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Pretty Dreamer

Page 15

by A. G. Hobson

  “I got it. Just don’t let Trixie know. She is totally against this. But I have to do something. There has to be justice.” I hand her some tissues and she nods. We re-enter the room and Trixie is still engulfed in the news cast. Eva decides to call it a night and so do I. I try to convince Trixie to go home but she insists on staying. I am hoping her visions isn’t as telling as mine. I find her a comforter and help her settle into the guest room. My mom silently watches as she emerges from the bathroom dressed in my favorite bed attire. A tank and pajama pants. I wave and mom scowls. She is really irritated with our relationship. I must ask her why one day, but I can’t take anymore drama tonight. I ask my aunt if she needs anything before I retire myself.

  The next morning I dress for school and avoid all eye contact with mom and Trixie. Before either of them can invite me to eat with them I make a clean getaway. I rev the engine as I pull into the parking lot of the school. I am extra early because the posh group of debutants hasn’t taken their usual parking spots. I step outside of my car and lean against it. I enjoy the cool breeze the Tuesday morning air presents. I thank the heavens that I am feeling better than yesterday. I dressed a little better. I blew out my hair and slid on some snug fitting blue jeans. I actually decided to wear my favorite baby doll shoes that my aunt gave me. Under my cute yellow sweater I have on a darling studded tank top. I didn’t wear makeup because I figured it would take time from my daring escape. I smile as I think of the first time Scott laid eyes on me sporting my new look. I stare at the ground and a chuckle escapes.

  “What’s so funny?” Eva interrupts.

  “Oh nothing. Are you ready to do this?”

  “First, do you see us dying in Chicago?”

  “No, I would never put you in direct danger. That is why we are going in daylight. I’m sure the murderer is long gone. Kelton died three days ago.” I say before I could stop myself.

  A somber look washes her face. “Let’s go then. I want that bastard to pay for what he did.” I push away from my thunderbird and open the passenger door for her to get in.

  “Sienna! Sienna wait!” I turn to see who on earth is yelling my name. I certainly don’t want anyone to see me leave the school grounds without attending class. I spot Scotty barreling towards us. Eva hops back out to see what the commotion could be.

  “Sienna,” Scott pauses to catch his breath. “I called you this morning.”

  “Okay?” I respond totally confused.

  “I saw the news last night…Kelton…you were telling the truth.” He breathes.

  “I told you that. Why on earth would anyone make up something like that?”

  “I know. It was just too much to process. Girls make up the most fantastic stories.” He smiles.

  “But we are talking about Sienna you jerk!” Eva adds.

  “I know and I am so sorry I didn’t believe you. Please forgive me.”

  “That depends,” Eva says. “Did you seal the deal with that skank Amber?”

  “What?” he says angrily.

  “I would never do that. I just let her hang out with me at lunch. That’s it I promise.”

  “Look, I don’t have time for this. I have somewhere to be.” I offer walking around my car to the driver’s door. But I must say I am really enjoying watching him grovel.

  “Where are you guys going? Are you going inside the building?”

  “No. We are going to help catch the loser who murdered Kelton.” Eva yells before getting back inside of my car.

  “I’m coming with you.” He hops into the car before I can get inside.

  “No Scott, please.” He steps back out and grabs my keys from me.

  “Either I go with you or I rat you out.”

  I sigh. “Fine.”

  “Good and we are taking my range.” He says walking away.

  Eva and I have no choice but to follow. We get inside of his car and he starts the engine. “Where to?” I pull up the GPS on my phone and he grabs it. “Chicago, Okay.” He pulls out of the space he is parked in and drives toward the end of the parking lot. Suddenly aunt Trixie’s car cuts us off. She hops out and runs up to the window.

  “Are you crazy Sienna Young? What did I tell you?” she shouts.

  “Don’t make a scene, please? We are going with or without your permission.” I yell back.

  “I can’t get in trouble this close to graduation Sienna.” Scott states.

