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Pretty Dreamer

Page 5

by A. G. Hobson

  “Snickers?” he whispers bewildered.

  I can’t believe he is calling me that. The fact that he says that name is making the tears fall faster and now I am a big old mess. He grabs my face and forces me to face him once again.

  “We don’t have to do this. I know you guys are best friends. I never should have put you in this position.” His eyes soften and I can see that he is very apologetic.

  “No Scotty. I am so into you. I finally thought my dreams were a reality.”


  “No. Eva had her chance. She only wants you because you want me. She is a spoiled brat. She tried to come up with some lie about never kissing you.” I shout.

  He pauses and runs his fingers through his silky hair. “We never kissed Sienna. She is very closed off. When were alone she would only want to watch TV. Then when things got weird between us she ended it. She said she was over it and we would be better off as friends. But just now on the phone…” he pauses.

  I think he is afraid to say whatever she told him on the phone.

  “What Scott, what did she say to you?” I grab him as he turns to walk away.

  “She wants me to be her first, tonight. She said for me to ditch you and come to her house tonight.”

  I gasp. I cannot believe she would stoop so low. The fact that she would call my phone and try to bait him is totally wrong.

  “Her first what? Are you serious?”

  “I guess. I may be wrong but…”

  “Her exact words were what Scott?”

  “First she asked for me to pick her up so she could hang. When I said we had plans she just blurted it out.” He says in shame.

  “Blurted out what?”

  “She said, ‘Scott ditch Sienna. I want you to come over tonight. You should be my first. Be with me tonight for the first time.” He closes his eyes as he finishes.

  I clutch my chest. The thought of my very best friend’s betrayal is driving me to the brink of insanity. I turn away and my breathing becomes ragged. I am suffocating. I am about to lose my friends and I can’t handle it.

  “Well Scott, go ahead. Eva is very beautiful and you were with her first. Who would choose me over her? Not to mention, she is willing to throw in a constellation prize.”

  I cannot believe that I am going from no action to drama times one thousand. This really sucks. Why didn’t I dream about this? I bite my thumb nail again. I really go at it. Scott grabs my hand and pulls it from my mouth.

  “I would pick you over Eva anytime, any day. I choose you, Sienna. I want to be in a solid relationship. I’m getting older and I’m tired of playing these games with girls. I am going to Kent State U in the fall. I don’t want a bunch of groupies swooning over me. I want to be able to say, I have a girlfriend. A real one.”

  I wipe the tears from my swollen lids. The thought of being his girlfriend is the most delightful idea. I don’t know where this will leave Eva and I but I hope we have been friends long enough to get past it. It was three years ago for goodness sakes.

  “Are you asking me?”

  “I want you to be with me” Nostalgia floods me as he speaks the exact words from my first dream. “Be my girl.” He extends a half smile that sends my head swooning.

  “Yes, oh god yes. I thought you would never ask.” I say not wanting to repeat the scene from my dream.

  He smiles and pulls me into an embrace. I dry my tears and fall into his arms. I lie there and inhale the scent that I am accustomed to. He smells so nice. He is here in my room and he is mine. I don’t want to leave his arms but I must get dressed if we are going to go out. I push away.

  “Uh uh, where are you going?” he whispers into my hair.

  “I need to get dressed. Aren’t we going out?” I lift my eyes to meet his.

  “Most definitely.” He raises his brows.

  I fumble through my drawer to find something to wear. He stands behind me watching. I pull out a fuchsia dress with short frilly sleeves. I look at Scott and he nods. The smile he is wearing shows his approval. I fold it over my arm.

  “Why haven’t I ever seen you wear that?”

  “I only wear stuff like this to church or funerals.” I state.

  “Well today, there is neither, so…” he waves toward himself.

  “I want to look nice on our first date.” I walk out of my room and Scott sits in my computer chair. He slides it up and powers up my desk top. I take one look at my new boyfriend before disappearing into the bathroom.

  When I enter the room Jarvis is standing next to Scott peering at the computer screen.

  “What are you doing in my room you little creep!” I squeeze through my teeth.

