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Assassin's Crown (The Assassin and her Dragon Princes Book Book 3)

Page 16

by Ivy Clyde

  A sudden gust of wind had me looking towards the sky. Two large shapes blocked out the twinkling stars. They soared closer and I was able to gaze upon the magnificence of the two dragons preparing to land near me. While Cain's dragon looked similar to mine, Norvin's was very different. He was a water dragon, with a long snake-like body and sharp spikes covering his spine. His scales glittered in the moonlight as his body circuited around me playfully.

  "Stop showing off!" I said, chuckling hard.

  The ground trembled as Cain's large silver-scaled dragon landed on the hilltop. His form shimmered under the moonlight before vanishing in a haze. He stood before me in a hemp tunic, giving me a rare smile. Norvin appeared next to him, raising his hand in greeting.

  With a start, I realized I missed them too. I was so used to their company by now, it was odd not to have them around me.

  "Is the task done?" I asked, moving forward to embrace each of them.

  They held me tight, returning my welcome.

  "Yes," said Cain. "The herbs are distributed among the western villages."

  I looked towards Norvin.

  "The eastern villages are also healing well," he replied. "The tonic that Master Davin prescribed is a miraculous concoction. People are recovering faster than I expected."

  I nodded. "It is the same here." As the wave of relief washed over me, I thought of another thing. "Did you disclose your identity to anyone?"

  "They were getting quite curious," said Norvin. "It was a good thing I was able to leave the village before they held onto me too tightly."

  "Same with me," said Cain. "I was glad we didn't delay our meeting any longer."

  "I told Master Davin who I am," I revealed. "He figured out the rest himself, thanks to the many posters covering every wall in Okarijun."

  "I wouldn't worry too much about it," said Cain. "Ivan and his sons know us and our intentions well enough by now. There's no point in hiding anymore other than to strike them in a surprise attack."

  "Wow, you're talking about surprise attacks," said Norvin, wrapping an arm around Cain. "I think we're the ones who're actually surprised."

  Cain shirked off his arm and glanced at us grimly. "We can chat on the way to Fuvaros. It's already been three days since we last saw Daria. I don't know about you two, but I am aching to see her."

  "I am aching in places too," said Norvin with a wink.

  I groaned internally. While it was becoming easier to share Daria with my friends, it was also strange to hear them talk about her. It was weirder because I felt the same as my comrades. My heart and body missed her so badly, it was a physical ache.

  "Let us leave," I said. Fuvaros was only a matter of minutes away in our true forms.

  We let our dragons take over. Flying high above the clouds to stay hidden completely from view, we headed towards the capital. We went at our highest speeds, playfully competing with each other. It made the distance feel even shorter.

  Under the cover of night, we landed on a hill close to the inn we'd rented. Shifting back into our human forms, we hurried through the wooded area to reach the winding road leading towards the city.

  Light from the lanterns hanging at the inn's entryway soon came into view. We walked faster, eager to reach our rooms and see Daria.

  "Let's order some food as well," said Norvin as we got closer to the building. "I am starving."

  Lanterns from the festival still glowed near the inn. It gave us an excuse for returning this late at night.

  Entering through the doorway of the inn, we found a sleeping servant at the counter. The main dining hall was empty. With no one around, we headed to the first-floor landing where we'd rented our room.

  Cain pushed the door open. My heart pounded with anticipation, expecting to see Daria. However, as the doorway fully opened up, we were greeted by an empty room.

  "Where is she?" demanded Norvin at once, stomping inside the room.

  Cain and I followed after him. Everything looked normal, so at least no one came to attack her here. Loud hoots from the window made us all turn towards it.

  Tuto, Daria's pet owl, was perched on the window sill. His large tawny eyes glared at us as he raised a leg. A small brass cylinder was attached to it.

  "Looks like Daria sent us a message," said Norvin as I moved forward to get close to the owl. Tuto held still as I quickly untied the tiny brass cylinder from his leg. As soon as it came off, he unfurled his wings, almost slapping me in the face rudely.

