No Good Deed

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No Good Deed Page 5

by Lynn Hagen

  Blake’s dark eyes lit up with understanding. “And you think I’m doing the same thing by having you live and work with me.”


  “Hon, I’m not even at the club most nights, and if I am, I’m mostly in my office. But I can see your point. You don’t have to take the job offer. It’s fine.”

  But it wasn’t fine. Blake wasn’t John. He was just trying to be nice and, at the same time, keep Fisher’s safety in mind. He hated being like this, insecure, untrusting, and afraid all the time. Fisher was starting to build friendships in Maple Grove, and if he wasn’t careful, he was going to push everyone away.

  “I hate this.” Fisher looked around at the “normal” people around town. People who didn’t have panic attacks when someone offered to give them a job or feel as if they’d have a meltdown every time they spotted a white car.

  “I know.” Blake rubbed a hand down Fisher’s back. Fisher was still bent over, trying to take steady breaths. But the contact warmed him up on the inside, and he had to fight not to throw himself into Blake’s protective arms.

  Blake just didn’t know how Fisher felt. Having someone in his corner, someone who truly cared, made all the difference in the world. Fisher borrowed Blake’s strength and pulled himself up straight. “I’ll take the job as soon as you tell me what a shifter and mate is and how you can be so damn old.”

  Chapter Five

  The drive home was quiet. Blake was glad Fisher had heard the conversation so he could finally tell his mate about his world, and he dreaded the talk they would have once they were alone.

  Blake used the garage door opener and pulled the SUV inside. It was still raining at a moderate pace, and he was cold from being wet. He didn’t want to get any more soaked.

  They went inside, and Blake went to his room. He stripped out of his clothes and took a hot shower in his private bathroom to warm up, all the while trying to think of a way to tell Fisher what he wanted to know without breaking the guy’s mind.

  But he needed to stop treating his mate like fragile glass. The human was stronger than Blake was giving him credit for. Fisher was even stronger than he realized himself. No one survived a year of abuse without using their inner strength, even if it was just to endure the pain.

  Fisher had come out with his humor intact and was even looking forward to making new friends. Blake was sure he could handle a conversation about shifters, mates, and his age.

  At least he prayed that was true. Maybe working at the club would help boost Fisher’s self-esteem, because Blake had no doubt plenty of guys would let Fisher know just how gorgeous he was, and the stroke to his ego might be just what Fisher needed.

  Though the thought of anyone flirting with his mate made Blake grind his teeth.

  After his shower and getting dressed, Blake knocked on Fisher’s bedroom door. It was time for the talk.

  “Come in.” Fisher was smiling when Blake entered. “Do you know how wonderful that feels for someone to knock instead of barging in?”

  Blake chuckled. “Anything to make you happy.”

  Fisher was in different clothes, so Blake assumed he’d taken a shower in the bathroom across from his room. “Feel better now that you’re not a drowned rat?”

  “Much,” Fisher said. “Can we talk in the kitchen? I’m starving.”

  Blake followed Fisher downstairs, and he looked in the fridge for something to cook. He decided to make spaghetti. Nothing fancy, just a meal that was quick to make so they could sit down and talk over garlic bread.

  But it seemed Fisher wasn’t going to wait. “Okay, tell me about shifters and mates.”

  “On one condition.” Blake filled the large pot with water and put it on the burner. “Don’t freak out. Absorb what I tell you and mull it over. You definitely have to keep an open mind about this.”

  Fisher nodded. “Okay.”

  “I can change into a bear.” Blake turned the fire on under the pot. He was stalling to see how Fisher would react.

  “Show me.”

  Blake turned and arched a brow, shocked Fisher had asked. “Are you going to be afraid?”

  “If you can really do it, yes.” He looked Blake over, from head to toe, and the gaze turned Blake on. “If you can’t, you’re crazy, and I think I just might move in with Grayson and Moose.”

  At least the guy was honest. “I’m fully aware of who you are when I’m in my bear form.” He crossed the room and stood a foot away from his mate. “I won’t hurt you. Got that?” He grinned. “And you can even pet me if you want. I won’t mind at all.”

