The Road to Wolfe (The Sanctuary Series Book 4)
Page 21
She grips my face and touches her lips to mine. Any concerns I have are gone as my cock grows hard and the blood pounds in my veins. All she has to do is look at me and I want to throw her up against the nearest wall and take her with the savage energy I feel every time she’s near.
I didn't bring her up this mountain to fuck her. I wanted to show her our empire, every tree, rock and building that will belong to us in this alliance we have created. But with one touch, one glance, she has me. All I can think about is tearing her clothes away and shoving my cock so far inside her that she'll never be the same again.
I grip her hard around the waist, pull her into my body and kiss her back. Her lips open beneath mine giving me access to the perfect, erotic recesses of her mouth. Fuck, that mouth.
I take a fistful of her hair and pull her back a few inches, staring down at her, my empty eye still on display. She doesn't flinch, she doesn't move. Her breathes comes out in quick little rushes, sending a heated trail across my cheek as I look back at her.
"I'm going to fuck you."
A slow smile spreads across her lips. "I thought you'd never ask."
She jerks in my arms, trying to press her lips against mine once more, but I continue to hold her in place, my fingers wrapped in her silky hair. I want this control. I need this control. Every part of my life is planned, right down to the last detail. Eliminates surprises.
If anyone is going to convince me to take a chance, it'll be this woman. But not right now. I need to control her, show my future Warlord that she belongs to me, heart, body, and soul. Despite being such a powerful woman, she belongs to me completely.
"Not asking," I growl, leaning into her, my lips brushing her ear.
She shivers beneath my hands. "Then get on with it."
Her challenge spurs me to action. Instead of pressing my lips to hers though, as she expects, I drag her back by the hair, throwing her down on the bedding. She lets out a squeak and I can see that she has to visibly hold herself back from attacking me. The warrior in her strong and always on the edge.
I yank at the laces on her pants, dragging the leather down her hips and revealing her long smooth legs. Her pants stop at her boots, too big and heavy for me to get the leather off. I pull her feet up one leg at a time untying the laces on her boots, my gaze never leaving hers.
Her eyes tell me everything I need to know. She wants me and she wants it rough. Her eyes burn with need, the stormy grey deepening to cobalt as her pupils dilate.
I yank the boots from her feet and toss them over my shoulder. Her pants are next. She lifts her arms to help me as I grip the hem of her shirt and drag it over her head, leaving her naked and sprawled out on the bedding.
Her hair is a beautiful dark halo above her head, shining a deep red in the light of the dying sun. She is more lovely in this moment than I have ever seen her. Perhaps it’s because we’ve already known each other in a physical sense that her appeal now has more hold on me than ever.
She sits up and flings her arms around my shoulders, climbing into my lap and pressing her bare knees against my sides, gripping me with an impressive strength that has my cock straining so hard against my pants that I’m sure I’ll burst the seams.
I hold her up by the ass, plastering her naked body against me, enjoying every contour as she writhes on top of me. She is both soft and hard where there’s muscle but also womanly curves. I devour her lips in a ruthless kiss that she not only accepts but gives back in equal measure. She bites down on my lip so hard that I feel a streak of pain.
I dig my fingers into the rounded globes of her ass, sliding them down the crack, touching her tiny asshole and then moving my fingers further, gliding them through the wet folds of her vagina.
I’m dizzy with need, all of the blood rushing from my head to my groin. I stroke my fingers through her pussy a few times until she’s moaning into my mouth, her sharp teeth biting down on my lip. I doubt that she’s aware of what she's doing.
She flings her head back and lets out a little shriek, shattering in my arms as she comes just from the touch of my fingers gliding gently across her wet pussy, flicking the hardened nub of her clit.
As she melts in my arms, I wrap my hand around her neck and pull her backwards off my lap. She flails and then catches herself, but before she has time to settle, I flip her over onto her hands and knees. She lets out a yelp, but then thrusts her hips back into mine, silently begging for my cock.
