The Rossi Crime Family: The Complete Five Book Mafia Series
Page 21
“I’m not old enough to drink,” Keira says after Candy leaves. It reminds me that I don’t know anything about her—let alone her age.
“How old are?”
“I just turned eighteen.” Well, at least she’s legal.
“How old are you?” Her question takes me by surprise. I can’t remember the last time anybody asked me such a mundane question.
“Twenty-two.” I know I shouldn't have answered. The twinkle appearing in her eyes tells me she's eager to learn more about me, and I don’t want her to ask any more prying questions.
“How long have you owned this place?”
Exactly what I didn’t want to happen. More questions. I don't want her knowing more about me than she needs to.
“Enough questions. Eat. In silence.”
Candy comes back a few minutes later to take our plates, and replaces my empty beer bottle with another.
Keira hasn't touched her drink, but her hands are wrapped around the glass like she's considering it.
“Dave is at the bar waiting for you to call him in,” Candy announces, an unsure look on her face.
“Send him in.”
Candy nods and leaves the office.
My gaze swings to Keira. “Remember what I said. Keep your mouth shut,” I warn and watch her take her first sip of the pink drink.
A knock sounds on the door, and I call for him to enter. Dave walks in, his eyes going straight to Keira.
“Oooh, who is this? New girl?” The grin on his face tells me he's more than interested, and I don't like it—not one fucking bit. His eyes roam up and down her body, and images of me bashing his head into the side of my desk immediately enter my mind.
“Don’t mind her. She’s my new secretary. Getting her a tiny little desk for the corner soon,” I mutter through a clenched jaw.
When his eyes continue to linger on her petite frame and heart-shaped face, I almost lose it. “Sit your fucking ass down and quit staring at her. You came here for business, not to eye-fuck my secretary.”
Dave pales at my sudden outburst and sits in the chair in front of my desk without another glance at her.
“Tell me about business.” I place my feet on the edge of the desk and listen to him drone on about how much he’s been selling, in what areas, the new guys he hired, and how the cops got one of our guys in custody but he isn’t talking.
The entire time he's speaking, my eyes wander to Keira. She’s been silently taking small sips of her girly drink, her plump lips puckered around her straw. My dick is harder than hell.
“All right, that will be all,” I interrupt. I stopped listening minutes ago, too enamored with Keira’s lips around that damn fucking straw. Does she even realize what she’s doing? Probably not, but I don't care. She can play innocent all she wants. I’ll be the judge of how truly innocent she is.
“Out!” I yell when Dave doesn't move fast enough. He scurries out of my office, and I watch Keira take the last sip of her drink. She puts the empty glass down on a little side table next to the couch and looks at me with glassy eyes. Is she tipsy from one drink?
“How long has Dave been working for you?” Her stupid question only adds fuel to my fire—the inferno already burning out of control inside me.
I get up and step around my desk. Keira’s eyes go wide when I stop in front of her and she sees the bulge in my pants.
“Get up!” I order. I’m so fucking tired of her questions. They're intrusive and unnecessary. She doesn't need to get to know me. She needs to learn to listen, to bend to my will—or I may just fucking break her.
She hesitates again, and I grab her by her silky, brown hair, my fingers digging into her scalp as I pull her to her feet. Her eyes, her lips, her body—all of it draws me in, begging me for things I'm not even sure it knows it wants.
A shriek of pain rips from her throat, and I shut her up with a searing kiss. Her hands land on my chest. I loosen my hold on her hair and pull her against me. I’m sure she’s going to push me away, but she shocks me and grips my shirt, holding me close while I devour those sweet lips.
Our lips still locked, I manage to pull her to the couch, settling her on my lap. My hand grips her head, tilting it back, giving me access to her neck. I see her pulse throb, and I press a kiss to it. My lips roam over the sensitive flesh, and I use my free hand to move her hips, grinding her into my cock.
