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Ebony's Legacy: Year One: Paranormal Academy Romance (Legacy Academy Book 5)

Page 21

by M Guida

The visiting teams and their families would be staying in trailers parked next to the arena. Anton didn’t want the trailers in the parking lot for fear of an Unseelie or Dark Demon attack. It would definitely be crowded. Personally, I couldn’t wait to see Rose. I’d missed her.

  The Sentinels met in the library again. Rusty and I walked in and headed to our usual table closest to the window.

  Rusty tossed his backpack on the table. “This is fucking pointless. We’re not any closer of finding out what happened to Evan. I say we beat the shit out of Ari or the imposter until they tell us the truth.”

  “Gunnar said that wouldn’t work and I believe him.” I pulled out my chair and sat down. “We can’t give up now.”

  “Yeah, well, your roommate isn’t a monster in disguise, either.”

  “He hasn’t tried anything, has he?”

  He scowled. “And that’s supposed to make me feel better?”

  “No, I guess not.”

  “I feel like he’s waiting for something, but I don’t know what. It’s creepy as hell.”

  “Yeah. I know the feeling. I hate it when Greenwood comes over to Anton’s. At least he’s not coming over as much as he used to. It’s strange, but I’ll take it.”

  “Do you think it’s because Anton’s getting stronger?”

  I put my elbow on the table and rested my head in my palm. “I don’t know. Maybe. It stared a while ago. I hope so.”

  The others came in slowly and took their seats, all wearing the same glum face Rusty had. Once again, Gunnar and I sat at opposite ends of the table, just in case anyone was spying for my father. I hated living like this but I refused to get Gunnar thrown into the Hollows.

  I looked at each of them. “Any news?”

  Armond shrugged. “None. It’s so damned frustrating.” He slammed his fist on the table. “I fucking hate Ari.”

  Rusty playfully punched Armond in the arm. “Easy, slugger.”

  I felt so bad for Armond. He’d always had a man crush on Evan. Even though he never admitted it, you could see it in his eyes and could tell from the way he blushed when Evan looked at or touched him.

  Gunnar leaned back in his chair. "I have a terrible feeling something’s going to happen at the Games.”

  I sighed and nodded. “I've been thinking the same thing. It’s been too quiet.”

  “What should we do?” Cadye asked. “I think we should tell someone. Maybe you can tell your dad when he gets here.”

  Darius entered the library and rushed over to the table faster than a blink of an eye. “You guys aren’t going to believe what I found out!” Excitement shone in his eyes.

  “What?” We all asked at once.

  “Did you know there’s a secret catacomb underneath Legacy? I found out some more about the final race that all the students who win all the competitions will compete in. The first one to make it through the maze, reach the finish line and touch the Grand Bell wins. The race is going to be held in the catacomb.”

  I put my hand on my forehead and sat up straighter in my chair. “Oh, my God. That’s where they’re hiding Dr. Greenwood and Evan. It has to be.”

  Rusty frowned. “Where is it? How do we get down there?”

  Darius lost his smile. “I don’t know.”

  ”Who told you this?” Gunnar asked.

  He got a sheepish look on his face. “No one. I was spying on the infirmary when Greenwood came out, acting suspicious. I followed him to the little area where there’s all those trees around that bench. I hid in the trees and that’s when I overheard people talking.”

  Rusty gave him a you’re-dumber-than-a-turkey look. “How do you know they weren’t pulling your leg?”

  Darius lifted up his chin. “Because they didn’t know I was there. I swear they didn’t see me.”

  For the first time, hope surged through me. “How do we find it?”

  “I don’t know,” he said miserably. “I didn’t hear where it was.”

  I tapped my lip. “But I bet there’s a map, and if it’s secret, it’s at Anton’s. All we’ve got to do is find it.”

  Rusty stood and grabbed his backpack. “Yeah, because last time it was so damn easy. I still think I should just beat the shit out of my monster roommate.”

  “No, don’t,” Gunnar said. “Doppelgängers are dangerous. He could kill you if he feels threatened.”

  “Don’t do anything stupid, Rusty,” I said. “I’ll find the map. I swear.”

