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The Blue Eyed Billionaire: A BWWM Single Mother Romance

Page 9

by Kendra Riley

  “It wasn’t exactly a fight, you know. What did we need to think about? It wasn’t a business arrangement.”

  “Sounds to me like you thought this through,” he interrupted her.

  “I didn’t like how the night ended.”

  “You felt offended, that was it.”

  “You were being a-“ she stopped and lowered her voice. “You weren’t exactly gentlemanly.”

  “By bringing you home in one piece? Or by giving you a few hours of ‘me’ time?” He took a sip of his coffee, his eyes focused on her.

  “That wasn’t ‘me’ time, that was a date.”

  “It was me time, because you wanted it, technically,” he told her matter-of-factly. “You didn’t expect it, but you wanted it, just like how I did.”

  “Is that why you’re here?” Aniya retorted. “Because, even if three days did pass by, you realized you still want me somewhere in your life?”

  He closed for a moment, saying nothing. Then his gaze moved from her face, to Isabella, and back to her. “I think I’d like to try.”

  “And make things hard for yourself?”

  “Challenges are what make people better.”

  “My daughter is not a challenge.”

  “I didn’t mean it that way. This is something new for me, dating a mother. I’m not sure about you--”

  “I haven’t dated in a long time.”

  “The last one was when you had Isabella?” he asked her, his eyes narrowing, and his voice low.

  Aniya took a deep breath, trying to control her temper. “That is none of your business.”

  “I make it my business to know what kind of person I’m dating,” he said, cutting up a pancake into bite-sized pieces.

  She began to react, when he continued.

  “And I intend to get to know you better,” he finished.

  She sat, surprised, but it was a quiet surprise, and she couldn’t even react to it. It echoed in her ears. I intend to get to know you better. He wants to know more about me. Isn’t that a good sign? He’s not rushing things, neither am I… but he’s interested in me. But… Isabella…

  He eyed her again. “Isabella is important to you, and I won’t take your time away from her. We’ll schedule dinners or lunches properly, and if you want, she can come with us.”

  She swallowed some saliva. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Here was a man who accepted Isabella, even though it wasn’t outright, he had implied it. “I work for your aunt,” she lamely said.

  “That’s my aunt, and I thought we were over that.”

  “I have a feeling-“

  “No feelings first,” he cut her off, “whatever feeling it is. If it’s because of work, don’t think about it, if it’s because you think it’s all unprofessional, then don’t entertain it. We’re here to get to know each other better, together, and if it doesn’t work, at least we either part as friends, or we get really good experience out of this.”

  “I think I’ve had enough experience for a while,” she told him, eating the last of her pancakes. “And it’s almost time to get going. I don’t want to be late for work, or for Isabella’s daycare. Thank you for breakfast. It was… nice.”

  “I trust you’ll give yourself time to think about it.”

  She didn’t want to flare up, not in front of Isabella. She had given herself too much time to think about what was going on between them. She was still too vulnerable for this. Aniya forced herself to nod. “Fine.”

  He stood up. “I best get going, too. Let me just get these--”

  “I’ll clean up. Just… go. You need to get ready for work, too.”

  Dante looked at Isabella for a second, as the little girl’s back was turned, her concentration on her current show. “She’s a good kid, isn’t she?”

  “She is.”

  “Takes after her mother, then,” he said, before leaving.

  And strangely, Aniya felt the proudest she had ever felt in a long time.


  It was another spur of the moment action, something that had almost become a habit in just the span of a week. Aniya was someone straightforward to him, but she had a quiet magnetic force that existed in her, that pulled him to her. He couldn’t resist, and he didn’t even try. If he did, he knew he’d bury himself in work, like he always had during breakups or dateless moments.

  Sleeping with her had been a confirmation, that he was attracted to her at first sight, and while he had thought a single mother would be a terrible dating prospect at first, Isabella’s presence wasted no time in correcting that notion.

  Damn it, have I begun to like children? Have I come to that age? If things got serious, he’d become an instant father. Was he ready for that? He had thought three days was enough to think things through, but seeing the little girl- it made him rethink again.

  There were so many things that could go wrong, and then he felt overwhelmed. Reaching for his phone, he dialed Pilar.

  “It’s so early,” she groaned, “you know I’m still in the parking lot?”

  “Thanks for picking up.”

  “What’s bothering you now?”

  “I’ve just started seeing a single mother.”

  “Where’s the father of the kid, or kids?”

  “Not here. No mention of it. And, kid.”

  “How many times have you had dates?”

  “Twice. Once at my place-“

  “God, are you serious?”

  “Second was today, at her place. Breakfast at six in the morning.”

  “God, you really are serious.”

  “What’s wrong with me?”

  Pilar laughed. “Nothing. It just feels like you’re slightly obsessed with her. Either that, or you like her too much. Where does she work?”

  “I’ll tell you that later. But what do you think?”

  “I’ve never met her.”

  “Would you want to?”

  “Don’t seek approval from me, Dante. For all we knew, she’d hate my being there. What about the kid?”

  “She’s this adorable little girl with a wide grin, and tiny freckles on her nose, kind of like her mother’s.”

