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Fire's Song

Page 19

by J E Mueller

  “It’s a lot at once when you’re used to much more quiet and alone time,” I admitted. “The small company of guards with us has already proven to be much quieter.”

  Lee just smiled. “I bet they’ll be a fair bit louder when they learn we’re not the most royal of company.”

  “I still consider myself a royal,” Jameson interrupted.

  Zarek laughed. “You’re less royal than me, dear. Sorry.”

  “Nonsense. I’m the king of kicking your butt, and I wager any soldier here would place their bet on my side.” Jameson smiled wickedly.

  There were some chuckles from the guards around us.

  “I approve of this trip already.” I laughed, glad to see we had such fun traveling companions.

  The trip went well and much too quickly on horseback. When we parted ways at Faraden I was sad to see them go. It was great being able to spend a few extra moments with my brother and soon to be brother-in-law. My heart ached deeply at our parting, but there was an open invitation on the table. I could see them whenever I wanted and write to them just as much. Knowing that cheered my soul up a bit.

  A cool breeze had started to pick up just as we were out of sight of the guard. Something felt wrong, but I tried to shake it off. We were almost to Celia’s house when I stopped and looked at Lee. I couldn’t shake off the feeling, and knew that he could see things I couldn’t. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to get a glimpse into the future.

  “I’ve got a bad feeling I can’t shake,” I told him bluntly, stopping us in our tracks. “Is everything okay with Celia and your mother?” I asked cautiously.

  He paused, eyes alight with magic. “Yes. Everything's fine.” He confirmed.

  “Good. Maybe it’s nothing.” I sighed in relief, turned and looked towards the direction of Kinsfield, hoping that my brother’s journey was going just as well.

  Lee nodded at my look and let magic fill his sight once more. His face quickly darkened. “Jameson only sees visions in dreams. They’ve no idea a trap is waiting for them.”

  “We have to reach them before that!” I exclaimed, shocked at the sudden turn of luck. I shook it off, grateful we still had the horses.

  We took off at once, hoping that Celia would be able to use her sight to figure out why we didn’t meet them on time. Thanks to the kindness of the palace, we had been gifted the horses until we eventually were to return to Kingsfield and pushed them to catch up. Lee couldn’t tell when the trap was coming, the woods often looked much too much the same and we were too rushed for him to properly concentrate. With hope and willpower, we reached the group before anything had happened yet.

  Surprised by our rushed reappearance they stopped when we came within sight.

  “Duck!” Lee shouted and not a soul hesitated as an arrow flew overhead. The trap was sprung.

  Quick combat ensued. We were outnumbered, but not outmatched. Zarek’s troops were skilled from the near daily training they did, and they were able to read each other and communicate without words. When the enemy soldiers started forcing them back, the tides turned against us. More attackers joined the foray and we started to lose ground.

  The extra practice had done me some good, but mostly I was avoiding accidentally killing someone. I knew there had to be a way to make my magic flare up again but didn’t want to chance it. With so many people on our side nearby I was afraid to use my magic to its full capacity, lest I harm someone on our side.

  Someone shot darts into the crowd unexpectedly. The shots went wide and couldn’t have been reasonably aimed. Zarek, a soldier named Jason, and two of the attackers went down. Lee called out that it was sleeping poison and to press on as he fought. Jameson echoed his cry and we managed to regain our ground. Suddenly, the attackers were gone, minus the ones who were accidently shot with darts. With frantic eyes, Jameson took stock of the team. With a deep breath he took control of the troops.

  “They took Zarek,” he said not letting the shock he must have felt seep through his features. “I’ve every reason to believe this is the same group attacking the magic towns. They have someone of royal blood hostage and will stand for their misdeeds.”

  Lee’s vision clouded with magic. “That one.” He pointed to one of the sleeping attackers. “He knows the way back to their camp. If we leave him, he’ll show us the way.”

  “Or we’ll beat it out of him,” Kilee, one of the younger soldiers suggested, mimicking a few punches.

