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The Mightiest Little Peasant c1-799

Page 174

by Watermelonian, 西瓜星人

  Even though he was as thin as a skeleton, he had an intimidating aura around him.

  He had two machine guns and a belt of hand grenades slung on his shoulders.

  He turned around and looked at the rest with a steely gaze.

  “I think all of you should know… the thousand-year grudge between Mao Mountain and the Wang family will come to an end today. We will remove this poisonous blister from the face of the earth, once and for all.

  “Over the past few hundred years, the Wang family changed their family name to Xu and have done many evil deeds that brought pain and suffering to innocent people. As Mao Mountain cultivators, it is our duty to eliminate them for the good of humanity.

  “That has been our Mao Mountain ancestral tenet: Defeat evil for the good of humanity. It has been our moral anchor over generations, and that is what all Mao Mountain disciples strive to achieve.

  “The ancestral tenet has exhorted the future generations to wander the land, cleansing it of evil.

  “Tonight, we shall fulfill it to our very best!

  “Let me ask all of you, are you ready to make our ancestral teachers proud?” The elderly Taoist master shouted agitatedly.

  “We are ready!” The other Taoist masters were also excited.

  “Are you afraid of death?”


  The Taoist masters shouted, carrying determined expressions on their faces.

  “Alright! Move out!” The elderly Taoist master commanded sternly.

  The buses slowly drove out of the valley and onto the main road. It picked up speed as it drove toward Horsebridge Village.

  The elderly Taoist master’s speech earlier had stirred Tang Hao’s feelings.

  Even though the Taoist masters were eccentric and sometimes behaved like hooligans, they nonetheless possessed a strong sense of justice and fought for what they believed was right.

  He sat in his seat and started meditating to prepare for the upcoming battle.

  He did not have any more jade talismans on him, but at least he still had his sorcery.

  He was determined to capture Wang Changsheng and eliminate his descendants this time.

  The hours before dawn were the darkest.

  The two buses sped on the road and into the village at full speed.

  The sentries that the Wang family posted at the village entrance noticed them. Someone rushed out from one of the farmhouses and shouted at the buses, “State your business!”

  The two buses stopped and the Taoist masters rushed out. The Taoist master charging in the vanguard lifted his gun and fired a bullet.

  The person fell.

  Another Taoist master followed up the attack with a rocket-propelled grenade to the house.


  The brilliant firelight lit up like a blooming flower, illuminating the night sky.

  The explosion alerted the entire village.

  “Go go go!”

  The elderly Taoist masters waved their arms, signaling everyone to charge. The group rushed toward a mansion that was next to the mountain.

  That was the entrance to the Wang family base.

  They fired rockets at the mansion as they drew near. Explosions rocked the mansion and agonized screams could be heard.

  The Taoist masters moved very swiftly. The Wang family descendants did not have time to react.

  About twenty seconds later, the shrill ring of an alarm echoed throughout the cavern complex.

  “Mao Mountain is here!” Someone shouted.

  Wang family descendants rushed out from their rooms in the living quarters and ran toward the arsenal to retrieve their weapons.

  In a cavern, a row of oil lamps lit up, illuminating an array of black coffins arranged along the walls.

  The coffins were arranged tightly in rows and stacked on top of each other. There were also bronze coffins in the middle of the cave.

  The coffins started shaking as the oil lamps lit up. The lids exploded open and a zombie rushed out of each coffin. Some of them were green zombies with green hair all over, and there were also hairy zombies with pitch-black fur.

  There were too many of them to count.

  Next, the bronze coffins in the middle of the cave opened. Hairy zombies in ancient armor and brimming with negative qi] pounced out of them. They held ancient weapons in their hands and looked incredibly savage.

  Their eyes glowed red and inspired terror.

  Very soon, zombies filled up the cave.

  The cave door opened. A bell rang in front of them, leading them toward the exit.


  A firearms battle erupted at the entrance of the mansion. Both sides fired at each other from behind cover.

  Bullets fell like rain, while explosive rockets and grenades exploded.

  The Taoist masters were spread out, while the Wang family descendants were concentrated in the mansion. They were easy targets for any explosives. In a few minutes, they began to suffer casualties.

  The zombies finally arrived. They rushed out of the mansion with the guidance of the Corpse Summoning Bell and pounced at the Taoist masters.

  The Wang family descendants also rushed out of the mansion with the zombies protecting them and started fighting with the Taoist masters at close range.

  The real battle had just begun.

  The Taoist masters shouted and charged ahead, wielding yellow paper talismans, peach wood swords, and all types of sorcery.

  Between the two, the Taoist masters were the stronger cultivators, especially the elderly Taoist masters. They waved their hands and bolts of lightning shot out from them.

  Wherever they pointed their hands, the green zombies there would explode like paper dolls.

  Some of the hairy zombies could not withstand their attacks as well.

  With the elderly Taoist masters taking the lead, morale was running high.

  However, there were also many powerful cultivators in the Wang family. They were elderly men with silvery-white hair and they brimmed with negative qi.

  They rushed forward and engaged the elderly Taoist masters in battle.

  The battle intensified.

