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In the Blink of an Eye

Page 10

by S J Batsford

  “What are your feelings for me?” I ask, my curiosity winning out.

  Smiling, he walks to where I’m leaning against the wall, standing close to me he takes my hand in his linking our fingers.

  “Well, you make me laugh. When I speak to you either by text, phone call or like this. I’m happy and anxious to see you, itching to touch you,” he whispers, running his fingers down my cheek to my neck. I know I shouldn’t let him, but I’m helpless to stop him.

  “You make me feel confused and tongue tied and hot, you tie me in knots and whenever you look at me my heart races. You are so beautiful, my heart aches looking at you.” He places my hand over his heart, which is beating wildly under my hand.

  “I’ve never felt any of that about anyone before. I feel like a kid at Christmas. I’m so scared I’ve messed up,” he admits looking devastated.

  “You light me up like no one ever has,” I blurt before my brain can stop me.

  His smile is radiant, blinding. He slides his hand up my back to my neck, his thumb stroking behind my ear.

  “Can we get through this? I don’t want to lose you. I don’t want to marry Ashley. I want to be with you. So, I’ll ask again. Will you be my girlfriend?” He waits anxiously, but I need answers first.

  “How can this be sorted? Mace told me how relentless his dad is with this and you’re already engaged… It’s set in stone.” I feel sick at the thought of Ethan with someone else.

  He pulls me to his chest, stroking my hair and my mind blanks. Just a smile, a touch, a kiss and I’m reduced to a bumbling idiot. This moment is no different, I’m unable to think of anything. Nothing exists but us, as I’m held captive by his gaze.

  “I’ll sort it. I’ll get my mom to talk to Alex. I’ll leave the business if I have to, but I won’t let him force my hand. I won’t lose you, not now that I’ve found you,” he states adamantly.

  My head nods my assent even as my brain screams no. My mouth saying words my brain didn’t process. “I want to be with you too. I feel all of that and maybe a few others.”

  My body heats just thinking about his body.

  He smirks leaning down to whisper in my ear. “You’re not the only one who feels those things. You’re a beautiful, hot and sexy young woman, with a body to match. Believe me, I ache with wanting you.” His voice lowers making me tingle.

  Feeling dizzy I grasp his hips to steady myself, but end up pulling him into me. Gasping when I feel him, he’s right, he is aching, and hard too. Right now, his eyes are the deepest gold with flecks of green and orange, his pupils dilated, his breathing laboured, his heart thudding wildly and his face flushed.

  I feel a niggling sensation in the back of my mind before it shuts down and our mouths feast. His hand still on my neck, tightens securing me in place.

  The other thuds against the wall beside my head, holding his weight as he turns his head to get better access to my mouth.

  My hands slide into his hair, tugging, trying to get him closer. I moan as he opens my mouth, licking into my mouth finding my tongue.

  I’m so lost in our kiss I don’t hear the door until there’s a loud fake cough.

  “Erm… Guy’s, I don’t think Cora nor I want to see any of that,” Mason mutters sounding a little sick.

  Pulling back, I look at Ethan he's smiling smugly, his cheeks flushed, lips red plump and wet. His hair rumpled from my tugging it. I blush breathing heavily, my lips tingling and wet. I’m pinned to the wall by six foot four inches of sexy, muscled, aroused male. While Nan and Mace watch. God, could this be any more embarrassing?

  “Hello, Ethan. You look as good as you did last time I saw your fine ass. Everything going well then?” she cackles.

  I gasp hiding my face in Ethan’s chest. “Nan!” I hiss, trying so hard not to laugh.

  “Yes, honey?” She asks, laughter in her voice. “Could you come out from behind... Or in front of Ethan? So, I can hear you and not laugh at Ethan’s back,” I hear Mason laugh as well.

  I groan. Ethan starts to shake with laughter, I jab him in the belly “this is not funny Mister. See what happens when you distract me?” I grunt in mock frustration.

  He holds his hands up in surrender “hey, you pulled me into you. Not that I’m complaining or anything,” he adds quickly, seeing my eyebrow pop.

  Grinning at him, I slide from in front of him to face my Nan, who is laughing silently. To my best friend, who looks like he isn’t sure whether to smirk or throw up. I can’t blame him after he just witnessed his brother pinning me to the wall.

