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The Art of Death: Pittsburgh Vampires Vol. 11

Page 4

by B. A. Stretke

  He'd intended for it to be a friendly kiss which implied the promise of more, but once he touched that delicious mouth, there was no stopping his need to claim it completely. His hands held Simon in place as he explored and devoured.

  Simon was not surprised by the kiss, but he was startled by the intensity with which Killian took him. Killian's grip tightened as he dropped one hand to pull him closer and hold him flush to his body while his other hand slipped to the back of his head. Such an assault on his senses should be paralyzing him, but instead, he was feeding off the energy and vitality of this man. He felt stronger and raised his hands to place them on Killian's hips holding him and digging his fingers into the hard-muscle beneath his black suit.

  Simon felt himself growing hard as the kiss grew deeper and Killian plunged his searching and forceful tongue inside tasting and consuming the tender flesh owning him with the contact. Killian ultimately tore his lips away as they both gasped for breath. He held Simon and rained small urgent kisses down the side of his face and across his jaw.

  Killian gradually drew back and looked down into Simon’s heavenly blue eyes. “You are my beloved, Simon, mine to love and protect.” It was the truth and needed to be said. The look on Simon’s face remained the same, blissful and heavenly. He still held Simon but took a half step back as his body was responding sharply to the nearness and the arousal of his beloved. The need to slow down was clear or else he would indeed throw Simon over his shoulder and run away with him.

  His vampire nature was demanding action, and usually Killian answered his nature but not in this instance. Simon required a soft touch and an understanding approach just as Josef had stated. The kiss was exquisite, and a wonderful beginning, and he had to be satisfied with that, for now.

  "I'll see you tonight," Killian said and turned towards the door. Before leaving, he turned back to just look and take in the beauty that is his beloved. "You're a gorgeous man Simon Wielding." He stated and then left closing the door quietly behind him. Leaving Simon standing there speechless.


  That was the hardest thing he’d ever had to do in his life, and Killian had to do a lot of hard things in his life. Leaving his beloved so needy and aroused and walking away tore him up. But taking advantage of the vulnerable man was not the way to win him over for a lifetime commitment. He had to show restraint. He said over and over silently to himself as he headed for the bar.

  A few drinks might lessen the ache he was feeling in his heart. Spending time with Simon had been good. He'd learned a little about him, gotten him to open a bit and helped him feel better about himself with a short trip out of the apartment and a haircut. Yes, it was all well and good, especially that kiss, but Killian was aggravated by how long this slow stepping of their relationship was going to take.

  He was concerned that at some point, his vampire nature would just take over and settle the entire matter for everyone involved. He wasn't a patient man, and he never before gave a single care about anyone's feelings, but now he found himself caught in a virtual vortex of emotions. He cared deeply about Simon's feelings, and he cared enough to try and do everything in his power to get this right. He abruptly downed his whiskey and ordered another.

  “So, how’s it going?” Josef walked up and took a seat next to Killian at the bar.

  Killian glanced his way and nodded. "As well as can be expected." He said and congratulated himself on such a middling response. Josef's chuckle told him it wasn't good enough.

  “That bad?” Josef laughed again and ordered himself a drink.

  "It's slow." He confessed. "But I'm gaining some ground. He's beginning to trust me, and that's good." Josef patted him on the shoulder.

  "You shocked me earlier when you told me who your beloved was, and I wanted to apologize for my reaction. I should have shown you proper support and at the very least, I should have minded my own business." Killian was surprised by the apology.

  "I understood your concern, and I too wonder why Fate has chosen me for this special young man. But with that said, he belongs to me, and I will never let go. Simon is mine and he will eventually be with me." Killian stated.

  “As he should be. He’s lucky to have been paired with someone as loyal, capable and devoted as you. I think that you are exactly what a man like Simon needs. The two of you will make a very fine bonded couple.” Josef raised his glass to Killian in a toast.

  “Thank you, sir.” Killian raised his glass. Bonded pair, God that sounded so good right now.


  Simon stayed by the door for about ten minutes just staring at the darkened wood. He touched his lips several times, amazed at the tingling sensation that rushed through him each time. That kiss was spectacular, utterly spectacular, but why did he leave?

  After contemplating the myriad possibilities that may have caused Killian to bolt, none of them good, Simon moved to the bathroom to get a look at his freshly trimmed hair. Rylan had shown him how it looked in his hand-held mirror, but all of Simon’s attention had been on the tall, handsome man watching him. Killian was thoughtful and attentive in a way Simon had never known before. He made sure he was okay at every turn and didn’t criticize him when he fell short.

  Turning from side to side, he liked it even though it was a bit longer than what he usually wore. Rylan had suggested leaving some length on the top, and he had to admit it did look good. He heard Victor getting up and moving about so left the bathroom in case he needed to use it.

  "Wow, did you go to the barber?" Victor grabbed him gently by the upper arm, halting him on his way to the living room.

  “No, Rylan Jones the stylist came here and cut it for me.” That had Victor’s eyes widening in disbelief.

  “Rylan Jones is the most sought-after stylist in the city, no fucking way he came here to this apartment and cut your hair. How much did it cost you?” Victor started laughing and put his hands on his hips.

