No Good Deed

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No Good Deed Page 6

by Lynn Hagen

  “Are you sure?”

  Fisher nodded.

  Blake cupped the back of Fisher’s head and swept down for the most heart-stopping kiss Fisher had even received. It wasn’t fast and frantic, nor was it slow and polite. Their connection made fireworks explode inside Fisher’s head.

  Blake pulled him even closer, until Fisher was pressed tightly against Blake’s muscled body. His low-trimmed beard tickled and was slightly abrasive, but Fisher didn’t care. He’d suffer whisker burns if it meant being kissed by a god.

  When they pulled apart, Fisher struggled to breathe. He pressed his fingers against his lips, as he tried to slow his raging heart. Blake brushed his knuckles down Fisher’s cheek. “Ready to go?”

  Fisher wasn’t sure what he wanted more, another kiss or to have a night on the town. The fun won out, and he nodded, smiling from ear to ear. “Let’s go party our socks off.”

  Chapter Six

  Fisher should have been thinking about the club on the ride there. He should have been overwhelmed with excitement and anticipation. His thoughts should have been crowded with the sheer joy of going out.

  The only thing on his mind and crowding his thoughts was that cock-hardening kiss. His lips still tingled with remembrance, and Fisher couldn’t stop touching them with his fingers. He felt giddy inside, but also his insides were quivering.

  He shouldn’t have kissed Blake. Fisher should have never crossed that line. He kept telling himself that what he felt toward Blake was gratitude and he had allowed himself to get caught up in the moment. Fisher needed to slow down and get himself together before he even considered getting involved with anyone.

  But that kiss…

  Blake pulled through the packed parking lot and proceeded to the back of the building. A moment later the back door opened and a large beefy man came out.

  Under the security light above the door, the first thing Fisher noticed about the stranger was his stunning hazel eyes. He had on jeans and a black tank top, and on his left shoulder was a tattoo.

  “This is my private entrance.” Blake said. “That’s Arturo, my personal bouncer when I’m here.”

  Fisher looked Blake up and down. “You need protection?”

  Blake was so jacked, ripped with muscles. He didn’t look as if he’d lose a fight. He probably lifted train cars as weights just to keep in shape.

  “He keeps an eye on my surroundings while I’m busy inside.”

  Fisher didn’t like the sound of that. Busy doing what? Wow. Was he really jealous of the idea of Blake taking guys to his office or the bathroom? Why? He’d known Blake for a week, and although Blake had said that they were mates, Fisher felt as if he didn’t have any right to be jealous.

  Blake placed his hand at the small of Fisher’s back and led him inside. Arturo followed behind them, securing the door. They were in an office. “This is yours?”

  Blake nodded. He’d yet to remove his hand as Arturo walked out and gave them privacy. Fisher had a feeling the bouncer was just outside the office door.

  “This is nice.” And not what Fisher had expected. Most offices in clubs were cramped and cluttered. Well, that was what Fisher pictured them as. But not this room. It was spacious, with a nice-sized desk, a leather couch, plants, and filing cabinets. There was even plush carpeting under Fisher’s feet.

  “This building is fairly new. We’ve been in operation maybe a year. My partner and I have sunk a lot of money into this place, so we’re very protective of it.”

  “Then show me the rest.” Fisher heard the deep bass of the music that was muffled by the door. He wanted to get out there and see what Blake was so protective of.

  “The walls inside Pump are insulated. That was one of the requirements of the townsfolk so we wouldn’t disrupt other businesses or the people who lived in town.”

  Fisher liked hearing Blake talk, liked that he was giving Fisher a private tour, but he was ready to party. After all, he was only twenty-three and had a lot of oats to sow.

  A soft laugh rumbled Blake’s chest. “I can see you’re ready to get out of this office and have some fun.”

  Fisher bit his lip and rocked on his heels. He didn’t want to be rude or seem unappreciative. “I’m having fun. I like hearing you tell me about your business.”

  Blake framed Fisher’s face with his hands and stole another soul-stirring kiss. He groaned into Blake’s mouth, placing his hands on Blake’s wrists. As badly as Fisher wanted to see the rest of the club, he was quite happy staying like this for the rest of the night.

