Rock Me Faster (Licks Of Leather Book 4)

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Rock Me Faster (Licks Of Leather Book 4) Page 18

by Jenna Jacob

  The beast within me answered with a satisfied purr, as if sensing it had finally found its mate.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I continued floating on some distant planet when Ross helped ease me onto a tall, padded stool backstage. Body humming sweetly, I could still feel his heated breath rippling over my needy girl parts…feel his soft tongue sliding up my seam, sending shockwaves that both demolished me and brought me to life.

  With a cocky smirk, a sexy wink, and my whole heart in his hands, Ross and his band brothers raced onto the stage. The fans went berserk. Their cheers and screams were deafening. And like a nova, the electricity in the air went from sizzling to supercharged.

  Beside me, Mia and Sofia joined in with the fans, whistling and cheering for the guys. Though my throat was a little raw from panting, moaning, and screaming Ross’s name, I let out a long, loud whoop as he flashed me another hot wink before raising his sticks in the air and slamming them down with a chest-vibrating thud.

  He played the drums with such compelling command that I couldn’t look away. I was mesmerized with every bulge of his biceps, bob of his head, and the way he sank his teeth into his bottom lip. Each time he leaned in close to the microphone to sing, I wanted to straddle his hips and kiss the lyric off his tongue.

  A shiver of longing sputtered up my spine.

  The man defied nature.

  His kisses were like biting into a ripe, summer peach. I couldn’t get my fill of his flavor or the plump, soft flesh of his tongue.

  Every touch, lick, nip, and tug Ross bestowed sent an avalanche of splendor thundering through me. But what completely blew my mind was how he’d coaxed those magnificent explosions that had been hidden inside me.

  I felt alive—completely and utterly alive in ways I’d never known possible.

  Was it wrong that my mind, body, and soul were already screaming for more?

  Screaming for the taste of his kiss.

  Screaming for the feel of his talented tongue teasing and toying the nub still throbbing between my folds.

  Screaming for his capable fingers to trace torturous circles around my wet, quivering entrance.

  Screaming for him to roll, pinch, and pluck my sensitive nipples.

  Screaming for him to send me soaring into the heavens to explode.

  Screaming for another fix of Ross-induced ecstasy, like a strung-out addict.

  “Aren’t they amazing?” Sofia yelled over the driving rhythm of the music and Burk’s raspy voice crying out the lyrics.

  “More than amazing,” I screamed with a nod.

  “So, what did Ross show you after dinner?”

  What it feels like to be a woman fully awake and alive.

  I leaned in close to Sofia’s ear and told her about him taking me to the VIP suite, and how stunned I’d been to see all the fans. When she pulled back, there was a knowing twinkle in her eyes, but she didn’t ask anything more. Even if she had, I wouldn’t have confessed what Ross and I had done. Those precious moments with him were now sacred. I wouldn’t share them with anyone.

  Focusing on the concert, I begrudgingly floated back to earth, only to be lifted off the ground by my fluttering heart each time Ross flashed me a lurid stare. The hungry expression on his face telling me he was remembering our wonderfully wicked time alone sent flames licking up my body. And just when I was seconds away from combusting into a fireball of lust, he’d send me a cocky smile and lose himself in the music again.

  Ross Walker was a bad boy, and I couldn’t wait to get naughty with him again.

  When they finished their song about rocking the stars, and the clamor from the crowd started to dim, Burk tugged the mic from its stand.

  “We’re not a ballad kind of band, but we’re going to slow it down a bit so I can pay tribute to my lady. She’s the salvation of my sins. The anchor that keeps my soul from blowing away. The light and love of my life. This is… ‘Sofia.’” Burk turned and blew her a kiss.

  As Ozzy began playing soft, slow notes on his keyboard, Ross gripped his sticks with the same command and control as before. But when he started tapping out the serene beat, I sat gaping at him, watching in awe. He’d gone from banging his drums with the power of Zeus, to stroking them like a lover’s caress.

  Drums are my life.

  Yes, and with crystal clarity, I knew why.

  Ross only allowed himself to truly feel when he played the drums.

  The realization planted seeds that sprouted a garden of questions.

  Was this the only way he could vent his emotions?

  Or had Ross simply switched one addiction for another in order to avoid them?

  It wasn’t hard to imagine he’d sought to escape Sylvia’s ugliness through cocaine. If so, cutting the cancerous woman from his life showed tremendous growth. But something told me that scenario was too convenient…too easy.

  Since I had no baseline to compare who Ross had been then to the man he was now, I couldn’t even make an educated guess. Of course, it was way too soon to apply any theories since we’d only been thrust together yesterday. Still, I couldn’t suppress the need to learn everything about the man.