  "He's a friend of Killian's. He called him, and he came here and cut my hair. I don't know what it cost, Killian covered it." Simon responded indignantly.

  Victor turned on him in an instant. "Killian Frey?" He asked, not looking at all happy. Simon nodded unaffected. "Oh, my God, Simon you have to be careful of that man." He became deadly serious.

  He moved closer to Simon as he spoke. "No one really knows him except Josef and some of the higher-ups. He's worked alone in the field as an agent of the Coven for years. That kind of work makes a man hard and cold. He's done terrible things, I've heard the guards talking, and he is not a nice person no matter what you think or what he tells you." Victor moved closer, still pinning Simon to the wall with his words. "He's not your friend, Simon. The man has no friends, he hates people in general from what I've been told."

  "Rylan was his friend," Simon interjected in defense of the man he was becoming to know as his friend.

  Victor rolled his eyes. “My God Simon wake up. You’d think considering what you went through that you’d be a little more discerning in your judgments. Rylan probably owed him for something because Killian Frey doesn’t do friends, they just get in his way.”

  Simon shook his head. “I like him.” He said and walked into the living room.

  “I’d argue with you, but I can see it would be useless and I have to get ready for work. He’s not your friend.” He said again before going into the bathroom and slammed the door.

  Simon checked the clock and noticed that it was several hours before Victor had to be to work, so Simon assumed that he must be meeting someone first. Simon took a seat on the sofa with a cup of coffee and soon his mind was wondering when Killian would return.


  Killian met with his men before they were scheduled to go on duty. The task of handling the private areas and activities was to be their focus, not internal fights or resentments. He was ending that little irritant named Victor Rossi. If that fucker needed constant cock, he would have to go find it elsewhere because his men were barred from contact.

/>   “If I catch any one of you with Victor Rossi in any capacity apart from ordering a drink from him or telling him to get the fuck out of your way, you will be reprimanded with dismissal to follow. There is no room on my team for bullshit lover’s quarrels do I make myself clear?” Everyone nodded in unison. “If there are questions ask them now nothing will be tolerated or considered after the fact.” Killian waited for a couple of minutes, but no one spoke.

  “No piece of ass is worth your career unless said ass belongs to your beloved.” He ended and heard a soft chuckle from the room, they all seemed to appreciate the break in the tension.

  "We're over it, sir." One of the men said, and the rest agreed with a few laughs and some deprecating humor.

  "Very well then, let's get to work." He said, and the room was dismissed.

  It was a Saturday night which usually consisted of couples and older clientele, not a tough crowd but sometimes rowdy just happens. He set up the posts and patrols as usual before beginning his own rounds. Thoughts of his beloved were never far from his mind, and the anticipation of seeing him again soon grew with each passing minute.

  He would head back to Simon's apartment after his rounds at nine. It was still early enough that he should be up but late enough that Victor should be gone. Thoughts of his beloved tucked into bed beside him leapt to his mind, and he barely suppressed a moan. Simon's scent, his body, and sweet little face were more than Killian could ever resist. He checked his watch several times willing the hands to move faster.

  An incident on the second floor between a married couple and a hired escort that they’d passed off at the door as their nephew helped passed the time. Apparently, the wife was enjoying the young man more than her husband, and he took offense at her neglect. It was crude but tame considering what they have dealt with over the past two months. The participants were all human, so it was just a matter of breaking them up, calming them down and showing them the door.

  Killian looked into how the couple had gained access for the hooker and learned that he was indeed their nephew, step-nephew to be precise. He shook his head, humans are weird. It was a matter he referred to the security admin and then went back to his rounds.


  Simon watched the clock, and as the time drew to past nine, he began to lose hope that Killian had been serious about seeing him again today. Maybe he just said it so he could leave without drama. His mind began to dissect the day, and each and every word they said to one another.

  Did he scare him off with his mini-meltdown? Did he believe there had been too many expectations? Freaking out in the hallway probably wasn’t a good look either or panicking at the thought of leaving the apartment. Seriously, what normal guy would want anything to do with him?

  He was sinking into a pit of hopeless self-recrimination as he analyzed every aspect of his behavior when he heard the knock and nearly fell on the floor as he jumped off the sofa and hurried to answer. He’d made sure to change his shirt into one of Victor’s that he’d lent him when he first arrived. It was an ultramarine blue and people said it brought out his eyes so he was hoping Killian would like it.

  Grabbing the door handle and opening the door without checking to see who it was turned out to be a mistake. The man standing there was not Killian and the disappointment shown clearly on Simon's face, he was sure. Taking a step back, Simon gripped the door ready to slam it shut.

  "May I speak with Victor." The man asked. He had a refined look and speech, but for some reason, his tone gave Simon the heebie-jeebies. It was too slick and highbrow like someone faking culture and breading, over the top but just. Most people probably wouldn't notice, but Simon had heard this sort of pretension before, and it wasn't a good memory. Simon couldn't recall ever meeting this man before, but there was a familiarity. He struggled to control his discomfort.