  Their fearful and doubtful faces didn’t give me much hope that I would find it in time. Why were Evan and Greenwood hidden them down there? Did it have something to do with the maze? Was the stone down there?

  Chapter 31

  The everyday after school that week, when Anton was taking another one of his naps, I searched his private library hunting for maps of Legacy, but nothing I found mentioned any underground catacombs. Maybe whoever had mentioned it knew Darius had been there listening, and decided to pull his leg.

  Even though we hadn’t figured out Ari’s specific game plan, I sure Gunnar was right—the bastard was planning something at the games. And they started tomorrow. We had to be ready for anything.

  I had just finished putting away one of the maps when Anton came into his study. “There you are. What have you been up to?”

  “We’ve been talking about Legacy in Supernatural History and I wanted to look at a map of the school.” I took a stab in the dark. “I heard rumors of catacombs beneath the school. Is that true?”

  His eyes widened. “That’s odd you should have heard of this. That is something I’m not at liberty to talk about…at least not yet. I’m sorry. Come—the reason why I came to get you is that someone is here to see you.”

  My heart quickened. Could it be Gunnar? Why would he take such a chance when he knew my dad and mom would be arriving any minute for the Games?

  Anton gestured with his arm. I walked down the hallway and broke out into a huge smile when I saw who it was.


  She was looking at one of Anton’s paintings of Transylvania. She had on a red and black checkered skirt and a black sweater. She turned around and hurried toward me. She gave me a big hug. “Ebony, it’s so good to see you. I’ve missed you.”

  “And I you. When did you get here?”

  “About an hour a go. Dad wanted us to get settled in before letting me go and investigate.”

  “I would love for you to meet my friends—The Sentinels.”

  She leaned close. “You mean Gunnar.”

  Heat spread over my cheeks. “Shhhh.”

  Anton sat down on the sofa and looked tired, as if that at little movement to get me had exhausted him. I thought we should leave him so he could rest. “Come on, I want to show you my room.”

  “Thank you. I would love to see it.”

  As we headed there, I looped my arm through hers. “I was going to get out of my school uniform and change into a T-shirt and jeans. Do you want to get into something more comfortable yourself?”

  She sighed. “I would love that, but it’s forbidden for vampire women to wear trousers, not even shorts. We can only wear skirts and dresses. Men are the ones who literally wear the pants in my world.”

  My mouth dropped. “You’re kidding.”

  She shook her head sadly. “Unfortunately, I’m not. I know the vampire girls who attend here can, but not at Red Rose Academy, and definitely not at my home.”

  “Do you want to borrow something of mine?”

  Her eyes widened and her lower lip trembled. “Oh, I couldn’t possibly. Dad would be furious.” I detected a hint of fear in her tone.

  Poor Rose. I might get mad as a hornet at my dad but I never feared him.

  “Okay. That’s cool. I’ll just change really fast if that’s okay.”

  I threw on a pair of jeans and T-shirt and Rose and I headed back toward Anton’s study.

  “You don’t look well, my friend,” a deep male voice said.

  We looked at each other an
d Rose mouthed silently, ‘Costin.’

  The other vampire stood near the fireplace and stared down at Anton who was struggling to stay awake.

  Anton frowned, his eyes fluttered, and flicked his hand. “I’m fine.” But his voice was slurred, as if he’d had a couple of drinks.

  Costin smiled briefly at us. “Hello, girls. Nice to see you again ,Ebony.”

  He gave me a penetrating stare and his eyes flashed a dark red for a moment. I couldn’t look away. Goosebumps broke out all over my arms, a tingling sensation flutter in my chest making my breathing tight, and my craving for blood skyrocketed. This time the feelings and hunger were stronger, much stronger, like a hand reaching into my chest and pulling something out.

  Anton laughed. “Costin, what are you playing at? She’s a dragon.”

  Costin broke his gaze from me and turned his attention back to Anton. “There’s something about her that’s…intriguing.”

  The craving for blood and the tingling sensations receded, and my breathing became a little easier. I immediately grabbed Rose’s arm. “Let’s go.”

  When we got outside, Rose glanced over her shoulder. “Are you okay? You looked like you were in a trance just now.”

