In the Blink of an Eye

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In the Blink of an Eye Page 3

by S J Batsford

  “Well, I’m going to bed. See you in the morning honey,” Nan says yawning.

  Nodding, I stretch “yeah, me too. Night,” I say kissing her cheek before heading to bed.


  My phone wakes me the next morning. Searching blindly for it, I knock it to the floor in the process.

  “Ugh,” I groan. Leaning over to the side, I grab for it and fall out of bed flat on my face.

  “Ouch, hello?” I say annoyed, rubbing my head.

  “Hi Lily, did I wake you?” A soft girlish voice comes through the phone, confusing me.

  “Who?" I cut myself off as my brain kicks in. "Oh, hi Millie, sorry, yeah. What time is it?” I climb back onto the bed wanting to go back to sleep.

  “Um… It’s eleven-forty-five, I’m sorry. I’ll let you go back to sleep. You’re most likely jet lagged.”

  “No, it’s okay. Honestly. I have to get up anyway. I didn’t think it was that late. I need to go for a run” I yawn, rubbing my burning eyes.

  “So, what’s up?” I ask stretching.

  “I wanted to ask if you want to go shopping with me? Cora mentioned you needed Cali clothes,” she giggles.

  “Yeah, Cali clothes are needed. I need a bunch of stuff. Could we go after I’ve been for my run though?” I ask feeling my adrenaline kick in at the thought of a run.

  She snickers. “Yeah, you have way too many sweaters and boots,” she teases making me laugh.

  “Okay, I get it. I need summer clothes, but in my defence, it’s mostly cold and rainy in England.”


  After a quick shower, I bounce happily downstairs. Grabbing a granola bar and water from the fridge. I see a note clipped to the fridge.

  Lily, Gone food shopping didn’t want to wake you, be back soon.

  P.s Millie called about going clothes shopping. I’ve had money put into your account.

  See you later.

  Love Grandma.


  I gape at the note. She’s put money in my bank account? Shaking my head, I grab my things. There’s not much I can do now. It’s done.

  My thoughts drain away as I open the door and head out into the sun. Ah, a hot, sunny Saturday.

  The streets are filled with people today and Balboa Park isn't much different. The only problem is, it’s so bloody hot it saps all my energy and I have to take a break halfway through the trail. I sit under a massive tree and close my eyes, leaning back against the trunk.

  It’s a vast contrast to running in England. I do miss the milder weather. The heat is going to take some getting used to. Running in it is brutal.

  My brain turns to everything I need to do when I get back. I need to message Mom, finish unpacking and throw out most of my old clothes.

  “Well, well, well. If it isn’t potty mouth.” A voice breaks my thoughts.

  I screech, heart in mouth. “Oh, you scared the crap out of me. You shouldn’t sneak up on people like that... You could give someone a heart attack!”

  “It’s not my fault you were off in your own world. I wasn’t exactly quiet on approach and I called your name twice,” he laughs.

  I cringe. “Sorry. Just thinking about my Mom and how different it is to run here compared to England.”

  Sitting beside me, his arms resting on top of bent knees, he swings his water to and fro.

  He looks at me out of the corner of his eye. “And, how does it compare? The weather I mean,” he clarifies smirking.

  “Well, it’s hotter here. Saps my energy faster, but at-least it’s not raining. Suppose I’ll get used to the heat,” I concede grinning at him.

  “Ah… The inner workings of the mind of potty mouth,” he smirks.

  “You’d better not say that in front of anyone else,” I warn, only half-joking.

  “So, I know your name, that you’re easily scared, you zone out, you’re a runner and that you have a potty mouth. What else should I know?” He smiles cheekily.

  I smirk “oh, is it show and tell time?” I clap my hands squealing.

  “Well, I’m Lily, as you know.” I nudge him playfully and bat my eyes.

  “I’m eighteen. I moved here from England to go to college. I live with my Nan, while my Mom is back in England working to pay for me to attend university in sunny San Diego. I want to be a writer when I grow up and I dance," I say bouncing up and down, flicking my hair and doing my best flirty act.

  “Oh god, my sides,” he groans. "I asked for that, didn't I? You should come with a warning. Lethal. Will, disarm with laughter.” He grins proudly, pleased with his joke.

  I smirk. “Thanks… I think?”

  “Don’t worry, it was a compliment. I’ve never met a girl who outwitted me. Or make me laugh so hard.” He taps my knee.

  “So, your turn. Tell me all about Mason,” I challenge.

  “Okay. Not much to tell. I’m also eighteen. Live with my mom and dad. I have a younger sister, and twin older brothers. I’m also starting school at San Diego. Studying business and art, I play guitar and I can dance but I don’t often,” he adds proudly.

  He looks older than eighteen.

  “You’re attending San Diego too?”

  “Small world, huh? Good to know I’ll be seeing you again. Away from the running trails that is.” Thank God, I’ll have two friends that I know.

  I check the time. “Oops, I’ve got to get back. I have to go Cali up my wardrobe.”

  He snickers. “What? You don’t wear an abundance of shorts, skirts and bikinis in England?” he teases getting up.