  Blake pulled back then rested his forehead against Fisher’s. “Sorry, I can’t seem to stop doing that.”

  “I can’t seem to stop wanting you to do that.” Fisher smiled. “You’re a very good kisser.”

  Blake grinned. “Thanks, you, too.”

  If they didn’t leave the office, Fisher feared he’d throw himself over the back of the leather sofa and beg Blake to fuck him. Fisher couldn’t help his thoughts. One, Blake was smoking hot, and any gay man would melt around him.

  Two, his love life with John hadn’t been that stellar. They’d had sex once a week, and it had been more like a boring routine than thrilling. Fisher had been the only one who had given blowjobs in their relationship, and sex was always on his hands and knees.

  There had been no passion, no fireworks, no looking into his lover’s eyes as the earth moved beneath him. Half the time Fisher’s mind had wandered, thinking of more exciting things, like grocery shopping or doing dishes.

  With Blake, it was different. The earth moved just from being around him, and Fisher was fascinated to find out how sex would be if a kiss rocked his world.

  “We better get out of here before things get too heated.” Blake pulled away, though he didn’t look as if he wanted to let Fisher go. “I promised you a good time, and that’s what I’m going to deliver.”

  Fisher was pretty sure they would have a good time if they stayed in the office, but he followed Blake to the door. When he opened it, the music grew louder, and Fisher was digging the funky beat.

  They were in a small hallway, and just as he guessed, Arturo was right outside the door. They walked into the main room, and Fisher was blown away. To his left was a huge dance floor, and it was already packed with people dancing. The area spilled into the middle of the room, and on the right was a bar, the counter taking up the length of that side of the building.

  For a small town, this place was jumping.

  Fisher looked up and saw a second floor, complete with a gold railing. Up there were tables and chairs and couches. He spotted two women on one couch, all hugged up together, stealing kisses as people walked by them. Others sat at the tables, talking over their drinks.

  In front of Fisher people were grinding against each other, their hands in the air, shaking their hips as the song played.

  When he stepped farther into the dance area, Fisher noticed a DJ booth.

  “This is nice,” he shouted to be heard.

  Blake pressed his sensual lips to Fisher’s ear. “I’m a shifter. You don’t have to shout. You can talk normal, and I’ll still hear you.”

  He led Fisher to the bar. The counter was a dark polished wood, with a line of stools with black leather seats. Behind the bar were glass shelves with every kind of alcohol known to man.

  Blake pointed at the bartenders. “That’s Cosmo, Ash, and Prince. Cosmo’s real name is Richie, and Prince’s real name is Hansen. But don’t let them hear you calling them by their real names. Prince will have a fit, and Cosmo won’t acknowledge you if you call him Richie.”

  Cosmo was average height, slim, twinkish-looking guy. He had short, spikey flaming-red hair, and even from as far down the bar as they were, his blue eyes sparkled.

  Fisher wasn’t into short, slim men, but he could admit how stunning Cosmo was. He had an almost effeminate quality about him, from his high cheek bones to the perfect shape of his lips.

  Ash was a muscled guy with a lot of tattoos. Fisher k
new because the guy wasn’t wearing a shirt, and his chest looked oiled. He had dark hair and dark eyes, and god was he gorgeous.

  Prince. Fisher wasn’t sure what to make of him. He was tall, lanky, with blond hair, and he looked like a diva from the way he walked to the way he poured drinks.

  And Fisher would be working with these guys tomorrow night.

  As soon as Cosmo spotted them, he ran down the walkway behind the counter. “Hey, boss!”

  “Hey, Cosmo,” Blake said with a friendly smile. “This is Fisher. He’ll be starting tomorrow night.”

  Cosmo stuck his hand out, and Fisher shook it. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, handsome.”

  Fisher felt his face heating up. He wasn’t used to compliments about his looks. According to John, Fisher needed a lot of improvement.

  “Same here,” Fisher said.

  Cosmo pulled his hand back. “Do you know how to bartend?”

  Fisher had no idea how to sling drinks. Hell, he didn’t even drink alcohol. Not that he didn’t want to. He’d been a month away from turning twenty-one when he’d met John, and once they’d started dating, John had made it clear that he didn’t approve of Fisher drinking.

