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In the Blink of an Eye

Page 1

by S J Batsford

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19


  In The Blink of an Eye

  Loving Lily Series

  Book one

  By S.J. Batsford

  First Published – 27/05/2016

  This edition published – 27/05/2016 by Batsford Publishing

  Cover design by Kennedy Kelly with Cover Crush Designs

  ISBN: 978-0-9954944-0-4

  Copyright © by S.J. Batsford

  License Statement.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without prior permission of the publisher.

  Thank you for respecting the work of this author.

  Please keep this book in its original state with exception of quotes used in reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locations is purely coincidental. The characters are products of the Author’s imagination and used fictionally.

  IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE (Loving Lily series #1) is a New Adult Romance, intended for mature viewers of 17 +. Strong language and sexual situations throughout.


  For all who believed in me and helped me achieve my dream. Thank you.

  To my Husband for putting up with my frustrations and encouraging me not to give up. Thank you, I love you. And of course my kids thank you, because without you and Dad I wouldn’t have inspiration.

  Thank you to my friend and virtual twin Laura Martinez for putting up with my bitching.

  A special thank you to Sarah Queen for helping me refine the last sentences at the end.

  Love ya me wench.

  Thank you to my beta readers Kimberly O’Connell, Kym Michelle, Denielle Hoppe, Milva Chin and Sarah Queen.

  And thank you to my proof reader’s Sarah Queen, Scottie Mohler.

  Thank you to all my friends who read my baby and gave constructive advice. Without you all, I would have gone mad, you’re all awesome! And finally thank you to everyone who liked, shared, commented and posted about this book. Especially my main pimpers Karen Dillon, Kaye Springett and Zai Floriza.

  And a massive thank you to Aidan Willows for formatting this monster for me.

  Each and every one of you are amazing!

  Contents Page

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20


  Chapter One

  Life swings in roundabouts, one minute everything can be going swimmingly. Then, the next, all your plans and hopes and dreams can turn to dust.

  Late August.

  “Why am I going a month before school starts? Can’t I just go to college here?” I slump onto my bed.

  “No, Lily, you can’t. It’s all paid for, you wanted to write and this is your best chance. Look at it this way, you can finally get a tan.” My Mom thinks she’s a comedian, constantly teasing me about looking like a vampire. Normally I laugh, but this time I don’t find it funny.

  “Do I have to live with Cora, though, I know she’s my Nan, but I don’t know her,” I press, not in the mood for joking around.

  “Yes, you do. She’s not getting any younger, and she hardly knows you because I moved us to England. It’s better for you to go early so you can learn your way around. Explore a bit and spend some time with Grandma before school starts,” she breathes heavily, exhausted from her rant.

  "I’m worried about you though. You don’t look well.”

  “I’m okay, it’s just worn out with work," she sighs, sitting beside me, looking drained. “You really wanted to go. What happened?”

  “I know. I was looking forward to it, when I thought you were coming with me.”

  “It’s all sorted now. It would be a waste of money if you didn’t go. Plus, Grandma is really looking forward to having you.” She’s playing dirty making me feel guilty.

  Sighing, she gets up leaving the room. “You need to hurry or you’ll miss your flight,” she shouts from the stairs.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” I ask, following closely, taking a last look around my childhood home.

  “Yes, yes, I’m fine. It’s just the flu. Do you have your ticket and passport?”

  I check again, showing her I have them, hesitating not wanting to leave.

  Stepping forward, she hugs me so tightly I choke up, blinking back tears as my throat throbs.

  “I’ll miss you, Mom. Love you, so much.” The crack in my voice breaks her resolve, and she sobs on my shoulder.

  “I love you, too. Always will,” she holds my face in her hands, tears streaming down her face.

  “You best go. I’ll speak to you when you land. Go on, get going, love you.” Blowing me a kiss, she shuts the taxi door and runs inside with a quick wave.

  I cry all the way to the airport, her tear stained face etched into my mind.

  The taxi driver wakes me, informing me that we’ve arrived at the airport.

  Looking up at the airport sign, I take a deep breath and push through the doors, pulling my luggage behind me. I’m so nervous my stomach churns.


  Waiting for my flight number to be called, I observe the people closest to me. Parents amusing their kids, a young man in a suit talking on the phone looking relaxed, and another typing frantically on his laptop.

  Me, I'm bouncing my knee, chewing the inside of my cheek and trying not to freak out over a plane ride.

  “Flight #927, to San Diego, now boarding,” a bored voice calls through a loudspeaker.

  Jumping out of my seat, I grab my bag and walk towards the too cheery lady checking boarding passes.

  Taking my seat, I pull the seatbelt as tight as it will go. I feel jittery, my nerves firing. The other passengers are going about their business like everything is totally normal, which I suppose it is. It’s just me, I feel out of place traveling alone for the first time.

