Bad Habits: A Dark Anthology

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Bad Habits: A Dark Anthology Page 22

by Yolanda Olson

  "Oh, my!" Sister Suri, what happ--?"

  I forgot all about my cheek. My hand flies up, trying to cover it, knowing its too late.

  SIster Dawn takes my hand and gently removes it from my face.

  "Mother Superior."

  It wasn't a question.

  I stare at the floor across the room, avoiding her statement.

  "She does have a mean streak. I'll never forget the first time she hit me."

  "You? But I thought--"

  "That I was her side-kick? Everyone does. It's not true, though."

  I look at her skeptically.

  "Well, not exactly true. I don't just go looking for things to tell Mother Superior. She, gives me assignments, sometimes."

  "She asks you to spy on people."

  "Yes," she bows her head in shame, "I'm so sorry, Sister Suri."

  "It's not your fault. I'm sure it would have happened eventually even if you hadn't gotten involved."

  "What do you mean?"

  I take a deep breath. Do I tell her? It might not be awful having someone to talk to about my secret.

  "I, I'm not really a nun," I say, shocking her.

  "I don't understand," she crinkles her forehead in confusion.

  I remove my hood, revealing myself to her.

  "My name is Suri, but I am not a nun. I'm here under an order of protection for testifying against my ex in a murder case."

  Sister Dawn's eyes go wide, and she makes the sign of the cross.

  "I'm sorry for telling you. I shouldn't, I don't want you getting into any trouble. Mother Superior is a kitten compared to Tim."

  Her eyes gloss over with tears.

  "Oh, Sister Suri, I'm so sorry," she grabs my hands.

  "It's okay," I pull my hands away, uncomfortable with the touch, "thank you."

  She offers me a small smile.

  "So, did you need something?"

  "Oh! Well, Mother Superior told me that you're to shadow me for the next few days."

  "Ah, I see."

  "Sorry you're stuck with me," she apologizes.

  "It's okay, could be worse," I laugh. "But, I think I know a way you can make it up to me."

  "Um, you, you do?"

  "Do you know where I can get my hands on a telephone?"

  Sister Dawn keeps a watch outside of Mother Superior's office while I use the phone at her desk. I need to get in touch with Detective Robbins.

  I dial his cell number and plead with God to make him answer.

  "Robbins," I hear on the other end of the line.

  "Tony!" I practically scream, "It's Suri!"

  "Suri? What's wrong?"

  "Mother Superior is insane! She hit me! You put me here for my protection, God damn it!"

  I'm sorry, my eyes shoot up to the heavens, before landing on the large crucifix hanging on the wall across the room.

  "Fuck, Suri, I'm sorry. I'm trying to get you placed somewhere else. I swear, I am. I need you to have patience. Please just try to be good and keep your head down. Get yourself off of her radar, okay."

  "Yeah, thanks for the advice. Can you at least do a drop-in soon? I'm going crazy here, and I could really use a friend."

  "Sure thing, kid. I'll come soon, I promise."

  "Thanks, Tony."

  Please don't let me down.

  Father Stone

  "Thank you for meeting with me, Father," Sister Mary Margaret says, as she takes a seat in the chair in front of me. She is Mother Superior at Our Lady of Heavenly Hope, our sister parish.

  It's been a few days since Sister Suri saw me in the Rectory. She hasn't been back to the office since. I have a bad feeling about the conversation that is about to take place.

  "I will always make time for you, Reverend Mother. Please, tell me what is that's distressing you."

  "Father, you must forgive me. I've lost sleep over what I am about to tell you. I swore I wouldn't say anything, but I can't be silent any longer. I fear the Monastery could be in danger."

  I stare at the miserable woman in front of me, wishing I were anywhere but here. She doesn't like anyone, but for some reason, to my chagrin, she doesn't seem to have an issue with me. She is about thirty years my senior and grouchy as hell. If she weren't a nun, she'd make one hell of a strict Domme.