  God, Fisher had so much to experience, so much wasted time to make up for.

  “I don’t think he does,” Blake said. “But I want you to show him the ropes.”

  Cosmo’s face lit up with a sexy smile. “Teach a hot guy how to mix drinks? Is that really work?”

  Blake chuckled. “I’d appreciate it if you go easy on him. He’s not used to all this.”

  Would Blake shut the hell up? Fisher didn’t want his life story blasted in front of him. He didn’t want his coworkers to know anything about his past. This was a fresh start for him, and he wanted to form friendships that didn’t start out with pity.

  He tapped Blake’s shoulder and spoke in a whisper, knowing the guy heard him. “Not tragic stories about my life. I don’t want anyone to know.”

  Blake nodded. “I wasn’t going to go into details. I was just letting Cosmo know you’re green.”

  “Is there anything I can get you guys?” Cosmo looked between them, his eyes still sparkling. He looked like the type that always had a good time.

  “Get Fisher a Cosmo, Cosmo.”

  That made Cosmo laugh. “I wish I could give myself to him, but sorry, as cute as he is, he’s not my type.”

  “You know exactly what I mean.” There was a slight growl in Blake’s voice that sent a shiver down Fisher’s spine. It was a good shiver that made Fisher want to crawl into Blake’s lap.

  “One blue concoction coming right up,” Cosmo said before he hurried away.

  Prince was next to come over, only he didn’t have an outrageously sexy smile and sparkling eyes. He looked Fisher up and down before dismissing him and turning to Blake. That was when his smile emerged and he all but melted at the sight of his boss.

  “I’m glad you’re here tonight. I asked Rickman where you’d disappeared to, but he was tight-lipped about it.”

  Fisher instantly felt uneasy around Prince. There was just something about his demeanor that shouted catty bitch.

  “Prince, this is Fisher,” Blake said, ignoring the guy’s curiosity about his absence. “He’ll be starting here tomorrow night.”

  Prince dragged his attention back to Fisher, gave him a cursory glance, and then went back to ignoring him. The guy leaned on the bar, getting closer to Blake. “When are you going to take me out?”

  Fisher wanted to punch the guy in his gorgeous face, and that reaction shocked him after the life he’d just escaped from, but anger boiled in him at the way Prince was practically throwing himself at his boss.

  “Never,” Blake said flatly. “I’ve already told you that I don’t date my employees.”

  Prince flicked his wrist, did a diva spin, and glared at Fisher. “I highly doubt that,” he said. “I have a feeling you’re screwing this one.”

  With that, Prince walked away, his hips switching harder than a woman’s. Fisher’s jaw dropped.

  “Don’t pay him any attention,” Blake said. “He’s Rickman’s cousin, so he hired Prince, even after I protested.”

  “Who’s Rickman?” Like Fisher would know even if Blake told him.

  “My partner. Co-owner of Pump.”

  “Prince is definitely into you.” Fisher looked to where Prince had gone, and the guy kept looking back, shooting daggers at him.

  Blake turned on his stool and twisted Fisher around until they were facing each other. Blake’s thighs were on either side of Fisher’s, and that felt intimate as hell.

  “I have no interest in him, just so you know. And I don’t date my employees, but you’re an exception. You’re my mate.”

  The way Blake looked at Fisher was sinful. He had raw desire in his dark eyes that had Fisher’s body heating up. He placed his hands on Blake’s knees and felt the guy’s thigh muscles twitch.

  “Careful, darling. You keep touching me that way and I’ll take you back to my office.”

  Fisher was seconds away from begging Blake to do just that when Cosmo returned, interrupting anything Fisher might have said.

  “Here you go, bossy boss’s sweetheart.” Cosmo said with a huge smile. “I see you got Prince’s panties in a bunch. I love when he’s pissed. It makes my night enjoyable.” He looked at Fisher. “Don’t you worry about him. We’re gonna have so much fun working together.”

  He set a hurricane glass, filled with blue liquid, down in front of Fisher. There was also an umbrella sticking out of it, and on the umbrella’s stick were slices of pineapple.