  He takes one look at me and hightails it out of here. On the way out he sticks his tongue out. I slam the door behind him. Scott turns toward me.

  “Wow you look great.” He smiles.

  “Thanks.” I say sliding my foot into my wedged heels. They are the only form of high heeled shoes I have ever purchased. I grab a white sweater and slip into it.

  “Are you ready?” I ask.

  “Yes I am.” He eagerly stands. He wraps his arm around my neck and we walk out. As I pass my mom’s room she is up and dressed. I try to get a better look, but he pulls me along. When we get to the door, I walk onto the porch and my dad is approaching.

  “Hello darling.” He says pretending to be happy to see me.

  I roll my eyes. “Cut the darling crap dad. Hi.” I snap. Scott releases me,

  “Hello Mr. Young.” He extends his hand.

  “Hi, how are you? And you are?” He winks.

  “Scott sir.” He adds.

  “Yes dad and we were just leaving.” Scott waves and goes to get into his car.

  “Dad, what are you doing here? I haven’t seen you on this property since the day we closed.” I fold my arms as if I were the parent.

  “I am here to talk to your mom. We are having dinner.”

  I cannot believe what I am hearing. If this blows up, I will be left here with the aftermath.

  “I was hoping you and Jarvis would join Sienna.” He pleads.

  “I have plans, maybe some other time.” I throw my hands up and he enters the house.

  Scott holds the door of the range rover open. I get in and he closes the door. He enters and is very quiet as he pulls away. We ride for a while. I watch as the scenery changes. I wonder where we are going and if it is somewhere he has been before. I lean back and enjoy my dream come better than true.


  We drive around for hours just hanging out. We stop and grab a bite at Scott’s favorite burger place. I only get fries. I am so nervous about our magical night, I can’t really eat. He watches me all evening. I think he feels the same. I am so happy. This is the best date that a girl could ask for. When we finish our meal Scott waves for waitress and it is Amber.

  Amber slowly sways to the table. I am shocked he would bring me to the place where his most recent groupie works. I look away when she place her hands on the table.

  “Well hello Scott.”

  “Hello Amber. When did you start working here?”

  “Oh I’ve been working at the palace for about a week. When I heard you and your friends hang out here, I applied.”

  “Well can you get our waitress, Courtney?” He asks nonchalantly.

  “Okay, but I know you did not get rid of me last night for bed head over here.” She laughs. “Oh I’m sorry I know you don’t like people talking about your little friend.”

  “Actually Amber, Sienna is now my girlfriend and yes, I ditched you for her last night. So get Courtney for me.” He grabs my hand.

  I completely flush bright red. I did not expect that. I look up and Amber is throwing me the ‘I’m going to get you my dearie’ look. Thank goodness I don’t have a dog named Toto. She turns and flips her hair as she leaves. He lifts my fist and plants the most exquisite kiss on it. His lips softly dance along my knuckles. I close my eyes. He kisses my wrist and then m
y fore arm. I believe that he likes his lips on me. They’ve been all over me since last night. And, trust me I am not complaining. I open my eyes when I hear the clearing of a throat.

  “Here is your bill Scott.” Courtney says as she lays it between us on the table. He releases my hand and grabs it. She rolls her eyes at me before walking away. If I thought girls hated me before, dating Scott isn’t doing anything to help that.

  “So what would you like to do now?” Scott asks throwing the money for the bill on the table.

  “Umm I don’t know. We can do whatever you want.”

  “I have the new Josie People’s movie collection. You want to go to my house and watch it.”

  “I would love to. You know that is my favorite conspiracy series.”

  “Yes I do. I ordered it hoping you would come over one day and watch it with me.”

  I am constantly in awe this weekend. Scott could not have been this into me. He stands and grabs my hand and we walk out. Every person that is sitting in the restaurant from Fremont high is staring with their mouths open.

