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Pretty Dreamer

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by A. G. Hobson

  Pretty Dreamer

  BY A. G. Hobson

  Pretty Dreamer


  A. G. Hobson

  AVOC Publishing paperback printing March 2015

  Copyright © 2015 by A .G. Hobson

  Published by AVOC Services LLC

  ISBN-13: 978-1508737889

  ISBN-10: 1508737886

  Library of Congress Cataloging Data:

  G. Hobson March 2015-

  All rights reserved, including the rights to produce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

  Cover design by AVOC Services, LLC


  This book is dedicated to all of the dreamers~


  Friday morning I awake with high expectations. The biggest party of the year is going on tonight and I am yet to receive an invite. My closest friend Eva got hers Monday. And, Scott said that if I did not get one he would see if I could be his plus one. Did plus one even apply in high school? I didn’t think so, but Scott was almost positive. I dress in my usual, sweatshirt and blue jeans. I slide on my freshly washed socks and stick my feet into my converse. When I run down for breakfast Mom has outdone herself.

  “White toast, bacon and eggs.”

  “Wow Mom, who do I thank for the breakfast of champions?”

  “Well honey, I just found out that I will be laid off for two more weeks. Sooo… I figured I would start making my baby girl breakfast, to give you a better start in morning. Of course.”

  “Whatever Mom. I give it until Monday and I will back to eating dry cereal on the way out of the door. And give the baby girl thing a rest. I’m 16 and haven’t been your baby girl since I was 5.”

  She smiles.

  “Okay Sienna. Just eat the breakfast and go to school.”

  She walks over to the sink and begins to scrub the counter. I can’t stand the sight of Jacqueline trying to play Mother of the year. So I snatch my car keys from the cute little porcelain basket that reads ‘keys’.

  “Before you go Sienna I need you to be home on time, so you can pick Jarvis up from school.”

  “Oh God Mom! You are not working right now! Why can’t you do it?”

  “The agreement was if Dad and I helped you buy a car, you would help with your little brother.”

  I roll my eyes. Living in an urban city like Elyria and being a complete dork is enough, without having added issues to draw attention to my debacle that some call family. Dad contributed added ruin to my life the day he decided to run off with his business partner’s girlfriend, Natalie Delgado. I loathed the thought of her. Watching her was like witnessing the worshipped princesses (I go to school with) all grown up. Her incredibly shiny, chin length, wavy, black hair bounce each and every time she turns to speak. Any man in the same room is utterly hypnotized by her every move. It is absolutely disgusting to watch. That information had no positive effect on my social status. Not to mention the pile he left Jacqueline in. The fact that I am here, stuck with mom, is the very reason he doesn’t receive as much as a Christmas card from me. He will forever be the hideous villain plaguing my autonomous journey. I am bitter. The fact that I am left here to help mom and Jarvis pick up the pieces causes me to overheat

  “Ugggh Mom!”

  “Because I helped you buy a car, you have to help out with the driving around here. So be home by 4 to pick him up!”

  I dramatically throw my hands in her direction to let her know she has won. I stump out of the door consumed with frustration and jump into my silver thunderbird. I turn the ignition.

  “Life is not fair.” I think. But it doesn’t matter; I am all too familiar with not ever getting my way. The wheels screech as I speed down my street heading towards my school. I know that mom is going to give me an ear full when I get home, but the sound of my defiance made me smile.