  The thought makes me smirk at him and stick my tongue out, before turning to Nan.

  “Sorry, about that Nan,” I say my whole face burning red, my hands fidget behind my back. Ethan steps up behind me, his hands stilling mine interlocking our fingers and bringing them to rest on my belly.

  “Hello, Mrs, Carter. Nice to see you again.” He squeezes my hands.

  Mason is ready to keel over at this point. If he doesn’t breathe instead of laugh.

  “Oh, for god’s sake. It is not that funny,” I snap fisting our joined hands on my hips setting him off again. Rolling my eyes, I go to help Nan, picking up the shopping bags, she must have dropped when she saw… Well, what she saw.

  “Can you stay for dinner, Ethan?” Nan asks, helping pick up the shopping. He looks to me for an answer, I look at him blankly. I'm not making this decision for him.

  “Um, I would like that. Thank you,” he answers. Not his confident, self at all, he looks at Mason questions in his eyes.

  “Oh, she doesn’t ask Mace he always stays for dinner. He’ll have his own room soon enough,” I state, rolling my eyes again smirking at Mason, who smiles broadly at me from his chair before swinging his feet onto the table.

  I smack them off. “Not quite though Mace. I can still kick you out without dinner if you don’t keep your manky feet off the table.” I quip, Nan chuckles shaking her head.

  “You’ll need to get used to them behaving like five, year olds. Oh, and Lily’s smart mouth,” she sasses, I sputter at her statement making them all laugh.

  “I do not have a smart mouth!”

  “Nope, just a dirty mouth. Isn’t that right Potty mouth?” Mace teases, and I lunge for him.

  “Oh, that’s it. You’ve had it now Mason. Wait till I catch you. I’m so putting your girly pictures all over the neighbourhood near school,” I sing chasing him around the kitchen once more before giving up. Panting, I lean against Ethan, who puts his arm around me.

  “Told ya,” I hear Nan mutter, Ethan chuckles so I elbow him.

  “Aww, come on. Don’t do that, I was just kidding and I forgot about our deal,” he pleads doing puppy eyes.

  “Oh, I don’t think so buster. We had a deal. You broke it, so I get to show everyone your sensitive side. Oh, I bet Millie would love to see you in a pink frilly apron.” I wave my phone giggling.

  I show Ethan, who is now hanging over my shoulder. He bursts out laughing “oh, Mayo, pink is definitely your colour.”

  “Why do you call him Mayo?” I ask looking back at him.

  “I’ll tell you another time, I think you’re torturing him enough right now. Why does he call you potty mouth?” he asks and I laugh remembering the day I met Mason.

  “He can tell you,” I say, Mace grins.


  “Nan, is it okay if I invite Millie over for dinner too? We could have a movie and order in?” I ask hugging her from the side, just because. “Yes, it'll be nice to see her I haven’t seen her in a while,” she says sadly.

  “Love you, Nan,” I whisper kissing her cheek, she gives me a smile full of love.

  “Love you, too. Go call, then sit with that sexy young man,” she urges. I shake my head going into the guys, who’ve moved into the living room.

  “Hey, Mills,” I sing into my phone when she answers. “Hey, Lils,” she sings back and we giggle.

  “You busy?” I ask looking through my DVD collection. “Nope, just doing coursewor
k. Why?”

  “Do you want to come over for dinner and a movie night?” I ask nixing all the girly movies.

  I can feel her overthinking it through the phone. “Come on, please? I haven’t seen you in ages please, please, please? I miss my best friend,” I beg because I really do miss her.

  “Hey, Miss Mouth. I’m your best friend too!” Mason buts in.

  “Oh, now, I’m definitely showing her the pictures.”

  “Mason’s there?” she asks pausing, and I wait her out. “Okay, I’ll come. Can you ask Mason to come get me, in about fifteen minutes?” she asks blowing out a breath.

  “He’ll be there with frills on. Bye,” laughing, I hang up. Looking straight at Mason and making kissy faces and laughing harder as he lunges for me.

  I jump into Ethan’s lap, throwing my arms around him, hiding my face in his neck. He lets out a loud grunt catching me and tightening his arms around my back.