  Lee shook his head. “He won’t give up anything if we do that.”

  Jameson nodded, understanding the strength of Lee’s visions. “What do we do with the other one?”

  Lee shrugged. “He’s useless to us.”

  “Tie him up. If his friends find him, good for him. If not, better for us,” Jameson commanded and two of the guards quickly obeyed.

  “We’ll help get my brother back,” I told Jameson. There was no way I’d be talked out of this. He wouldn’t even be in this mess if I hadn’t suggested it.

  “You’re hardly trained for this sort of thing,” Jameson replied honestly. “Your brother wouldn’t forgive me if I put you in needless danger.”

  Lee laughed. “She’ll do that herself. You need us anyway. I can help pick the right path, and she’ll burn anyone who gets in our way.”

  “Why didn’t she do that five minutes ago, then?” Kilee scoffed, arms crossed.

  “I didn’t want to accidentally kill any of you,” I replied without anger. “If I say magic’s up, I suggest moving behind me and as far back as possible. I won’t let them toy with my brother.”

  Mara, the youngest soldier there was the first to nod and agree. “If your brother trusted us enough to know about your magic in the first place, we should trust you to use it as best you can. You make the call, I’ll jump back. Let’s burn these bitches and get our leader back.”

  “When will Jason wake up?” Jameson asked, trying to remain reasonable.

  Lee sought the answer. “Another half hour, but the camp will be well guarded. They won't kill him tonight. We should use the darkness to cover our counterattack.”

  “We’ll have to follow the twat and make a retreat back here to plan, then.” Jameson nodded. “Better with one scout. Conner?”

  “I’m ready.” Conner nodded.

  “Send me as well,” Clover said with a commanding voice.

  “Why?” Jameson asked curiously.

  “We can both survey the camp,dividing it between us and get back more quickly. It also gives us a better chance of one of us making it back,” She replied confidently. “Also I have heat vision and can use that to see where they are keeping him.”

  Everyone stared at her for a moment before she continued, “Zarek knew, but I wasn’t ready to tell everyone else. Now’s the best moment to put my skills to work.”

  “You’re a team, then,” Jameson agreed, not turning down her courage. “Clover, Conner, make us proud. Everyone else, let’s hide and gag the man we have captured. We’ll need every ounce of information we can get.”

  We moved out of sight, and soon enough the fallen attacker awoke with a start. Confused and with his head clearly aching, he got his bearings and made his way into the forest. Silently, Conner and Clover followed him.

  We waited for three hours before they returned. Jameson never once asked Lee to use his gift to see if they were fine, instead trusting his team to make it back. Silently, they reappeared at our waiting place.

  “Report,” Jameson ordered the second they were in sight.

  Conner gave him full details about the half of the camp he had surveyed before turning it over to Clover who filled him in on her half and added the detail of where Zarek was. Together they described the way there and back. There were more guards in the forest than within the actual camp. They seemed certain that no one would get past them. We already had twice. There and back. I saw the edge and was glad I knew how to be silent in the woods.

  Jameson started to give out orders and hear out any suggestions before turn
ing to Lee and me, not wanting us to actually join. While I could respect him wanting to keep us safe, there was zero chance they could hold me back.

  “We’ve been through this in a way before,” Lee explained as he paced our small makeshift camp. “There was a night in the woods we had to get back home undetected. With my sight, it's completely possible to sneak around.”

  I noticed all the details he left out of that night, but chose to keep my mouth shut.

  Jameson nodded, taking the time to think it out while continuing to lay down the plans he felt were best for his troops before turning back to us.

  “You’ve no training. I’ve no ideas what you can do to help,” He admitted, not upset at all. “What ideas do you have? If you’re going to join us, I rather it be with a plan.”

  “We’ll be the escape plan.” Lee smiled wickedly, already having thought ahead. “Your plan is solid, and while the future can twist in many ways, yours has the highest chance of working. If yours works, we’ll set the tents aflame, giving us an escape route in the chaos. If your plan doesn’t work, we’ll be the chaos they aren’t expecting while everyone does their damndest to make plan B work.”

