No Good Deed

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No Good Deed Page 7

by Lynn Hagen

  “I need a break.” He grabbed Blake’s hand and pulled him off the dance floor. Fisher also needed a break from the noise and the crowd. The only reason he’d dealt with it so well was because Blake had kept his attention the entire time.

  “Where’re you taking me?” Blake asked with humor in his voice.

  “Someplace a little quieter.” The guy’s office was also insulated because, when they’d first arrived, Fisher had hardly heard any noise from the club. On their way to the hallway, Fisher spotted Prince. He was talking with Cosmo, but the diva glared his way.

  Fisher ignored him and tried to open Blake’s office door, but it was locked.

  “I don’t keep it unlocked,” Blake said as he set Fisher aside and dug a key from his pocket. “It’s not guarded, and I don’t need my laptop stolen or someone using my couch for extracurricular activities.”

  Blake wiggled his brows, and Fisher blushed. He knew exactly what kind of activities Blake was referring to.

  Then he saw Arturo coming toward them. That would put a crimp in Fisher’s plans if the bouncer came inside. “Does he have to be here?”

  “He’ll be outside in the hallway.” Blake swung the door open, and Fisher walked inside. The room was a lot cooler, and Fisher welcomed the reprieve. “Rest on the couch.”

  Blake closed the door and locked it. It was now or never because Fisher wasn’t sure he’d be able to muster up his bravery while they weren’t at the club. This was a place that evoked a person’s adventurous side, and Fisher wanted to explore his. He’d been craving Blake all night, and he was going to try and get him some of that big, beefy man.

  Instead of sitting on the couch, Fisher turned and stared up at Blake. “I think I need a kiss.”

  A low rumbling growl vibrated in Blake’s throat. He circled his arms around Fisher and pulled him close. “It would be my pleasure.”

  Goose bumps broke out all over Fisher, and his body tingled. His heart started to beat faster as he sucked on Blake’s tongue. God, he wanted this so badly, a chance to erase his past, a chance for a new beginning.

  Blake guided them to the couch and sat, taking Fisher down with him. Fisher straddled Blake’s waist and slid his hands under Blake’s shirt.

  The man had the most perfect body. Fisher’s ran the tips of his fingers over Blake’s swollen pecs and rigid abdomen.

  Blake grabbed Fisher’s wrist in a gentle hold as he broke the kiss. He was panting heavily as he closed his eyes. “We have to stop,” he said between gritted teeth. “I’m not the kind of guy who can kiss and pet without wanting more.”

  Blake wasn’t the only one who was straining to breathe. But Fisher didn’t want to stop. He’d never wanted anyone the way he wanted Blake. “And if I want more?”

  “You’re not ready.” Blake opened his eyes. “I won’t take advantage of you.”

  Fisher yanked at his wrists, and Blake released them. “Are you rejecting me?”

  Whoa. Wait a minute. Breathe and think through your lust-filled brain. He’s not rejecting you. Blake is looking out for you.

  “Not at all.” Blake framed Fisher’s face with his hands. “I just need to make sure this is what you really want.”

  “I want you,” Fisher said. “I’ve never been so sure about anything else.”

  Blake pulled him close for another mind-blowing kiss. They twisted on the couch. Fisher was placed on his back as he grabbed at Blake’s shirt. He’d been touching these muscles all night, and he’d seen them before, but Blake’s body being revealed to him in this moment, while they were going at it, had Fisher’s heart racing.

  Blake pulled Fisher’s shirt over his head and groaned. “Damn you’re beautiful.”

  When was the last time a guy had said that to him? Hell, when was the last time anyone looked at him that way? He sucked in a deep breath when Blake lowered his head and sucked at one of Fisher’s nipples. He was going to bust a nut, and they hadn’t even gotten anything started yet.

  “So fucking gorgeous,” Blake said as he lapped at the hard nub.

  Fisher couldn’t take it any longer. He needed to feel Blake against him, skin against skin. He yanked Blake’s shirt off and tossed his aside, skimming his hands over Blake’s hard chest, biceps, and down his back.

  “Need to fix a problem.” Blake reared back and helped Fisher out of his shoes and the rest of his clothes. This felt so damn naughty. Fisher was completely naked in someone’s office, and the thrill of it sent ripples of pleasure through him.