  “Well, no. I’d freeze my niblets off. It’s been fun. I'll see you around.” I dust off my arse, heading towards the trail again.

  “Hey, since we’re friends or whatever now. Do you want to swap numbers? So, if I need a laugh you can text me?” he asks.

  I’m flabbergasted. “Yeah, okay.”


  I get home to find Millie already there, talking to Nan in the kitchen.

  They turn as I close the door. “I’m sorry, I’ll be ready in a few minutes. Promise.” I rush upstairs, taking two at a time.

  I show the shower my arse and change quickly into stone washed, ripped skinny jeans, black top, under a light blue shirt, paired with black flats. I vigorously brush my hair, pulling it up into a high ponytail. I slap on a thin layer of foundation and a coat of mascara. Shoving my phone and purse in my bag, I’m ready to go.

  I'm in such a rush I nearly face plant the wall as I skid into the kitchen.

  “Ready,” I announce breathlessly. “Millie and I are going shopping, I'll see you later," I say kissing Nan on the cheek.

  “Well, don’t you look beautiful? Go on have fun, and don’t worry about money. There’s enough in your bank account.”

  “About that, are you sure?” I ask carefully, not wanting to hurt her feelings.

  “You’re my granddaughter. It’s my job and privilege to spoil you. Now, go have fun,” she nudges us toward the door.

  “Okay, okay, we’re going. Bye.” I wave.

  Millie drags me around every clothing store they have at the shopping centre. It’s exhausting and I hate the crowds. I do enjoy the food court though, two big slices of pizza and another hour shopping and I’m done.

  “Okay, I’m done,” I groan weighed down with bags.

  I have tops, sandals, shorts, skirts, a bikini and matching wrap. High factor suntan lotion and sunglasses.

  “Do you need a hand?” she asks giggling at my red face.

  “Yes, please,” I huff, rolling my eyes happily

  Millie pulls onto my drive and I drag my bag out of the backseat, groaning as my arms protest. I drop them as soon as I’m inside the door making Millie laugh.

  “Do you want some juice?” I ask already heading for the fridge.

  “Yes, please.”

  When the cold air from the fridge hits my face, I moan, wanting to stick my head inside.

  “It’s a bit warm today, huh?” Millie laughs as I run an ice-cold bottle
of water across my forehead.

  “I’m burning up here! Now I remember why I prefer colder climates.”

  “You’ll adjust… in a few months.”

  I groan, “Really? Months? I hope there are too many days like today. Do you want to stay a while and watch a movie?”

  She agrees and we start discussing our favourite movies, evidently, we both have eclectic tastes in movies and music. We laugh, talk and watch movies in between.

  It’s been so much fun I’m surprised when Nan gets home.

  “Hi girls, did you have a good day?”

  I collect the popcorn bowl and glasses off the table, cleaning up a little. “Yeah, I got some new clothes and we watched some movies. Do you want some coffee?” I ask seeing that she’s looks tired.

  “No, honey. I’m going to take a nap then I’ll make dinner. Are you staying Millie?”

  “No, I need to get home. I didn’t realise it was so late.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you out. Nan, I can order in if you like? Saves you cooking you look tired.”

  Agreeing she heads to her room.

  “Okay, so I’ll pick you up for the beach tomorrow. Are you going to ask Mace?”

  “Yeah, I’ll call him.”


  “Are you sure it looks okay?” I ask pulling at my bikini top wishing I’d worn my old one.

  “You look great! Stop pulling at it or you’ll fall out.”

  I gasp clutching my boobs, she laughs making me smile.

  “Where did Mason say he was meeting us?” she asks as we grab our towels.

  “There he is,” I point at the tall hunk of a bloke. I giggle as Millie’s mouth drops open. I pinch her side breaking her trance before drool hits her chin.

  “Hey!” she squeals.

  “You were about to drool.”

  “I was not!”

  “Sure, you weren’t…”

  The beach is packed with young girls showing off their tanned bodies and blokes of all ages ogling them. I feel self-conscious in my two-piece, normally I’d wear a tankini and shorts but since I’m trying not to look like a vampire, I went with showing more skin.

  “Come on you two, let’s see those bods.” Mason jokes as we near him trying to wrestle my towel away from me.

  “No, I think I’ll sit for a while and read.”

  “Lily, you’re on a beach, other girls who are showing way more than you. Come on, how can you swim with that thing clutched to your chest?”

  I sigh, looking around seeing that he’s right, I’m just drawing more attention to myself by acting like an idiot. I’m spun around as Mason takes advantage of my distraction and whips the towel off me.

  “Ta-da,” he yells and everyone stares, some even clap. I turn bright red and swipe his legs from under him.


  Chapter Three

  From birth through childhood the world is magical and new.

  From bugs to trees, and rain to snow.

  The world is colourful, sparkling and bright.

  Adventure is found around every corner waiting to begin anew.

  Friendships blossom and bonds are made. True friendship is born, laying quietly unbroken.

  With the years that pass and the battles we fight the magic begins to fade, but let it be known that through life's struggles, heartache and pain come wisdom, strength and gain.

  Keep fighting through the stormy times, for your friendships still remain.