  My insides were still shaking and I was still struggling to breathe. “I told you, Costin does that to me.”

  “When Costin's eyes turned red, he’s trying to get a vampires’ attention, or get them to change their behaviors. I have never seen him try to control another supernatural with his vampire powers that way. Weird.”

  I rubbed my arms. “Well, it’s giving me the heebie jeebies.”

  “Try not to let it bother you. He’s actually pretty cool. He can be pretty intense at times, but I’m sure Anton’s the same way."

  “Yeah. Maybe.”

  I led her to the cafeteria. It was more crowded than usual, what with the visiting students and their families.

  "Ebony, over here.” Rusty waved his arm in the air.

  I clasped her arm and tilted my head. “Come on. I want you to meet some of the gang.”

  Rusty grinned as he flicked an admiring gaze over Rose. “Who’s your friend?”

  “Rose Allen, this is Rusty Owens, and—“ I paused a moment. “—Evan Ellis. Rose is from Red Rose Academy.”

  Rusty rubbed his upper lip. “Hot vampire from New Orleans, huh?”

  Rose blushed ten shades of red and looked down at her shoes.

  Evan chuckled. “Rusty, don’t embarrass the poor girl.” It was getting harder and harder to tolerate this fake version of Evan. He didn’t even laugh like the real one, but if we confronted him, who knows what would happen to our friend?

  Rusty and I glanced at each other, but didn’t say a word. I didn’t know how Rusty could stand rooming with him, but if anyone could stare down a doppelgänger, it was Rusty Owens.

  “Back in a bit. I’m going to introduce Rose to the rest of The Sentinels.”

  Unlike Rusty and Evan’s table, the Royal Table still had the usual suspects at it. I grinned as Gunnar’s and my eyes met. God, he looked so damn good and yummy in his tight black T-shirt and jeans. Damn.

  I stared at his neck and wondered if his flesh and blood would taste salty or sweet, or maybe a combination of the two.

  OMG, what the hell am I thinking?

  Rose whispered in my ear, “I know which one is Gunnar.”

  I jumped. This was all Costin’s fault. Shame made my cheeks burn red. I should be thinking about kissing Gunnar, not sucking his blood. I cleared my throat and introduced her to everyone, Gunnar last. “This is Gunnar.”

  Gunnar gave her one of his heart-breaking smiles. “Nice to meet you, Rose.”

  “Likewise.” She nodded and elbowed me in the ribs.

  “Let’s get something to eat. I’ll see you guys later.”

  Anton had outdone himself this time. Rose and I both got rare T-Bone steaks and baked potatoes loaded with bacon, chives, and sour cream for dinner. There wasn’t room for us at the Royal Table, but for once I was glad I was away from Gunnar.

  It wasn’t safe for him to be around me right now. Not just because of my dad, but now because of me, too. I wanted to sink my teeth into his throat. What was up with that? Stupid. I didn’t have fangs. I was a dragon, not a vampire. Damn, Costin and his red eyes.

  I was too ashamed to tell Rose, instead letting her chatter on about Valentin and how unfair her father was. Her life seemed to be mirror mine in that our fathers didn’t like our would-be boyfriends, but at least Rose didn’t want to feast on Valentin. Or did she? I really didn’t know much about vampire lore. We had only skimmed it in history class because we were covering all the different supernaturals.

  And the class definitely didn’t cover mating.

  After we finished our meal, we went outside and found my family, who were all bubbling over in excitement about tomorrow. Dad was meeting with Anton and Costin and I wanted to stay clear of them. Especially Costin.

  I was worried. I didn’t need my bronze dragon to go all thermonuclear at the games and start attacking people, especially Gunnar. But I pasted on a happy face and endured the excited hugs of Raven, my mom, Lucien and his family. Evan’s and Kyle’s older brother Sam had come to watch the games too, and, oh my, he was just as handsome as the other two, with his blonde hair and blue eyes. He’d gotten more muscular than he was the last I saw him, but I kept my mouth shut about Evan. Sam would go apeshit if he knew Evan was missing, but as a human there was nothing he could do. He would just get himself killed.