I quickly take my clothes off and fling them behind me, aiming for the pile of her clothes, but not really caring where they land. They can go over the cliff for all I care. Now I’m as naked as she is.
I grip her waist, dragging her back against me and impaling her on my cock, letting out a ferocious growl as the tight clasp of her pussy sinks onto me. She shrieks as she’s forced to take more cock than her tight pussy is used to. Her passage pulses around me, alternately easing its grip and then clinging. She wiggles her ass against my hips and I grip her hard, digging my fingers into her soft flesh.
"If you don't stop moving this’ll be over in seconds," I grunt.
She flings her head back to look at me, her hair flying in an arc, a mischievous grin playing around her lips. "That's a you problem, Warlord."
She's going to have to pay for that remark.
I lean back far enough to slap her ass, bringing my hand down hard against her flesh. It bounces and a satisfying red mark in the shape of my fingerprints is left behind. She lets out a shriek and lunges forward toward the edge of the cliff, but I wrap an arm around her waist and hold her still.
"Motherfucker, that fucking hurt!"
I grip her hair in my fist and drag her head back, placing my lips against her ear. "Got any more smart-ass comments for me?"
She stays silent for a few seconds and I think maybe she's learned her lesson, then she answers, "Is this going to take all night? I really do need to get some rest."
I throw my head back and laugh, my second carefree laugh of the evening. It startles her, but then she quickly joins in. Hell, the laughter has startled me as well. This right here is why I love her. Even when she's helpless beneath me, impaled on my cock and about to take more, she still manages to give attitude. I hope she never loses it.
"Yes, this is going to take all night." I drop my lips to the back of her shoulder and kiss her gently as I surge inside her, slamming my hips into her ass.
She shrieks and wiggles trying to find a more comfortable position, but my hold is too tight. I don't want her comfortable. I want her hurting for me so bad that she's a begging weeping mess.
I slam my hips into her, over and over, hitting her cervix with my cock and drawing screams of pain and pleasure from her. Even if I wanted to slow down, wanted to ensure her comfort, I’m past the point of reason. This woman has spent years teasing me. She didn't do it on purpose, but her mere presence was a constant reminder that the only thing on the planet I wanted for myself was the one thing I couldn't have.
Risking her hate wasn't worth it. Until now. Until Skye reached the point that she can accept me for who I am. And accept herself.
She stretches her hands out across the ground in front of her, moaning in ecstasy and undulating her hips enticingly as I continue to bury my cock in her silken passage. She’s so wet now that I glide easily in and out. I reach around to touch her clit, strumming my finger against it.
"I need to come. I'm going to come!" she shouts, panting like she’s running a race.
I take a fistful of her hair and drag her head back until she’s forced to go up on her knees, my cock still inside her. I hold her against my shoulder and drop my lips to her cheek. "Open your eyes, look at your kingdom."
I can't see her face, but I know the moment she opens her eyes, obeying me. Her head tilts down and she gazes at the city far below, gas lamps and fires lighting up the night like tiny fireflies laid out in a blanket across the city. Our haven tucked away safely for the night.
"Come for me," I growl in h
er ear, rubbing her clit hard enough that she tries to close her legs. I force them open, force her to take everything I'm giving her.
Her body tenses and as she reaches for the orgasm, I thrust up inside her while pinching her clit hard between my finger and thumb. She flings her head back against my shoulder and screams, her voice echoing off the mountainside. Her pussy spasms against my cock, gripping me so hard that she forces me over my own orgasmic edge.
As Skye melts in my arms, her orgasm continuing to ripple through her, I thrust one more time before shooting my seed up inside her. I silently beg my sperm to find their way home, to create the life that will bind her to me, bind us to each other.
As we both come down from the high of our shared orgasms, I lay her down on the bedding and wrap myself around her, stroking her face and tilting her chin so that she can watch the city lights. She sighs contentedly and wiggles back against me, pressing her ass against my flagging cock.
"I thought you said we were gonna fuck all night?" she says quietly, a hint of mischief in her voice.