  Growling, I push the pen and paper away, frustrated. It doesn’t sound right… “if can’t even write a short poem how the hell am I going to be a writer?”

  Pushing back from my desk and head for the shower, it’s nine-thirty, today I have to go and get my driving license. I’m a nervous wreck, but Mace assures me it’s easy. If I fail, I’ll never hear the end of it.

  The whole drive to DMV is nerve wracking. Please don’t let me crash or throw up on the instructor.

  “Are you okay, you look a little bit green,” Mason laughs from his seat as I try to get ahold on my nerves.

  “I’m fine. Can you stop laughing?” I huff, making him laugh harder. Smiling I get out of the car. If this were the other way around and Mace was crapping himself I’d be laughing.

  When my name is called, I squeeze Mace’s hand and follow the balding, grumpy man. It doesn’t take long but I’m sweating bullets and hoping I don’t mess up.

  “Well that wasn’t as bad as I was imagining.” I‘m all smiles now that I’m away from the instructor.

  “Told ya. You almost did as good as me… It’s understandable, I am the best.”

  Laughing, I smack him in the arm. “You are not the best, I just let you think that.”

  “You keep telling yourself that, but I’m awesome,” he says throwing an arm over my shoulders, smirking and pulls me toward his car.

  Life is amazing. I love spending time with my Nan, getting to know her. We’re a lot alike in some ways. Being around her has brought me out of myself a little.

  San Diego is so beautiful. I love it. Every little thing amazes me as Mace and Millie shows me around their favourite places to eat and hang out. It’s nice having a close friend’s my own age to spend time with until school starts on September.


  School starts tomorrow and I’ve never been so nervous in all my life. Silver lining is, I have my two best friends with me.

  My phone buzzes and I smile, it’s Millie.

  Millie: What are you wearing tomorrow?

  I grin at my phone, that’s so Millie. She's gorgeous, a great person and an amazing friend, but she thinks so little of herself. I’m glad to have her and Mace as my best friends. Shaking my head, I type back.

  Me: Don't know yet. Might go for skinny jeans, top ‘n’ light jacket.

  I busy myself picking my clothes and hanging them ready for the morning. I double check my bag, then jump in the shower, remembering to keep my hair dry because it’s so long it nearly touches my butt.

  As I get out the shower and wrap myself in a fluffy towel, Nan walks into my room looking around for me.

  “In here, Nan,” I say, emerging from a cloud of steam.

  “Oh, there you are, honey. Do you have everything ready for tomorrow?” she asks, sitting on the bed.

  “Yep, all set. I’m a little nervous though. So is Millie, she texted asking what I’m wearing tomorrow,” I say laughing at the ridiculousness of it.

  “I don’t think she realises how beautiful she is, honey,” she replies sighing.

  “Well, she should with the way Mason moons over her,” I mutter shaking my head.

  “I wish he’d just tell her already, I know she likes him too, it’s so obvious,” I sigh frustrated with them both.

  “Anyway, I just came to ask if you were catching a ride with Mason or Millie?” she inquires.

  “I don’t know, let me check,” I reply, grabbing my phone. She wanders off knowing this could take a while, I smile at how much we’ve learnt about one another and how close we’ve become.

  Me to Mason: Are we still riding to school together tomorrow?

  I know it’s probably pointless asking because, he said a couple of weeks ago, we’d ride together.

  Mason: Thought we’d sorted this? Does Millie need a ride too?

  Smirking, I roll my eyes at his hint.

  Me: Want me to ask?

  Mason: If you want.

  This is so annoying. I think it’s time to give them a kick up the arse.

  Me to Millie: Do you want to ride to school with me ‘n’ Mace tomorrow?

  Millie: Yes, please.

  Me to Mason: She said yeah.

  Mason: Okay, I’ll be there.

  Me: Okay, thanks. See you tomorrow.

  Me to Millie: You do realise he fancies you, right?

  Millie: Why would Mason fancy me? I’m so not his type.

  Me: Yes, you are!

  Millie: Okay, whatever. Speak to you tomorrow. Need sleep. Night. :)

  Me: This conv
ersation isn’t over! Speak tomorrow. Night. :p


  “Hey, how was your first day of American schooling?” Mace teases leaning against his car.

  “Well, it was as exciting as getting up in front of the whole class, at the age of five to introduce yourself and peeing your pants.”

  “You really peed yourself?”

  I shake my head laughing. “Can’t wait to see what’s in store for us tomorrow,” he says rubbing his hands together.

  “Yeah, me neither. Have you seen Millie?” I wonder, looking around.

  “She had her mom pick her up. So, we can just go,” he mumbles turning away, but not before I see the hurt in his eyes.

  Sliding into his truck, I grab my phone.

  Me: Hey, why’d you ask your mom to pick you up?

  Millie: It was weird riding to school with Mason.

  Me: Think you hurt his feelings, he’s quiet.

  Millie: I didn’t want to hurt him. I just don’t know what to do. I like him a lot. What would you do?

  Me: Take a chance. You may regret it if you don’t & he finds someone else.

  Millie: Maybe, I don’t know. I need to think; you honestly think he likes me?


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