  Jameson nodded. “Good plan. Not going to lie, staying low will help the most.”

  “Can you really light tents on fire?” Jason asked curiously, looking at me.

  I shrugged and pointed to Lee. “He’s got some basic elemental gifts.”

  “I haven’t been allowed to play with fire like this.” He smiled slyly once more. “It’ll be a fun way to get back at those who destroyed my village.”

  “I can burn someone from the inside out if the time calls for it though,” I added. “They’ll show no mercy to us. I can’t afford to show it to them.”

  Jameson looked thoughtfully at me. “When I’ve seen you practicing, you’ve used Lee as a balance to your own magic. If Lee were to use his cooling powers on Zarek, would you be able to destroy a group that was surrounding him? Assuming no one else on our side is present.”

  I looked at Lee, trying to guess his thoughts on it and he nodded. “I don’t see why not,” he responded. “But, there’s zero way to safely test the theory. My magic might not respond well going through another person, or he may be one of those few who magic doesn’t affect and it’ll do no good. Cursed magic will always win out in those cases.” I didn’t like the sound of those scenarios, and I was feeling more than anxious enough.

  “A few weeks ago, I had such a dream,” Jameson said slowly, eager ears all around. “I’d prefer not to test it, but if worse comes to worse, maybe my dream was right and that is the winning option.”

  Lee nodded. “It must be an incredible gift to see so far ahead.”

  Did that mean Jameson dreamt of Zarek being captured and me rescuing him with my fire? I didn’t want to unleash my magic again in such a way. There was no knowing if it would save him or kill. These options were terrible, but if push came to shove and that would save him…

  It wouldn’t be right to hold back.

  “Better yet that you can call yours at will while awake.” Jameson raised an invisible toast towards Lee.

  “While I cannot deny mine’s convenience in these moments, your words from that dream may be the key we need tonight,” came Lee’s honest reply. While he did like to pretend to show off, Lee was actually modest about his own gifts, and I sensed much the same in Jameson.

  “We’ll find out soon enough.” Jameson watched the sky. “Count your blessings and pray for luck, troops. We’re about to stage a rescue.”

  Chapter 24

  As dusk started to wrap around us we began the silent journey. Owls started to wake from their slumber, crickets happily chirped, and within moments I did not know where a soul aside from Lee was. They melted away into the night so quickly as we traveled. Their training with camouflage and silence I could only hope to learn. If – no, when we got Zarek back, I would have to ask him how they did this. It amazed me the life my brother now led. We’d be meeting together much sooner than originally planned, and it would be a good reunion.

  As a team, Lee and I fell behind, but it mattered not. We were the backup plan, and after our last discussion, I felt we were more plan B than anything else. Falling behind to stay undetected was for the best. We couldn’t afford a stir by being found in any version of this plan.

  Twice I almost tripped, and once Lee was almost found. Carefully, we succeeded in making our way to where Clover had said the tent with Zarek was. In the moment we made it, I finally saw everyone easing into the loosely guarded camp. Their steps silent, but with the lack of tents, and the circle of fires, it would only be a moment and someone would be seen.

  And so it was.

  A shout rang out. They were seen, but our group already had the tent surrounded. Jameson and Jason went inside while Mara and Kaden blocked the entrance. The rest of the guards formed a semicircle in front of them. The few within the camp tried to clash swords and were quickly pushed back without fail or much effort. Jameson emerged with Zarek over his back, his body hanging limply. More darts, maybe? Jason was at his side, but the alarm was sounded and they needed an escape.

  I nodded to Lee, and he set the farthest tents aflame, causing confusion, and overall mayhem for the kidnappers.

  With the distraction our men were able to gain ground away from the tent, but more enemies were returning to defend their prize. I’m sure there was a reason they needed him, but there was zero chance we were giving up.