  Tang Hao scurried around amid the battle, moving as fast as the wind. As he waved his hands, bolts of lightning and waves of frost shot out at the green zombies.

  Even the weaker hairy zombies could not withstand his attacks.

  He grabbed a guandao from one of the hairy zombies. He swung it in an arc, and blood spurted from a Wang family descendant.

  He whirled the guandao around, raising a whirlwind of blood and gore.

  He was like a sharp sword that pierced into the heart of the Wang family.

  “Hah, you little villain, where are you going? Prepare to die!”

  One of the elderly Wang family descendants pursued him.

  “What did you say? You’re the villain!”

  Tang Hao rolled his eyes, thrust the guandao at the person, and bombarded him with sorcery. The elderly figure had to retreat, and soon, he spewed blood from his mouth.

  “Dammit, he’s a little villain indeed!”

  The elderly figure exclaimed fearfully.

  He turned around and prepared to run away.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Tang Hao roared and immediately gave chase.

  He slashed the guandao at the fleeing figure, then blasted him to bits with lightning.

  Chapter 389 - The Sun Rises

  The battle was raging outside.

  Meanwhile, in a lavishly decorated room deep in the base, Wang Changsheng was sitting in front of a computer. His eyes were staring unblinkingly at the screen.

  “This Internet thing is really good stuff! You can find so many useful and interesting things inside!

  “This is amazing!”

  He exclaimed occasionally.

  He was utterly addicted to the Internet. He occasionally took a drag from the cigarette between his fingers and spewed a cloud of white smoke. That slight feeling of melancholy made him
feel extremely relaxed.

  Suddenly, someone pounded frantically at his door.

  “Bad news, Ancestor! This is really bad! The Taoist masters from Mao Mountain are attacking us!”

  The door was pushed open. A man rushed in and shouted.

  Wang Changsheng was stunned.

  Then, he stood up from his seat and started cursing loudly. “Goddammit, how did the bunch of old cows find their way here? Do they have dog noses?”

  “I don’t know either, Ancestor,” the man said sheepishly, “They suddenly came and caught all of us by surprise. There’s a battle raging outside!

  “The Taoist masters are quite powerful. We can’t hold them back for long.”

  “What? They’ve already started fighting? F*ck you, why didn’t you tell me earlier?” Wang Changsheng cursed again.

  His facial muscles twitched ominously.

  “How dare those Taoist masters come here? I’ll wipe them out in one shot.”

  He had been recuperating since he went into hiding and had recovered most of his strength. The Taoist masters would be a good time to test his powers and also to warn other cultivators that Wang Changsheng was not to be trifled with.

  He was a notorious figure a few centuries ago. He wanted to kill all the Taoist cows to reclaim his title!

  He was livid when he went outside and saw the battlefield.

  His descendants were losing the battle. Occasionally, someone fell. Their agonized screams pierced through the air.


  Wang Changsheng lifted his head skyward and let out a terrifying howl. His eyes were glowing with the color of blood.

  “All you old Taoist cows can go and die!” He roared. As his mouth opened, thick black smoke spewed out and morphed into malicious ghosts which pounced in all directions.

  He took a big step forward, lifted his hands, and aimed a beam of black light at a Mao Mountain Taoist master.

  A light shield flashed on the Taoist master’s body and immediately shattered. He grunted in pain and flew backward while spewing blood. He was not dead but was at least gravely injured.

  A few more beams of black light shot out. Several Taoist masters were injured the same way.

  Everyone was alerted by the sudden turn in the tide of battle.

  “The old villain is here!”

  The elderly Taoist masters [turned around] and rushed toward Wang Changsheng.

  They hovered in the air and surrounded him.

  “I am Zhen Yang Zi!”

  “I am Zhen Yan Zi!”

  “I am Zhen Ling Zi!”


  Each of the Taoist masters announced their Taoist names. Their gazes were as sharp as swords, and their expressions were frigid.

  “Hmph! All you old Taoist cows deserve to die!”

  Wang Changsheng roared. He lifted his arms and black light spread in all directions.

  The intense battle erupted immediately.

  The other people on both sides dared not step closer in case they were accidentally involved in a fight way beyond their league.

  The Wang family had been at a disadvantage until Wang Changsheng showed up, which gave them a huge morale boost. Moreover, the most powerful Taoist masters of Mao Mountain were engaged in battle with Wang Changsheng, which weakened their forces by a lot.

  Tang Hao tried his best to engage the elderly cultivators of the Wang family so that the Mao Mountain Taoist masters were not as burdened.

  After depleting the qi in his body, he swallowed a pill and his qi was restored to full capacity.

  ‘Dammit, that young freak is already powerful, and now he has qi-replenishing pills? How are we supposed to defeat him then?’ The Wang family descendants were dumbfounded when they saw that.

  Tang Hao fought bravely and soon took over the mantle of leading the Mao Mountain Taoist masters. The remaining forces of the Wang family were routed.

  Wang Changsheng was furious when he saw that. He wanted to go support them, but he was intercepted by the elderly Taoist masters.

  The battle increased in intensity. Occasionally, an elderly Taoist master was sent flying backward. He would wipe the blood from his mouth, grit his teeth, get on his feet, and rejoin the battle.