  "Yes, of course. What is it?"

  "I assume you've met Sister Suri? I sent her here last week because she is an insufferable nuisance."

  "I've seen her in the front office, but we haven't been officially introduced yet, no."

  Sister Suri.

  Yes, I know exactly who she is. And after the other day, she is sure to know more about me than I'd like her to.

  Sister Suri, who's been taunting me for the past week.

  Sister Suri with the deliciously pouty lips.

  Sister Suri with the sultry raven black hair and innocent, bright green doe eyes.

  Sister Suri has had my head spinning since the second I locked eyes on her during the morning service her first day here. I haven't had that hard of time composing myself in public since I was a horny teenager.

  Is Mother here to tell me that she would like to take Sister Suri back? That she needs her service at the Monastery more than we need her here? Please, by all means, get the sensual siren out of my sight. To have her here any longer will ruin me.

  Then why haven't you sent her back yet?

  "Is she alright? I haven't seen her in a few days." I shake the devil's voice out of my head.

  "Yes, she's fine," her eyes practically fall out of her head due to the vicious eye roll she just gave, "she needed to take some time for reflection."

  Good. I hope Sister Suri takes a mental health month after the other day.

  "Ah, I see. I'm sorry, you were starting to tell me something regarding the Sister?"

  "Well, I thought sending her here would give her the attitude adjustment she needed but, after what I found a couple of nights ago, I was very wrong. She doesn't belong with us, Father. She isn't one of us."

  What she found out about me? Did Suri tell the Reverend Mother what she saw? It can't be, if that were the case, I doubt the Reverend Mother would be referring to me as "one of us."

  "Reverend Mother, I am sure you don't mean that. We've been in this business for a long time, there have been numerous brothers and Sisters who took some time finding their place within our families."

  "No, Father, you don't understand. She isn't a real nun. The police dropped her at the Monastery under a protective order."

  What's this now?

  Not a real nun? Protective order?

  "She doesn't want to be here any more than I want her here," the Reverend Mother continues, "we are putting our lives and well-being on the line for her, and she acts as if it means nothing."

  "Oh, I see."

  My response is laced with concern, but I am not sure if I am more concerned about the Monastery or for Sister Suri.


  Saying her name without the Sister title makes her even more desirable. Why am I not surprised that the little one is in some kind of trouble? She seems to have a habit of sticking her nose in where it doesn't belong. I've been worried for the past two days that she was going to come forward and tell someone what she saw, but it appears as though she hasn't. Is this why? Is it because she has a secret of her own?

  Or is it because she can sense what you truly are?

  That's enough out of you.

  "So, what is it you need from me? You mentioned you found something out?"

  "The girl needs discipline if she expects to stay here any longer. I've done what I can, but I'm afraid that her level of attitude and sin needs someone with a little bit more," she stops talking, and her cheeks flush, "experience."

  Wait. What?

  Could she know about me?

  "What are you saying, Reverend Mother?"

  "Father, forgive me," she pleads, "I know about your proclivity."

  Using all of the control I have in my body, I still the m
uscles in my face hiding my surprise at this ambush. When I don't respond, the Reverend Mother continues.

  "I went to the Monsignor with my worries initially. He is the one who advised me to send Sister Suri to you. He said that you would be able to corral her appropriately, making sure that she would know how to compose herself while she's under our protection. I didn't push for any additional explanation from him, but after what I found out she did in her room a couple of nights ago--"

  "What did you find out, Mother? What did she do?"

  Finding out that my secret had been exposed to one inconsequential person by mistake was enough of a blow. Finding out that it's been entrusted to a woman of the Reverend Mother's stature is deplorable.