  “Your turn,” he said to Blake. “Off with your clothes.”

  Blake chuckled. “You almost sounded like the Queen of Hearts. Just as long as you don’t say off with your head, we’re good.”

  Blake’s smile was so damn sexy, and it made his dark eyes sparkle. Fisher licked his lips and watched as Blake shoved his pants and underwear down his corded thighs.

  Oh fuck. Fisher just knew he was drooling when Blake’s long and hard cock sprang free. He swung up and engulfed Blake’s shaft, sucking the head before he worked his way down the length.

  “Fuck, Fisher.” Blake rubbed his hands through Fisher’s hair, grabbing the strands as he fucked Fisher’s mouth. The smell of a man’s musk drove Fisher crazy. He loved how dark and earthy the scent was as he tugged at Blake’s balls.

  “Shit, hold on.” Blake pulled back. “I don’t want this to end that damn soon.”

  Fisher grinned, loving the compliment. He leaned back as Blake sat and removed his boots then the rest of his clothes. Instead of standing back up, Blake moved onto the couch, forcing Fisher backward until he was lying under Blake.

  This was so surreal. Fisher never thought he’d be in this situation again. Not after a year with John. He thought his dating days were over. How could Fisher ever trust another man after what John had done to him?

  But this was Blake. The man who had rescued him and who had been nothing but kind and gentle with him. That made all the difference in the world to Fisher.

  And as crazy as it sounded in his head, Fisher felt as if he’d known the guy forever. There was just something about Blake that inspired trust and sincerity. He had an easiness that would make anyone fall in love with the big guy.

  Love? No. Fisher hadn’t thought that. It was too soon to care that much about anyone else. Fisher had closed his heart off to that prospect. That made a person vulnerable, and Fisher refused to put himself in that situation again.

  He shoved that thought aside as Blake kissed his way across Fisher’s neck and jaw. He had a gorgeous, naked guy lying on him, desiring him, and hell if he would clog his thoughts with uncertainties and worries.

  Fisher would let everything go and just feel for once, just lose himself in the moment and worry about it later.

  “This couch isn’t big enough for this,” Fisher said.

  “I can take care of that.” Blake got up and walked across the room. Fisher groaned at his nicely shaped, muscled ass. When this was over, Fisher was taking a nap and using Blake’s butt as a pillow.

  He blushed at that thought as Blake came back with a large blanket. “I sometimes crash in here instead of going home, so I stored a blanket in the closet.”

  Blake spread it out then grabbed Fisher’s hand and pulled him from the couch. He placed Fisher on his back then hovered over him again. “Is this better?”

  “Much.” Fisher pulled Blake’s head down and nibbled at his bearded jaw, loving how the hairs tickled him. He curled his legs around Blake’s tapered waist, resting the heels of his feet just above his ass.

  Blake moaned, and Fisher loved the fact that he was the one making this stud feel that way. Blake could’ve had his pick of anyone in the club—he refused to think about Prince—but he’d wanted Fisher, and didn’t that just stroke his ego?

  Fisher was so busy working his way to Blake’s lips that he hadn’t seen the tube of lube Blake had set beside them. Not until he’d heard the cap snap and then Blake worked his fingers into Fisher’s ass.

Oh god.” Fisher’s eyes rolled to the back of his head. He loved having his butt played with, something a certain ex hadn’t done often. Blake devoured Fisher’s mouth as his thick fingers worked back and forth, scissoring and grazing over Fisher’s prostate.

  His cock was so fucking hard that it pulsed heavily. All Fisher could do was make strange noises as he wiggled his lower half, trying his best to fuck Blake’s fingers.

  “Somebody’s ready for some dick.” Blake smiled against Fisher’s mouth.

  “That would be me,” Fisher moaned. “Me, me, me.” He peppered kisses along Blake’s jaw. “Did I mention that was me?”

  Blake chuckled as he slid his fingers free and replaced them with the head of his cock. He thrust in, burying himself as Fisher bit his lip and dug his fingers into Blake’s back.

  But the guy didn’t pause. Not for a second. He grabbed Fisher’s left leg and threw it over his arm, opening Fisher up wider as he drove hard and deep, just the way Fisher loved it.