  “Excuse me.” I'm interrupted from my musings by the young bloke standing next to me, obviously, the owner of the seat next to mine. I move my legs, so he can squeeze past and get a close up of a nicely toned arse.

  Yum. Shocked, I look away, embarrassed. What the hell was that?


  He smirks. Shit. Caught.

  “You’re welcome.” I blush.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats and secure your seatbelts. We will be taking off shortly,” a cheerful voice announces.

  Gripping the arm of my chair, I try to keep my panic at bay. Breathe, breathe…

  A hand touches my arm and I flinch, looking at the man beside me.

  “Sorry, are you okay?”

  “A little
scared. First time flying,” I say, cracking a tight smile.

  “Ethan Barker,” he says, extending his hand for me to shake. Peeling my fingers from the armrest, I turn to face him. His face just inches from mine… Wow, he’s gorgeous.

  He looked tall when standing beside me, and god, the rest of him doesn’t disappoint. He’s tanned and has light brown, spiked hair. A square jaw with a sexy five o’clock shadow. Straight nose and the most kissable lips I’ve ever seen. His eyes are just beautiful. Hazel, with a touch of light green…. Damn sexy.

  He grins at me, an eyebrow raised. I realise he's waiting for me to introduce myself and shake his still outstretched hand.

  Clearing my throat, I swallow, sliding my hand into his.

  “Lily, Lily Carter,” I squeak.

  Pleased with my appraisal, he lets go of my hand.

  “Well, Lily. If you’re scared of flying, why are you on an eleven-hour flight?” His smile leaves me incapable of breathing.

  “Lily,” he prompts.

  Heat creeps up my neck as my cheeks blaze bright red.

  “I got into university, I’m moving in with my Nan.” I blurt, cringing at my loquaciousness.

  I try to relax and stop myself looking like an idiot.

  “Ah... Which one are you attending?” He rests his chin on his upturned hand.

  “San Diego. It’s the closest to my Nan’s house.” Uneasy talking about myself, I quickly change the subject.

  “Where are you from? You’re obviously American.” I flush, cursing my loss of brain to mouth filter.

  My belly flutters when he laughs. I watch him, smiling. His eyes twinkling as he laughs deep and rough.

  “I was born and raised in San Diego. Can’t you tell by my tan?” He sticks out a beautifully tanned, muscular arm.

  “Anyone can have a tan these days... sunbeds.” I smirk. He laughs.

  “You’re funny, I love British people. The things you say are funny, but brutally honest. It’s refreshing, I find a lot of people are fake… not all though,” he amends.

  “So, what were you doing in London if you’re from California… If you don’t mind me asking?”

  “So, polite, it’s fine. I was in London on business, I work for my step-dad.” Smiling, he swiftly turns the conversation back to me.

  “So, if you’re just starting university, you’re what, eighteen?”

  “Yes, and you are?” I quirk an eyebrow, he laughs. The cheeky bugger, he’s not the only one who can get personal.

  Wiping his eyes, he answers. “Why, young lady, I’ll have you know, I’m twenty-three years old.” Doing a bad imitation of a British accent, and tipping an imaginary hat.

  I laugh so hard, tears run down my face, “I really needed that, thanks,” I gasp.

  His smile brightens. “My pleasure. You are most entertaining.”

  “So, what are you studying?” he asks, breaking the silence.

  “Huh? Oh, creative writing and dance,” I mumble.

  “Wow. Could I be talking to the next big author?”

  He has no idea how much that means to me. To have someone other than my Mom believe in me.

  “I don't know about that.”

  We carry on chatting back and forth, like we’ve known each other for years.

  My yawn interrupts him. “Sorry,” I mutter behind my hand.

  “Am I boring you, Miss, Carter?” His eyes twinkle, making him look younger than his twenty-three years.

  “Never! I was panicking before you started talking my ear off” I giggle, making him laugh.

  I marvel at how at ease I am with him; I’ve always been jittery around men.

  “What time is it?” I let out another yawn. He smirks looking down at his watch, he leans across to show me.

  “Oh, my god, it’s two in the morning. We’ve been talking for hours!” I gasp. How had so much time passed without me noticing it?

  “We’d better get some sleep. We land in four hours,” he whispers, looking around at the sleeping passengers.

  Just like that, I tense, remembering where I am. How did I forget I was on a death trap?

  Confused by my reaction to him, I lay my seat flat, pull out my pillow and blanket and snuggle beneath it. Closing my eyes, I puzzle through my thoughts and feelings.

  “Night Lily,” he whispers, but I pretend to be asleep.


  I’m jolted awake by the announcement that we’ll be landing soon, and to fasten our seatbelts again.

  Sitting up, I stretch looking over at Ethan. He slept through the announcement.

  I find myself scrutinising his face. He looks young, peaceful and even more gorgeous when asleep, I grin, giggling quietly.

  Maybe it’s a good thing that I won’t see him again. Priorities, I need to concentrate on school.