  "One of the Sisters came to me with news that she heard Sister Suri…"

  A dark crimson blush broke out on the Mother's face, and I knew where she was heading. Part of me wanted to stop her so she wouldn't have to speak through her embarrassment. Still, the other part of me, the depraved side, wants to--no--needs to hear her say it so she can share in this moment of humility. Also, hearing her tell me about how Suri fucked herself into oblivion will fill me with immense pleasure. Then, I'll have two secrets on her; one more than she has on me.

  "Yes?" I say, urging her on.

  "She heard the throes of passion."

  "What was she doing?"

  "What?" The look of shock on her face that I would ask her for more details is perfection. She came here knowing my secret and is, essentially, using it against me. She isn't going to get away without suffering a little because of it.

  "What," I pause, staring at her pointedly, from the chair across from hers, "was she doing, Reverend Mother?"

  "I'm sure you can use your imagination, Father," she scoffs, amazed that I would expect her to provide me with further detail.

  "Oh, I know I can," I shoot her a smug grin, "but if you want my help, I am going to need as many details as possible. If you'd prefer, I can bring the Sister in who heard her…"

  "No!" she shouts.

  She must have a fondness for the girl who came forward. Perhaps the Domme in her unwittingly found herself a sub?

  I raise an eyebrow, effectively letting her know that I am waiting for an answer.

  "She was," she looks down at the handkerchief that's had the life twisted out of it since she sat down, "touching… herself."

  I nod my head slowly. My dick is getting hard, and I don't care enough to hide it anymore. The Reverend Mother looks from her hands to my crotch. When it hits her that I am turned on, she shoots out of her seat and faces the wall.

  I laugh to myself and stand up. Walking over to Mother Superior, I stand as close as I can to her back, my hard cock lightly grazing the fabric of her habit.

  "And you'd like me to discipline her? Would that," I bend slightly, so my lips are to her ear. I lower my voice and continue, "please you, Mother?"

  She whips herself around very quickly for a woman of her age. Her eyes are full, and the blush is back in her cheeks. She shakes her head very slightly to compose her reaction before she answers. What she says is not at all what I was expecting to hear from a woman of God.

  But who are you to decide that?

  "Yes, Father. It would please me for you to discipline her; by all means necessary. Her time of reflection ends tomorrow. She will return to you, then."

  I swear I see a look of delight on her face before she turns on the ball of her foot and walks out of my office.

  Oh, Suri…

  Were you thinking about me when you touched yourself the other night? Did you need a time of reflection to cleanse your soul after your transgression, or did you need it because you got caught? Or, a third option, did you need it because it's the only thing that would keep you far away from me?

  These are just some of the questions I have for you upon your return tomorrow. I believe these may be the easiest questions for you to answer because I plan on digging deep down when it comes to you. I want to know who you are, why you're here, and what--or who--you need protection from.

  You think you know what you saw the other day and I'm sure you're partially correct, but you don't know the half of it. Your time of reflection is over starting tomorrow, does that mean that you've figured out how you're going to deal with it? How you're going to deal with seeing me, being around me? What you saw? Are you over it and going to leave it alone, or are you going to do your own digging? That could be a fun game.

  I can't wait to see her. I want to see how she handles herself in front of me with the information she holds. More than that, I want to see her reaction when she finds out that I have information about her now, too.

  I think the consecrated devil just found himself a born-again virgin.


  The past three days weren't as horrible as I initially thought they would be. Getting to know Sister Dawn a little better, was delightful. She's such a positive person, and it's hard being upset around her. It was also a load off to be able to talk to someone about the real me.

  But, I've been dreading my arrival at St. Bartholomew's since the second I got in the van. Maybe I'll luck out, and Father Stone got transferred to another parish over the past few days?

  No such luck. I see him walking from the Rectory to the church as we pull into the parking lot. I can see his muscles under his tight black button-up shirt. My eyes trace the outline of his shoulders, remembering the marks I noticed on him. They graze down his body, over his perfect, round ass, and fall on his hand. I remember the noise I heard him make as that hand gripped and slipped up and down his cock.