  "Victor is working," Simon told him and began closing the door. He was in the middle of the Hadden Coven, so he wasn't afraid as much as he was oddly revolted by this man's presence. The man reached out and stopped the door from closing, which caused Simon to tense and lean heavily against the door. He scowled at the hand then at the man. "Come back later or call." He said and attempted to close the door, but the man held firm pressing against the door.

  "May I come in and wait?" That was the most ridiculous request he could have made, and Simon hoped his expression implied as much.

  "No, you may not. Now move your hand." The man gave a chuckle and then abruptly let go and was gone in the blink of an eye. He moved so fast it was as if he'd disappeared. With his heart beating in his throat, Simon slammed the door shut and locked it. He leaned against it as if he thought his lightweight could keep anyone out if they really wanted in. The encounter left him feeling anxious and worried.

  So deep was he in thought that when another knock came, he jumped and almost screamed but thank God he caught it before it burst from his throat. This time he checked the peephole before opening the door. He was relieved to see Killian standing there all tall and gorgeous, fuck he wanted that man so bad, but that wish was more than just a long shot it was totally ridiculous.

  Simon opened the door slowly and looked up at the man he’d waited all evening to arrive. He saw the smile on Killian’s lips drop to a frown as he took in Simon appearance. Killian reached up with his right hand and gently held him by his upper arm.

  "What's wrong?" He asked and took a step forward spurring Simon to take a step back into the apartment. Step by step, Killian herded him inside and closed the door behind him. Once the door was closed, he reached out with both hands and gathered Simon into his arms.

  “You’re shaking.” He stated. “What happened?” Simon wasn’t sure what to tell him that wouldn’t sound like he was a pathetic frightened child.

  "Someone was at the door before you, and they startled me." He offered. Killian's dark eyes bore right through him.

  "Who were they, and why did they startle you?" His tone was calm and even, but Simon sensed a growing turbulence below the cool exterior.

  “I didn’t know him. He asked for Victor. I found his presence unsettling for some reason. But then I find most people unsettling these days.” He tried for levity, but it was a sad attempt considering he couldn’t stop shaking. Killian hugged him and lead him into the living room where they sat together on the sofa. “I’m okay.” He tried to assure worried that Killian was going to get tired of his perpetual tragedy.

  "I know that you're here inside the Coven but please don't open your door without checking to see who it is first." Killian leaned in and kissed the side of his head, and Simon wished he'd kissed him properly like before. He could sure use one of those bone-melting kisses right now. But having him close and holding him did wonders for his agitated mind. The comfort this man afforded was crazy and wonderful.

  "I will." He said immediately and pressed himself more firmly against Killian's side. "I thought it was you at first. I'd been waiting, and when I heard the knock, I just figured it was you because no one knocks on our door at this hour." Simon knew he was rambling and probably telling him things he couldn't care less about, but Killian just had that effect on him. He wanted to tell him everything whenever he asked.

  “I could see about getting you your own apartment.” Killian proposed. “Victor’s extracurriculars can’t be that enjoyable for you to endure, I’m sure. Plus it would give Victor back his privacy.” Simon shook his head vigorously, so Killian did not pursue the idea further.

  "I don't like being alone," Simon admitted.

  "But he leaves you alone while he works." Killian would have someone there with him at all times if that was what Simon needed. The thought that someone had come to his beloved's door and frightened him was getting under Killian's skin. It might have been all a misunderstanding, but he was not going to just let it slide, he would find out who it was and why they scared him.

  "It's just for a few hours. He's here after work, and even though he sleeps most of the day, it's comforting
to know that there is someone else in the apartment. I know I'm acting childish, but I need the security, for now." Killian squeezed him close to his side and dropped another kiss to the top of his head.

  Simon looked up at him in that moment with such longing in his eyes that Killian could do nothing but fall into that gaze and give him everything he was asking for. He took Simon and pulled him across his lap so that he was cradled against one arm as he once again took those tempting sweet lips in a kiss that overwhelmed and consumed them both.

  The taste of his beloved was heady and erotic, sending his vampire into a thirst that was irresistible. The desire to taste was getting the best of him, so he nicked the surface of Simon's plump bottom lip just to get a sample and to begin the foundation of their bond. The blood touched his tongue, and the power surged through him. He'd heard legends regarding the energizing aspects of the blood of a beloved, but he'd never known how thoroughly invigorating it would be. He experienced the essence of Simon course through him at such a level it touched everything, mind, body, and soul.

  Simon clutched at Killian's shirt and held on drinking in the flavor of this masculinity. This was a man who would never cower in an apartment too afraid to go outside. Killian was powerful and confident and would not be brought to his knees by anything or anyone. Simon wished for even one-tenth of the dominance and command that Killian owned so easily.

  The kiss grew deeper, and he felt Killian's hand smoothing down his body to take a firm grip of his ass. The touch was electrifying, and Simon began a subtle thrust that was beyond his control. Need had crossed over into obsession.

  Killian gathered him closer as he rained several kisses to the side of his face and down his throat where he buried his face. His hot breath was near as erotic as the hot kiss but not quite. Simon slid his tongue along his bottom lip and felt the slight raise where Killian had taken a taste. It hadn't freaked him out as he'd feared it might.


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