Pretty Dreamer

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Pretty Dreamer Page 12

by A. G. Hobson

  “Yes we can go. We have school tomorrow anyway. Let me say goodbye to Scott okay?”

  “Yea go ahead. I am going to get a phone number from Doug’s friend.

  “That is the Eva I know.” I say silently. She gathers her most seductive gallop and goes on for the kill. The prey is about 19 or 20 years old. He is not the most gorgeous college guy here but he will most definitely do. She hands him a pen and he writes his number down. I guess he doesn’t care about her being 17. Then again he may think she is 18 like Scotty is today. I watch as she works her magic. His eyes are glued to that sheer blouse and I can’t blame him. She looks hotter than hot. She gets the goods and jogs up the stairs to retrieve her coat. When she returns she has my jacket also. I attempt to slide into it and Scott helps me.

  “Will I see you in school tomorrow?” he smiles.

  “Yes of course. Eva is most likely going to ride in with me so I will be driving until her car is out of the shop.”

  “Oh no. she is taking you away from me already.” He pouts.

  “Never, we will still see each other there. And, I will be anxiously awaiting you at our table in the corner of the lunch room. How does that sound?” I say leaning in for one last smooch. Eva impatiently taps her foot behind us. We laugh and I say goodbye to everyone. We walk out to my car, get in and start the engine, and he waves as I pull away from his house.

  On the way home we sit in total silence. Eva bites her finely manicured nails. I see her spit out small specks of fuchsia polish. I want to talk, things have been so out of hand I am going to try to smooth it over.

  “So how cool would it be to date Doug’s friend?” I ask hoping she responds. She shakes her head and continue to bite at the now chipping polish.

  “He was really cute. I’m going to ask Scot to find out when he is leaving for school.” I look and she is as dry as a new napkin. “I am so glad you decided to come with me today. I would have been a nervous wreck without you.” I lie.

  “Oh give it a rest Sienna. I know you wouldn’t have missed me. Had I not insisted that I tag along, you’d be girl friending it up with his family. So don’t even pretend to be so excited that I came.” She spits.

  “I am really am glad you came Eva. I wanted you there and so did Scott. A duo is once again a trio.”

  “No. I know you two wanted to rip each other a part in that bathroom so…” she rolls her eyes.

  I am actually getting annoyed with how she is acting. It is not like Scott was going to date her again so she needs to give it a serious break. Her dramatic scenes are giving me a headache. I reach her condo and I slide my gear into park.

  “Thank you for picking me up. I missed hanging out with you guys. Scott is my friend too. So I was glad to celebrate with him today.” Finally! She is done with her fit.

  “So… I will be here bright and early tomorrow.”

  “Don’t be late Si-si.” She giggles. I smile as she exits my car and runs up to the condo. She goes inside and I head home.


  The weeks that past have been absolutely heavenly. Scott and I have been totally conjoined which is terrific. Eva and I are basically back to where we were. My love life and friendship are balanced. Aunt Trixie has really been there for me. I check in regularly to let her know about my dreams and visions. I even reveal my steamy ones about Scott and how I forced it to happen. She was amused that I could have fun with my curse. I certainly do not want to end up alone like she is. And I would never ever say that to her. My latest visions have been a little scary though. To avoid the occurring frights I try counting before I close my eyes. I don’t want to have visions of deadly, final destination, type warnings.

  Prom is a few weeks away and all of the girls at Fremont are behaving like well-groomed animals. They want a junior or a senior to ask them, heck they would even go for a freshman, as long as he has a tux and a smile. I am so very lucky to be going with the guy of my literal dreams. Eva is probably taking one of the several guys she has been occupied with. We went shopping for dresses this weekend. Scotty says girls make a big deal about a night where they’re going to get made up to get stripped down. I laugh because I would strip down for him anytime. I think Eva is going to give some sucker her all that night. She is tired of being a tease. And I know for a fact she hates when Scott and I disappear and come back disheveled. I try not to do it often because I know it bothers her.

  “Okay, I think I am going to change my dress.” Eva says blowing the polish on her hand. I stare at her wide eyed. She has already changed it three times since we got them.