  Cosmo handed Blake a tumbler that was half-filled with amber liquid and a large ice cube. A manly drink, while Fisher had been given a froufrou one.

  “Don’t drink that too fast,” Cosmo told Fisher. “It packs a punch that you won’t feel right away. Baby sips, my virgin drinker.”

  Fisher liked Cosmo and knew they would become fast friends. “Virgin drinker?”

  Cosmo’s laugh was light and airy. “Honey buns, you don’t look like a drinker. Am I wrong?”

  Was Cosmo wearing lip-gloss? Fisher blushed as he shrugged. “You’re not wrong.”

  The redhead looked at Blake. “He is old enough to drink, right?”

  “I’m twenty-three” Fisher said.

  “A gorgeous twenty-three.” Cosmo winked before he strolled off.

  “He’s harmless,” Blake said. “Don’t take his flirting seriously. He’s like that with everyone.”

  Fisher was glad Blake had cleared that up. He was starting to think Cosmo was into him, even though he’d said that Fisher wasn’t his type.

  Ash walked down the length of the bar and stuck out his hand to Fisher. “I heard the boss was hiring a new guy. I’m Kane Ashton, but everyone calls me Ash.”

  The guy spoke in a professional tone, but he had a warm, friendly smile on his face. Fisher shook his hand. “I’m Fisher.”

  He didn’t want to give his last name. Fisher was five hours away from John, but the less people who knew who he was, the better.

  “Cosmo tells me you’re green,” Ash said. “No worries, I’m sure Blake will bring you here on our slow nights so we can show you the ropes.”

  Fisher looked around. Slow nights? This place was packed, and it was only Wednesday. There had to be at least fifty partygoers in here, if not more. Didn’t these people have to get up for work tomorrow? Regardless, it looked as if Blake’s business was booming.

  “We’re closed Mondays and Tuesdays,” Blake said. “For now, I just want you to shadow these guys, watch and learn. I won’t be expecting you to serve actual drinks until you’re ready.” He leaned closer so only Fisher heard him. “If this isn’t what you want to do, you don’t have to, Fisher. I’m perfectly happy with you not working, if you don’t want to.”

  He knew he shouldn’t compare Blake to John. That wasn’t fair, but Fisher couldn’t help how he felt. John had isolated him at home, and he knew Blake wasn’t
doing that, but Fisher wanted his freedom. He wanted to get out of the house and be a productive member of society.

  “No, this is what I want.” Except for Prince. Fisher had a feeling the diva was going to try and make his job miserable, but he wouldn’t let the guy. He would stay as far from Prince as possible.

  Blake kissed his cheek.

  “I’ll take real good care of him for you, boss,” Ash said before he walked away.

  “Ready to dance?”

  Fisher took a sip of his drink and coughed.

  “Too strong?” Blake asked.

  “Too sweet.” Fisher wiped his mouth. “I think I’ll pass.”

  Blake sucked down his drink then pulled Fisher from his stool. They made it out onto the dance floor, and at first, Fisher was stiff, but Blake grabbed his hips and moved him to the beat, and soon Fisher was letting himself go.

  He threw his head back and laughed as the music entered his body. He swiveled his hips as Blake placed his hands on Fisher’s sides. Blake moved like a god, and Fisher became entranced with how his body swayed.

  Fuck, he was getting hard as people danced around him. Fisher slid his hands down Blake’s arms, pulling him closer. Soon they were grinding their bodies together, Blake staring at him as if Fisher were the only one in the building.

  There was nothing but passion and pure want in Blake’s dark eyes. Fisher felt as if he’d been ensnared, and he wasn’t panicking like he thought he would be. He might argue with himself that this was too soon, and that he wasn’t ready, but with the right person, Fisher was certain a shattered soul could be mended.

  Chapter Seven

  An hour later Fisher’s body ached and he was sweating like crazy. Dancing was exercise, and clearly he was out of shape. He’d switched to water after the sugary concoction just to keep his body cooled off, but with all these people generating heat, not even the central air was helping.

  And the way he and Blake were dancing? Fisher was so turned on that he felt as if his balls would explode. Every place Blake touched tingled. Every spoken word was sensual. Fisher had never felt so alive or so desired.


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