  We get into his range and I am floating on a cloud. We drive to Scott’s house. It is a gorgeous two story colonial style home. I don’t see his mother’s Jaguar that is usually parked in the driveway. He pulls all the way to the back and into a garage that sits far behind the house. Scott has an older brother and sister, Stacey and Douglas Headly. Stacey is a married homemaker that lives in California. Doug is two years older than Scott and is a sophomore in college. He is the brains of the family. He wants to be a physician like his mom. I guess it would have been just as awesome to be a surgeon like their dad. Scott on the other hand is smart but mostly athletic. His parents are equally as proud though. They support their children no matter what path they chose. Scott hops out and opens my door. I step out and I am trembling. I don’t know what I am afraid of. I have been to his house several times. It’s been a while, but I shouldn’t be this scared.

  “Are you cold?” he asks wrapping his arm around me.

  “No. I’m just a little nervous.”

  “Why? You have been here so many times it’s ridiculous. No girls are allowed over but you and Eva. My mom hates the girls I date. She always says how nice you are and she just likes Eva because she hangs out with you.”

  “That doesn’t mean you’ve only had me and Eva here, right?”

  “Doesn’t matter.” he adds.

  I smile. His mother has always been really nice to me and not so much towards Eva. I guess a mother knows what’s good for her children. I laugh to myself. We walk to the door and he slides the key into the lock. He stands aside and waves for me to enter like a butler. I step inside and they have done some redecorating since I was last here. He starts to flick on lights as we pass through rooms.

  “Where are your mom and dad?” I say peeping into the empty rooms.

  “They are away at a convention. I’ve had the house to myself for two days.


  He smiles as we enter the kitchen. “Okay what would you like to eat for our Josie Peoples viewing?”

  He searches the cabinets and fridge. “I believe I have plenty of goodies. So I will grab a little of everything. How’s that?”

  “Great.” I try and give him a smirk but my face is frozen.

  “Calm down, I even have snickers.” He raises a brow and holds up a ten pack of mini snicker bars.

  I burst out laughing. I bend forward to stop myself but it keeps coming.

  “Come on let’s go on up.”

  I follow behind him up to his room. We get to the end of the hall and he kicks the door open. He sets his armful of munchies on a table by the door and flips the light on. I look around and his room is somewhat different. I enter and he has a new king sized bed. It has a tall black backboard and night stands to match it. He has a huge sixty inch flat screen television on the wall with speakers mounted beside it. He takes the remote, points towards it, and it flashes on. The thunderous sound that roars from it frightens me.

  “Sorry. Sick surround sound huh?”

  “Yea sick.” He grabs the snacks and spreads them out on the bed. He takes off his jacket and shirt. He is left in a white t-shirt as usual. He goes to a wall unit and opens it. There are hundreds of discs inside. He grabs about ten and walks over to the TV. There is a stand beneath it. He pushes a button on a unit that resembles a high-tech stereo system. The little door opens and a tray slides out. He places all of the discs in and runs back to the bed. He points the remote and pats the bed.

  “Come on, what are you waiting on? It’s about to start.”

  I stare at his beautiful gray eyes, glaring back at me. I want to live in this moment forever. I pull off my sweater and kick off my shoes. I sit on the bed and rub my aching feet. The sexy shoe thing is so not for me. Finally, I lie back on one of his plush pillows. I realize that it has been a very long day. I look at my watch and yawn. The movie starts and Scott clicks a button and the lights switch off.

  The movies play one by one. The conspiracies get better with each episode. My eyes start to get heavy. I look at my watch again and it is twelve thirty. I glance over at Scott and he is enthralled in the mysteries that are unfolding. After a while, I realize that I am giving him the creepy glare. It is a little stalker-ish. When I pop out of my head he is glaring back.

  “I really enjoyed myself today Sienna. This was the best date I have been on. I can be myself with you, and I really like that.”

  “Good.” I lie back and look up at his perfectly painted ceiling. I feel the bed move and he is now looking down at me. His eyes are very intense. He leans in and places his lips onto mine. We slowly start a groove. Our lips answer one another’s. He cups his hands behind my loosely curled hair. He lays his body atop of mine. I ease my hands around his perfect waist feeling each and every muscle. The kiss deepens and I am lost in the emotions of the evening. His hands move from my hair down the side of my arms, across my belly, to my thighs. He slowly lifts my dress and I know this is getting very heated. Slowly my dress rises. And before I protest it is over my head. He lifts from our kiss. My lips are still puckered and my breathing is heavy. He looks me over.