  He loved the blush that stole over Fisher’s cheeks and neck. “I doubt I’ll want to pet you, but I promise not to go running and screaming from the room.”

  That was more than Blake could hope for. He went back to the stove. “I have to take my clothes off, or I’ll ruin them.”

  Fisher’s blush turned nuclear to the point Blake thought the guy’s face would catch fire. “Um…okay.”

  Blake made sure the fire was low. He didn’t want the water boiling out if this took longer than expected. He would try his best to seem nonthreatening, but he was a huge bear and knew seeming small wouldn’t be possible.

  He slid his T-shirt over his head and set it on the counter, hiding his grin at the way Fisher stared at his naked chest. Blake was muscular by nature, but he did work out. Mostly long walks in the woods that surrounded the town but also at the local gym. Grove Groove had a lot of updated equipment that Blake loved taking advantage of. He also loved chilling in the sauna.

  When he slid his fingers into the waistband of his pajama pants, Fisher’s eyes zeroed in on Blake’s groin. It was impossible not to get hard. Blake couldn’t help the way his body reacted to his mate watching him get naked.

  He didn’t apologize for his erection when he took the pants off. Fisher made a strange noise in the back of his throat as his eyes widened.

  Heat coursed through Blake’s body as he turned to fully face Fisher. “You promised not to run.”

  Once again Blake was stalling, only this time it was so Fisher could drink in his fill. Not only did Blake want to help Fisher restore his self-esteem but he also wanted to let his mate know that it was okay to desire him, okay to want someone again. That being in a relationship didn’t meant heartache and pain, that they could have something wonderful together when Fisher was ready to take that plunge.

  Fisher was too beautiful of a man, inside and out, to deny himself the pleasure of sex. To deny himself any kind of happiness.

  “I-I won’t run.” Fisher was staring directly at Blake’s cock.

  After taking a deep breath, Blake shifted. Fisher released a squeak as he backed away, but he didn’t run from the kitchen. Blake lay down on the floor and stared up at him, hoping his mate was brave enough to pet him.

  Blake loved having his fur scratched. It was a pleasure he thoroughly enjoyed, though it didn’t happen very often. Hopefully that was about to change because he would love to feel Fisher’s fingers gliding over him.

  “How is this even possible?” Fisher stared wide-eyed at him. “Can you really understand me?”

  Blake lifted his head and nodded. He rolled over like a dog and wiggled on the floor, trying to encourage Fisher to come closer. He swiped his paw down his stomach then waved it at his mate.

  “Um, no. I’m not petting you. I’ll admire you from afar.” He gave a wobbly grin. “Be thankful I’m not freaking out. Well, I am, on the inside, but I keep reminding myself that I promised I wouldn’t run.”

  Blake prayed Fisher didn’t take off. A shifter couldn’t resist the chase. It was an irresistible thrill, but having a three-hundred-pound bear coming after him would definitely give his mate a heart attack.

  Blake scooted closer.

  Fisher took a step back. “Don’t even think about it.”

  Blake scooted again.

  Fisher narrowed his eyes. “I’m warning you.”

  If Blake could’ve laughed in this form, he
would have. Fisher wasn’t whimpering or crying. He looked as if he’d kick Blake’s ass if Blake didn’t heed his warning. It was good to know the guy had a backbone.

  Blake got up and shifted back into his human form. “No petting? Come on. I would’ve really enjoyed that.”

  Fisher walked over and poked Blake in his chest. “This is so freaky.”

  “Will you give me a good scratching?” He wanted to get Fisher used to touching him, to make Fisher a lot more comfortable around him. “Five minutes.”

  Fear entered Fisher’s eyes, and Blake was about to back down, but his mate nodded. “One minute.”


  “Don’t make me change my mind.”

  Whether Fisher noticed or not, he was being assertive, and Blake fucking loved it. “Fine, one minute. Spoilsport.”

  He backed up a few steps, shifted, and dropped to the floor before rolling to his back.