  “No one is going to get into trouble. Get in aunt Trixie. Because you are not stopping me.”

  She gives in, parks her car and hops in the back seat next to Eva. The GPS gives us directions. It takes us an hour to get to our destination. Scott passes the club and circles the corner twice. I scan the area searching for the wooded area. I try to remember everything detail. Slowly the picture becomes clear and I see the wooded area behind a building adjacent to A`Deux. I point.

  “There! Drive over to that building and circle around back. The streets are filled with people carrying on with their daily lives not suspecting that a young man was killed here days ago. We spot the woods and Scott’s parks at the entrance. I jump out and they follow.

  “Alright Sienna now what? I know you are not going in there are you?” Trixie questions.

  “I most certainly am. I did not come out here to just to get a glimpse.” I see a utility vehicle parked further toward the street but I head into the gathering anyway. My entourage trails as I lead the way. I march forward reliving the scenes. I go to the exact spot I felt his life end. I see a pile of ants brawling on what appears to be his blood. Eva gasps and covers her mouth. We follow the tracks and find I freshly disturbed pile of dirt. ”I think this is it.” I say stepping toward the hill.

  “Oh my God! Scott look!” Eva nudges his arm pointing. He looks to see what she has discovered. Over by a stack of loose pine needles she spots a gold watch with face covered in diamonds.

  “We should call the police now. We are not going to be able to explain how we found this.” Trixie says nervously looking around. I step onto the pile and begin to throw the dirt back. I dig right in not caring that my dandelion yellow sweater is now covered in dirt.

  “Don’t touch anything guys!” Trixie yells to Eva who is trying to retrieve the watch.

  “Shhh! I hear something.” Scott whispers. He turns and scans the area. I stop digging and help him to survey the poorly lit woods.

  “I see something.” Eva begins to panic. “Get up Sienna.” I rise and slowly case my immediate sight.

  “Look! Someone is over there!” Eva begins to run. I scream behind her.

  “No Eva wait for us!” We all take off simultaneously trying to catch her. I duck the branches threatening to smack me in the face and Scott does the same. Trixie is not so crafty. She is slapped in the face by a branch so thick she yelps. I turn to see if she is alright. There is a huge welt across her face. I pull her up and we run. Scott disappears so I yell out for the both of them.

  “Scott! Eva! Where are you guys?” Trixie is shaking she is so afraid. I would be as frightened as she is if it wasn’t for me losing my friends. I hear Eva scream. We run as fast as we can to help her. I get to a clearing I don’t recognize from my dream and Eva is lying on the ground with her hands covering her face. Scott has his hands raised to the sky. I look and the man that killed Kelton has a gun waving between the two of them!


  “How is that you children stumbled upon that pile of dirt.” The deep voiced man questions them. I look him over before revealing my presence. He has on a pair of dark blue uniform pants. He is wearing a utility company logo on a dark blue shirt that matches his slacks. He wipes his mouth with the sleeve as he prepares for his next sentence.

  “No one ever comes into this area. And it just so happens that you two were messing around here.” I gasp silently in horror. That is the same gun he had in my dream.

  “Now, who are you and who are the women with you?” he pushes through his clenched teeth.

  “We are alone.�
�� Scott speaks.

  “Look boy. Don’t try and be a hero. I guarantee you will not make it out of these woods and whoever you are protecting definitely won’t either. He lifts the gun so that it is fixed on Scott. Eva sobs into her tightly pressed hands. “I don’t want to die, she said I wouldn’t die today Scott.” She whales.

  “Be quiet Eva.” Scott scolds.

  The brut takes a step. He presses the gun to his temple. “Nighty night little boy.”

  “Oh god wait!” I run into the clearing. “I can help you.” I say holding my hands up in surrender.

  He laughs. “Help me how? All I have to do is eliminate you and problem solved.” He walks over and throws me to the ground next to Eva. Trixie walks out with her hands stretched high.

  “First I want to know how you found me?” he asks waving his gun again.