  Pilar muffled her laughter. “It seems to me, you like her kid, too. How about that? Tell me how it turns out.”

  “I wanted advice from you, you know.”

  “About what? Falling in love? Dating a single mother?”

  “Yeah,” he shrugged, one hand drumming against his desk.

  “You haven’t fallen in love in quite a while. And this is the first time I’ve heard of something like this from you. Take things slow, for all we know, she’s highly pressured, too. Be nice, Dante.”

  “I was gentlemanly.”

  “In actions? Or words?”

  “Both,” he replied.

  “Look, I haven’t met her, and if you’ve decided to date her, then you must’ve seen something in her. Remember, if you break her heart, you’re going to break the kid’s , too.”


  “Catch you later,” she said, and he heard the sound of shuffling.


  If you break her heart, you’re going to break the kid’s, too. Like he had told himself earlier, if it didn’t work out, they’d both be experienced in something new. Isabella was a different story, of course. Kids learned differently, and emotions were a whole new thing for him. He had never been attached to little children, ever. In the back of his mind, he had begun making plans for their next weekend date.


  She was leaving Isabella with Lupe again, and this time she left her child with Dante’s governess with more confidence. It had become routine now, for the last two months, or so. He would take her out on weekend dates, and they had been chaste as of late. He would drop her off before eleven in the evening, and they would both wait for the next ‘schedule’.

  This was their sixth date, and she found herself in full circle, back again in his house, instead of their quiet dinners in obscure, yet ta
stefully expensive, and equally delicious restaurants. “Why are we back at your place?” she asked him.

  “I’m cooking dinner,” he told her.

  “You know how to cook?”

  “I’ll let you be the judge of that.”

  He was a wonderful cook, she found out an hour later, serving a simple three-course meal that hit every good note on her tongue.

  “Where’s dessert?” she joked.

  “We can have it later,” he replied in all seriousness.

  And have it she did. Just minutes later, her back slammed against the wall, as he heaved her onto a wooden table in his library. Clumsily, she unbuttoned his shirt, her hands greedily clutching onto his chest, as his hand slid under her dress.

  His tongue traced the outline of her jaw, sending a sudden tremor down her spine. He took off her dress completely, almost violently, and it was clear that he had waited for this moment once more.

  He licked her breasts, and he sucked on them, and she found herself arching her back as he did. His hand slapped on her thigh, surprising her, but she quickly forgot about it the moment his fingers played on her wet heat.

  “I love it when you’re wet for me,” he moaned into her ear, stroking her clit the way she wanted him to stroke it.

  Aniya let out a moan, writhing on top of the table.

  “You want me inside you?” he asked her.

  “Yes,” she replied, closing her eyes.

  “Say it again,” he told her. “Say you want me.”

  “I want you, I want you so bad-“she let out a gasp, and then another loud moan, and Dante drove himself into her, mercilessly, like his inhibitions had been set free. He pounded into her, and she met his rhythm, her hips gyrating, her heat throbbing in the intensity of it all.

  She met his thrusts, her hips colliding with his, and her quiet sighs became louder, and the louder she grew, the faster his plunging came. She locked her legs around his waist, exulting in the pleasure that had been denied to her for weeks. He embraced her tightly, relentless as she was, and she came.


  They were lying in bed side by side once more, it seemed like a replay of their first date, only he didn’t make excuses to leave her alone this time. He was intent on telling her what his plans were, and how he felt about their arrangement.

  “Aniya,” he began.

  “You wanna take me home now?” she said.

  “You didn’t have to interrupt me,” he said, annoyed. “Where was I?”


  “Where was I?”

  “You said my name.”

  “Right. Aniya,” he took another deep breath, readying himself for what he was about to say. “I think this uh… arrangement between us--”

  “We’re not business partners,” she told him. “We’re more like friends, with benefits.”

  “Is that your assumption of all this?”

  “What am I supposed to assume?” she asked him. “I can’t very well say we’re together. Sure, we enjoy each other’s company, and you did say we should take things slow.”

  “I like how it’s progressed,” he told her. “This goes beyond friendship.”

  “Then what are we?”

  “We’re exclusively dating,” he said.

  “Have you thought this through?” Her voice sounded cynical, and she had every right to be cynical. He hadn’t been such an accommodating person in the last month or so. It took him time to think about them. She was fun to be with, easy on the eyes, and she was that breath of fresh air, despite the fact that she had a child, she remained positive.

  “Yes, I have.”

  “I have a child.”

  “It doesn’t change who you are, you’re amazing to Isabella,” he said, not looking at her. He knew he couldn’t look at her eyes. There was something about that kind of truth that made him uncomfortable to face her.

  He shifted his head on the pillow, looking at the ceiling.

  “What are you telling me?”

  “It means I like having you around, and Isabella, too.”

  He heard her breathe out heavily, she was mulling things over, like he had. Well, this changes everything, doesn’t it?she thought. This was a big step, everything about their arrangement- err, relationship, everything was a big step for him. To be serious with a single mother and not break her heart- he couldn’t find it in himself to break a little girl’s heart, too.

