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Amish Country Kidnapping

Page 19

by Mary Alford

  He searched around. “There.” He indicated one of the bricks near the door. “I think it’s rough enough to saw through these plastic zip ties.”

  Ignoring the pain in his shoulder, Noah moved his restraints across the sharp edge of the brick. It seemed to take forever before the plastic snapped free. “Rachel, you’re next.”

  Once freed, they quickly began to yank at the boards covering the door. It surprised Rachel how easily they came free, but they were running out of time. Outside the window, darkness settled in.

  “Stand back,” Noah said. He pulled the last board free of the door. Using all his strength he forced the rusted hinges open.

  “Let’s get out of here.” He grabbed Rachel’s hand and she took Eva’s as they ran from the basement.

  Noah stopped for a moment and glanced around to gain his bearings. “That way.” He pointed to the nearby woods. “Whatever happens, don’t stop,” Noah told them both. “I think I know where we are. This is where Miller stores his drilling equipment. Unfortunately, we’re some distance from town, but if we can reach the main highway, perhaps we can flag down someone to help.”

  They raced for the woods. Behind them, Rachel heard a noise. The men had entered the basement.

  “Noah, they’re coming,” she whispered.

  “Keep going,” he urged as they ran for their lives.

  A shot split the twilight. Hargrave’s patience had reached an end. He was shooting to kill. Had he found the original will? She had been so sure they’d find it in whatever the key unlocked, but perhaps she’d been wrong. If he had the will, he didn’t need them. Hargrave planned to kill them all and dispose of their bodies where no one would ever find them or Wilson.

  Another shot sounded. Noah stumbled and fell to the ground, holding his side. He’d been hit. Rachel ran to him.

  “Don’t stop,” he urged, but she ignored him.

  “I’m not leaving you behind.” Tears stung her eyes. “Help me, Eva. We need to get out of sight.” Rachel put her arm around Noah’s waist. With Eva’s help, they held him up and stumbled for the woods.

  Hiding behind a stand of trees, Rachel struggled to restrain her labored breathing as several men entered the woods.

  Please help us, Gott. The prayer slipped through her thoughts.

  No sooner had it ended than Hargrave yelled, “There. I see them. Get them.”

  “Run,” Noah yelled, and they headed deeper into the woods, but the men were almost on top of them.

  One man snatched Rachel’s arm and forced her away from Noah. Two men grabbed Noah and Eva.

  “We have them,” one of the men said and shoved Noah hard.

  “Noah!” she screamed, so worried about him. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw something flash and prayed it was Noah’s team. She glanced his way. He’d seen it, too.

  Noah jerked out of his captor’s clutches and slugged him hard. The man dropped to the ground, unconscious. He grappled with the man restraining Rachel and slammed his fist against the man’s jaw. He fell backward. Eva stomped the foot of the man holding her, and she was free.

  “This is Sheriff Collins. You’re surrounded, Hargrave. You and your men drop your weapons.”

  “Get down!” Noah yelled as their assailants opened fire.

  Walker and his deputies returned shots, striking one man in the leg. He dropped to the ground clutching the wound. The two men with him fired off more rounds as they ran toward the basement with Cole and Ryan in pursuit.

  “Stay low,” Noah murmured close to Rachel’s ear. He tucked her and Eva near his body as Hargrave’s remaining thugs continued shooting at the sheriff’s men.

  After what felt like a lifetime, the shots faded away. Rachel peeked her head up. The men were surrendering.

  “Where’s Hargrave?” Rachel asked as she got to her feet and helped Noah up. She looked around and spotted him. “Over there,” she said and pointed to the edge of the woods where she saw Hargrave trying to get away.

  “Stay here.” Noah stumbled to his feet and started after Hargrave, when Megan caught sight of the pursuit and immediately assisted.

  “That’s far enough. Get your hands in the air,” she ordered.

  Hargrave froze and slowly raised his hands.

  Once the man was cuffed, Megan led him away and Rachel ran to Noah. She’d been so worried.

  “You need to have your side checked out. You’ve lost a lot of blood.” She was so worried she’d lose him again.

  “It’s just a graze.” Yet she wasn’t convinced. “But I’ll let the EMT patch me up,” he said with an encouraging smile.

  She hugged him close. The tears just wouldn’t stop, but it was okay. Eva was safe and Noah was alive and Rachel was ready to take a chance on the future with him...if he would have her.

  Rachel waited beside him while the EMT cleaned and bandaged the wound and examined his other injuries. “I don’t think you’ve done any permanent damage to your knee or shoulder.”

  Walker came over to the ambulance.

  “Is there any news on Aden and Janine?” Noah asked.

  “They’re both okay,” Walker quickly assured him. “They took some nasty blows to the head, but they’ll be fine.”

  “That’s good to hear. I was worried about them.”

