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The Art of Death: Pittsburgh Vampires Vol. 11

Page 8

by B. A. Stretke

  “Your brother is on his way to City Memorial. He received word that you were admitted after a serious accident.” The man tossed the metal table aside and grabbed the doctor hauling him to his feet. Simon could see that Dr. Langley was alive but barely. “You see no one is looking for you and no one will find you until it is too late.” He continued to hold Dr. Langley but turned to regard Simon as he spoke.

  "The Hadden Coven was my test run to see how easy it would be to get inside and kill you. Now that I know I can get in even under the strictest of surveillance, I'll go after Wolfe Reynolds the last of the survivors. This success makes breaching the fortress at Coven DuCane possible."

  “I wouldn’t make any travel plans just yet, Sinclair.” The voice came from the other side of the room at the location of the large double doors, which through his own conceit, Sinclair had not secured.

  Standing there were Killian and Josef McQueen. Simon stood up and began to step to his right, moving away from where Sinclair, as Killian called him, stood with Dr. Langley. Sinclair had twisted and placed the doctor's body in front of him, shielding himself as he took in and calculated the threat of the two men standing before him.

  "Make a move, and I rip his head off." Sinclair goaded as he took steps to get closer to Simon. Simon matched his moves and inched away while keeping his gaze trained on Killian.

  "You're going to die," Josef told him. "It's just a matter of how you want to do it, quick and clean or long, drawn-out and agonizing.” Simon was impressed with their calm and logic in the face of this unpredictable beast.

  "Do as you must, but I will take them with me." He gestured to Dr. Langley and Simon. "My speed is legend, no one can best me." A still silence filled the room for a few seconds, and then suddenly Dr. Langley hit the floor. Sinclair, with his great speed, went after Simon and attempted to grab him, but he was stopped when his body slammed into what probably felt like a brick wall.

  Simon had thrown himself backward onto the floor trying to avoid the man’s attempt to grab him. But it had been unnecessary since Killian stood between them looking down at Sinclair who was on his knees where he’d fallen from the impact.

  "You're fast, I'm faster. You may have heard of me. I've gotten around a lot during my field service for Master Nikolas Hadden and before that with the Clyster Group, a mercenary organization. My name is Killian Frey, and over the past two centuries I have made death my art form." Finally, he noticed the blood oath marking Killian's face. The smug bastard cried out in fear and tried to scramble to get away from Killian. Unfortunately, all of Sinclair's abilities deserted him in the face of sure defeat. Obviously, Sinclair had heard of Killian.

  Josef scooped up Dr. Langley and took him out into the hall and handed him off to one of the guards then returned for Simon. But Simon shook his head, he needed to remain. He stood and backed away, but he had to be there with Killian. He needed to see Sinclair ended. He remembered what this man had done to him and the others in the parlor, how he’d reveled in their pain and death. Now he wanted to see Sinclair answer for his crimes.

  Simon and Josef stood side by side watching as Killian took Sinclair by the throat with one hand and drug him over to the large drain located in the center of the room. "No sense in messing up the entire room now is there," Killian stated and Sinclair's eyes bulged out of his head as he clawed at the hand that was strangling him.

  He shoved Sinclair to the floor with his upper body covering the drain. He stared down into his eyes and drove his sharpened talons into the man's throat, ripping it completely open. "There, that's a start. You like to tear at flesh and watch people bleed out, how does it feel. Is it as pleasurable as you anticipated?" Sinclair fought, but he was no match for the darkness that hovered over him.

  Killian then plunged his fist inside Sinclair's chest, cracking ribs and shredding the flesh as he wrapped his hand around Sinclair's still-beating heart. "Say goodnight." He mocked as he closed his grip and crushed the organ ending this man in that instant. Sinclair slumped lifeless where he lay as his blood flowed down the drain.

  Killian wiped his hands on Sinclair's expensive jacket and stood. He turned to his right to regard both Simon and Josef standing there but his gaze locked onto his beloved. Simon had witnessed the worst of who he was, and Killian wondered the effect such a display of violence would have on his beloved little human. Would he fear Killian now or would he retreat back inside himself and hide? He didn't have to wonder long because Simon ran to him the moment their eyes met.

  Simon wrapped his arms around him and reached up to pull him down for a kiss which Killian obliged with pleasure. “I’m so glad you’re okay.” He said between kisses. “Thank you for finding me.” He added.

  Killian gathered him close and rubbed his cheek against his soft golden hair. “I will always find you, Simon.”

  "I felt you in my mind, but it was so soft all I could glean was a sense of calm. It helped me to keep my mind clear, rather than losing myself in a panic attack." Simon ran his hands up and down Killian's back, just needing the touch and the assurance that he was there.

  “I’m glad it helped you. Our connection will grow as our bond grows. In time our communication will become sharp and clear.” He dropped another kiss to Simon’s lips and then glanced up at Josef.

  "Go and be with your beloved. We’ll clean this up." Josef told him, and Killian did not argue. He wanted his beloved in their home, safe in his arms. He picked him up, cradling him in his arms and in seconds they were home.


