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Raise The Price

Page 11

by Mark Stanley

  "There's always time for cricket!" But only just.

  At 11 o'clock, the guests all left, bang on time for the very fast twenty minute transfer to Battersea Heliport. We were all at least showered and getting dressed, a last minute thing as Victoria was worried that if we got dressed earlier we would find a way of inventing a game for when one is wearing Morning Dress. There was a knock at the bedroom door.


  "Still getting dressed?"

  "Do I detect a slight sense of...unease Ludo?"He started laughing, rather nervously.

  "Me? What a ridiculous notion, as if I Ludo de Groote could or would ever be nervous of standing up in front of two thousand guests. With past, current and future Prime Ministers, American Presidents, Royalty, stars of stage and film all in the audience, it's all far too absurd."

  "So you are nervous."

  "Petrified old boy, but don't you worry I have the speech here..." As he tapped his jacket pocket. "...Cara has a copy and I ensured that I sent a copy to Felicity so all eventualities are covered and be assured that cometh the moment, cometh de Groote, for I shall not disappoint!"

  I looked at him and I wasn't convinced, but what to do?

  "The Luscious One stayed at home last evening?"

  "Yes, she has a house full as well. I think the hoteliers should send us some freebie nights after the boost they've had to their occupancy."

  "Where are you staying tonight?"

  "At The Dorchester, both houses will be full and frankly I wouldn't want Victoria's screams of ecstasy being heard by all and sundry."

  The door opened, my children never knock.

  "Don't you two look handsome?" They stood, justly proud in their first Morning Dress and looked incredibly handsome, I've no idea why I get surprised; I see their sire in the mirror every morning.

  "Thank you Adelice." She smiled as she went away to finish dressing, for she and Paolo were joining us.

  "Where's Lulu?"

  "With Victoria of course Ludo."

  "They've become very close haven't they?"

  "They think of each other as sisters."

  "Yeah the ugly sisters!"

  "You’re very lucky neither is here, but if you aren't on your best behaviour they will hear what you called them." I smiled at the boys who were, as ever, ready to cause mayhem, luckily for me and bad luck for them, Granny arrived.

  "My, aren't you boys handsome and look at Daddy he looks..."

  I steeled myself for a Mother onslaught but for once I was to be surprised.

  " a movie star, shame about you Ludo for you have the appearance of a Court Jester, I do hope I'm wrong and you don't act like one, not today dear."

  "No Margaret." He looked about twelve rather than forty two.

  "Do you have everything Mark? I appreciate it's normally the job of the Best Man to ensure that the groom turns up with everything but..." She looked at Ludo and raised an eyebrow which caused him to drop his head and avert his gaze. "...Some Best Men are just not up to the task."

  I laughed and put my arm around the shoulder of Ludo. "Well no need to worry Mother, Ludo is performing at the peak of his powers." Which caused him to raise his head and joined my smile, which was a really bad move.

  "Shame that one’s expectations are so low." At that she left to lampoon my Father.

  The flight up had been very efficient, well it would be, the crew were employed by The Brompton's and slacking wasn't an option. After landing, my parents went off in one car and we followed in the next. The service was due to begin at 12.45 and we would be in good time as Tom had arranged for two Police motorcycle outriders to pave the way. We had all of the security on duty and with us today. As well as Tom in our car there were two Range Rovers following as nothing was being left to chance and I had been briefed by Tom that they had deemed today as 'critical' not the marriage, but the likelihood of an incident. What with the guests that Ludo had mentioned and the coverage that the press had given it, there could be an opportunity, which was Tom's description. I'm apprehensive, marrying is a big deal but everyone's safety meant an awful lot and I was pleased as we pulled into Parliament Square that the Police were also very visible.

  "Look at the crowds!"

  I looked as Ludo pointed. It wasn't a Royal wedding and all that one of those entails but even I was surprised at the level of interest.

  My parents’ car was already unloaded and away, as they were walking up the pathway into the Cathedral. We pulled up and I visually checked everyone over, as Tom & John got out and opened the doors. We stood on the pavement and it was like a football match. Crowd barriers, Policemen keeping order and the cheering, it was all slightly overwhelming. I looked around to ensure the boys were with us and saw that they were wreathed in smiles and waving back, Granny would not have approved.



  "Good luck!"

  The well-wishers were constantly shouting my name. It was all extraordinary, I see myself as a normal bloke and yet...

  We made our way up the path and we all joined in with the smiling and waving before we got to the main entrance where we were met by the Dean and other clergy. Handshakes and words of encouragement from all as we began chatting about what a wonderfully sunny day we were enjoying and how they were all delighted that we were here. Then the left hand came out and directed us to take our seats and Ludo went white as he saw a packed Westminster Abbey turn and look our way. I looked at the boys and Ludo, shook hands with Giles who had come separately but was joining us on our pew and gave some last bits of encouragement.