  Fisher lowered himself slowly, as if he’d bolt at the first sign of aggression. Blake groaned when his mate’s fingers brushed through his fur.

  “You’re so soft.”

  Hardly, but he knew what Fisher meant. Blake was grateful he didn’t have an erection in his bear form. That would’ve freaked Fisher out, and sex in this form wasn’t nearly as pleasurable as it was in his human form.

  “This is so…weird.” Fisher scratched him under his chin and then rubbed Blake’s belly. Blake was careful not to move, not to scare Fisher in any way.

  Long after their agreed minute, Fisher sat on his ass and absentmindedly stroked Blake behind his ears. “It’s weird, but cool. I wish I’d known you could change into a bear while you were rescuing me. I might not have freaked out so badly.” He pursed his lips. “Then again, I wouldn’t have wanted you to hurt him. Not that I care about him. I just wouldn’t have wanted you to get into trouble.”

  It was like that for the next half-hour. Fisher just kept talking, and Blake lay there and listened. He enjoyed the cadence of Fisher’s voice and liked learning more and more about him. He was also glad his mate was comfortable with Blake’s bear form.

  There had been only one interruption, and that was when Fisher got up and turned the pot of water off.

  “I’m talking your ear off,” Fisher said. “I’m sorry about that. It wasn’t like I had someone I could talk to like this.” He tickled his fingers over one of Blake’s paws. “You can change back now. I don’t want to keep boring you.”

  Blake shifted and stretched out next to Fisher’s legs, uncaring that he was nude. “You could never bore me. I like hearing you talk.”

  “You do?”

  “Yeah.” He nodded. “You’re a very interesting guy.”

  “I am?”

  Blake chuckled. “Stop sounding so surprised. You’re funny, too. I like your sense of humor.”

  Fisher blushed as he averted his gaze. “You still haven’t told me what a mate is.”

  Blake stretched, his joints popping. “There is such a thing as fate, and fate handpicks two people, sometimes three, that it thinks will be perfect for each other.” Blake tapped his chest. “A shifter knows when he or she has found their mate. They feel it right here.”

  Fisher pulled his legs to his chest and curled his arms around them. Blake thought he was shutting himself down until he asked his next question.

  “Have you found yours?”


  “Oh.” There was definite disappointment in Fisher’s green eyes, and that pleased Blake to no end. That meant Fisher felt something for him, just as much as Blake felt something for him. “Where is she? Is she going to be mad that I’m staying here?”

  Blake grinned. “It’s a he, and no, I don’t think he’ll mind.”

  He was testing the waters, gauging Fisher’s reaction before he dropped his bomb into his mate’s lap.

  “I guess that means I really do need to find a place,” Fisher said. “I don’t want to crowd you two.”

  This time Blake couldn’t stop the laughter from bubbling in his throat. “You don’t have to leave, because my mate is you.”

  Fisher blinked several times, as if his brain couldn’t compute what Blake was saying.

  “You’re my mate, Fisher. Which means you’re it for me, and I’m it for you. That doesn’t mean I’m going to jump your bones. I’m giving you all the space you need. But I’m a jealous guy, and I don’t share. I’m also never gonna let John hurt you again.”

  “How long have you known?”

  “Since the ride back to Maple Grove. But I couldn’t say anything. I wouldn’t say anything considering the circumstances.”

  “I guess that’s fair.” Fisher looked away.

  Blake tapped his mate’s knee. “It also means your happiness and health are my number-one priority. Hey, look at me.” Blake waited until his mate turned his head. “No pressure. I promise. I’d like to get to know you first, anyway. I think that’s important. Become friends first, before we move beyond that.”

  Fisher visibly relaxed. “And your age?”

  “Sorry about lying to you, but I couldn’t tell you I’m over two hundred years old. You would’ve thought I was insane and raced from that diner.”

  Fisher chuckled. “I probably would have.”

  “And you’ll age just as slowly as I do once we’re bonded.”

  Fisher got to his feet. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I need some time to myself. I have a lot to think about.”