  Patience and perseverance are key to achieving any goal. The sage wisdom of my father echoed in my ears. So did the thousands of fans who were screaming their lungs out as Burk crooned out the last note of his song to Sofia.

  Tears were streaming down her cheeks as she blew him a watery kiss.

  The heartfelt connection the couple shared sent goose bumps peppering my flesh.

  I’d always dreamed of finding my own Prince Charming—what little girl didn’t? But the dating pool back home was only a bucket…no, more like a coffee cup.

  “Thank you,” Burk cried into his microphone. “It’s great to be back in the Big Apple. We’ve missed you guys.” Another roar exploded from the crowd. “We’ve got another show here tomorrow night then we’ll be taking off, down the… ‘Dirty Road.’”

  Once again, the fans went wild. As Burk started singing about a band rolling into a new town every night, about city lights looking all the same, about how lonely life was traveling all the time and how he couldn’t wait to get off the “Dirty Road,” I realized then, that was the title of the song.

  The lyrics made me sad.

  Until now, I hadn’t considered how lonely and isolated life for the guys must be. Sure, they all had homes—several, from what Sofia and Mia had told me—but they only had time to visit them a few months out of the year. They never had time to put down roots and let them grow.

  Still, each of the guys seemed to find joy, honest-to-god happiness, performing music.

  Lost in the lyrics of the songs that followed, the cacophony of the crowd, and energy zipping through the air, I jolted back to reality when Burk gave a mighty wave and yelled, “Good night, New York.”

  Clearly, the fans didn’t want the concert to end. They screamed louder than ever, pounded their seats, and stomped their feet as the guys, glistening beneath a sheen of sweat and wearing massive smiles—yes, even Ross whose was nothing short of panty-melting (if I’d worn any)—hurried backstage.

  Mindless of their sweat-soaked bodies and clothing, Sofia and Mia hugged their men, laughing and kissing them wildly.

  I gazed at Ross, wishing I could kiss him as tingles assaulted my system. Out of the blue, a vision of him, on the mountain back home, dripping in sweat from working hard in the sun, flashed through my brain. Blinking the absurd visual away, I studied the rivulets of sweat sliding down his face and the shimmering gloss coating his sun-kissed, muscular arms. His sleeveless black tee was completely saturated and clung to his body, outlining every hard ridge and plane of his six-pack abs and sculpted pecs.

  I watched as he grabbed a bottle of water from a vat of ice, guzzled it down in three huge gulps, then wiped a towel over his face and head before striding toward me.

  “So? What did you think of your first concert?” Ross yelled so I could hear him over the
still screaming fans.

  “It was amazing. I love your music and the lyrics are…beautiful.”

  “So you’re not disappointed huh?”

  “Not at all. You guys are great. But your pre-show performance was way better,” I blurted—obviously too loudly when everyone whipped their heads our way.

  A wicked smile tugged Ross’s mouth. “Say the word and I’ll give you another private performance any time you want it.”

  Now. Now would be great.

  “So that’s why you’re smiling, huh?” Syd laughed. “Damn, we should have gotten you laid years ago.”

  “Fuck off. You have no idea what you’re talking about, asshole,” Ross growled.

  “Save it for later, you two,” Burk scolded with a grin. “It’s encore time, gentlemen.”

  “Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be back in a flash,” Ross murmured in my ear, sliding a knuckle along the side of my thigh. A tremor shot through me as he turned and joined the others hurrying back onto the stage.

  “I told you that dress looked shit hot on you.” Mia grinned. “I’m just surprised it’s still in one piece. I figured once Ross got you alone, he would have ripped it to shreds getting it off so he could get inside you.”

  “Oh, no.” I shook my head. “He didn’t… We didn’t…have sex.” Well, not technically.

  “What?” Sofia gaped. “Then why is he actually smiling?”

  “Show us your knees,” Mia ordered before bending and studying them.

  “My knees? Why?”

  “To see if that smile of his is from a little oral action. You know…” She cupped her hand and drew it to her open mouth, then bobbed her head.

  My cheeks caught fire and I adamantly shook my head. “No. I didn’t do anything like… No.”

  The two women simultaneously darted a glance at each other.

  Sofia sent me a soft smile. “Honey, are you still a virgin?”

  “Why does it matter?” I asked, feeling suddenly defensive.

  “Oh, Quinn. That stupid bastard,” Mia groaned.

  “What does Quinn have to do with this?”

  “Quinn has everything to do with…” Sofia peered over her shoulder and glanced at the promotor having a conversation with some guy in a suit. “I’ll be right back.”

  “Wait,” I barked. Sliding off the stool, I nearly moaned at the luscious ache between my legs. “What are you doing?”