  "Smile, be confident and behave!" I wasn't sure that the last was necessary as even the boys looked in awe at the scene.

  We walked in and down the aisle. We had had a rehearsal, early on Thursday morning before the Cathedral was open to the public and we knew the format. As we walked down I turned to one side and then another acknowledging the guests and returning their smiles. At the front we all bowed to the occupants in the Royal pews. My own family sat opposite the Royal family and every space was occupied in this great Cathedral. Westminster Abbey is enormous but half the size of St. Paul's and I was grateful that we had decided to squeeze everyone in here rather than supersize, to St. Paul's. Ludo leaned in and whispered.

  "Last chance old boy to save your skin. I don't think that El Salvador has an extradition treaty with the UK."

  "And nor is it far enough away, for there will be no escape."

  There was low level talking, very low level, as people were mindful of the reverence of Church. We had chosen very traditional British music. It was something that we both felt very strongly about and so we sat as Purcell, Blow and Handel played. I sat and smiled at the boys who were still looking around, with little waves at people that they recognised. I looked across at Melissa who looked, very beautiful and she gave me a warm smile, the consummate actress and we waited. I just knew that Victoria would be late. She was determined to live every minute and why not for she had planned this day and worked incredibly hard to ensure that it would be delivered...just so. The wedding planners had been fired, twice and now...the flowers, which had been of such great concern, looked incredible gracing this most elegant Cathedral. I had no idea what anything had cost and I didn't want to know, but it would be all worthwhile if it matched Victoria's expectations and dreams.

  A robed man came over and whispered. "Miss Brompton has just arrived Lord Stanley and the photographers are busy so it shouldn't be too much longer."

  I thanked him as I smiled, it would be the last time that anyone would refer to Victoria as Miss Brompton. The guests also seemed to know that Victoria's arrival was imminent, as an expectant hum was audible even above the organ music. I simply took my cue from the trumpeters for when they stood I would know she was ready. It was all orchestrated to the moment. The choir of Westminster Abbey and School rose. The trumpeters did so in perfect unison and then the fanfare echoed long and loud to announce the arrival of Victoria and at th
e instruction of the choir's conductor, the entrance of Victoria to CHH Parry's 'I was Glad', began. I turned, as did all of the guests to catch the first glimpse of the Bride. There was a sea of heads and far too many hats to try and peer over and I gave up the unequal struggle, for a few seconds and basked in the wonderful sound being created by this vastly accomplished choir and musicians. Turning back a few seconds later, I saw the first of the clergy and then, there she was. Naturally, the dress had been kept a secret from me and everyone else but now it was revealed to all its glory and one could see that it was of a beauty that could bear comparison to the woman wearing it. Danny looked justly proud and smiled as they made their serene passage down the main aisle. Lulu and the other bridesmaids looked lovely, but nothing could outshine Victoria.

  As she approached the end of the aisle, I joined her and smiled before we stepped forward onto the alter for the ceremony. The whole service was to be broadcast to the people who had been standing outside at the insistence of the Dean of Westminster and we had been surprised but compliant to his wishes. The hymns chosen were all very close to our own hearts and so we started with 'Love Divine' went on to 'I Vow to Thee My Country' and ended with 'Jerusalem'.

  My brother James gave the first reading. he hadn't wanted to but he had been persuaded by our Mother.

  "The reading is from Song of Solomon

  My beloved speaks and says to me: '

  Arise, my love, my fair one,

  and come away;

  for now the winter is past,

  the rain is over and gone.

  The flowers appear on the earth;

  the time of singing has come,

  and the voice of the turtle dove

  is heard in our land.

  The fig tree puts forth its figs,

  and the vines are in blossom;

  they give forth fragrance.

  Arise, my love, my fair one,

  and come away.'

  Set me as a seal upon your heart,

  as a seal upon your arm;

  for love is strong as death,

  passion fierce as the grave.

  Its flashes are flashes of fire,

  a raging flame.

  Many waters cannot quench love,

  neither can floods drown it.

  If one offered for love

  all the wealth of one's house,

  it would be utterly scorned."

  His voice held true and he, I suspected was much relived that his duties were over. The second reading was to be given by Melissa's brother Patrick whom I had never met, as he lives in Australia. He strode forward, with purpose and stood with the passage in front of him.

  "The reading is from 1 Corinthians 13

  If I speak in the tongues of mortals and of angels, but do not have love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give away all my possessions, and if I hand over my body so that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.

  Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

  Love never ends. But as for prophecies, they will come to an end; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will come to an end. For we know only in part, and we prophesy only in part; but when the complete comes, the partial will come to an end. When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became an adult, I put an end to childish ways. For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known. And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love."

  I only held my breath twice, firstly when the Archbishop asked.

  "First, I am required to ask anyone present who knows a reason why these persons may not lawfully marry, to declare it now." And thankfully it stayed quiet, not that I was expecting a rumpus.