  "Stop that!" I chided, swatting at him as he flew into the night. Waiting for us probably caused the owl to be so disgruntled.

  "What is it?" asked Cain, coming to stand beside me.

  "I don't know." With immense patience, I managed to open the tiny container to reveal a piece of parchment that had been tightly jammed inside it.

  I am safe. Stay at the inn and stay hidden.

  I will be back soon.- Daria.

  "How helpful," groaned Norvin, taking a seat on the edge of the bed.

  "At least, we know she is safe," said Cain in a grim voice. "We just stay patient for now and wait for her to return."

  I nodded, agreeing with Cain.

  Disappointment rose within me. It was the same emotion I could feel emanating from Cain and Norvin as well. In this strange relationship that we'd built for ourselves, at least, we weren't alone in feeling dejected and missing the woman we loved so much.


  Daria looked better this morning. A pale pink blush rose on her porcelain-smooth cheeks, reminding me of the fresh petals of a cherry blossom. Long strands of her ebony hair flew behind her in the gentle breeze as she turned her face to the sun, soaking up the warmth it had to offer. Dressed in a light lavender silk gown, she was utterly breathtaking.

  "You've been staring at me like that for a long time," said Daria, her eyes closed as she continued to face the sun. "What is it you want to say?"

  I wanted to tell her how beautiful she was and that I was still hopelessly in love with her.

  Instead, I let a smile mask the pain hidden in my heart. "Have you been to the palace yet?"

  Daria turned to face me, her emerald-green eyes weighing the words I'd just said. "No. I am not sure which is the way yet. Until now I've been busy finding a way to cure people of the sickness."

  I nodded. That part hadn't changed about her. Even if she lost her memories for over a decade, she still remembered the lessons King Helmut taught her. The welfare of the people was more important than anything else. Even if the king has been dead all these years, the lessons he passed down to her weren't forgotten.

  My heart pounded in my chest every time she caught my eye and smiled. I wondered if she could hear it knocking against my rib cage. Daria was the first and only love of my life ever since I was ten years old. She may have been my cousin by the false relationship we were set up in, but even as child I knew I wanted her as my playmate throughout my life. It was only when the truth was revealed that I started thinking of her in a different way, wanting her to be my lover and bride.

  Over the years, Daria had become more of a fantasy to me. She was lost and probably dead. While my heart continued to beat for her, I didn't think I'd ever see her again.

  The evening of the lantern festival I caught a group of armed soldiers running through the street, shouting about some command from Princess Helena. After she and Mekhi brought Zane back from Baledonia, she'd been angrier and more vengeful that I'd ever seen. Spoiled rotten by the emperor and his sons, Helena never spared anyone who affronted her.

  As more soldiers ran through the streets to join the previous group, I followed them to the slave prison on the other side of town. If Helena was gathering so many armed soldiers, it had to be to catch one of the perpetrators who'd injured Zane. Wild rumors of dragons and rebel princes were spreading like wildfire throughout the kingdom. It was the perfect chance to see if there was any truth to them.

  My curiosity piqued, I hurried inside the prison quarters to find Daria shooting
dragon-shaped flames towards the vanguards. It was the most incredible sight I'd ever witnessed. With her body alight in flames, she looked nothing short of a fire goddess. The only thing that caused me to worry was the long arrow sticking out of her shoulder.

  It was only when I managed to get closer did I recognize her. She was the spitting image of her mother, Queen Eibhlin. If I hadn't seen the queen dead and cremated with my own eyes, I would have taken it to be her. The next realization that came to me was it had to be Daria, my long lost playmate.

  I watched her throw one last shot of fire at Helena before collapsing to the ground. Not caring for my safety, I'd run to her. Her eyes were the same as King Helmut’s. I recognized them instantly, for I'd never stopped dreaming of her. The only difference was that she was no longer a five-year-old child but a grown woman.