  I pull into the student parking lot, grab my bag, and approach the front door of the school. As I make my way to my locker, the party is the buzz of the morning. The hall is swarming with the chit chat ramblings of Avery Westcott and Payton Carmichael’s posh birthday bash. I have never been one to desire the company of the in-crowd. But this party has been the complete consumption of the junior class’ existence. I search the sea of gossiping students’ for Scott Headly, my totally hot best friend. I have known him for two years. He took pity on me when I got to Fremont High. I was the pitiful out cast that dressed totally out of tune with the Fashion God’s of Fremont. But he took me in and made me less of a target. Then there is his ex-girlfriend Eva Perriman. She has been my best friend since 4th grade. I know, how could we possibly all get along with them being exes. It’s easy. They are hot, that’s the best way to describe them both. They switch mates like Avery changes shoes, which is a lot. Eva never keeps a boyfriend past two weeks. The only reason she stayed with Scott for a month is because he’s a grade higher than us. I stand on the tips of my toes and eye the crowd. Sure enough Scott is standing there in the middle of the commotion with his arm around some senior groupie. I wave. He winks and releases his grip from around her neck. She tries to protest, but he smiles, lays her hand at her side and walks away.

  “What’s up Sienna?”

  “Nothing really, just totally bummed because I have to pick up my little monkey of a brother from school. So I won’t be able to hang with you and Eva after school.”

  “It’s okay. I have to get ready for Payton’s party anyway.”

  I sigh and drop my head.

  “Still no invite?”

  “No. and why in the world would they invite me? Look at me.” I brush my hand lightly over my mess of an ensemble I clumsily dressed in this morning.

  “Come on Sienna. There is nothing wrong with you. I love your array of college sweats. It shows gumption.” He says with his head held high.

  “Go ahead Scotty laugh, cause you know that is total bull.” He holds his fist to his mouth and laughs.

  “No. I am so serious right now. These manufactured drones can’t hold a candle to you.” He says and then grabs my neck. My frizzy rustic colored hair snags and my scrunchie slides off. The untamed mane wiggles free.

  “Oh shoot Scotty.” I squirm out of his grip and attempt to wrangle my locks.

  “Why don’t you ever wear your hair down? It’s cute.” He says as he takes his hand and shuffles my hair back into a fright. I scowl to let him know it wasn’t cool.

  “See ya later!” he shouts as he tramples his way to class.

  Finally after the brawl with my hair, I make my way to math. Eva is sitting quietly in her chair with her arms folded and wearing a funky grimace.

  “Hey Eva. I was looking for you.”

  “I figured. I just didn’t feel like walking the runway today.”

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, already aware of the reason for her gloom.

  “Me and Jaxon broke up.”

  “No!” I say with fabricated amazement.

  “Yes, and now I am going to be a dateless spectacle tonight.”

  “I doubt it. You will have another date in an hour. So don’t sweat it.”

  She smiles. “Oh Sienna, that’s why I love you. You always make me feel better.”

  She motions to hug me but Mr. Oliver bursts into the room. “Put everything away except a pencil…Pop quiz today.

  “Oh no!”

  The bell rings and it is a sound that I adore. That test almost took the breath from me. But I recover.

  “I hate him!” Eva growls.

  “He knows that his tests are impossible to pass.” I shrug.

  “I never let them see me sweat.” Eva grumbles.

  She goes on about her perfect evening being a bust. Jaxon is in college. He’s 19 and all the girls
were going to be extremely jealous.

  “That’s out of the window now.”

  “What?” I say, revealing the fact that I hadn’t been listening.

  “Sienna! This is serious! Who will I go with?”

  “Oh are we back there again?”

  “Yes! I cannot go to this party alone.” I sigh then search the hall. Right at that moment, Devin Harris comes strolling by. I freeze. My eyes can’t leave his ash brown hair that is cropped at the sides and the top that is neatly brushed to the back, each wave neatly placed. He is wearing a gray designer button-up, and blue jeans. He has one book in his hand.

  “Hey Eva. Are you going to the party?”

  “Oh of course Devin, I wouldn’t miss it.”

  “And what about you Sienna?” I can’t move let alone speak. I try to move my lips but nothing comes out.

  “Oh Devin, Sienna didn’t get an invite.”

  “Really? That sucks.” Eva nudges me but I am frozen.

  “Well, I will see what I can do. Avery should have one for you by the end of the day. Okay?”

  “Oh God Devin, thanks.” Eva invades.

  “Will you come Sienna?”