  “What is wrong this time Eva? The color.”

  “No. I want to dazzle the Fremont Trend Squad. I will have the best dress.” She shakes and waves her hand, then polishes the other one.

  “The dress you have this time is a winner. You really picked a winner. No one else will be wearing a flowing one strapped iridescent gown with matching five hundred dollar shoes.” I sarcastically add.

  “Now we both know that Payton and Avery is going to try to top whatever I wear.”

  “How would they even know? It isn’t possible. I doubt that anyone has that dress Eva. The lady says it is one of a kind.”

  “You’re right. I am going to kill ‘em!” she screams and her screech can be heard throughout my house. We spend the evening spewing gossip and eating junk food. I am once again laughing and enjoying my best friend.

  “I’m planning on taking Kelton to prom.” She says as she waves freshly painted hand my way.

  “Who is that?” I ask. I can’t keep up with the many guy friend she procures. It is like trying to memorize the dictionary.

  “Well…” she folds her legs beneath her as she slides back towards my head board. “I met him when my dear father took me in to the office with him a few weeks ago. He is the hottest intern I have ever seen. He is about twenty. I mean gorgeous Sienna. He has beach hair. It appears highlighted by the sun. He is around six feet with the cutest behind. I swear I am in love.” She beams. I fold my arms and listen as she goes on and on about this mystery guy. I lie back as she speaks and my eyes are feeling heavy. I yawn.

  “Sienna Young!” she shouts. “Are you falling asleep on me?”

  I try to push forward, but I have been burning the candle at both ends this week. “You know we have midterms Monday and you have just been watching while I study. We don’t have classes together anymore, so you have to get it together.”

  “I know, but Kelton has my mind occupied.” She sings.

  “What does your dad say? He is a little old for you.”

  “Dad doesn’t care as long as I am happy.” She says standing. She walks over to the mirror. She sucks in her stomach and smiles. What would you say if I told you that I was going out with him tonight?”

  “I would say you are so wrong. This was supposed to be a girls only weekend. I told Scott I would see him Sunday night because you insisted that we spend time doing girly things.”

  “Well he called earlier and asked if I could get out. I sort of said yea already.” She bites the tip of her finger.

  “No Eva! You made me promise to leave my weekend open and you bail on the first night. You really suck in so many different ways right now.” I pout. She runs over to the closet and grabs a garment bag.

  “I am so sorry but I have to. He may be the one.” I shake my head knowing she is determined to ditch me no matter what I say.

  She unzips the bag and her dress is very sexy. It is red, black and very short. I watch as she slides into it and puts on her high heels to match. I lie down and continue to listen as she rambles on about his fancy sports car. He must have really wealthy parents like she does. Because from what I hear he has it all. Even more than she has. He lives Downtown in a swanky loft. She talks about how elegantly decorated it is. I don’t ask how she even is aware of that information. I listen for about ten minutes before drifting off…

  The car bends each corner bobbing and weaving through traffic. Eva grabs the
armrest and buries herself into the seat.

  “Calm down baby. I am not going to hurt my beautiful ride.” He smiles a radiant gleam. His teeth are perfectly white. His hair usually a beautiful mess is neatly combed in place.

  “You really know how to show a girl a good time Kelton. I am so glad we did this.”

  “It’s just too bad you’re too young to get a drink with me.” He takes swig from the fancy bottle stuffed between his legs. Eva nervously sits up and holds the dashboard as she watches. She knows he shouldn’t be drinking and driving around town.

  “Let’s drive to Chicago. We have the whole evening ahead of us.” He smirks.

  She looks at his dimpled cheeks and replies. “What the heck. Let’s go.” He speeds toward the highway and she sits back to enjoy the ride. The night flows naturally. Kelton is wearing her on his arm like an expensive watch. She struts as she displays herself as his trophy. They walk the busy nightclub filled street. Each place not good enough for their presence. They finally reach the one he thinks will be buzzing. Kelton slips through the crowd. The long line of people offer frowns and eye rolls as they breeze by. But Kelton and Eva look stunning so no one would dare speak.