  Helena's momentary distraction allowed me to escape with Daria. While the soldiers gathered around their precious princess, I was able to get her out of the prison quarters and smuggle her inside my house without anyone noticing. Even the servants were unaware of her identity. They just assumed she was one of the many courtesans I often brought back from the town whorehouse.

  "Can you get me inside?" asked Daria, her keen gaze locked with mine.

  Coming out of my thoughts, I looked at her questioningly. "What?"

  "Can you get me inside the palace?" she repeated. "I keep dreaming of corridors and gardens. They feel familiar but I'm tired of seeing them in my dreams. I want to see if they're real and give my mind a rest."

  "It would be dangerous," I said, wishing to keep Daria to myself a little longer. She was determined to get back her throne and go back to the three princes who she kept talking about incessantly. Jealousy raged within me despite her clearly rejecting me. She still thought of me as her cousin but there were times when I could see doubt flitting in her eyes. Daria didn't trust me and she would be a fool if she wasn't wary of every single person in the Drakhaven court.

  "I don't mind danger," said Daria. Getting to her feet, she stretched out her arms and bent sideways. "Also, I'm not used to sitting idle. My wound is healed and my body feels strong." Turning back to me, she grinned. "Please, Ren. I want to go see the palace."

  I couldn't help but agree with her. That playful grin was so familiar to me, it ached. Taking her inside the palace would be a breeze if we were clever enough about it. Suddenly, it felt more like a game than a dangerous sortie.

  "All right, then," I added, moving to stand beside her. "We're going to the palace where you could be discovered by a fire-breathing monster and his cockless son. Nothing to worry about that, aye?"

  Daria chuckled. "I am not ready to face Ivan just yet." A cold glint came to her eyes as she said, "I want to even the ground between us a bit more before I do that."

  I liked she could control her emotions. There was revenge in her mind but she didn't let it consume her reason and intelligence. My foolish heart beat harder as I stared down at her. Stop already, I chided at it, my hand moving to clutch my chest.

  "Are you feeling well, Ren?" asked Daria, noticing the change in me.

  "Fine." I walked away from her to rearrange my facial expression. She followed after me, telling me how her princes were waiting for her and that she was worried they would get anxious for her.

  "You are going have to dress like a palace maid," I said, hoping to change the direction of her thoughts. I didn't want to hear her love-struck remarks about one of the princes, the lucky bastards. It only flamed my jealousy.

  "Any news on how Helena is doing?" she asked. "With Zane down, only she and Mekhi will recognize me."

  "As far as I know she's confined herself to her quarters," I said. I couldn’t help the concern I felt for Helena. While I knew she was cruel, Helena was still sweet to me and considered me a brother. She was affectionate and caring towards me. While I was ashamed of how she'd chosen to pursue her life, I couldn't stop worrying about her.

  "What about Mekhi?"

  "He has been out of the palace lately under the emperor's orders. I've seen him commanding troops to fortify the city."

  "Find out what he's really up to," said Daria, walking alongside with me now. "It's best to know what the enemy is planning."

  "Yes, My Queen."

  She punched my shoulder playfully, following me inside the house. Telling her to go upstairs to her chambers, I went to find a maid's uniform among the servants. While they weren't required to wear them in my household, it was mandatory for them to be attired in the palace-issued maroon dresses when they accompanied me to the palace.

  The servants' quarters were empty during that time of day. Entering the hallway with five cots set in a row, I headed to the wardrobe in the corner. Opening it, I found neatly folded garments on the shelves. The maroon of the palace uniforms was easily visible among the hemp and linen. Taking a set out, I hurried to my quarters to find Daria.

  Daria was sitting before a mirror and braiding her hair into a long, thick braid. She stood up as soon as I entered the room.

  "Did you get it?" she asked.

  I held up the folded dress in my hands.

  Smiling, she took it from me. Unfurling the length of the dress, she took a closer look. "It even comes with a veil," she said, taking the light, gauzy fabric in her hand. "Thank you, Ren."