  “Fuck, you feel fantastic,” Blake groaned. “So tight around my cock.”

  The guy was full of ego-stroking words, and Fisher ate them up. Blake made him feel special, like he was the center of his world. At least at the moment, but to be fair, Blake always made Fisher feel at ease, even when he’d screwed up—like when he’d broken that salad bowl.

  There was nothing about Blake that frightened him, not even when Blake turned into a bear. If anything, seeing his shifter form made Fisher even less frightened of him.

  Fisher threw his head back, and a groan escaped. Blake made him feel as though he were flying, touching the clouds as his dick sank deep and Fisher’s cock bobbed freely.

  He clawed at Blake’s back, unsure he could handle so much pleasure. Fisher whimpered, kicking his legs out. Blake stopped and pulled back then slid his cock all the way out. Fisher spun to his hands and knees.

  “No, I don’t want your back,” Blake said. “I want to see those green beauties as I fuck you.”

  Fisher looked over his shoulder. There was truth in Blake’s eyes. He slowly turned back over. Blake scooted until his back was against the couch and he was in a sitting position. He patted his thighs, and Fisher crawled to him.

  “Damn, you look sexy as hell right now.”

  Fisher’s entire body flushed as he straddled Blake’s lap. Blake held the base of his cock, and Fisher impaled himself. He gripped Blake’s shoulders, hissing as he settled his knees on either side of Blake’s hips.

  “Now this is much, much better.” Blake slid his hands up Fisher’s back as Fisher began to bounce. Blake’s eyes fluttered closed, and his canines descended. Fisher stared at them in wonder, but the feeling of having Blake’s cock buried in his ass was too much.

  Fisher closed his eyes and swiveled his hips, panting as Blake circled his fingers around Fisher’s bobby cock and stroked him.

  “Oh god, Blake. I’m so close.”

  Fisher’s eyes flew open when a sharp pain lanced his shoulder. Blake had bitten him! Fisher started to protest, but the pleasure engulfed him, shooting him toward heaven as something strange moved inside his chest. It was as if he felt Blake inside of him, really inside, and not just his dick. His heart sped then settled, and damn if it didn’t feel like Blake’s heartbeat had synchronized with his.

  Fisher wasn’t sure how to explain it any other way.

  Blake removed his sharp teeth and rolled forward, taking Fisher down to the blanket, placing him on his back. He leaned backward and pistoned into Fisher’s body as Fisher cried out.

  His orgasm shook him to his core.

  Blake threw his head back and growled his release, burying himself deep as his cock pulsed inside Fisher’s ass.

  This has been the craziest, most pleasurable and exciting moment of Fisher’s life. He collapsed, trying to catch his breath as Blake wiped sweat from his forehead.

  “Now we’re bonded, Fisher. You’re all mine, and I’m completely yours.” Blake winked. “Do what you want with me, handsome.”

  * * * *

  Blake couldn’t stop kissing Fisher after they’d dressed. It was as if he couldn’t get enough of the human. “Say it.”

  Fisher was smiling and trying to wiggle out of Blake’s grasp. “Say what?”

  “Call me your mate.” Blake circled his arms around Fisher, holding him close. This was the farthest he ever wanted his mate to be, although he knew that was impossible. Fisher liked his newfound freedom, and Blake had a feeling he would be running behind his mate just to keep up with him.

  “Let’s get out of here.” He grabbed Fisher’s hand. “But I need to let Arturo know we’re leaving.”

  He didn’t want Arturo standing at his office door all night when Blake wouldn’t be there. The guy was not only a great bouncer, but the lion shifter was also a close friend of Blake’s. They shared at least eight decades of friendship and had been through a hell of a lot together.

  The guy was more like a brother to Blake, and Arturo took his job seriously. “Hey, we’re heading out,” Blake said when he opened the door.

  “I’ll see you out.”

  That wasn’t necessary, but again, Arturo took his job very seriously, so Blake knew arguing would fall on deaf ears. “I also wanted to talk to you later about a personal matter,” Blake said.

  Arturo’s gaze swung to Fisher, and Blake nodded. “Yeah, that’s the subject. We’ll meet up later.”