  “Of course! You get Avery to give her an invite and she will be there.”

  “Cool.” He gently brushes my arm as he passes, but I still don’t move.

  “Oh my goodness Sienna! Devin just invited you to the party tonight… Say something dummy!!” I slap my face. I cannot believe I stood there like a complete idiot.

  “He is probably playing. There is no way Avery is giving me an invitation.”

  “You never know. Devin can do whatever he wants.”

  “Right, he is a senior. So why would he want to do that for me?”

  “I don’t know but he sure was giving you the googly eyes.”

  “I doubt that!”

  “Who was giving somebody the googly eyes?” Scott interrupts.

  “Devin was giving Sienna the googly eyes.”

  He bumps me with his shoulders.

  “Uh huh, Sienna looks like you might have a boyfriend.” I would not subject myself to that lie.

  “Why would Devin ever even look at me?”

  “I told you before Sienna Young. You are hotter than you think.”

  “First of all Scott, hot and me, shouldn’t even be said in the same sentence unless it is pertaining to food.” I refused to believe the lie they are feeding me.

  “Scott, I appreciate the kind words but no.”

  “Sienna, if we were not best friends I would definitely date you.” He smiles and gives me the wink and gun. I stand there in total shock. Scott? I was in love with him my entire freshman year. All I could think about was him and he really thinks I am hot…no! He is totally messing with me.


  The day drags by. Science, history, and then gym ends my day of torture. I dress in my shorts and slide on my Fremont t-shirt provided by the school for every student to wear in gym. I mosey on in to the room where class is in full swing. I look in the far corner and Avery is totally decorated, in her pink high heels and matching dress passing out more invitations. I turn away so they don’t see my desperate glare. I grab a basketball and start to dribble.

  “Umm Siannia Young?” I spin around to see who is butchering my name and it is Payton, Avery’s clone. They have been best friends since they could walk.

  “Yes Payton, and it’s Sienna.”

  “Whatever.” She waves. I look over to Avery who is frowning while Devin is standing next to her looking great as always. He has had my gym class since the beginning of my junior year. I love when he wears the Fremont tank that the boys are provided with.

  “Anyway. Devin, one of my closest friends, has asked me to give you this.” And she hands me a pink envelope with white feathers neatly trimming it. I open it and it is an invite to their party tonight.

  “There must be some mistake?”

  “No Devin wants you there so…” I look over at Devin again and he waves. I quickly turn away so I won’t make a fool of myself.

  “Don’t bring anyone, because this party is exclusive. And don’t be late. You will not get in.” I nod because I am too shocked to speak.

  “One more thing.”

  “Yes.” I manage to belt.

  “Dress to impress.” I think for a moment.

  “Well… did you hear me?” Payton spits.

  “Oh yes I hear you.” She flips her hair and prances back across the gym. Devin is still smiling when our eyes meet. I drop the ball. And with the invitation clenched tightly in my hand I run out of the gym. I don’t stop until I reach Scott and Eva’s English class.

  “Excuse me Mrs. Reed.”

  “Yes Ms. Young?”

  “I really need to see Eva and Scott. It is an emergency.” She purses her lips and waves her hand at them. They stand simultaneously and join me in the hall.

  “What’s wrong?” Eva shouts.

  “Nothing. Devin did it! He got me in.” Scott smiles.

  “I bet he did. Don’t you two have gym together?”

  “Yes?” I answer totally bewildered by his response.

  “You look great in those shorts.” He says as he eyes me from head to toe. I reach over and slap his arm.

  “Seriously. He was smiling and everything.” I lift the invite and my screech probably can be heard outside and down the block.

  “What will you wear?” Eva adds. I immediately freeze.

  “I have no idea.” I respond totally panicked. We look up and Mrs. Reed is wearing the foulest scowl.

  “In here now, Perriman and Headly!” They both scurry into the classroom and I run back to the gym. When I return gym is over. The class is retreating to the locker rooms.