“My offer still stands. Sex and I’ll protect you.” I murmur into her ear, releasing my hold on her hair so she can look at me. Her eyes fill with confusion.
“Last night…you said…”
She tries to stand, but I hold her down, pushing her ass onto my hard length, letting her feel how much I want her. Knowing I could have her if I really wanted to, but that I won’t, is driving me insane.
“Last night, I was drunk and high. I say a lot of shit I don’t mean when I’m high. Now, what’s it going to be? You going to spread those sweet legs for me willingly, or do you want your legs spread by someone else?”
Panic fills her eyes, and she tries to get up again. This time, I let her. As soon as she’s out of my lap, hate and disgust fill her eyes. The way she’s looking at me right now knocks the wind from my lungs. I open my mouth to say something, anything, but she runs out of the office, slamming the door behind her before I can get to her. I push the tightening of an emotion I don’t understand inside my chest away. I don’t bother following her. What’s the point? I told all my guys not to let her leave, and unlike her, they know better than to disobey me.
As I sit a moment longer, my cock throbbing with need, I realize Keira is an itch I can’t fucking scratch. She’ll never give herself up to me—never—and that bothers me a lot. But if I can’t have her, I’ll have someone else.
I need a blowjob right fucking now. That might fucking help me. Maybe it’ll get Keira out of my head. I think about it a second longer. I actually need fucking more than a blowjob, but I’m a little unhinged at the moment and don't want to hurt anyone, so I suppose I’ll just go for a blowjob.
I pick up the phone again and dial the bar. “Send Hayley to my office now,” I growl into the line when Candy picks up, then I slam the phone back down and wait.
Two minutes later, I’m leaning back in my office chair while Hayley kneels in front of me, her pink painted lips wrapped around my dick, worshiping it like it’s a fucking god. She sucks hard and fast, and I close my eyes, enjoying her skills, wondering how much sweeter Kiera’s lips would feel wrapped around my cock instead.
Chapter Seven
I’m angry. At myself. At the situation. I thought Damon was better than the man he just proved himself to be. How could I be so stupid? I knew he wouldn’t force me. I knew it, but that didn’t make his advances any less scary.
I wander aimlessly around the club trying every single exit Damon and I walked past earlier. Every single one has a bouncer standing in front.
Am I a prisoner now?
I notice people’s stares, how their eyes linger on me just a little too long. It leaves an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. I don’t look like any of the other girls here. In fact, I stick out like a sore thumb. I tuck a couple strands of hair behind my ear as I continue to survey the club. The staff watches me curiously, as if they don’t get Damon’s obsession with me. I want to tell them I don’t get it either, but I keep my mouth shut. I want to get out of here as soon as possible, and without making trouble for myself.
A couple strippers sneer at me as I walk past the dressing rooms, but they don’t say anything—which I’m thankful for. The club is open now, and I notice some men sitting around the center stage.
I see one of the strippers working the pole. She’s wearing nothing but a thong, her tits bouncing with every movement she makes. My cheeks heat at the image, and I avert my eyes. When one of the guys turns his attention to me, looking me up and down, I decide I’ve had enough searching for the day.
It’s painfully obvious no one here is g
oing to let me leave, and after the way that guy stared at me like he wanted to eat me alive, there is no way I’m staying in this room, so I leave my pride behind and make my way back to Damon’s office.
He might be a monster, but I get the feeling there’re darker bastards lurking in the shadows here.
I walk swiftly down the hall and stop directly in front of Damon’s door. I twist the knob, opening it with ease, and instantly regret not knocking. Damon is behind his desk, leaning back in his chair, his eyes closed and arms behind his head. His features are full of pleasure. And as my gaze moves lower, I notice a head with long blonde hair bobbing up and down on his lap.
Oh my god, not on his lap...his cock.
She’s giving him a blow job.
My eyes bulge, the air in my lungs stills, and I swear I can hear my own heartbeat in my ears.
I don’t know who I hate more right now—him for being such an ass, or her for giving him a blowjob. Or maybe I should hate myself for feeling jealous.