  And then.

  "Victoria, Eleanor, Christina, Elisabeth Brompton will you take Mark, Charles, Hugo, Gerald Stanley to be your husband? Will you love him, comfort him, honour and protect him, and forsaking all others, be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?"

  And with a clear voice she looked at me and declared. "I will."

  Then it was the rings, one from each of my sons, was passed, carefully from each, to Ludo and then onto the Archbishop and shortly afterwards.

  "Those whom God has joined together let no one put asunder."

  And as Husband & Wife we knelt as he bestowed the blessing and the deed was done. Together, we were led by the Archbishop to the signing of The Register, during which we had chosen John Rutter's 'The Lord Bless You and Keep You'. As we rejoined our families and accepted their congratulations before rejoining our guests for our final hymn, 'The Lord's Prayer' and a final blessing before, after the best part of an hour, we left to another CHH Parry's, this time 'Blest Pair of Sirens'.

  As we emerged into the most glorious of days, the bells began to peel as we had our first photographs as Lord & Lady Stanley. After all of the guests had departed for the Reception, Victoria and I were asked by the Dean to speak with some of the people who had waited during the Service, which we were very happy to do, although I'm not sure the security were very enamoured by this. The one thing that came across was how kind, thoughtful and delighted everyone seemed to be for us and we both felt incredibly humbled by the experience, which I think, the all knowing Dean had fully anticipated.

  We got into the car, waving a final goodbye as we made our way up Victoria Street.

  "I love you so much Billy and this has been the best of days." She leaned across to kiss me.

  "Don't peek too soon there's lots still to come."

  The Reception was due to commence at 3.30pm and before that there were drinks, canapés and people to greet. It's forever the case at large weddings that it becomes very difficult to speak with everyone and we eventually gave up the unequal struggle. I was, however, determined to speak to Moira, my favourite nurse, David Richards, Martin James and some of the staff from St. Georges. I then sought out the one other person that I also needed to thank and made sure that I kissed, Felicity for all of her help, for she had been, as always, utterly reliable.

  "Have a fabulous Honeymoon and don't worry about us, I know you never do anyway! You're such a fabulous couple and remember, she's as lucky to have you as you are to have her."

  Eventually the meal began and so did the tension for all of those needing to make a speech. Danny's was very good, undoubtedly written by a professional speech writer because it had a flow that's difficult for people to write without vast experience. He proposed his toast to us and we accepted before it was my turn, and even if I say so myself it went well.

  "...And now as my speech draws to, I'm sure, a welcome end, I'm going to propose the toast for the Bridesmaids and it's my opportunity to thank them for their fantastic work in supporting and helping Victoria, not only today but in the case of Harriet and Lucy through their formative years. I can't let the moment pass without adding my personnel thanks and a huge amount of fatherly pride to my daughter Lulu...for looking so lovely and not beating up her brothers...yet. Once the toast is done I will crave your indulgence for a musical interlude before the Best Man bores us all. Now, during the meal, you have each been given a sheet of paper with precise instructions on. I can already see some of you with arms folded, turning to your partners and mouthing NO WAY! That my friends would be a mistake for I'm a drowning man, but are all my life jacket and I need you and to ensure that I get you, I've enlisted some friends to exert just a tiny bit of pressure. You will have some cheerleaders in each section. On my right, your cheerleade
rs will be the ex-President of The United States Clinton and the next President of that fine country, Hillary. On my left your cheerleaders will be the current President of The United States and the First Lady. And in front of me, I've been struggling, as it's a difficult task asking the Royal Family, but when they knew what was happening they volunteered, that's how I know this county will be in safe hands, the two Royal Prince's. Now when your section cheerleaders stand, you stand. When they sing, you sing. When they sit you sit and when they give a standing ovation, you join in! You will understand that a day such as today and with the guests that have graced this celebration with their presence, security is of paramount importance and the whole building is surrounded, both inside and out by members of the SAS, The Secret Service, MI5 and that's just to look after Danny's wallet! Now if you fail to rise and I do mean rise, to the occasion and participate, then and I thank President Obama for his kind indulgence and extremely useful idea, your table will be... visited, by some of these, gentlemen. So firstly the toast ...The Bridesmaids!"

  I kissed Victoria who gave me a look that said what the heck, and l wandered down to the dance floor, where a piano had been pushed out. The orchestra were in place and so with a deep breath. "With your indulgence I would like to serenade my wife, the Lady Victoria. It's a song written by Bob Gaudio and made famous by his band the Four Seasons you may also recall that it was a big hit for Andy Williams my apologises to all for the subtle change in the lyrics." And then with a, "One, two, three…" I played the introduction to 'Can't Take My Eyes Off You'.

  "You're just too good to be true

  I can't take my eyes off you

  You'd be like heaven to touch

  I wanna hold You so much

  At long last love has arrived

  And I thank God I'm alive

  You're just too good to be true


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