  “I don’t know. But we did inform Kelton’s parents. If you kill us they will come looking for you. And you cannot bury all of us.”

  “Oh yes I can sweetheart. I am very skilled at burying things.” he laughs.

  I cringe at the horrible sound. I think that I lied to Eva, we may die here today. “Look sir I will give you whatever you need. Please?”

  “Oh young lady.” He says mowing me over with his eyes. “You cannot.”

  “What did Kelton owe you?” he eyes bulge.

  “A lot of money. He likes to spend what he does not have. How did you know about that little girl?” He cocks his head to the side and search the wooded clearing. “Who sent you?” he panics.

  I look to Scott who is slowly lowering his hands. I hope he does not… he leaps for the gun. I scream and the gun is thrust into the air and soaring, we all jump to scramble for it. The man gets to Trixie and punches her in the face. Eva catches the gun and he grabs Scott. He pulls a knife from his pocket and tries to cut him. He wiggles free and yells for Eva to shoot. She shakes as she tries to steady the weapon but is unsuccessful. The man lunges toward her and lands beside her on the ground. He grabs her ankle, she takes her free foot and kicks him in the face. He does not flinch and reaches for her again. She falls forward trying to bolt and the gun leaves her hands. I quickly grab ahold of it and point it at him.

  “Let her go!” I scream. My heart is beating so loud I can’t hear what Scott and Trixie are yelling at me. I turn to him and he has released Eva’s ankle and is standing. I close my eyes and I see the police gathering evidence around his dead body. They find Kelton not too far away.

  I open my eyes and step back as he lunges toward me. Before he reaches me I fire. I shoot the gun until it is empty. The thumping in my ears get louder. He drops to his knees and tips over like a falling tree. Blood pools around his body and I drop the gun.

  “Oh my god!” I scream “I killed someone!” Scott grabs me into an embrace. I hug him for a short moment and then turn back to look at the man. Trixie picks up the gun and begins to wipe it clean with her shirt. Eva hops to her feet. “How are we going to explain this?”

  “I don’t think we have any other choice but to get the hell out of here and don’t look back. The police will be here shortly and I didn’t see us anywhere around. We begin to run. Each one keeping up with the person in front. We get to Scott’s SUV and the utility truck is gone. I look around for it knowing the awful man was driving it.

  “Let’s go Sienna!” Scott yells. I quickly hop in and we are back on the road. I look as the city fades behind us. I notice that Trixie’s eye is swelling by the minute.

  “Don’t worry. I am going straight home. That way I don’t have to answer any questions.” She assures.

  Eva is rocking back and forth like a lunatic. “Are you going to be okay?” I ask.

  “I don’t know. I was supposed to be stuffed into that grave beside him. Seeing it all was way too much for me.” Her voice shakes. I look to Scott. “No school today.” I look at my watch and it is well after noon. Scott let’s Trixie and Eva out. She walks to her car holding something in her hand, but I don’t bother to see what it is. I step out of my car and Scott grabs my hand.

  “Meet at my house so you can clean up. Of course we will be alone.” I look down at my filthy clothes. I nod and hurry to my car. I hop in before anyone can spot me and drive away.

  When I get to Scott’s house I slowly approach the door. I see his white stallion parked in the driveway. He really got here fast. Before I can knock he swings the door open.

  “Come on in.” he waves. I slowly walk up the stairs and directly to his bedroom.

  “I got some of my sister’s old things that we had packed away.”

  I take the pink beach t-shirt from him and the white capris. I hurry to his restroom to shower. When I am finished I meet him back in his room, where he is stretched out nice and freshly showered himself. I grab hold to my hair and braid it down the side of my neck. I silently set on the edge of his bed.

  “Quite a day huh?” he says crawling towards me.

  “Quite a month or two.” I return.

  “Yea, you’re right.” He sits beside me and pulls me down to lay beside him. “I am truly sorry for not believing you. Do you forgive me?” he asks kissing my hair.

  “Of course.” I whisper.