  Killian set Simon on his feet and went to the bathroom to wash up and then got him a bottled water from the kitchen. They sat down together on the couch with Killian next to him holding him close to his side as he explained who Sinclair was and his past deeds and intent. Simon had remembered him but not his name, and he informed Killian that he was the same man who had come to the apartment yesterday looking for Victor. He folded himself into Killian's embrace, and they just relaxed like that for a few minutes.

  “Will Dr. Langley be alright?” Simon asked, his face still pressed against Killian’s chest.

  "His life force is strong. He will be fine. Vampires can endure more than humans, and he will heal quickly." Killian assured him.

  Killian rose and brought Simon up with him, and they walked together into the bedroom. Killian closed and locked the door considering his outer door needed to be fixed he didn't want anyone walking in on them. He then grabbed Simon by his hips and spun him around for a deep explorative kiss that promised so much more.

  “Do you still want to go have coffee at the café or are you okay with me fucking you until you pass out?” Killian’s words were delivered with such seriousness that Simon began to chuckle and laid his forehead against Killian’s chest.

  "Fuck me, Killian," Simon stated and glanced up at his beloved through his lashes. "I need you." He wanted their connection to be as strong as it could be. He wanted their bond to grow and he just plain needed Killian inside him, melting every reserve and ever doubt giving him the strength and confidence he used to have. Killian was making him strong and making him the man he used to be.

  "I love you, Killian. I am so glad Fate chose me." Killian had them both stripped and laid out on their large bed before Simon could form another sentence. Killian did not want to waste time, giving him what he wanted for his beloved was ready and waiting. He wasn't re-traumatized by Sinclair's attack, and he wasn't internalizing the events. His beloved was happy.

  He rolled on top of Simon and began raining kisses from his lips down to the center of his chest. All the while he was working Simon's hole getting it stretched and ready for him. His cock was currently riding Simon's thigh and the contact although pleasurable was not sufficient. Killian moved further and took Simon's hardening member into his mouth and sucked it to the root as he plunged his thumb and forefinger deep inside his channel. The melody of his salacious sounds burned through Killian, making him suck harder and hurriedly insert another finger.r />
  Simon was squirming and vibrating with the need to have Killian inside him. He wanted this man with a fierceness that was unlike anything before. No man had ever made him so happy, secure, and loved. No man had ever meant so much. The heat of his mouth and the sensations of his tongue and teeth as they grazed his tender shaft were quickly sending him to the edge.

  The fingers disappeared just as Simon was about to lose it and was replaced by Killian’s large stiff cock. He slowly pushed inside unlike the last time and eased his way an excruciating inch at a time. Simon wanted him now.

  "Please, Killian I need you now." He whined and was immediately rewarded for his effort. Killian pushed to the root in one thrust and began a brutal yet delicious pounding of Simon's ass. It was energizing in a way he never knew that sex could be. He was flying when he tumbled over the edge and came so hard he saw stars.

  Killian was riding on the wave of beauty that was the expressions chasing each other across his beloved's face. He was hiding nothing, and his extasy was on full display. The harder he pounded, the more ecstatic Simon became. He loved this, and he would give Simon anything he asked for if the reward was to be a beauty like this.

  He felt his beloved come and spread his hot seed over them. It sharpened his own need with the scent of his beloved’s essence and soon after he too plunged deep and emptied stream after stream into the velvety channel that was holding him so dear.

  Simon wrapped his legs around him and held him tight as they both hit heights of sensation that were out of this world. Killian dropped and once again sunk his fangs into the bonding scar and drank deeply of his love. The events of the past few hours made it imperative that he re-establish his claim.

  Simon held him throughout reeling from the thrill of the emotions that swamped him. He could feel, actually feel their connection growing stronger and deeper. He was seeing Killian, seeing his heart and his dreams, and he was magnificent. This was his beloved, his forever love, and he would never again walk alone. "I love you, Killian, will you marry me?" The words flew out of his mouth, and he was glad they were out there.

  Killian finished and licked the wound closed and then placed a proprietary kiss to the spot before balancing himself on his elbows so he could look down into Simon's amazing blue eyes. "I love you too, baby and yes, I would be honored to marry you." It wasn't something that was necessary, and vampires rarely went through such a ceremony since bonding was so thorough. But humans often wanted the legal, as well as the physical bonding, and Killian could think of no one he'd rather be legally tied to than Simon Wielding.

  “I’ll design our rings.” He sounded so excited at the prospect and Killian was touched that he wanted to do something so sentimental.

  "They'll be beautiful, I'm sure." Killian slipped out of his beloved and moved slightly to the side, giving Simon room to breathe, but still keeping him close. "You're my entire world, baby. Thank you for taking a chance on someone like me." He followed that with another hard, passionate kiss.


  Master Hadden gave Killian a larger apartment considering he was now bonded and it afforded Simon room to work on his design career. As promised, Killian secured an internship for Simon with a local jeweler and Simon continued with his online courses.

  Simon made up with his brother, although Victor and Killian still had their moments of discord. Victor was no longer banned from socializing with the guards, but he found that he no longer enjoyed meaningless sex after witnessing the love that existed between Simon and Killian. He would never tell them, but he envied what they had.