  “I’m not exactly—”

  “Don’t think you’re damaged goods, if you’re thinking that,” he said. “You’re doing great.”

  What he said was true. She was resilient, and there were qualities in her he hadn’t found in anyone else. Quiet strength, he thought, quiet strength and kindness, something innate to her, and she was feisty when provoked, but only when provoked.

  Aniya moved closer to his body, and he felt himself stiffen temporarily. Then he calmed down. It was nice being beside her, and it didn’t feel like any ordinary and rushed intimate moment between two people. Beside her, he felt at home.

  “Do you mean it? You don’t mind bringing Isabella along? For when I don’t have a babysitter?”

  He nodded once. “I don’t mind at all.”

  “Why?” her voice cracked.

  Please don’t cry, he thought. It was the last thing he needed, since he felt like an emotional mess at the moment.

  “I just came to that point in my life. Your background has nothing to do with our future together, whatever will happen.”

  “I have a feeling you’ll eat your own words soon.”

  “It’s a calculation. Things can and will go wrong, but while we’re here, let’s enjoy it,” Dante said.

  “Let’s enjoy it,” she repeated.

  He shifted his head sideways, looking at her as she closed her eyes. He was surprised and he smiled to himself. Feelings had found their way into his soul, a kind of feeling that wouldn’t leave quite easily, the kind of feeling that would hurt the most if things went wrong.


  Two months later

  “How’s my favorite girl?”

  Aniya watched as Dante picked up a grinning Isabella from the couch. Isabella giggled, her feet dangling in the air. It was a heart-warming thing to watch, how Dante had progressed from normal hellos to high fives, and then to big embraces.

  “You ready?” he asked her.

  Aniya nodded, grabbing a small backpack that contained Isabella’s change of clothes, milk and her snacks. It was going to be their first outing together, all three of them. Nothing fancy, Aniya knew, they were just going to take a stroll around a mall, and then maybe a park, and then have dinner at his place. Dinner with him and with Isabella in tow had happened three times already, and Isabella hadn’t shown hints of shyness. She enjoyed running around his house.

  Dante enjoyed playing with Isabella, actually. Aniya knew she was a seeing a side of him that had only surfaced because of Isabella. Whatever qualms he had with children seemed to slowly disappear. He had also introduced Aniya to his sister, Catalina, who was one of the most beautiful women she had ever seen in her life, with her sincere, deep-blue eyes, her wavy blonde hair, and her soft-spoken manner.

  Today, he was going to introduce her to someone else who was special in his life. He didn’t tell her who it was, though. She wondered if it was going to be his mother. She felt that nervousness in the pit of her stomach. She had seen how his mother had looked -- almost unapproachable, her pedigree showed in the way she moved and interacted with people.

  “You okay?” he asked her as they drove.

  She knew she was quiet, and she fought hard against the anxiety that grew. “Just… thinking.”

  “Don’t overthink it, she’s really nice.”

  “Your mother?” her voice sounded unsure.

  “Better than my mother,” he commented with a smile.

  Minutes later, they were in an al fresco café, and Isabella had a plate of strawberry cake in front of her, while he had coffee and she had
a milkshake.

  “Dante,” a voice called out.

  Aniya turned to see who called out his name, and her jaw almost dropped. In front of her was a svelte woman, with honey colored hair, and light grey eyes. She wore a designer dress that hugged her curves in all the right places, in her arm was a bag that looked like it could cost Aniya’s entire month’s salary. She waved at him, and Aniya found herself standing up, as Dante stood up to greet her. He kissed her cheek warmly.

  “Pilar, this is Aniya,” Dante said to her.

  “How do you do?” the woman named Pilar said, extending out her hand for a shake.

  Aniya took it, giving her a firm shake, and the woman’s palm felt like smooth butter. Pilar flashed a brilliant smile, her teeth seemed brighter than her future.

  Aniya forced a smile, a nervous one at that. Who was she?

  “This is Pilar Lopez. My-” he paused and laughed, looking at her. “Ex-girlfriend? Close friend? Confidante?”

  “All of the above,” Pilar told her.

  “Please, sit down,” Aniya said, not knowing what else to say. She watched as the woman named Pilar ordered something to drink. Pilar’s tea arrived a few minutes later, and Aniya suddenly felt fat, drinking a milkshake. Was this even normal? She was feeling ugly about the whole thing. This was his ex-girlfriend? Why did she even become his ex-girlfriend? She was too perfect to break-up with. She was too nice.

  “Who is this little one?” Pilar said, leaning a bit towards Isabella.

  “Isabella, someone’s asking about you,” Aniya said.

  Isabella looked up from her cake, and she grinned, greeting Pilar in Spanish. Then she went back to her mobile game and her cake.

  Pilar looked up to Aniya and smiled. “She speaks it fluently.”

  Aniya nodded. “She does. Her English sounds funny.”

  “She has time,” Pilar said. “So, Aniya, has he been nice to you?” she asked, looking at Dante with a raised brow.

  “Define nice,” Aniya said.

  Pilar laughed. “I like you already. I’d been asking Dante for quite a while now, when I could meet you. He finally relented.”


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