  “ID’s please.” The huge dark haired bouncer announces.

  “Surely we don’t need ID’s.” He slaps his hand and leaves a hundred dollar bill in his palm. He nods and allows them to past~

  “Have you spoken with Eva, Christopher?” Her mom asks her dad.

  “No. I think she is at Sienna’s for the weekend.” He responds.

  “I haven’t talked to her since Thursday honey. And she is not answering her phone.” She adds. “I am going to try to call Sienna.”

  She dials my number. I answer and she asks me, but I haven’t seen Eva since Friday either. My heart starts to pump and I can’t breathe. I hang up on her and dial Eva. When I don’t get an answer, I call Kelton. She called him from my phone and I kept the number. He doesn’t answer. A week passes and still no answer. I am an emotional wreck. Missing persons tracks them to Chicago but that’s all they know. Kelton’s family is a mess. I never knew how much Eva’s parent’s cared about her until I see the downhill spiral they descend into. We miss prom and the school holds a visual for her. The summer comes and goes and still know sign of them. Scott leaves for Kent state and I am left all alone. After nine months they find two bodies buried in a shallow grave in some woods close to downtown Chicago. I am beyond devastated.

  The funeral is very extravagant. My body shudders from the outward cry. I hate that Eva and I ever fought. I wish I had another chance to tell her how much she meant to me. She was the very spoiled older sister I never had. At the graveyard I fall onto the freshly covered grave. Scott stands by not knowing what to do. I lay there well after everyone leaves. The river of tears flows and falls and fuses with the dirt hill. I want Eva’s badly decayed body to feel my love.

  I jump from my bed screaming in pain. My heart is pumping so hard, I feel like I am having an attack. I grab my bed post so I won’t fall. I jumped up so fast I think my mind is just catching up with my limbs.

  “Whoa Sienna! What the hell?” Eva stands glued against the wall by the door. She was coming back in from the bathroom when I woke. I run over to her and grab her in a bone crushing embrace.

  “Oh God! I am so glad to see you Eva.” I hug her and don’t let go.

  “Umm you are crushing me girly. And I am going to kill you if I have to iron this dress again.” She attempts to shove me away.

  “Please let me hug you Eva. I need to.” I plead. She stands there with her hands bound to her side. We are locked in an embrace for a few minutes and I don’t want to let her go. Finally she breaks away. She grabs my phone. “My phone died let me use yours to call Kelton.” She grabs my cell and dials. She makes plans for him to meet her at his Loft. I start to bite my nails. Every moment from my dream is coming to pass one minute at a time.

  “Okay he is on his way. I think I am going to spend the night with him tonight. So don’t wait up okay?” she says grabbing her purse. My heart is racing. I snap my nails off with my teeth until they start to bleed. I can’t hear her speaking anymore. The thud of my beating heart is overthrowing my whole brain. I see her walk through my bedroom door. I imagine that she is leaving. I try to call out to her but my mouth is stuck. I try to move and I am planted with roots in that spot. I know that if I don’t, this will be my last time ever seeing her alive.

  “Eva!!” I yell out as loud as I can. She doesn’t return. I communicate with my feet to get to moving now. I start to run and my legs feel like jelly. I stumble but I make just in time to see her walking out of the door. I run as fast as I can past Jarvis, who is staring at me like I am an alien. I ignore him and continue my pursuit. I swing the door open and she is getting into her car.

  “Eva!” I scream at the top of my lungs. She jumps and turn around. “Geez Sienna, what is with you today?” she slams her car door and walks back to the porch. I grab her arm and drag up the stairs. I close the door and begin to pace. I know I have changed the outcome of my dreams before. But most of the time they still play out. I shiver as the smell of the fresh wet dirt over Eva’s grave lingers in my mind.

  “Look I have a hot date to get to and you are acting bonkers.” She folds her arm and taps her foot. “Spill now Sienna!” she yells aggravated. I hold up one finger and grab my phone.

  “Aunt Trixie where are you?” I ask out of breath.