  Blake got up and slid his pajama pants and T-shirt back on. “Take all the time you need, but keep in mind that I’m not like John. I’m not obsessive, just protective. I won’t stop you from having fun with your friends, and I won’t keep you a prisoner in this house. You’re free to come and go as you please. It’s up to you if you want to work, but you don’t have to, and I don’t mind it a bit if you decide not to.”

  With a nod, Fisher left the room. Blake hoped he’d gotten through to his mate. The last thing he wanted was to scare the guy away, but he wanted Fisher to have full disclosure, and he also wanted him to know that Blake and John were totally opposite people.

  * * * *

  Fisher had enjoyed his lunch with Renny. The guy was very interesting and comical. Fisher couldn’t recall the last time he’d laughed so much.

  Now Fisher was getting ready to start his first night at Pump. He was nervous, because it had been a while since he’d held down a job. Fisher also wasn’t sure he was ready to be around a crowd and loud music. He’d gotten so used to quiet—because that had been how John liked it—that he was afraid he’d have an anxiety attack.

  “How does this outfit look?” Fisher asked when he walked into the kitchen. He had on a pair of tight jeans and a midriff top that showed off his flat stomach. “Think I’ll get tips?”

  Blake growled from his seat at the table. “I think I might have to poke a few eyes out before the night is over.”

  Fisher chewed his lip. “Was that a compliment?”

  He wasn’t sure if Blake was serious or kidding around. It was hard to tell because sometimes Blake wore a neutral expression or he said things without smiling.

  “Hon, you look fabulous.”

  Oh, wow. The way Blake looked at him was nothing short of lust. Fisher felt his face heat up as he grinned. “Thanks.”

  “Are you sure you can even walk in those jeans?” Blake leaned sideways and looked at Fisher’s butt. “Although they do grip your ass nicely.”

  Fisher wrung his hands in front of him. “I know I shouldn’t be talking about John, but—”

  Blake held up a hand, and Fisher was afraid he would get yelled at for bringing up his ex. The last thing he wanted to do was make Blake mad. The guy had gone out of his way for him, and he didn’t think it was fair to repay him by talking about his jerk of an ex.

  “Sweetheart, you talk about anything you want to. Get it all out of your system. It doesn’t bother me.”



  Fisher no
dded. “I was just going to say that John never took me anywhere, and he definitely would’ve never let me dress this way. I just wanted to let you know how liberated I feel.”

  Blake chuckled as he sat back and crossed his arms. “If you want to wear a paper bag as a dress I wouldn’t stop you. I’d question your choices, but I wouldn’t tell you to take it off. As far as going out, I can fix that.”

  Fisher furrowed his brows. “How?”

  Blake stood and crossed the room. Fisher could tell that the guy wanted to touch him, but he kept his hands at his sides. The more time Fisher spent around him, the more he started to crave Blake’s touch.

  Was he allowed to feel that way, wanting someone as much as he wanted Blake, even after he’d just gotten out of a bad situation? It had been a week now, and already Fisher felt the changes inside him, felt his old self trying to emerge.

  “I tell you what.” Blake leaned a hip against the island, and Fisher felt the magnetism between them. “Why don’t you and I go to Pump, but instead of you working tonight, I show you a good time? You can start tomorrow night, but tonight will be your night for blowing off some steam.”

  Excitement rippled through Fisher. “Are you serious?”

  Blake’s smile was so damn sexy. “Yep.”

  Without thinking about what he was doing, Fisher hugged Blake. “Thank you!”

  It had been the adrenaline coursing through him that made Fisher fling himself at Blake, but it was the fierce attraction he felt that kept him in Blake’s arms.

  Blake slid his hands down Fisher’s back and looked down at him. “You’re very welcome.”

  His voice had grown husky, and Fisher didn’t want to pull away. Not only did he feel safe in Blake’s arms but desired by the way Blake was looking at him. It had been a long time since someone had looked at him that way.


  Blake pulled back, as if ready to let Fisher go, but Fisher clung to him.

  “Kiss me,” Fisher whispered as he prayed Blake didn’t reject him. He wasn’t sure if he could withstand the humiliation if he did.


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