  Arturo lowered his voice so only Blake heard him. “Is the little guy in trouble?”

  Blake nodded.

  When they walked out into the area where Blake had parked his SUV, Fisher gasped. Blake went on immediate alert, looking around for danger. It wasn’t until Fisher pointed to the tires that Blake saw the problem.

  The tires had been slashed.

  Blake cursed as Arturo went to the end of the building and looked around. He’d never installed a camera in the back because Arturo always walked him out. Blake snarled as he walked around to the other side and saw those two tires were flat, as well.

  “I’ll give you guys a ride home,” Arturo offered. “But we need to report this vandalism. New tires aren’t cheap, and your insurance company will want a police report.”

  Blake wasn’t worried about the cost of replacing them. He wanted to know who had done this. He immediately suspected John, but without a camera, he had no proof.

  Deputy Mills and Deputy Christopher arrived a few minutes later. Arturo had pulled his Hummer around, and Fisher was currently sitting in the passenger seat. Fisher appeared shaken up, but no worse for wear.

  “I’ve been inside no more than two hours,” Blake explained to Darren Christopher. “Have you seen a white BMW around town?”

  “No,” Darren said. “We’ve been keeping our eye out for one after Sheriff Copache briefed us about Fisher’s situation.”

  “What situation?” Arturo asked. “Do your tires have to do with him?”

  “He’s my mate,” Blake told the bouncer. He also told Arturo about Fisher’s circumstances and the possibility that John may be trying to track him down.

  Arturo cursed as he stabbed a finger toward his Hummer. “You’re telling me that someone abused that small human?” He gnashed his teeth. “That bastard better hope I don’t find him first.”

  Everyone in the back alley felt the same way. Blake was hoping he was the one who found John first. He wanted an up-close-and-personal talk with the guy.

  “I’ll write up the report,” Darren said. “I can contact Raven McCoy to tow your car to his shop if you want.”

  “Thanks,” Blake said. “But wait for a decent hour to call him.”

  Blake was frustrated beyond belief, but there was nothing he could do right now. The perpetrator was nowhere in sight, and all he could do was get his mate home.

  “I’ll keep an eye on things at the club when I get back,” Arturo said. “Prince was pretty damn jealous when he saw you with Fisher. Do you think he would do something like that?”

  Hansen, also
known as Prince, had been after Blake since first meeting him, but Blake never mixed business with pleasure, and the truth was the guy didn’t interest him even if Hansen hadn’t been an employee. Blake didn’t go for the diva, high-maintenance type.

  “He can be bitchy and give evil glares, but I don’t think he would go this far.”

  They got into the Hummer, and Arturo drove them home. Thankfully Blake owned a few cars, and he wouldn’t be stuck without a ride. It had been awhile since he’d taken his Mustang on the road. He was sure Fisher would love being in it.

  “Thanks,” Blake said when Arturo pulled into his driveway.

  “Your SUV will be towed in the morning, and we’ll install a camera in the back of the club. Hopefully it was just some asshole who thought slashing your tires was a way to pass the time,” Arturo said.

  If that were true, then it was a random act and not someone targeting him directly. Blake hoped it was that instead of John finding Fisher and stalking them.

  His mate had a long way to go as far as healing on the inside, but he was making tremendous progress, and Blake didn’t want to see Fisher set back in any way.

  “It was John, wasn’t it?” Fisher asked when they got out of the Hummer. “He did this, didn’t he?”

  Blake slid his arm around Fisher’s shoulders. “We don’t know that for sure. No one saw anything, and just because Maple Grove is a small town doesn’t mean it’s without crime. It was probably some teenagers out to have fun or some jerk who was getting revenge and mistook my vehicle for someone else’s.”

  Blake walked to the driver’s side. Arturo’s window was rolled down. “Thanks for driving us home.”

  “You know it’s not a problem.” Arturo looked toward the house. “You sure you don’t want me to stick around? It’ll be no problem. Bayne and Wilder are at the club, and I’m sure they can handle things.”

  The other two bouncers. One would think that having three bouncers was a bit extreme in a small town, but Blake took the safety of his partygoers seriously. There were still people in Maple Grove who not only hated having the club there but gay people period.


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