  I squeal when a hand touches on my arm. “Jeez Louise…. You scared the bejeezus out of me…” I gasp, clutching my chest.

  He laughs, giving me a ‘you can do better than that face’.

  I scowl playfully, “you scared the shit out of me. Better?” I blush, looking around.

  “You don’t cuss much, do you?” he asks, his potent eyes twinkling at me.

  “Not out loud,” I admit.

  “We need to put our belts on, we’re about to land,” I mutter.

  Making sure my belt is as tight as it will go, I death grip the chair. My breathing accelerated, I brace my head against the chair. Closing my eyes, hoping for it to be over quickly.

  “Lily... Lily?” Ethan repeats.

  Opening my eyes, I look at him questioningly. He holds out his hand for me to take.

  “Thanks,” I smile weakly, taking his hand. Enjoying the tingles traveling up my arm.

  He squeezes my hand and winks at me.

  God, the wink combined with his half smile… Just, Wow. He's stunning.

  I class myself as average looking, a little on the pale side. I love my long dark, wavy hair and green eyes. I’m tall and curvy. Probably the polar opposite of the women he dates.

  I love my body the way it is, and wouldn’t change it for anyone, not even him.

  The plane jolts as we land and I squeeze Ethan’s hand so hard he winces.

  “Sorry,” I mumble releasing him.

  Two feelings do battle as we gather our things. Happiness, because I’m getting off this death trap, and I’m a little sad to be parting ways with Ethan.

  I spot Nan as soon as we reach the gates, she looks much like my Mom, though Nan’s dark hair has shots of grey through it. She’s short, curvy and brown eyed.

  And…. she’s waving both hands in the air. So, embarrassing. Smiling, I give her a small wave, before turning to say goodbye to Ethan.

  “Someone’s happy to see you,” he chuckles.

  I roll my eyes, smiling. “I haven’t seen her since I was a kid. So, yeah I’d say she’s over the moon to see me.” We stand there awkwardly, staring at one another.

  “I better go before she thinks you’re here with me. Thanks for helping me out. Have a safe journey home,” my politeness takes over and I stick my hand out, he pushes my hand away and hugs me.

  “You’re welcome. Good luck with school and your grandma.”

  He chuckles into my hair as a throat clears behind me. Sighing at myself, I let go. Ugh… he smells amazing. Clean and fresh.

  “Hi Nan.” I turn, anxiously looking between her and Ethan.

  “Err... This is Ethan, Ethan, this is my Nan, Cora.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ethan. Are you…?” She waves between us.

  Ethan chuckles, shaking his head.

  “Told you,” I mutter quietly.

  “No. Mrs…” he asks, enjoying my discomfort.

  “Carter,” she supplies sweetly, I blink stunned. Is Nan flirting?

  “No. Mrs, Carter, we’re friends, we met on the flight,” he answers, his eyes twinkling.

  “Ah, you’re a Cali boy!” she exclaims excitedly, as if she already knew.

nbsp; I bite my cheek, trying to stop myself from laughing. That’s where I get my knack for stating the obvious.

  “I should go, let you get home and settled… Lily, it was lovely to meet you. You too, Mrs, Carter. Have a safe journey home,” he mocks, his gorgeous eyes laughing. Waving one last time, he hurries towards the exit.

  I turn, finding her grinning at me, knowingly.

  “I have to get all my luggage before we head out. Did you drive?”

  She smiles cheekily. “Yes, honey. I brought the car. Let’s get your things and go home.”

  I follow silently still thinking about Ethan. I squint, walking into the sunshine. It’s such a contrast to England’s unpredictable weather.

  “Wow. It’s really sunny,” I say, covering my eyes.

  Tittering, she nods. “Yeah, it’s sunny and warm. So, you won’t need that sweater.” She points at the jumper I’m currently stuffing in my bag.

  “Most people wear shorts, skirts, jeans, tops and t-shirt’s here the majority of the time. We’ll have to go shopping and get you some new clothes.” Her obvious excitement for clothes reminds me of my Mom.

  “I need to call Mom.”

  “Call her when we get home, these things are heavy. Whatcha got in ‘em?” She grunts, hoisting my cases into the boot. Her statement pulling the rug from under me. Home. This is home now…. not London with my Mom, but here in sunny San Diego.

  From the passenger seat, I watch the scenery whiz past. It’s beautiful, vibrant and sunny. My excitement grows with every mile.

  Just the view between the airport and Nan's, has me itching for a run. To feel the burn in my thighs, my feet pounding concrete, my heart racing. I love it.

  Running is my therapy, it clears my head, sorts my emotions, but it also quenches my love of the outdoors.

  Mom and I spent a lot of time outdoors, we’d go camping about three times a year. Our love of nature compelling us. So, when time, and weather permitted it, we were out enjoying life and just being together. I loved it. The time out just the two of us. No, TV or computer. Just me and her talking, laughing, cooking and playing cards usually twenty-one or bingo, nothing fancy.


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