t really think it’s suitable dinner conversation.”

  “It’s never suitable conversation,” he says, shaking his head, and keeps on eating.

  “I know what’s going on here. You were watching that horrible pornographic movie and you want to try some of that perverted stuff. I’m right, aren’t I?” I ask him, my voice trembling.

  Dropping back in his chair, he sighs and I feel like kind of dirty just from the conversation. “No. That’s not it at all. You know, I don’t know why I even bother,” he says and pushes away from the table.

  “But you haven’t finished your dinner!”

  “I find myself no longer hungry.” His voice is very formal and his demeanor is very stiff.

  “Why are you getting all mad about this! It’s not that important!” I cry out as he walks away.

  He turns right at the door, his hand on the knob. “You’re right. It isn’t.” In an instant, he’s gone.

  I’m going to find that damn video and throw it away. It’s gotten him all stirred up. Sex. Highly overrated.

  I don’t know where he’s gone, but I’m going to sneak over to the McAllister’s and see if I can figure out what’s going on in there. There’s something wicked afoot there, I’m sure of it.

  I walk down the block and back about five times, but I don’t hear the noises. That confirms one of the things I suspected: The only time they make those noises is when the nephew is around, and maybe the niece. I’m not sure. That means I need to watch and come back when they’re around.

  I start back home on my final trip and notice something I hadn’t before. The windows in their basement are all blacked out. Why would they have them blacked out? Basements are already dark. Are they growing marijuana down there? Or making some other drugs? I think there’s supposed to be a weird smell when someone’s cooking meth, but I’ve never smelled anything odd.

  Sometime when I see them over there, or at least him, I’m going over. I’ll see if anyone comes to the door when I knock. Maybe I can figure out what’s happening and put a stop to it.



  It’s been ten days and Kelso’s got the editing done. When we sit down the next morning, he’s got a huge grin on his face. “I think this is it.”

  “What?” Gabhain asks.

  “I think this is the one that’s going to get us noticed. It’s good―I mean really, really good. You’re going to be so happy with this,” he says. “I think you should get Belinda, Russell, and Michael in here so we can all screen it.”

  “Maybe pizza tonight?” I ask.

  “Sounds good,” Gabhain says. “Give them a call.”

  I’m a little disappointed when I call Michael. He can’t come. “I’m sorry, but it’s my niece’s piano recital. I promised her I’d be there. But I can’t wait to see it!”

  “That’s okay. It’ll still be around,” I tell him. “And Kelso’s got a new script. Look at next Tuesday and see if you’re free.”

  He chuckles. “I don’t have to look. I’ll be there.”

  Then I call Belinda. She says she’ll be glad to be here at six. The call to Russell only results in voicemail.

  But he calls me back in about an hour. “Hey, it’s Russell!”

  “Hi! Are you free tonight?”

  “I can be.”

  “Kelso’s got the editing finished and he wants us to see it,” I tell him.

  “I’ll find a way to get away from the dragon lady,” he says, laughing.

  “See you then!”

  It’s all set. At six o’clock we’ll screen what may be our finest work ever.

  We all sit, mouths open, and watch. Holy hotness, this video is smoking. Russell and Belinda look even better on film than in person, and Kelso did an amazing job with the editing. When we’re finished, we schedule Tuesday for another shoot. The script Kelso has is a gangbang, airtight. No hole left unguarded. That’ll take Michael, Russell, and Gabhain, and Belinda is more than excited.

  As everyone’s leaving, I follow Russell to the back door. “See you Tuesday?”

  “Wouldn’t miss it!” he says with a grin.

  I watch him walk across the back yard and disappear into the alley. It’s a damn shame he has to sneak around.

  Tuesday morning is beautiful and filled with sunshine and fresh air. Wish we could film outside, but we’d have to have a very, very remote location to do that. Maybe someday when we’re making more money, we can go to Colorado or somewhere like that. Or Florida! I’d love to do a shoot near the beach.


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