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The Design Thinking Playbook

Page 5

by Michael Lewrick

  Instruction: Give the group 30 minutes for a brainstorming session, 30 minutes for finding benchmarks, and 30 minutes for clustering and combining ideas. Depending on the task, the group is given enough time to build two to three prototypes.

  Ask the group to answer the following key questions:

  Which successful concepts and experiences can be applied to the problem?

  Which experiences can illuminate the problem from another perspective?

  What is the relation between the problem and other experiences?

  (4) Heighten creativity and find the dark horse among the ideas

  This step helps many teams to boost creativity further—not least because, for the dark horse, borders are lifted, which might have limited us in the previous steps. The facilitator motivates the groups to strive for maximum success and thus develop a radical idea. Now the time has come for the teams to heighten creativity and accept the maximum risk. One possibility for the creation of a dark horse is to omit essential elements of a given situation, such as, “How would you design an IT service desk without IT problems?” “What does a windshield wiper look like without a windshield?” or “What would a cemetery look like if no one died?” The main point is to leave the comfort zone and “do it in any case,” no matter what will occur.

  Instruction: Give the group 50 minutes to build a dark horse and enough time for building a corresponding prototype depending on the task.

  Ask the group to answer the following key questions:

  Which radical possibilities have not been considered thus far?

  Which experiences lie outside anything imaginable?

  Are there products and services that would expand value creation?

  (5) Implementation of a funky prototype to give free rein to creativity

  In many cases, you have to go one step further because the team has not come up with disruptive ideas so far. The building of a funky prototype cranks up creativity one more notch. It encourages the teams to maximize the learning success and at the same time minimize costs in terms of time and attention. The goal is to develop solutions that mainly focus on the benefit. Potential costs and any budget restrictions are completely removed.

  Instruction: Give the group an hour to build a funky prototype.

  Ask the group to answer the following key questions:

  What crazy ideas are super cool?

  For which idea would you have to ask forgiveness in the end?

  What does an idea look like that is realized ad hoc and has not been planned?

  (6) Determine the vision of the idea with the vision prototype

  The groan zone is the transition from the convergent to the divergent phase. The phases can be changed at any time. Experienced facilitators and innovation champions recognize this point in time and lead their teams in a targeted way to the convergent phase.

  In the vision prototype, we make an initial combination of

  prior knowledge (caution is advisable here),

  best initial ideas,

  most important critical functionalities,

  new ideas of other industries and experience,

  initial user experience,

  intriguing insights (e.g., from the dark horse), and

  the simplest possible solution.

  Instruction: Give the group about two hours (depending on the complexity of the problem) for building a vision prototype. It should then be tested with at least three potential users; the feedback is to be captured in detail. In the best-case scenario, these users are then involved in the subsequent concretization of the design thinking project. If so-called lead users are known in a field of innovation, they are perfect as references because they are often highly motivated to satisfy their needs.

  Ask the group to answer the following key questions:

  Does the vision generate enough attention so a potential user absolutely wants to use this solution?

  Does the vision give sufficient leeway for a user’s dreams?

  Is the value offer of the vision convincing?

  What else would the users wish for in order to make the experience perfect?

  (7) Concretize the vision step by step

  In the following convergent phase, we want to focus on the concretization of the vision.

  The theme of this phase is the specific elaboration of the selected idea. It is iteratively improved and expanded. It is advisable here first to build and test the most important critical functionalities as integral parts of a functional prototype. With this prototype as a starting point, more elements are supplemented and finally the prototype is built. Different ideas can be tested in the convergent phase, and the best ones are integrated into the ultimate solution. Individual features or various combinations can be developed and tested, for instance. Once the prototype has a certain maturity, we can describe it in a “prototype vision canvas.” This way, we can formulate and compare various visions.

  It is all about the iterative detailing and elaboration of the selected idea.

  The maturity of the prototypes increases with every individual step.

  Functional prototype With respect to the functional prototype, it is important to concentrate on the critical variables and test them intensively with potential users. Critical functions must be created for critical experiences. Not all functionalities must be integrated at the onset. The crucial point is to ensure minimum functionality in order to test the prototype under real conditions. These prototypes are frequently referred to as “minimal viable product” (MVP). These MVPs serve as a foundation to build upon, and step by step a finished prototype emerges that combines several functions.