  “I knew you had it Sienna. I have laid here many nights, imagining what was underneath those gym clothes.” He says barely whispering.

  I am speechless. The thought of him lying in bed imagining me with nothing on drives me over the edge. I slide my hands in his rustled hair and pull his lips back to mine. Without leaving me for long he slips his t-shirt over his head and reveals his flawless torso to me. My eyes follow the lines on his hip bones down. I look away when I spot his eagerness. I close my eyes and I feel the moistness of his lips on my neck. He greedily attacks and I keep my hands buried in his hair. When I open my eyes his brilliant gray gaze is burning with hunger.

  “Is this too much for you Sienna?” He asks out of breath.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Are we going too far? Aren’t you a…” He does not have to finish. I release him and cover my bright pink bra. He sits back and slides his fingers through his hair. I sit up and search for my dress.

  “I’m sorry Scott. I didn’t mean to get this started.” My voice is trembling.

  “It’s okay. I understand.” He grabs his shirt from the floor and pulls it back on. He is breathing very hard. I try to fix my hair but it’s no use. He walks over to his dresser, grabs a tan rubber band and hands it to me, offering a smile.

  “Thanks.” I bind my hair and stretch the rubber band around it.

  I find my dress and shake the wrinkles out.

  “Wait.” He says quickly. I press it close to me and turn to him.

  “Okay.” He laughs.

  I dress and sit back onto the bed. “I think I should go home. It is getting late. I don’t want my mom to have a heart attack.”

  “Alright, but let’s watch the rest of this episode. It’s only about an hour left.”

  “I guess.” I lie back and he turns the sound u
p. He slides across the bed and scoops his arm under my neck. We cuddle and I try to enjoy the rest of the movie….

  I slide across the floor. I touch my lip and it is bleeding profusely. I look up and Eva is enraged. I have never seen her this angry. She storms over and grabs a hand full of my hair. I scream. The pain resonates through my entire body. Payton and Avery are kicking me and I can’t defend myself. Tears stream down my cheeks. The whole school is watching while I get beat half to death.

  “I hate you Sienna Young. You are no friend of mine!” Eva screams.

  Suddenly I feel a clonk on the head and it wasn’t someone’s hand. It was an object. I feel the liquid pouring from my head and into my eyes. I can only see out of one eye. I look around for help and no one is interested in rescuing me. Finally I hear his voice, he lifts me into his arms.

  “Eva you need to stop! This has gone far enough!” he plants a kiss on my bleeding head and I feel fine. I look down at my clothes and I have on my gym attire….

  “Sienna! Sienna wake up.” Scott yells

  “Oh no Scott what time is it?” I stretch.

  “It’s eight am we are in some major trouble.” His eyes are wide.

  “Was I sleeping? I swear I was at school.” I stand and pull my dress down.

  “Grab your shoes, I have to get you home.”

  “Is it Sunday?”

  “Yes…let’s go!”

  He stomps his feet into his converse and we hurry down the stairs. We hop into the Range Rover and head home. Scott speeds through traffic. I close my eyes to keep from screaming.

  “Slow down! You are going to kill me before Jacquie can.” I yell.

  He whips into my drive way and jumps out of the car. He pulls the door so hard, he almost rips it from the hinges. He yanks me out.

  “I did not mean to fall asleep Sienna. I hope your mom isn’t as mad as I think.” He rambles.

  As we step onto the porch I spot my dad’s car. I stare at it while Scott is dragging me up the stairs. I take the key from my sweater pocket and unlock the door. The house is a ghost town. I tiptoe through the living room and up the stairs. I wonder why dad is over so early. What on earth could have happened? I run to Jarvis’ room and his bed is empty. I smell the aroma of breakfast but there has not been piece of toast cooked in that kitchen. I get to my mom’s room and the door is cracked. I push it open and my mom has on her robe and dad does too.


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