  "All right, then. Get dressed and we'll go visit the palace. Keep the veil on and meet me at the front foyer of the house."

  She nodded, taking the clothes and dropping them on the bed. Leaving her to get changed, I went downstairs. Meeting a maid on the way, I asked her to inform the stable master to bring two horses to the front of the house.

  It was half an hour before Daria appeared before me. Dressed in the maroon uniform with a dark veil covering her face beneath the nose, she looked unrecognizable. Only the green of her eyes was familiar. It was a simple disguise to infiltrate the palace but the most effective. If she took care, we'd be laughing and walking out of the palace gates.

  "We're riding to the palace," I said, leading the way through the hallway and beyond to step out of the main gates of the house.

  "What excuse will you give for visiting?"

  "Excuse?" I asked with a chuckle. "I am Prince Ren. I don't need an excuse to visit the palace."

  She nodded, stepping out onto the street with me. Two horses stood waiting for us with one of the servants holding the reins.

  "Your Highness," he said, tilting his head as he handed me the rein.

  I gestured for Daria to take the second horse. Once she'd mounted up, I led the way towards the palace.

  The streets were crowded as usual but there was a definite air of resignation among the residents today. The lantern festival had closed yesterday and the festivities were over. In the absence of bright silk stalls and loud food vendors, Fuvaros felt even more dismal than usual.

  I kept a lookout for Mekhi in case he was around. Over the past week, he'd been busy re-stationing the troops. I made a mental note to find out more about the emperor's command and intentions that day.

  The palace of Furvaros was away from the main town square. Nestled at the top of a wooded hill, it commanded a view of the whole valley and nearby hills. Once we left the hustle and bustle of Fuvaros, we paced our horses to go faster through the path leading up to the palace.

  There were guards and soldiers at every turn and their numbers increased the closer we got to the palace. The emperor was definitely watching out for trouble. In all these years since he became emperor, Ivan seemed this tight about security only in the first year of his rule. Back then, people still rebelled but it hadn't taken much for him to squash the resistance down.

  It was good to see his confidence wane for the first time in fifteen years.

  The large palace gates opened for us at our approach. I was secretly happy Daria could come inside the palace through the front gates and not sneak in, killing a few guards in the process. She was the true heir to the throne and everything rightfully belonged
to her anyway.

  Daria followed after me, keeping up the pretence of being my maid.

  We trotted up the wide path, flanked on both sides by towering statues of dragons in black marble. A backward glance told me Daria was taking in everything between here and the rising palace building in the distance. As children, we rarely came here. The servants kept us confined in the inner courtyards and gardens.

  Still, I hoped she was remembering her past. A secret part of me hoped she would remember any lingering feelings she may have had for me too. It was too far-fetched but you couldn't blame a man for hoping, could you?

  We rode to the back of the palace and entered the stables. Leaving the horses in the care of the stable boys, I led Daria through an open entrance to step inside the palace.

  I purposely followed the direction of the late queen's quarters. That was the part which Daria frequented most often. These days the wing was mostly closed off. Only the princess's residence which was adjacent to the queen's remained open for Helena's sake. She was, after all, Ivan's fake princess to replace the one he'd lost.

  I halted in my steps until Daria caught up with me.

  "Are these corridors the same as in your dreams?"

  She nodded, the green of her eyes appearing deeper than usual. It took me a moment to realize her eyes were filled with tears.

  "My mother's quarters are beyond those stairs," she said, pointing at the wide sweeping staircase which indeed led to the queen's residence.

  "They are," I replied. If I had any doubts whether she was really Princess Daria, this little piece of information wiped them all away.

  A commotion at the end of the corridor made her step backward.

  A handful of maids rushed towards us, looking relieved at the sight of me. One of them sported a cut on her forehead. Sounds of a woman’s screams reached my ears, drawing my attention to the room at the end of the corridor.


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