  “Sorry,” I mumble, my lips grazing his neck. He shudders pulling back to look at me.

  His eyes dark, his passion renewed. Biting my cheek, I try to resist attacking his mouth.

  “Oh, for God’s sake. You two are making me sick mooning all over each other,” Mace snips.

  "Okay, let’s wait till Millie gets here and let’s see if you moon all over her,” I smirk teasing him. Huffing he grabs his keys and leaves passing Nan on his way.

  “Honey, I’m going to grab a quick shower while it’s quiet,” she says from the door winking over Ethan’s shoulder at me. She’s a crafty old lady my Nan.

  Ethan’s hand starts exploring as soon as Nan’s gone. That’s all it takes to ignite the fire inside me, I look at him feeling desire hum through me.

  “Ethan,” My voice husky and sexy. Just like that we’re right back where we were before. Devouring each other, duel moans ring through the quiet room.

  Twisting in his lap, I straddle him weaving my fingers through his soft locks taking over our kiss deepening it. I want him that bad, right now.

  His hands glide down my back, squeezing and rubbing, I squirm needing to feel him. He groans as I moan at the pleasurable zing that hits me south of the waistline. It feels so good I do it again.

  The pleasure increasing with every brush of his jeans, it's unbelievable, uncontrollable I'm desperate to feel him.

  “Ah, baby. You need to stop doing that,” he groans. I look at him, hoping he’s not serious. His pained expression stops me immediately.

  “I’m sorry, I…” I say, moaning as he nips behind my ear.

  “No, it’s just that you turn me on so much and my dick is about to burst. Here,” he whispers pulling me down, grinding into me making us both moan.

  “Ah, that feels fucking incredible,” he sighs. My heart rate spikes looking at him, his head thrown back in pleasure, cheeks flushed, hair a mess. Red, wet, parted lips, his tongue just visible.

  I’m mesmerized watching my hand glide down his pecs, feeling his muscles contract. My finger tracing his abs, him, hissing as my finger rub against his erection which is quite substantial and growing.

  Opening his burning eyes, he licks his lips as his palm slides up my bare thigh.

  Oh. Tingles sweep through me, my body tightening, trembling, needing more. I hold my breath pleading with him with my eyes for something anything.

  “Breathe, baby.” He whispers, looking at me through hooded eyes.

  I lean down to kiss his parted lips. “Please, Ethan, touch me,” I whisper.

  “Where? Where do you want me to touch you?” He rasps.

  Grabbing his hand, I place it on my chest covering my breast and moan as he squeezes gently.

  “Ethan,” I gasp shuddering, he pinches my nipple causing me to grind on him. My head drops to his shoulder; I bite down as the next shiver rolls through me. Growling, he grabs my head, kissing me furiously.

  “Fuck, we need to stop. Mason and your friend are going to be here soon and your gran is upstairs,” he points out panting flushed and gorgeous.

  I peck him on the lips once more before scooting off him, putting some much-needed space between us.

  “Sorry, I got carried away,” I say embarrassed, I've never behaved like that in my life. I’m mortified right now. It was incredible, but looking back, I attacked the poor bloke.

  “Don’t you dare apologise for that. You were amazing. I almost blew in my pants and I haven’t done that since I was thirteen. It would have been embarrassing for me though, I would have had to sit through dinner with your gran, Mason and your other friend wet and sticky,” he says, pulling a face making me laugh and blush at the same time.

  Standing, he pulls his shirt down, trying to hide his erection. It doesn’t work at all and I can’t say I’m disappointed. I bite my cheek staring at him, or a certain part of him.

  “You’re really not helping here, babe,” he growls at me. Looking up I blush, giggling at his exasperated huff.

  “You did this. Help a man out would ya? How am I going to hide this?” He points at himself. I smile pulling him back onto the sofa in the corner.

  “Here,” I say putting a pillow over his…. Err... Problem and lay my head on it so it doesn’t look suspicious. “You good now?” I ask, smiling sweetly at him.

  “Not really helping the problem, but covering it, yeah,” he groans, taking my hand, entwining our fingers, laying them on the back of the sofa.

  “So, what time is kick out time here?” he asks distracting himself.