I lean over and kiss her temple, trailing my lips to her ear and shoving my tongue inside. She gasps and shudders beneath me while I hold her down and explore this new erogenous zone. When she’s a moaning, melting mess beneath me I tip her face up to mine. "We're not done yet."
I wake up before Wolfe’s heavy hand can even touch my shoulder. I reach for my weapons, no words between us as he does the same. We’re both still naked, but that can't be helped. The immediate problem is more pressing than scrambling for clothes.
We’re lucky. Since there’s a cliff to our backs the enemy can't completely surround us, but that's the extent of our luck. If we don't watch our footing, we could easily go over the side in what appears to be an inevitable battle with an unknown enemy, judging from the shadowy forms moving through the darkness, surrounding our car.
If we hadn't been asleep, if we’d been awake and alert, we might've been able to gain the upper hand. As it is, neither of us are wearing protective gear. I flash Wolfe a grin, this is going to be fun. His lips stretch in some semblance of a smile and his eye gleams in the darkness. He feels the same.
A voice shouts at us, confirming what I’d already suspected. The people surrounding our small encampment aren’t Primitives.
"Give us the woman and we’ll let you go."
Wolfe looks at me sharply, a frown dragging his brows down. "Outsiders," he grunts with disgust.
I’ve always thought that Wolfe’s disdain toward Outsiders was funny. He's just as dark, dangerous and morally grey as any Outsider I’ve ever met, yet he seems to despise them. I suspect it has to do with my arrival in Sanctuary the first time around, when I was the prisoner of a vicious Outsider.
"No mercy," Wolfe says to me.
"No mercy," I whisper back.
Rule one when it comes to war, mercy will get you killed. Aim to take out your enemy with swift precision so there’s no one left to come after you.
Before the Outsiders can shout at us again, I answer back, “Why don't you come over here and get me."
My words have the desired effect as several men leap out of the shadows surrounding the vehicle and lunge toward us. Their attack plan seems to be to overwhelm us with numbers. If they knew how many zombies Wolfe and I have killed between the two of us, they’d come up with a better strategy.
Wolfe and I leap to our feet and start shooting. I immediately put a bullet through the head of the man nearest me. He’s standing close enough to the edge of the cliff that his body topples over the side.
Wolfe grabs my arm and drags me back, bending his body protectively over mine as guns go off all around us. I flinch, but nothing hits me. I realize right away that they don't want to kill me.
Slave traders. Having been sold once before, I now have added incentive to kill every man in this group. There's nothing lower in my opinion than a man willing to sell another human being into sexual slavery so he can gain a little coin and maybe a few supplies.
With the realization that they won't hurt me comes a surge of power. I wrench my arm from Wolfe’s grasp and leap in front of him, protecting him with my naked body. He growls at me to stay back, but I don't. Instead, I hurl myself into the fray, grinning like a woman about to eat her favourite treat, and start slashing anyone stupid enough to think they can put hands on me.
The element of surprise is now on my side as men rarely think that women can fight and fight well. I duck under the guard of one man and plunge my long straight knife into his stomach at the same time as bringing my gun up to his chin and pulling the trigger. Blood splatters across my body. The force of the blast pushes him backward and my knife is free once more. I slash it around in time to catch someone in the arm. It cuts right to the bone and he screams in agony as I swing my leg up between his legs, crushing his balls and dropping him to the ground.
Someone lets out a roar that echoes off the cliffs around us, making us all freeze and sending goosebumps up my arms. When I glance over my shoulder, I realize it's Wolfe, letting out a battle cry before leaping on the men nearest him. Both are dead within the blink of an eye, their bodies hitting the dirt at Wolfe’s feet. I can see their blood gleaming against his skin in the moonlight.