Damon's eyes open a moment later and find mine like a magnet. “Ahhh, Kiera…want to join in the fun? I’m sure Hayley could give you a lesson or two, teach you the way around a dick.” The smug look on his face makes the whole situation worse. He tips his head back in pleasure, a moan escaping his full lips—lips I kissed not long ago. My hands shake, and bile begins to rise in my throat.
I can’t look at them another second.
I need to get out of here. I need to find some way to leave.
Slamming the office door for a second time tonight, I scurry back down the hall, tears threatening to escape. I try my best to blink them away, refusing to cry over Damon. He doesn’t care about me or my safety. He just cares about making me his, controlling me. I hate this place, and maybe even Damon.
Everything about him reminds me of a prison, and I want to escape—need to escape. He doesn’t intend on protecting me, so why am I still here?
You have nowhere else to go, idiot.
I huff out a breath and walk down the hall, unsure of what to do. I’ll have to wait for the perfect moment to escape, for one of the bouncers to take a break or something—which basically means I’ll have to watch as many of them as I can without drawing too much attention to myself. Until then, I’ll just walk around the bar and try to blend in. I almost laugh. I’m not dressed in sexy clothes. I look like I belong in a nunnery. There is no way in hell people aren’t going to notice me.
I move slowly out onto the floor while scanning the exit doors. Then I finally see it: my chance, my out. One of the guys at the side door leaves his post and walks up to the bar. He starts telling Candy something, and she laughs, but I don’t wait around to see what he plans to do or say next. This might be my only chance.
Trying not to run or draw any attention to myself, I move toward the door. A nervous sheen of sweat coats my hands. Every step, I expect someone to grab me from behind and drag me back to Damon’s office. My body trembles as I reach the door. My hands rest against the heavy metal, and as I push it open, I nearly pass out. When the outside air hits my lungs, I sigh in relief. I can’t believe I actually made it outside.
I glance over my shoulder, assuming someone is surely going to come through that door at any second and run after me. After a few moments, I realize no one seems to have paid me any attention. I let the heavy, metal door shut behind me and make my way into the parking lot. Only then, with my newfound freedom surrounding me, does something occur to me: I have no phone, no money, and no place to go.
What the hell am I going to do?
“Keira?” I turn at the familiar voice, and blink, shocked to see the one person I never expected to see here. Lily Baker. My lab partner and close friend. She stands about five feet away staring at me, looking completely confused. Probably as confused as I am.
“Lily!” I look at her like she’s an angel sent to me from God—and maybe she is. I close the distance between us and take her into a fierce hug. “Oh, Lily, you have no idea how good it is to see you right now.” I wonder if she can tell how sad I am. How exhausted I am.
“Keira, what are you doing here?”
Oh god, what am I going to tell her? I could ask her the same thing, I suppose.
“I’ve had a rough couple days. I—I honestly don't want to talk about it right now. Anyway, what are you doing here?”
She doesn't bat an eye. “I’m here with Gunner.” She points her thumb over her shoulder, and only then do I realize there’s a guy standing a few feet behind her.
“Oh, hey.” I give him a small wave, but can’t even bring myself to force a friendly smile. All I want is to get out of here, away from here, as far away as I can get. I’m sure Damon will feel the same relief to be rid of me when he discovers I’m gone.
“Are you here with someone?” Lily asks softly, her eyes peering into mine.
“No, I’m alone.” I almost break down and cry, realizing just how true that statement is. I am alone…so fucking alone.
“Do you need a ride somewhere? We were just about to leave.”
Gunner grunts behind her, and I’m certain he doesn’t want me to tag along with them. Then again, I don’t understand why he’s hanging out with Lily anyway. Last I knew, they hated each other.
“Sure, I…actually, I don't really have a place to go to right now.” I pause. “I mean, my brother just passed away, and I don’t really want to be alone right now.” I’ll take Lily’s pity, so long as it gets me away from Damon.