  “Hey Sienna.” I turn and it’s Devin.

  “I was waiting on you. Where did you disappear to?” I have to speak this time. I don’t want to confirm that I am a total loser.

  “Umm yea, I went back to my locker. I forgot my phone.”

  “Oh good. Program my number in.” I freeze. I don’t have my phone.

  “Why did I say that?” I scold inside my head.

  “I mean I remembered that I left it on the bench so, I put it in the locker.” Quick comeback I think.

  “Okay well here.” He pulls a pen from his pocket and writes his number on my hand. I stand there mesmerized, entranced by his touch.

  “Call me when you get home. Maybe we can ride to the party together.”

  “Oo…okay?” I am the biggest loser in the world. I can’t even play cool.

  “Really? Don’t lie.”

  “What?” I return.

  “Call me for real.” I am so excited. I try not to scream in his face. He would think that I was some weirdo and run for his life.

  “I promise I will.” I say as calmly as I can.

  “Good.” He breathes.

  “I was so nervous.” He admits.

  “What? Nervous about what?” I say with an expression of disgust.

  “Well you are so cute Sienna. And you won’t give anyone the time of day. You never smile so I thought for sure you would shoot me down just like you do all of the other guys.” I smooth my hair. I must have not heard him right.

  “Me?” I point at myself.

  “Yes you.” He starts to jog up the hall.

  “I have to get home. My sister gets off the bus at 3:30 and my Dad will kill me if I am not there.” I stare like a bumbling idiot as he trots away. He places his pinky and thumb to his ear and mouths

  “Call me” I nod as he disappears around the corner. I stand there for a few seconds and then bolt back to the locker room and grab my phone. I program his number and sit on the bench. I place my phone beside me and stare at my hand.

  I get home just in time to pick up my big headed brother. He is 12 and attends the middle school around the corner from my house. I pull up and roll the window down.

  “Get in!” He snarls at me and opens the door. I fly home and my Mom i
s pulling out of the driveway. I jump out of my car. It is still on.

  “Mom where are you going?”

  “I have something to do.” She yells.

  “What time are you coming back? I have some major plans.”

  She giggles. “You do? Sienna, with plans on a Friday night hmmm.”

  “Mom seriously, I was just invited to the biggest party of my high school career. I have to go. And I may have a date.” She slaps her hands over her mouth.”

  “Well shut the frigging door.” She pushes her clutch into park and turns off the ignition.

  “I guess my plans have to wait. Jarvis go and put your things inside of the house and get in the car.”

  “Okay Mom” he shouts running for the house. She steps out and closes the door.

  “Well good for you honey.”

  I smirk. “Thanks.” I say as I look at my watch.

  “I need to go buy something to wear.”

  She gasps. “No baby. You can wear something in my closet.”

  “Mom no offense, but I am not going for the cougar look.”

  She laughs. “Suit yourself. I have some very steamy items that will blow your little high school’s friends minds.”

  “I’m too sure Mom.” I roll my eyes and jog to the porch.

  “If you change your mind, just help yourself!” she yells.

  I run up the stairs to my room and grab my money box. I open it and count my dollars.

  “Oh no. I have 25 dollars and 62 cents. I forgot that my funds were depleted when I helped out with my car. I flop back onto my bed and stare at the ceiling. I sit up and run into my Mom’s room. I fumble through her provocative wardrobe cringing at every hopeful piece I stop on.

  “She has nothing that I could wear and hold my head up with dignity.” I give up my quest and slowly sulk back to my room. I lie down on my bed and close my eyes.

  “I finally get the invite and I have nothing to wear.” I sit there for a moment and pity myself for even thinking that this could happen to me. I glance at my hand and the faint ink of Devin’s number painfully reminds me of my defeat. The doorbell rings. I stand and look out of my window. When I pull my curtains back, I spot Eva’s white BMW. I run to the door and sling it open. When I look at her, she is holding a garment bag.


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