  “There isn’t one tonight. Movie night everyone crashes here. Are you going to sleep with me?” I whisper provocatively, purposefully licking my top teeth.

  “Fuck!” His eyes wide, glued to my mouth.

  “Lily, please, don’t. I don’t know how much more I can….” he pleads. Feeling my hand squeezes his thigh, he launches us off the sofa. Grabs my hand dragging me along behind him.

  “Nearest room with a door?”

  “Erm, that would be my room or the bathroom, but Nan’s in there,” I say breathlessly jogging to match his strides.

  “Your bedroom, which way?” he asks, his words are clipped. “Upstairs, to the right, second door,” I barely get the words out before I’m tugged up the stairs and into my bedroom.

  Flicking on the bedside lamp, light bursts into the room as I hear the click of the lock. Turning, I gasp when I bump into his chest. I grasp his arms to stop myself tumbling, his arms slipping around my waist.

  “Hi,” he murmurs against my lips. I say something, I have no idea what though, because I’m mesmerized by his mouth. Leaning in I lick his bottom lip, biting down. His breath stutters, momentarily stunned.

  His lips on my neck, his tongue teasing my skin, my body trembles swaying into him wanting, needing to be closer. My body ablaze with pleasure, my head falling back in surrender, in this moment I’m his.

  His fingers twisting in my hair, moving my head for better access, his teeth sinking into my skin. I moan loudly, my eyes rolling back.

  “Ethan, please. Do something…” I beg needing release.

  He doesn’t let up torturing me. “Ethan, now, I need you.” He pulls back looking me in the eyes.

  “Do you know what you’re asking? We’re not exactly alone here.”

  I nod knowing I’m ready. Not that I’ve held back, I’ve just never wanted to. His nervousness makes me smile.

  “You’re amazing do you know that? You’re beautiful, sexy, funny, kind, hot, loving, sassy and mouthy, but I love you anyway…” He blurts, his eyes pleading.

  I freeze at the words that slip from his lips, he looks as shocked as I am.

  He doesn’t look horrified though. I look him in the eyes, knowing what I feel to be true.

  “I love you, too. I know it’s fast and we have a lot to get through, but I want you to know that I feel the same way,” I say and kiss him trying not to overthink.

  Pushing him to the bed, I climb on top of him giving him everything I’ve got. I feel out of control, frantic, I need to get closer to him.
To have all of him, now. Gripping my hips, he pulls me onto him fully, we both moan.

  Wiggling I try to get comfortable. I still when he grunts squeezing me tightly. “No. Don’t stop.” He hisses as I shift again, this time down.

  Slowly I reach for his fly, pulling the button, it pops open at the same time as his eyes. Looking into my eyes, he nods licking his lips, he falls back on the bed, trapping his hands under his head.

  Letting me do what I want. I smile anticipation causing my hand to shake, he returns my smile watching and waiting to see if I back down. Well, you have another thing coming, Mr, Barker. I don’t back down and in this case, I just don’t want to.

  Leaning over purposefully putting my breasts in his line of sight. Licking my lips, leaving them parted and wet, tempting and slowly pull down his zip.

  He gulps, groaning as I rub him through his boxers. Gently pulling him out, he hisses making me jump and release him.

  “No, no. Give me your hand,” I place my hand in his, he slides my fingers around him showing me what he likes, groaning when I squeeze him a little.

  “Keep going,” he says, letting go, his voice shaking.

  His skin is like silk. He’s hard, long and thick and beautiful. I blush, realising I spoke out loud.

  “Thanks,” he grins cockily. I squeeze harder, he loses the grin as I double my efforts to pleasure him. His eyes roll back and he starts to pant and moan.

  In for a penny and all that. Grabbing a few tissues from the bedside table, I lean close to his ear. “Ethan... You're so hard. Come for me, baby,” I whisper my voice thick. Arching off the bed a shudder rips through him, groaning loudly.

  “Lily…” he moans as he comes. I keep going, kissing him to mask his moans. Not wanting Nan to hear.

  Sagging into the bed, he blows out a breath and looks up at me. “Wow. That was fantastic,” he breaths, a sleepy smile spreading across his face.

  “You need to talk to me like that all the time when we’re alone. Just, wow,” he looks blissed out, I smile proudly.


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