  “Sienna? I’m at the mall. I had to get Prissy a new cushion for her bed.” Prissy is Trixie’s all white and caramel Havanese.

  “I need you here now. I have a terrible problem it is life or death.” I glance at Eva and her eyes just bulged from her face.

  “Life or death for who may I ask?” Eva interrupts. I put up my finger once more and she huffs. Worry crosses her face.

  “Oh no is it a vision or dream?” Trixie asks.

  “A dream. A horrible dream that is getting ready to… you know.”

  “I am on my way. Give me ten minutes.” She hangs up and I toss my cell onto my bed.

  “If you do not tell me what is going on I’m leaving. I promise you I will not come back!” she snaps.

  She doesn’t know how true that statement really is. So I sit on the bed and pat the spot next to me. I take a deep breath and look at her as she sits. She is moving in slow motion. I do not want to reveal my secret. I don’t know what she will think of me if I do. But I assume if I don’t give her something I will lose her forever. I think about lying but what will I say? I think of calling her parents but of again what will I say? I grab her hand into mine. She is staring at me in confusion. I want to wait on my aunt but I don’t want her to leave me forever.

  “I need you to have an open mind Eva.” I say searching her eyes for understanding. “What I am about to tell you is very farfetched. You will probably think I am nuts after today.” Her expression has changed from fear to annoyance.

  “Are you trying to stop me from going on my date Sienna?” she asks snatching her hand away.

  “Yes… but no.” I squint. I know I am sounding like an old weirdo.

  “Why, are you that jealous that you would watch me to be single while you live it up with Scotty? I know that you love rubbing it in my face that you are doing what I want to do with who I want to do it with. And this is the only thing you have over me.”

  I shake my head. She is taking this all wrong. “Eva I have dreams and visions of the present and future. It is a curse that was placed on my great-grandmother by a beautiful jealous enchantress. I know it sounds ridiculous but it is true.”

  She bursts into a resounding laughter. She holds her stomach as she bends to hold it.

  “Stop Sienna. You are trying to play a joke on me. She stands and attempts to leave again.

  “No. I am dead serious. I dream of things before they happen. I close my eyes and I see things that are happening. I knew you were going to call me in the hospital. I saw you crying to your mother
before you called. She encouraged you to call.”

  She stops and thinks. “I told you that. Stop messing with me it’s not funny.” She grabs her purse. I run and shut the door.

  “I am serious Eva! If you leave with Kelton he is going to ask you to go to Chicago tonight. When you guys go you are never seen again alive. They find you two buried together nine months later. I love you. I don’t want you to leave me.” I plead once more.

  “Stop it Sienna! You are scaring the hell out of me. I’m leaving. I will call you later. Maybe I will be able to say I’m no longer a virgin.” She smiles and slides the purse onto her arm. Tears weld in my bottom lids. I can’t stop her. I am about to watch my only friend walk into her death.

  “If you insist on going, please, please call me. And if he asks you to go to Chicago don’t, you will not return.” I stare into her beautiful wide eyes knowing I must convince her to listen. “Promise me!” I shake her.

  “Okay. Don’t get your panties in a bunch. Well too late for that. But I will call every half hour. How is that?”

  I hug her. “Thank you.”

  “I know you think you are a gypsy now. Maybe we can got to the mall and have you read palms. We could make a fortune.” She smirks and leaves.

  I watch from the window as she pulls off and Trixie pulls in. She hurries up to my room and I fill her in. she gasps as the details I give her; the smells, the emotion, and the length of the dream. She is amazed that I could see so far ahead without trying. She stands and attempt to come up with a solution. I explain to her that Eva would not believe me.

  “I told her not to go to Chicago. That is where they are found.”

  “Maybe she will see that you are right and come back.” She has a worried look that bothers me, but I will not ask.

  We sit around for hours waiting on her to call. When the time that he asked come and goes I began to worry. Maybe I should have called her mom and dad. But they would not have believed me either. I just can’t sit here and let my best friend die. So I grab my phone and dial her. Trixie watches with horror as she does not answer. I start to cry because I know I will never see her again.


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