  Wang Changsheng might be powerful, but he was no match against the elderly Taoist masters ganging up on him. He was getting exhausted.

  When the remaining forces of the Wang family were wiped out, Tang Hao joined in the battle against Wang Changsheng.

  Wang Changsheng was at a more severe disadvantage after that.

  “It’s you again, you filthy kid!” He roared furiously.

  Tang Hao grunted coldly. He did not show the old villain any mercy.

  Wang Changsheng spewed another mouthful of blood. There was a hint of sorrow in his anger.

  “Very well, you’ve managed to take everything away from me. A few hundred years ago, everyone trembled before my name. Now, I’m reduced to such a pitiable state.”

  “I can’t accept this!

  He roared skyward. His face was contorted.

  “All of you have to die today. You’ll die together with me!”

  As he roared, his eyes flashed with a red light. His body suddenly expanded.

  Everyone’s expressions changed drastically when they saw that.

  “Oh no! He wants to bring us down together with him!” An elderly Taoist master exclaimed.

  Without hesitation, he rushed forward, clapped his hands together, and a light shield expanded around him.


  An earth-shattering explosion.

  Wang Changsheng exploded. Blood flew everywhere.

  The light shield shattered. The elderly Taoist master flew backward from the force of the shockwave, flew backward and fell on the ground. His face was smeared with blood.

  “Senior Uncle!”

  The Taoist masters were shocked when they saw that. They rushed over and helped him up.

  Tang Hao’s feet remained rooted on the spot. He was shocked that the elderly Taoist master had made the decision to sacrifice himself in that short amount of time, so that the lives of others may be spared.

  Tang Hao was in a daze as he watched the blank space in front of him.

  Suddenly, he came to his senses and rushed toward the Taoist masters.

  The Taoist master was the one who had given the speech on the bus. If he remembered correctly, his name was Zhen Yan Zi.

  The Taoist master was not dead yet. His face was as pale as a sheet. Clearly, he did not have much time left.

  Tang Hao’s expression sank when he reached that diagnosis.

  Even he could not bring the Taoist master back to life!

  However, he could still extend his life by a little. He handed the elderly Taoist master a pill.

  “There’s no need!”

  The elderly Taoist master narrowed his eyes and pushed away Tang Hao’s hand. “Little Brother, don’t you know that I’ve lived for a very long time, yet I cannot break into the State of Foundation Establishment? My mortal life is coming to an end. Even without any accidents, I will be gone in a year.

  “It’s just happening a little sooner. Pills are very precious items. Don’t waste it on me.”

  He sounded weaker as he spoke.

  “Senior Uncle!”

  The Taoist masters cried and wailed as they crowded around him.

  Tang Hao stood there, stunned. Tears were welling up in his eyes.

  “Oh, what are you all doing? I’ll be gone soon anyway, it’s just that I’m a little ahead of schedule. Didn’t we all agree that we aren’t afraid of death before we got off the bus?

  “If the old villain isn’t dead yet, you must eliminate him so that you can avenge me. Now, I’m ready to go home!”

  The elderly Taoist master’s voice became weaker and weaker, and he gradually lost consciousness.

  The sun rose.

  Rays of sunlight broke through the dark clouds and shone on the battlefield.

nbsp; Under the sunrise, the elderly Taoist master calmly closed his eyes and departed peacefully.

  Chapter 390 - Gone With the Wind

  The sun continued to rise.

  The rays of the morning sun dispelled the darkness of the sky, though it did not dispel the gloom in everyone’s hearts.

  Everyone stood there, mourning.

  It was hard to avoid casualties in a large-scale battle. Even though they expected their comrades to die, they could not help it but be sad.

  Moreover, the person who died was an elderly, respected Senior Brother.

  Tang Hao stood there, stifling a sob.

  He respected the courage that the elderly Taoist master showed in the face of death.

  The Taoist masters carried over two more bodies and placed them next to Zhan Yan Zi’s body.

  A loud sob could be heard among the crowd.

  The men could not hold back their tears.

  “What are you crying for? Stop crying! All of you fought bravely today. The three who lost their lives fought even more bravely. They did not die of sickness or old age, but bravely in battle. They deserve the glory.

  “Let’s clean up the scene. we’ll send them back to the mountain.”

  One of the elderly Taoist priests shouted out orders. He sounded like he was sobbing.

  Everyone dispersed to do their appointed task. They gathered the bodies of the Wang family descendants and the zombies, stacked them in a pile, and set it on fire.

  At the same time, a few elderly Taoist masters returned.

  After Wang Changsheng exploded, they scattered in all directions to search for his whereabouts.

  They were not sure if the old villain was truly dead.

  The old villain’s sorcery was mysterious. Even though his body had exploded, he might not be truly dead. If he died that easily, Mao Mountain would not have to seal him up a few centuries ago.

  Even if he was not dead, he would need a long time to recover.

  “Don’t be sad, Lil Bro Tang.”

  An elderly Taoist master came over to comfort Tang Hao.

  “My Junior Brother’s mortal life was about to end anyway. Instead of dying in the mountains, dying in battle is a more befitting death.


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