  This isn't good. I am terrified to see Father Stone, yet I am still thinking about him sexually. What the hell is wrong with me?

  Maybe he forgot about me? I am just going to keep my head down and go about my business. I can't see anything, Father Stone included, if I'm looking at my desk all day.

  When I get into the lobby, I gaze into the office through the large window it sits behind. Agnes is already here, as usual. I peer down the hallway behind my desk, leading to Father Stone's office, and see that his door is open and the light is off.

  Thank goodness. I hurry into the office and sit at my desk quickly and quietly. I turn on my computer and get my lunch from my bag while I wait for it to load. Once I put in the password they assigned to me, I walk down the hallway, past Father Stone's office, and into the church kitchen where the delicious aroma of coffee greets me.

  I walk to the tall industrial style refrigerator and place my lunch inside. When I close the door, as if I am in a horror film, suddenly, he is there.

  Father Stone.

  I gasp in fear, the shit thoroughly scared out of me, but his hard expression never changes.

  "Jesus Christ!" I shriek, though only loud enough for him and me to hear.

  "Agnes was right, you really do make a horrible nun," he says to me.

  "I'm sorry… it's just…" I breathe slowly, trying to catch my breath. "You scared the shit out of me!"

  Father Stone steps forward and places each hand next to my head, effectively boxing me in against the refrigerator. He looks me up and down with a feral stare. The scent of bergamot and cedar floods my nose, sending chills up my spine and moisture to my pussy. I can practically feel my eyes dilate with both fear and pleasure.

  Taking me by surprise, my submissive nature has me dip my head, so I am no longer looking him in the eye.

  Is Father Stone a Dom?

  Is that why fantasies of him are plaguing me every day? Because the submissive in me recognizes the Dominant in him? Can he see it, too? I carefully sneak a glance. His expression is firm and gives nothing away, so I look back down at the floor. Then, he dips his head, so his mouth is right next to my ear.

  "Hmm." I hear him say, but I don't respond.

  "We need to talk. Immediately following morning mass. Understood?"

  He places a finger beneath my chin, his touch sets my desire aflame. He brings my gaze to his, so h
is eyes can bore into mine. I temporarily forget how to speak, so I nod.

  "Say it," he commands

  "Sss--say what?" I breathe, barely able to make the words form.

  "Say," he pauses. I didn't think his stare could become any more brutal than it already was, but I was mistaken. "Yes, Sir."

  My eyes go wide as he confirms my earlier question.

  "Ex--excuse me?" I didn't mean to talk back to him, but I couldn't contain my shock.

  "Did I stutter, Suri?" he challenges.

  I swallow nervously.

  "No, Sir," I answer, and he can barely mask the look of pleasure that shoots across his face.

  "Do you understand?"

  "Yes, Sir," I say reluctantly.

  "The rectory," he gives this last command and quickly turns around, exiting the kitchen.

  Holy hell! What just happened?

  Once the paralysis that he caused wore away, I quickly felt the tingles down below that were there the other night when I got back to the Monastery. I briefly consider locking myself in the bathroom and handling it instead of attending morning mass, but I just got myself out of trouble with Mother Superior. I don't want to take any steps backward.

  I take a deep breath and assure myself that the feeling will go away, knowing that it's a lie. Just as I am about to say screw it, Agnes comes into the kitchen.

  "Let's go, Sister Suri. Father Stone has asked that we deliver the gifts during this morning's ceremony."

  Of course, he did.

  I've been trying my best to keep my head down and pretending to say my rosary during mass, but I can't help but steal glimpses of Father Stone. When I can tear my eyes from him, I catch myself staring at the altar. The image of him knelt down behind me that has been tormenting me for the past two weeks floods my imagination more than it has before.

  The smell of him is cemented in my nose, and his voice dances through my head, taunting me. What awaits me at the end of this morning's mass? Why does he need me to meet him in the rectory? I have half a mind to walk back to the monastery when mass is over.


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