  “I did not want to take Amber to the freaking prom. She was harassing me.” He strokes my arm.

  “Well, now you don’t have to. I will go.” I nestle into his arms. He lifts my chin so that our eyes meet.

  “I really don’t deserve you Sienna. See how you forgave me? I am too lucky.”

  I smile. I’m so glad I do not have to hide any longer. “The night we were together for the first time…”

  “Did you see that beforehand?” he asks.

  “No. But I did see you in a dorm and we were, you know. And I wanted to feel the sensations I felt in vision… very badly. So I rushed it.”

  He chuckles. “Wow. So we are going to be together for a long time?”

  “I hope so. Things change as you’ve seen today.”

  “I know how my heart feels. So I will be with you and no one else. If that means marriage then I am for it.”

  “Oh Scott me too. I never want to be without you again. It hurts too much.” He pulls my chin to him and we kiss. Pleasure ignites in my belly and I forget about the man I murdered hours before. Scott removes my clothes and gently takes me into another world.

  I roll over to a smiling Scott. The grin dissipates and is replaced by an unrecognizable glare. “Thank you for forgiving me Sienna. I know it was completely stupid to play up the Amber bit. When you ran out of the lunchroom crying I wanted to chase you, grab you, and never let you go.”

  “Why didn’t you? I was in pieces Scotty. I almost lost it.” I say.

  “All I can say to you now is that I am so very sorry and it will never happen again.”

  “I know. Because my dreams has told me otherwise.” I grab his face and kiss his wonderfully wet lips. Before we could start up again my phone rings. I sigh and turn to retrieve it. I grab it from my pocket and answer.


  “Oh god Sienna you have to help me! The police showed up to my house and I have the watch!” Eva screams through the phone.

  “What? What do you mean?”

  “I wanted something to remember him by so I took the watch. It has blood and dirt on it.”

  I panic. I sit up and slide to the edge of the bed. Why would she do that? How could she be so stupid?

  “Okay… where are they now?” I ask.

  “They are in the dining room with my parents. I wouldn’t answer any questions so they ask my dad could they search my room. Why would they want to search here? We were dating. Why on earth would I hurt him?”

  “They are just doing their job. Calm down you are going to get yourself in a world of trouble and drag us down with you.”

  “Okay, okay.” She says sniffling.

  “Drop the watch in a cup of bleach and detergent. It should wash all traces of blood away. Then hide it somewhere no one will ever

  “Oh god, I’m going to jail!”

  “No you’re not! Calm down and do as I say. Clean the watch and hide it in…,” I pause to think of her room, where on earth could she stash it? “Listen, hide it in the vent underneath your bed. Slide it in the hole that the air blows through and close it. No one should look in there.”

  “Alright. I’ll call you when they leave.” She slams the phone.

  I turn to Scott and the look on his face is glum. “What happened?”

  “Eva took Kelton’s watch from the woods. The police are over there questioning her.”

  “Oh no! Why?” He asks as he sits upright.

  “She was the last person, besides the big dead guy, to see him alive.”

  “So now what?”

  “After the police leaves, we go and get that watch.” I stand and start to dress. I feel slightly light headed and I sit back down. When I close my eyes I see me aunt lying on the floor of Scott’s living room! My eyes pop back open and my hearts starts to beat through my chest. I feel and overwhelming sensation.

  “Oh god! Trixie!” I yell.

  “What is it? What is wrong with Trixie?”

  “I just got a vision of her unconscious on your living room floor.”

  “Here? When?”

  “I don’t know.” I say dressing quickly and heading down the stairs. I look out of the window facing the street as I jog down the stairwell. I think I spot a utility truck similar to the one that was parked at the edge of the wooded area where Kelton is buried. I run to the door and peek out of the hole. I don’t see anyone at first and the Trixie’s face appears. I jump and yank the door open.

  “Aunt Trixie what are you doing here?” she doesn’t speak she just enters. I watch as she walks past with her hand hung low. Scott comes tumbling down and we look to him.


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