The man on the ground at my feet swings a rifle around and takes aim at Wolfe. I let out a screech of anger and leap on him, knocking the gun aside and aiming my knife for his ribs, he grunts as it slides easily between two ribs, buried in his side. I bring my gun up, intent on ending his life, but he's better than that. With a swipe he knocks me away from him and I go flying into the side of Wolfe’s vehicle. I hit hard enough that the breath rushes out of me and I fall onto my hands and knees. A bullet whizzes past my head, slamming into the hood of the vehicle.
Wolfe’s angry bellow reverberates off the mountainside, once more making every man in the group freeze in fear.
Clever. I believe he's drawing attention to himself, encouraging the men to attack him instead of me. As they turn toward him, I leap to my feet, scooping my gun up and shooting one in the back of the head. Idiot. Never turn your back on a woman with a gun.
"Retreat!" someone shouts into the darkness and just as quickly as they came, every man in the group disappears, leaving their dead behind.
I stand, my knife in one hand and my gun in the other, my limbs steady as I contemplate the dead bodies littered across the ground. Eight. Nine including the man who went over the cliff. And at least another dozen fled into the darkness. Had they been serious about killing us both, we wouldn't have been able to withstand a coordinated attack from that many. Their desire to keep me alive saved our lives.
Wolfe grabs hold of me and swings me around to face him. I look up at him startled, but the crazed look in his eye is enough to keep me silent as he runs his hands over my body. I shiver in the chill night as he touches me, not from the cold but from the heat already building within.
It doesn't matter that both of our naked bodies are splattered in blood, that we were just attacked and the ground where we made love only a few hours earlier is now littered in the bodies of the dead. I still want him.
"I'm not hurt," I say quietly. "The blood is theirs."
He grips the back of my head and looks down at me, his expression fierce. Not worry, but pride. An answering glow flares to life within me. We are warriors. We have each other's backs. We kill without mercy.
"Let's go." He grips my hand and pulled me toward the car.
"Our stuff." I turn back toward our little encampment, but he continues pulling me with him.
"Leave it," he growls, opening the door and shoving me in.
I silently agree with him as the door slams shut. We’re only leaving behind a few blankets and some leftover food. We're better off getting out of here in case the Outsiders are able to go for reinforcements. Or if they change their minds about capturing me and decide to come back and kill us both.
As Wolfe slides
into the car, I turn to ask him, "Why didn't they steal the car?"
He shakes his head and turns the ignition. He floors the car backwards and then throws it into drive and we begin to hurtle down the mountainside. The drive is utterly terrifying since we're doing it in the dark with no headlights. I momentarily forget that I asked Wolfe a question until he answers.
"They only wanted you, not the car."
I nod my head. "They underestimated us."
I turn my gaze to Wolfe, travelling his body and taking in his magnificence. Completely naked, covered in blood, he is utterly breathtaking. The hard slabs of muscle are partially hidden in the dark interior of the car, but I can see enough in the moonlight filtering through the windows. He is truly an incredible man, bigger than life. Almost a god.
"They underestimated us," he confirms. "Thought I'd be an easy kill and you'd be easy prey."
I bare my teeth in a grin and let out a laugh. "They were wrong." Wolfe chuckles and a pleasant camaraderie settles over us as our adrenaline from the fight begins to ebb. "Do you think they intended to sell me as a slave?"
A new kind of tension fills the car as we’re forced to think of memories that are best left buried in the past. The memory of when I was brought to Santa Fe and sold to its Warlord. That initial interaction with Wolfe feels different now in retrospect. I'd hated everyone and everything that had anything to do with my kidnapping and sale. I’d especially despised Wolfe. He’d been the twisted ugly face of my sale and placement into the harem. It didn’t matter that I was to become the bride of the Warlord at the Warlord’s orders; Wolfe was the one my hatred settled on.
But now, I recall those memories with new eyes. The look on Wolfe’s face when I was presented at the palace, the way he treated my captor with deadly disdain. I remember the way he looked at Silas as though he wanted nothing more than to gut his Warlord with the long, curved knife strapped to his belt. I recall those brief spurts of curiosity I'd had as I wondered why the second-in-command of the Santa Fe Sanctuary hated his boss so much.