  Finished prototype The creation of a finished prototype is crucial for the interaction with the user, because only reality yields truth. Enough time must be scheduled for building a finished prototype, and the respective functionalities must be integrated.

  Final prototype The final prototype excels by the elegance of the thoughts invested in it as well as in its realization. Prototypes that are convincing with simple functionality are usually also successful when launched on the market. It is advisable to obtain as much support from suppliers and partners in any and every possible way. The use of standard components increases the likelihood of success and massively reduces development costs.

  Implementation plan: How to bring it home Not only the quality of the product or service is decisive, but also its implementation. Important things to know: Who might put obstacles in the way of the implementation process and try to influence decisions? The credo: Turn those affected into people who are involved and create a win-win situation for all parties. Chapter 3.4 describes what is important in the implementation process.


  Keeping a grip on the process

  Define a problem statement on the right level.

  Leave the comfort zone (as often as possible) if you want radical innovations to emerge.

  Develop awareness of the groan zone in the macro cycle, because it is decisive for the future success of the generated ideas.

  Create clarity on the team about whether the divergent or convergent mindset is currently at center stage.

  Use different methods in the divergent phase for brainstorming in order to heighten creativity (e.g., benchmarking, funky prototype, dark horse).

  Generate as many ideas as possible in the divergent phase by applying different creativity techniques.

  Always follow the sequence of “Design—Build—Test” in the micro cycle.

  Find the final prototype through converging and the respective iterations.

  Don’t develop emotional ties to prototypes and ideas. Discard bad ideas.

  What applies to all ideas: Love it, change it, or leave it!

  1.3 How to get a good problem statement

  At the beginning, Peter didn’t understand why it’s important to have a good problem definition in design thinking. After all, he wanted to find good solutions and not make the problems worse. Durin
g his first tentative steps as a facilitator for design thinking workshops, though, he quickly noticed, just how important the problem definition is. He realized there are three essential prerequisites for good solutions:

  The design thinking team must have understood the problem.

  The design challenge must be defined to allow for the development of useful solutions.

  The potential solution must fit the defined design space and design scope.

  We break down problems into three types: simple (well-defined), poorly defined (ill-defined) and complex (wicked). For simple and clearly defined problems, there is one correct solution, but the solution strategy can follow different paths. Most problems we encounter in design thinking and in our daily work are ill-defined problems, however. They can be remedied with more than just one correct solution, and the search for such a solution can take place in quite different ways. From our experience, we nevertheless know that these problems can be rendered graspable and easily processed. Often it’s enough to reduce the creative framework or sometimes widen it a bit to get to the right level that allows new market opportunities to emerge.

  Repeatedly asking “Why?” expands the creative framework; asking “How?” scales it down. In the Introduction, we briefly referred to the question of how we would tackle the issue of further training with design thinking. Designing a better can opener that everybody in the family likes using is another simple example of a design challenge.

  To expand the problem statement, we pose the question of “Why?”. Quickly we realize that repeatedly asking why brings us to the limits of our comfort zone in no time at all, so that we are actually moving toward earth-shaking and difficult-to-solve problems, so-called wicked problems. In terms of the can opener, examples of such problems are:

  How can we stop hunger in the world?

  How can we prevent so much food from being thrown away?

  To narrow down alternative solutions, it helps to ask “How?” With regard to the can opener:

  How can the can be opened with a rotating mechanism? or:

  How can the can be opened without any additional device?

  Regarding wicked problems, the actual issue is often not obvious, so preliminary problem definitions are used. This leads to an understanding of the solution that changes the understanding of the problem again. So there are iterations already in the problem definition that can help interpret the understanding of the problem as well as of the solution. Only short-term or provisional solutions are largely found by way of this co-evolution, though. The use of linear and analytical problem-solving procedures quickly makes you hit your limits in terms of wicked problems: Because the problem is the search for the problem, you’re pulled every which way.

  Fortunately, relevant tools for this were discovered in design thinking over the years, such as the question of “How might we . . .?” or a technique regarding “why” questions. Thus design thinking helps to make wicked problems graspable. If no solutions are found despite the use of design thinking due to the complexity of the problems, limited resources such as money and time are usually the reasons for the termination of the process. This is why we recommend devoting enough time and energy to work out the definition of a suitable problem definition.