  “I can’t believe this was Hargrave all along. He appeared so innocent.” Walker shook his head and addressed Rachel. “I spoke to the former sheriff earlier, because something about Allan Miller didn’t add up in my mind. When I showed him the photo we had of Miller, he recognized him right away. Your father changed his name to Miller because he stole some money from someone in the community and worried he’d end up in jail. Miller was a different man then. He made some mistakes, but I believe in the end he tried to make up for them.”

  She was still in shock. Recalling the father she barely remembered was hard to take in. Rachel had no idea what she and Eva would do with the money he’d left them. Perhaps she could find out who her daed stole from and return the money.

  But now she was more worried about where she stood with Noah. She loved him. Though different from the love she had for Daniel, a piece of her heart had always belonged to Noah and she didn’t want things to end here.

  She would tell him her secret and pray it wouldn’t cost her his love. But even if he loved her too, would he be willing to leave his life behind and join the Amish as they’d planned so long ago?

  * * *

  “A word.” Walker said, and Noah excused himself to follow the sheriff.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” Walker asked, though Noah sensed this was not the reason Walker wished to speak to him alone.

  “I’m fine. A little banged up, but I’ll heal.” Noah glanced over to where Rachel stood. He loved her so much. Was this goodbye for them?

  “She loves you, too, you know,” Walker said quietly as if reading Noah’s thoughts.

  “Maybe, but it doesn’t matter. She deserves someone good. Worthy of her love. She’s been through so much.”

  Walker blew out a breath. “You are good, Noah. I know you made some mistakes when you were younger, but you were just a kid. It’s time you forgave yourself for what happened to Olivia. God has.”

  Noah swallowed deep. “But I hurt her. I hurt Rachel.” His voice was little more than a whisper.

  “You were only doing what you thought was best for Rachel because that’s what your father wanted you to believe. I don’t agree with what he did, but in his own way, he was trying to protect you back then.” Walker looked him in the eye, unwavering. “The way I see it, you have two choices. You can walk away from what will probably be the best thing to happen to you, or you can let go of the guilt you’ve held on to all these years and accept that you have a second chance at happiness.” Walker smiled. “I know which one I’d choose.” With a pat on his shoulder, Walker lef
t him alone.

  Noah couldn’t take his eyes off her. He loved her. Didn’t want to lose her again. “Please let me be worthy of her love,” he whispered and slowly returned to Rachel while praying she would have him.

  She stared up at him. He could read all the uncertainty in her eyes.

  Noah clasped her hands. “I know I’ve made a lot of mistakes with you, but one thing has never changed through the years. I love you, Rachel. And I want to spend my life living in the West Kootenai community with you...if you will have me.”

  Tears filled her eyes. She didn’t hesitate. “I love you too, Noah, but there is something you should know.”

  He frowned at her answer. Another blow was coming. Would it destroy their chance at a future? “What is it?”

  It took her a long time to force the words out. “I can’t have children,” she blurted, then glanced up at him.

  Shocked, he wasn’t sure he’d heard her correctly. “What do you mean you can’t have children?”

  Rachel pulled in a breath. “I was pregnant at the time of the accident that took Daniel’s life. My injuries were too great. I lost the baby. The doctor said I probably wouldn’t be able to have more children, Noah. We would not have babies of our own, and you deserve a family.”

  His face crumbled, his heart breaking for what she’d been through. “Oh, Rachel.” He gathered her close. “I am so sorry about the baby, but don’t you know that I love you and want to be with you? I don’t care about the rest.”

  A sob escaped Rachel as she stared up at him with love in her eyes. He lowered his head and kissed her with all the love that had been set free in his heart. He loved her, and they’d work through whatever problems came their way. Together.

  She kissed him back and he knew everything would be okay.

  “It doesn’t matter if we can’t have children of our own as long as I have you by my side.” He framed her face with his hands. “I love you, Rachel, and I want to marry you and join the Amish faith. I want to live a simple Plain life with you as my wife.”

  “I want that, too,” she whispered, and he kissed her again. He’d loved her all these years never thinking he’d have a second chance to be with her. But God in all His infinite grace had brought them together. Noah was determined nothing would ever tear them apart again. The future and all its happiness soared in front of them like the breathtaking mountains in the distance.


  One year later...

  The door opened. A gust of cold winter air followed Noah inside. Rachel wiped her hands on her apron. She was so nervous, but in a gut way. She’d waited all day to tell him her news.

  Standing in the doorway, she watched her mann shake the snow from his hat and hang it on the peg by the door. He shucked his jacket next and caught her watching him.

  Color warmed her cheeks at his smile and the intensity of his gaze on her as he came to her side. Taking her in his arms, Noah kissed her tenderly. Even now, at times, she couldn’t believe he was her husband.

  After leaving the sheriff’s department, Noah had worked so hard to become a member of the community, earning Bishop Aaron’s trust, as well as the trust of the Plain people. He told her many times how important joining the church had been for him. Second only to their wedding day.