  Killian was getting along better with his team and even managed limited socializing with his peers. He was still Killian Frey, the master of death, but he was much less likely to kill someone now for the simple ease of expediting a situation. He was back from the edge, he was still of the darkness, but it did not own him. The beautifully designed wedding band on his finger told everyone who he belonged to.


  Master Hadden and Josef sat at the bar one evening not long after the incident with Sinclair. "As Louis pointed out, our technology and security measure are not enough. We sit here surrounded by points of access in the middle of a large city." Nik began. "Sinclair came and went like he owned the place. The new software was helpful but only when we knew what we were looking for. This building is not adequate any longer for my Coven. Our people are not safe in their homes when their home is attached to a public space. The Club makes them all vulnerable."

  "You're considering moving?" Josef asked, and Nik nodded.

  "Louis says I need a fortress, but I'm not really a palace in the middle of the wilderness kind of guy. I need a fortress of steel and glass.

  "Build or buy?" Josef continued with his query.

  “Buy.” He answered firmly. “I have my eye on a forty-story building in the financial district that would be perfect for our people. We would expand our business reach and look into other endeavors. It’s time for us to grow.” Nik was excited at the new possibilities before them.

  "With all the bonds being formed, do you think forty floors will be enough?" Josef laughed and downed his whiskey.

  “Bonds are brilliant, they bring so much strength and diversity to society. We have been very lucky with the members we've gained and the members who have been healed or rehabilitated by their bonds." Nik commented and then threw in. "Speaking of rehabilitated, how's Killian these days?"

  “He’s a man in love. Bringing him in and getting him back with his people was a smart move. He could have been lost to us.” Josef said.

  “I just brought him home, it was Fate who healed him. Never doubt her plan or her power.


  Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this story. Please rate and review!

  -B.A. Stretke

  About the Author

  B.A. Stretke is a Gay Romance and fiction author who publishes through Dreamspinner Press, LLC, and

  B.A Stretke began writing as a hobby. He read his first Jane Austen novel as a teen and was instantly hooked. The age-old dream of being a novelist took hold. Now long into adulthood, and a few years as an editor under his belt, B.A. is a full-time writer.

  B.A. spends his days reading, engaging in sarcasm, and plotting the next storyline, often leaving little head space for much else. He loves hiking through the Northern Michigan woods he calls home, often finding inspiration for his books. Writing and finding that perfect cup of coffee occupy the rest of his time.

  B.A. Stretke lives in Northern Michigan with one royally spoiled cat and his dear friends and family.

  You can connect with B.A. Stretke on his website:

  Follow him on Twitter @BAStretkeWriter

  Like him on Facebook! B.A. Stretke

  More Books from B.A. Stretke:

  Vampires of Blood and Bones

  Blood and Bones

  Stone and Steel

  Pittsburgh Vampires

  Meant To Be

  Bad Reputation

  Blond and Broken

  Master DuCane

  Love Is Danger

  Surrender To Me

  Eyes of Darkness

  The Vampire and the Witch

  The Vampire Next Door

  Never Let Me Go

  Dragon’s Blood M.C.:

  Apex: The Dragon’s Mate

  The Dragon’s Heart

  Loving The Hellhound


  The Bad Boy

  The Call of the Dragon

  Finding Forever

  The Dragon Twins

  King of the Dragons

  Rafe: The Dragon Knight

  Crimson Vampire Coven:

  ● Crimson Love

  ● Trusting Fate

  ● For Now and Forever

  ● My Vampire Lover

  ● The Vampire Code

  ● The Crimson Sorcerer

  ● The Crimson Omega

  ● The Crimson Alpha

nbsp; ● The Crimson Beta

  ● The Dragon King

  ● The Demon Lord

  ● The Dragon Knight – The Crimson War

  ● The Crimson Redemption

  ● Crimson Christmas

  ● Come Back To Me

  ● Love and Magic

  Pack Rules – Rue Pack Wolves:

  ● Mine

  ● Alpha Mate

  ● The Enforcer’s Mate

  ● Forever Mine – The Beta’s Mate

  ● Lost and Found

  ● The Omega’s Mate

  ● The Doctor’s Mate

  ● Finding Home

  ● Owen’s Mate

  ● Saving Jeremiah

  ● Jackson’s Journey

  ● Jesse’s Love

  ● The Master’s Beloved

  ● The Vampire’s Chosen

  The Wolves of Belle Fourche:

  ● The Wolves of Belle Fourche – The Alpha’s Claim

  ● Surprised by Forever

  ● Healing Scars

  Lonepine Wolf Shifters:

  ● Lonepine Wolf Shifters

  ● Reluctant Mate

  ● Jamie’s Mate

  Superiorland Wolf Pack:

  ● The Werewolf’s Mate

  The Dark Side:

  ● The Dark Side - Vampire Romance

  Sparrow Ridge Wolf Pack:

  Omega Mine

  The Omega’s Love

  Other Stories:

  ● Risk and Reward: A Gay Love Story

  ● Bound By the Gods

  ● Signed and Sealed

  ● The Art of the Deal

  ● Save Me - A Supernatural Romance


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