  Pushing myself out from hiding, I decided on starting plan B. If Jameson saw something like this in a dream, and if Lee believed it’d work, there was nothing to lose. I didn’t want to waste time in second guessing everything.

  Darting, zig zagging, and full out running through the slowly spreading combat, I reached Jameson. “We need a path. I’ll protect my brother.” I hoped Lee was close behind me because I had no time to warn him about my intentions.

  Without a word Jameson set Zarek on the ground. safely away from the tents and pulled out his sword. He took command of his men in an instant, leaving me to defend my brother.

  From my position I saw Lee jump out and surprise one of the returning attackers. He had him knocked out quickly and ducked back into the shadows. Our troops worked well together, but there were just so many enemies. They started falling back into a circle, the ground around them slowly becoming smaller and smaller. I cursed to myself. There had to be a way to make this work.

  Inside me, I felt the magic burn. I felt it build strongly. There was no stopping it. There was no denying that it wanted to come crashing out and latch on to all it could reach.

  But I could control it.

  “Everyone get down!” I shouted and to my surprise the entire team dropped to their stomachs. I stood in front of my brother and shot my magic in an arch over those in front of me. It couldn’t go for a long distance, but it had strength. My fire landed several blows. Those it hit dropped to their knees and screamed, faces distorted in pain.

  Wonder and awe struck me at how well it had worked. It was just a sudden idea I wasn’t expecting much from, but it had worked exactly as I had envisioned it. In my mind's eye I had directed it as if it were an arrow at the enemy. Maybe Lee wasn’t far off on his fireball idea if I could do something like this with some precision.

  Jameson, saw that I was done and jumped back into command. Ground was gained back in our favor. Lee, no longer able to use his knockout and hide trick, found his way to my side.

  “Our back isn’t guarded. They’re about to realize it,” Lee informed me, pointing out more figures emerging from the forest.

  “Curses,” I muttered.

  “Exactly.” Lee smirked. “We’ll hold this spot. We’ve got this.”

  Jameson’s vision came to mind. “Oh,” I replied as understanding came, “Jameson, get get back from me!” I hoped he heard my call.

  His troops were gaining ground and pushing forward wasn’t a problem anymore. It was as if they already knew
they were going to try to hit us from behind. Then again, this was their life. It was what they practice and trained so hard for.

  Lee kneeled next to Zarek, hands touching his face. His eye closed as he concentrated, and I could see the slowly advancing attackers. We would be outnumbered again when they reached us, and even with our skill set, numbers can make a difference. We would lose if nothing changed in our favor.

  Taking a deep breath I honed in on my magic. There was no telling what Jameson saw, if he saw me attempting this and winning, or just the attempt. There would be no other way for me to protect him without my magic, and without me trying we’d certainly lose. My curse was slowly turning into a much needed blessing. And I was very glad.

  With slow and deliberate breaths, I called up my magic. I let the flames build, felt them grow and snap within me until they reached a crescendo. When I heard the sounds of a surprise attack I let them flare up, out, and surround me. I closed my eyes and pictured my fire becoming solid, swirling around me like it had once before and pushed it out slowly, and then all at once towards the group attempting their sneak attack. The screams reached my ears but I didn’t open my eyes, instead concentrating on my magic. I let the fire I had sent outwards to return into my circular shield and kept the three of us carefully encased within the flames and held it there, steady as I could keep it.

  It was only when I heard Jameson’s voice requesting everyone to put their shields down that I opened my eyes. Flames danced for a moment before my eyes before I let my magic go, returning it to my core. Exhausted, I dropped to the ground. My vision blurred and I felt someone try and help me up. Sounds were all around me, but none reached my ears. Hoping for victory, I let the void of sleep claim me.

  Chapter 25

  When I awoke I found myself alone in a tent. The sun was shining bright through the open tent flaps. My head ached but aside from that I felt all right. Relief flooded through me for a moment and then I remembered what had happened. Zarek. Where was he? Did we get him out unharmed?


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