  She recalled that time a year earlier when she’d learned the truth about her biological daed. Her mamm told her Allan had left her without explanation and filed for divorce soon after. Mamm had been distraught at being divorced because she believed she would be shunned by her community, but she’d explained the circumstances to the bishop serving the community at the time and he’d determined Beth was not at fault. He’d allowed her to marry Ezra and kept Beth’s secret, not sharing it with Bishop Aaron when he took over the community.

  Rachel had asked her mamm why she’d chosen to tell them their father had died. Beth said it was because she didn’t want either of her girls to think their daed didn’t want them when he left her. It took Beth a long time to realize Allan had been a troubled man. As much as Rachel was happy to know her daed had reached out to them before his death, in her mind, Ezra would always be the man she thought of as her father.

  The key Eva hid in her cloak belonged to a safety deposit box at a bank in Eagle’s Nest, where the original will of Allan Miller was found, along with the deed to his home in Billings, and letters to both Rachel and Eva. In them, Allan poured out his heart to his girls and asked for their forgiveness. Both Rachel and Eva willingly gave it.

  Though Rachel had asked Noah many times since their life together began, the answer was always the same. He missed nothing about his former time as a deputy. He loved their life together.

  “Was iss letz?” Noah asked, his smile disappearing. He must have seen something on her face.

  “Nothing is wrong,” she quickly assured him. Unable to keep the truth to herself any longer, she blurted out, “I am pregnant, Noah. We are going to have a boppli.”

  She stared up at him, praying he would be as happy as she.

  Bemusement shifted to happiness. He lifted her in his arms and swung her around. When he set her down, he kissed her with loving shining in his eyes.

  “Are you happy?” she asked, needing to hear him say it.

  “Jah, I am happy. I am more than happy. I am blessed. We are going to be parents.” He shook his head, wonderment on his face. “I have all that I’ve ever dreamed of in you and our Plain life together. And now we will have a child.” He buried his face in her neck and wept while she held him close. After she’d lost Noah as a teen, then Daniel’s passing, Rachel hadn’t been able to imagine being this joyful again. Still, she knew Gott had been by her side every step of the way, waiting to bless her with the happiness that only He could give.

  * * *

  If you enjoyed this suspenseful Amish romance, don’t miss Mary Alford’s next book, Amish Country Murder, available in March 2020 from Love Inspired Suspense!

  Find more great reads at

  Keep reading for an excerpt from Secret Mountain Hideout by Terri Reed.

  Dear Reader,

  Sometimes, we are called to move in a different direction in life, even though the possibility is scary and the future unknown.

  My seventh Love Inspired Suspense book represents a new direction for me. Amish Country Kidnapping is my first Amish romantic suspense, and one that was both a challenge and a blessing to write.

  Like me, my hero, Deputy Sheriff Noah Warren, has reached a crossroads in his life. For the longest time, Noah convinced himself he was doing what God wanted of him—until he comes face-to-face with the one woman he never forgot.

  Rachel Albrecht still remembers the young boy who stole her heart when she was seventeen, then left her without so much as a word of explanation. But Noah is no longer that carefree young boy. All grown up, he is now the deputy sheriff who rescues Rachel from the hands of her kidnapper, and he is just the hero Rachel needs to help her unravel the secret behind her sister’s disappearance.

  I hope you enjoyed Noah and Rachel’s reunion romance and the struggles they faced along the way. And I hope that their journey to happiness brought a smile to your face.

  I love hearing from readers. You can connect with me by visiting my website, Or you can find me on Facebook and Twitter.

  All the best,

  Mary Alford

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  Secret Mountain Hideout

  by Terri Reed


  It couldn’t be.

  Ice filled Ashley Willis’s veins despite the spring sunshine streaming through the living room windows of the Bristle Township home in Colorado where she rented a bedroom.

  Disbelief cemented her feet to the floor, her gaze riveted to the horrific images on the television screen.

  Flames shot of out of the two-story building she’d hoped never to see again. Its once bright red awnings were now singed black and the magnificent stained-glass windows depicting the image of an angry bull were no more.

  She knew that place intimately.

  The same place that haunted her nightmares.

  The newscaster’s words assaulted her. She grabbed on to the back of the faded floral couch for support.

  In a fiery inferno, the posh Burbank restaurant, The Matador, was consumed by a raging fire in the wee hours of the morning. Firefighters are working diligently to douse the flames. So far there have been no fatalities, however, there has been one critical injury.

  Ashley’s heart thumped painfully in her chest, reminding her to breathe. Concern for her friend, Gregor, the man who had safely spirited her away from the Los Angeles area one frightening night a year and a half ago when she’d witnessed her boss, Maksim Sokolov, kill a man, thrummed through her. She had to know what happened. She had to know if Gregor was the one injured.


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