  To which types of problems can design thinking be applied?

  Design thinking is suitable for all types of problem statements. Applications range from products and services to processes and individual functions, all the way to comprehensive customer experiences. But the goals people want to achieve with it differ. A product designer wants to satisfy customer needs, while an engineer is more interested in defining the specifications.


  Finding the design challenge

  In her design thinking courses, Lilly often has difficulty finding good design challenges. If the design challenges come from industry partners, the creative framework is usually more or less set.

  In cases where the participants must identify problems on their own, things get more complex. The following options have proven quite useful for identifying problems and defining design challenges:

  How might we improve the customer-experience chain of places and things that are visited or used daily?


  How might we improve the online shopping experience of a shoe retailer?

  How might we improve the online booking portal for the car ferry from A to B?

  How might we improve customer satisfaction with the ticket app for public transport in Singapore?

  Another possibility for getting to a design challenge is to change perspective. These questions help capture the design challenge:

  What if . . .?

  What might be possible?

  What would change behavior?

  What would be an offer if business ecosystems connected with each other?

  What is the impact of a promotion?

  What will happen afterward?

  Are there any opportunities where other people only see problems?

  Another possibility is to take a closer look at an existing product or service (e.g., the customer experience chain when buying a music subscription). By asking questions and observing, we get hints for a design challenge:

  What does the music behavior of a user look like?

  How does the customer get information on new music offerings?

  How and where will the customer install the product or service?

  How does the customer use the product?

  How does the customer act when the product does not work as expected?

  How satisfied is the customer with the entire customer experience chain?


  Drawing up the design brief

  The description of the design challenge is definitive. As we remarked, a good solution can only come about if the design thinking team has understood the problem.

  The description of the challenge must be seen as a minimum requirement. Further details help to expedite the problem solving. The disadvantage here is that the degree of freedom in relation to the radicalism of a new solution is limited. The creation of a good design brief (short profile of the project) is already a small design thinking project in itself. Sometimes, we draw up the design brief for our users, sometimes for the design thinking team. We recommend you get different opinions—preferably on an interdisciplinary basis—about the problem and then agree, through iterations, on statements that really make up the problem.

  The design brief contains various elements and can provide information on core questions:

  Definition of design space and design scope:

  Which activities are to be supported and for whom?

  What do we want to learn about the user?

  Description of already existing approaches to solving the problem:

  What already exists, and how can elements of it help with our own solution?

  What is missing in existing solutions?

  Definition of the design principles:

  What are important hints for the team (e.g., at which point more creativity is demanded or that potential users should really try out a certain feature)?

  Are there any limitations, and which core functions are essential?

  Whom do we want to involve, and at what point in the design process?

  Definition of scenarios that are associated with the solution:

  What does a desirable future and vision look like?

  Which scenarios are plausible and possible?

  Definition of the next steps and milestones:

  By when should a solution have been worked out?

  Are there steering committee meetings from which we can get valuable feedback?

  Information on potential implementation challenges:

  Who must be involved at an early stage?

  What is the culture like for dealing with radical solution proposals, and how great is its willingness to take risks?

  A design brief is the translation of a
problem into a structured task:


  start, although the problem is elusive?

  In principle, the ideal starting point is where we leave the comfort zone. To find the right starting point based on a problem statement is not very easy. Often the team wonders whether the starting point is too narrow or too broad. In such a case, we recommend just starting. If the challenge is too narrowly conceived, the team will expand the problem in the first iteration. If the challenge is conceived too broadly, the team will narrow it down.

  Do we want to improve the cap of a ball-point pen

  or do we want to solve the world’s water problem?

  The procedure consists of three steps.

  Step 1:

  Who is the user in the context of the problem statement?

  Define who the user really is and what his needs are.

  Reflect on the created persona.

  Step 2:

  Apply the WH questions. Discuss the WHY, the WHAT, and the HOW.

  Step 3:

  Based on this, formulate your question.


  Step 1: Whom does it concern, and what is the central task?

  Lilly holds innovation workshops as a facilitator.

  Step 2: What does Lilly want to achieve?

  Lilly wants to document the information from the workshops.


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