Setting Up Your Shots
Page 11
Raiders of the Lost Ark 56
Raising Cain 89, 127
Rashomon 51
Rear Window 68
Rebecca 42, 45, 124
Rebel Without a Cause 22
Red 25, 31
Red Beard 8, 20
Rififi 145
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves 64
Rocky 99, 102, 107
Romeo + Juliet 121, 124, 125
Rope 19, 112
Rosemary’s Baby 14, 58, 139
Rules of the Game 59
Runaway Jury 145
Running With Scissors 120
Russian Ark 58
Sanjuro 71
Saraband 67
Scarface 48, 124
Scream 2 49
Seconds 76, 106
Sex, Lies, and Videotape 108
Shame 21
She’s Gotta Have It 67
Shock Corridor 45, 120, 145
Shoot the Piano Player 23, 25, 145
Signs 22, 23, 44, 71, 72
Silent Mobius 125
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow 144
Sleuth 116
Smiles of a Summer Night 126
Smilla’s Sense of Snow 145
Snake Eyes 58
Sniper 64
Some Like it Hot 80
Soylent Green 7
Spellbound 63, 138
Spider 124
Star Wars 8
Star Wars Prequel Trilogy 144
Strange Days 62
Stranger Than Fiction 124
Straw Dogs 139
Stray Dog 15, 71, 145
Strictly Ballroom 76, 102
Sullivan’s Travels 84
Superman 130
Tank Girl 141
Taxi Driver 15, 63
Tequila Sunrise 129
Terminator 2: Judgment Day 15, 51, 62, 82, 83, 104, 144
The Adventures of Baron Munchausen 122
The Age of Innocence 70
The Andromeda Strain 110
The Apartment 125
The Battle of Algiers 59, 126
The Bicycle Thief 140
The Big Blue 145
The Big Lebowski 22, 67, 120
The Blue Angel 42
The Bride Wore Black 42, 82, 98
The ‘Burbs 81, 134
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari 123
The Castle of Cogliostro 125
The Cider House Rules 145
The Color of Money 7, 48, 64, 104, 121
The Color Purple 145
The Crime of Padre Amaro 42
The Crow 15, 34, 48
The Departed 97, 128
The Eagle Has Landed 24
The Electric Horseman 107, 128
The Emerald Forest 143
The Exorcist 43, 62, 76, 98
The Fifth Element 18, 32, 63, 105
The Fisher King 17
The Fury 104, 127
The Game 142
The Godfather 139, 143
The Godfather: Part II 40
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly 29, 41, 74, 99, 139
The Graduate 23, 42, 98, 104, 143
The Hidden Fortress 111
The Hunger 71
The Hustler 111, 145
The Ice Storm 129
The Ipcress File 23
The Killer 104, 121
The Killing 125
The Lady from Shanghai 72, 74, 111, 145
The Lady Vanishes 143
The Last King of Scotland 145
The Last Picture Show 45, 129
The Last Wave 23
The Lavender Hill Mob 139
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 125
The Life Aquatic 22
The Living Daylights 84
The Lonely Guy 67
The Man Who Fell to Earth 145
The Manchurian Candidate (remake) 66
The Mask 54
The Matrix 31, 35, 48, 106, 135
The Naked Kiss 123
The Outsiders 20
The Professional 28
The Quick and the Dead 81
The Rat Pack 129
The Red Dwarf 123
The Replacement Killers 49
The Sand Pebbles 21
The School of Rock 90
The Seven Year Itch 111
The Seventh Seal 22, 71, 124
The Shining 49, 139
The Silence 23, 65
The Silence of the Lambs 66
The Sixth Sense 124
The Slipper and the Rose 125
The Third Man 17
The Tin Drum 88, 111
The Towering Inferno 124
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre 71
The Truman Show 70, 73
The Untouchables 28, 48, 121
The Usual Suspects 104, 113
The Village 126
The Virgin Spring 20, 65, 71, 96, 125
The Way We Were 2
The Wild Bunch 7, 102
The Wild One 133
The Yakuza Papers 24, 65, 102
Thelma and Louise 28, 115
This Property is Condemned 72
Through a Glass Darkly 21
Thunderbolt and Lightfoot 21
Tideland 145
Tightrope 124
Titanic 24, 87, 90
Tombstone 52
Topkapi 83
Touch of Evil 25, 58
Trigun 125
Twins 82
U Turn 18
Unforgiven 75
Vertigo 54
Videodrome 73
Waking Life 144
Wall Street 86
Way of the Dragon 84
West Side Story 129
When Harry Met Sally 28, 109
White Hunter, Black Heart 126
Who Framed Roger Rabbit 141
Wild Strawberries 65, 124
Winter Light 22, 23
Witness 21, 65
Wolfen 143
Xanadu 128
Zatoichi 7, 124, 125
Zulu 2