“Oh, Keira…is that why…you’re here?” Her gray eyes soften as she looks at me like she just put some puzzle pieces together. She couldn't be more wrong, but I figure this is easier than telling her what I’m actually doing here. So I let her believe I’m here to strip.
I nod my head, lowering my eyes to the ground in shame.
“Why don’t you come with me tonight? You can crash at my place, and tomorrow, we can figure something out.” Lily wraps an arm around me and pulls me into her side. Her touch is kind, calming. She’s a good friend. I want to tell her there’s no figuring out my problems, but the thought of getting away even for a night is too tempting.
If I have to lie, then I will. I’ve already partially lied, so what is the harm in another?
“Okay. That would be great.” I force a smile. I feel eyes on me, and notice Gunner’s dark gaze. He’ll just have to deal with it. I’m not scared of him, not as much as I am of the man inside those walls behind me. There is no way in hell I’m passing up the chance to get out of here.
“All right. Let’s go.” Lily smiles, and for the first time in days, I feel like everything is going to be okay.
Chapter Eight
As soon as I step outside my office, I know she’s gone. I don’t know how to fucking explain it, but this strange sensation overtakes me. I should’ve been more focused on her instead of getting my cock sucked. But it was either get my cock sucked, or have her do it, and something told me she wasn’t going to do it.
Keira is like a kitten—if you hold her down, she will scratch and bite you until you release her, and I kind of like that about her. What I don’t like is she can’t follow the damn rules—even if they are to protect her.
I stomp down the hall, out to the packed bar and dance floor. Music blasts through the speakers as girls dance on stage. Money flies through the air, and men call out to the women, begging them to fuck them. All is running as it should...and I guess that’s one less thing for me to worry about.
I spot Candy working the bar. I feel calm, relaxed even, as I make my way to her—until the realization hits me: little fucking Keira escaped again. I’m done with her not obeying my orders. I’ve let this slide too many times. This time, I will show her a lesson, one she will never forget. I will have to hurt her to prove my point.
Leaning over the bar top, I motion for Candy to come over. She eyes me cautiously, almost as if she’s afraid, and she has reason to be. She’s been working here long enough to know when I’m in an exp
losive mood.
“Have you seen Kiera?”
“She was walking around here a while ago just looking around, eyeing the back doors. I haven't seen her for a while. I thought she went back to your office.”
Motherfucking fuck. Of course she slipped through the cracks. She might stick out like a sore thumb, but she could make herself invisible if need be.
“Did anybody leave their positions, even for a moment?” I crack my neck, ready to beat someone’s ass.
Candy doesn't say anything, but I see her eyes flash to where Diego is standing. I turn around, heading straight for him. As soon as he sees me coming, his face goes pale. He is a big guy, but I’m bigger…not that it matters. He wouldn’t dare retaliate, not if he values his life.
I don’t even stop to ask questions. I swing and hit him square in the jaw. His head snaps back, but—props to him—he doesn't pass out. Which is good. I still need him to man the door.
“What the fuck is more important than doing your job?”
“Nothing, boss.”
Clenching my fist, I pull it back before slamming it into his nose. He grunts, but remains standing. Blood trickles down his nose and over his lips, but he doesn’t dare make a move to wipe it away.
I grip Diego by his shirt and lean into his face. “Lie to me again, and I’ll cut out your fucking tongue. I trusted you to guard this door. You know the rules, and I expect better from you.”
Diego swallows and nods his head as if he understands. Well, maybe if his head wasn’t in the fucking clouds, I wouldn’t have to go searching for Keira.
Without another word, I march back to my office, feeling eyes on me. Slamming the door shut behind me, I get out my laptop and pull the surveillance tapes up. As I comb through four different screens, I spot her. Her silky brown locks and perfect body. I watch as she walks around the floor, eyeing the doors for a weak spot. Diego leaves post, and the light bulb inside her head turns on. She slips out the door and appears on another screen, an outside camera.