  That night, I tossed and turned in my bed, thinking of the Games, trying to ignore whatever Costin had awakened inside me. Finally. around one in the morning, I fell asleep.

  Someone knocked loudly on my door. “Ebony? Are you awake yet?” Anton’s voice woke me from my less-than-restful sleep.

  I groaned and looked at the clock—six a.m.

  I put my pillow over my head. “Yeah, I’m awake.”

  “Good. Breakfast is at seven.”

  I rolled out of bed and forced myself to stumble to the shower. My insides were in double knots at the thought of the Academy Games starting today. Not only was I nervous for the competitions themselves, but also for whatever Greenwood—or was it Ari?—was planning.

  In less than an hour, I was showered and dressed in the uniform I’d be wearing at the games—a black sleeveless jersey with Legacy down the side and my last name on the back, and a pair of matching shorts. I pulled my hair back in a ponytail, put on sunblock on my face. It was April in Colorado and a little crisp in the morning air, but I’m sure when I got out on the field later in the day, the sun would be strong.

  My family, Anton, and Costin were all at breakfast. The spread was the stuff of a carbaholic’s dreams—biscuits and gravy, toast, scrambled eggs, bacon, Italian sausage, hash browns, corn beef and hash, and chicken fried steak. I sat as far away from Costin as possible.

  Dad picked up my plate. “And what would you like, Ebony?”

  “A bit of everything, please.”

  Anton smiled. “Good choice. You’re going to need fuel for the games today.” I looked at him closer. His hair was combed. The dark circles under his blood shot eyes were gone. His face had lost its recent tautness and he had some color in his cheeks for the first time in ages.

  Mom looked at him and smiled. “Anton, it’s good to see you looking so well. You look just like your old self.”

  “Thank you,” he said. He glanced at Costin. “I’ve come out of the fog and can now think clearly.”

  Anton, Dad, and Costin gave each other a knowing look. I knew that look. They suspected something, but I wasn’t going to say anything right now. Not without proof.

  Mom, Raven, and Lucien were all giving me tips on how to win my competition and I was barely listening, but nodded appreciatively. I probably shouldn’t have eaten so many carbs and focused on the meat instead. The food sat in my stomach like a bowling ball.

  Anton stood and gestured with his arm. “Shall we g
o? The opening ceremonies will be starting soon.”

  As we headed for the door, Costin gently touched my shoulder. “Good luck, Ebony. I will be watching you.”

  Strange sensations whisked through me as if something had just been unlocked. Hunger swelled inside me as if I hadn’t eaten for weeks.

  Not for food. For blood.

  I closed my eyes. I could see something forming in my mind. It was big and dark, but I couldn’t tell what it was.

  I stopped and couldn’t move.

  Whatever it was, it had big red eyes with long dark eyelashes.

  Chapter 32

  I stared at the creature, waiting for it to take shape.

  What are you?

  Someone touched my arm. “Ebony, are you okay?” My sister’s face was full of concern.

  I opened my eyes and looked at Raven.

  I nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just nervous is all.”

  Costin glanced over his shoulder and smiled at me. Shit. Did he know what was happening? I hoped I didn’t run into Gunnar while I was battling this surging craving for blood. The hunger was overwhelming and I didn’t know if I could control myself.

  I sat in the girls’ locker room waiting my turn. I didn’t remember even walking over here. It was strange to have so many other girls in here since it was always usually just me. All of our names were written on the wall and beside them it was listed when we would compete. My first game was transmutation, and I was going against a witch from Goody Academy.

  The silence inside the locker room was deafening. No side conversations, no small talk, just nervous students staring at the clock, waiting their turn. Once the competition was done, the losing contestants would go sit with their families while the victors would wait in the winners’ circle.

  I strained to listen for anything out of the ordinary, like an explosion or some other disaster, but nothing happened…yet. Whatever Greenwood and Evan were planning, they were quiet and cunning.

  Unfortunately, transmutation was the very last competition today. One by one the other competitors left to perform in their events until just me and one red headed girl were in the locker room, waiting our turn. She had on a similar jersey outfit as mine except it was orange and Goody was written down the side.


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