  “Going to give him a piece of my mind,” she huffed.

  “No. Don’t. H-he told me it was okay if I needed to…you know…do things to help reach Ross.”

  “Do what things?” Sofia eyed me cautiously.

  “You know…have sex.”

  “He tried to pimp you out?” Mia blanched, eyes nearly bulging out of her skull. “Don’t move. We’ll be back.”

  Before I could stop them, the two women stormed Quinn’s direction. I whipped a worried gaze at Ross—whose brows instantly slashed in concern—and wondered how long before he learned the truth and the world fell out from under my feet.

  Ross kept his eyes locked on me as they finished one song and immediately began playing another. I tried to send him a reassuring smile, but it felt more like a grimace. After what seemed a million interminable minutes, the two women returned, looking angrier than when they’d left.

  “What happened? What did you say to him?”

  “Well, Mia threatened to find another agent while I chewed him a new asshole.”

  “Oh, god. No. Please tell me you didn’t do that.”

  “Damn right we did,” Mia railed, slapping her hands on her hips. “Quinn stepped way the fuck out of line. He had no right to suggest—”

  “Or even allude to you having sex with Ross,” Sofia interrupted.

  “It’s a good thing he’s flying back to Chicago after the show, or I would need a new agent once Oz finds out about this,” Mia fumed.

  “No. No. You can’t tell Ozzy. You can’t tell anyone,” I begged.

  “Listen, honey,” Sofia said, taking my hand. “You need to sit Ross down and tell him the truth.”

  “B-but Quinn said—”

  “Fuck what Quinn said,” Mia spat. “Clearly, you and Ross have forged a bond these past few days. If he finds out you’ve kept the truth from him, the smiles that have started lighting up his face will disappear forever.”

  “I’m with Mia on this, Harmony. You need to tell him.”

  Maybe they were right. The goddess of wisdom was named Sofia. But…

  “What happens if Ross really quits this time? What will that do to him…to the others?”

  Sofia nibbled her bottom lip. “I know we made a pinky promise, but I really need to tell Burk what’s going on.”

  “Oh, god. I knew it. This is going to blow up in my face.”

  “If it does, Burk will intervene. He might not be able to stop Ross from killing Quinn, but he’ll be able to help him see reason. I hope.”

  Once again, a deafening roar erupted from the fans when Burk yelled good night. Ross still hadn’t taken his eyes off me, even as he and the others rushed off stage.

  Without a word or wiping the sweat from his body again, Ross charged straight to me and plucked me off the stool.

  “What are you doing?” I asked, darting a nervous glance at Sofia and Mia, who were greeting their men with far less gusto than before.

  “Taking you someplace we can talk,” he bit out setting me on my feet.

  “About what?”

  “Don’t know yet, but I aim to find out.”

  Clutching my hand, Ross led me past the equipment trunks stacked backstage. As we approached the hallway, I almost stumbled when I saw dozens of barely dressed women, lining the halls. The air was thick with desperation and hope and the mixture of strong perfumes.

  “Who are all those women?” I whispered.

  “Band bunnies.”

  “What are they doing?”

  “Waiting to get laid,” Ross murmured. Releasing my hand, he tucked his around my waist and pulled me in close to his side. “Ignore them. I do.”

  The instant the band bunnies spied Ross, the desperation in the air turned so thick I could barely breathe. They all started screaming his name and racing toward him.

  “Back off,” he barked with an angry scowl.

  Most did, but the ones who didn’t, Ross had to push his way through while they pelted me with hateful glares and hurtful insults. Horrible things like whore, lucky slut, ugly cow, and nasty bitch.

  Finally, Ross stopped and narrowed his eyes at a young dark-haired woman with long, thick eyelashes, and boobs that were straining from a bra three sizes too small.

  “Step away from my dressing room door.”

  “Or what, handsome?” the woman asked coyly. “Come on, Ross. We both know I can rock your world a million times better than that—”

  “Choose your next word carefully, cunt,” he snarled.

  “Wow. You’re an asshole.” The woman’s lip curled in disdain as she pushed off the doorframe. “I wouldn’t let you fuck me if yours was the last cock on the planet.”

  Ignoring the crude woman, Ross quickly unlocked the door, ushered me inside, and kicked it shut. Whirling around, he pinned me with a hard stare.

  “What happened backstage between you and the girls?”


  “I realize we haven’t known each other long, but don’t insult me and lie to my face.”

  Ross didn’t have to yell the last word to make me feel any worse. I was already drowning in guilt for trying to hang on to my stupid secret. He’d done nothing to deserve my deception. In fact, aside from our first kiss, he’d gone out of his way to prove what a shockingly benevolent man he could be.

  The truth shall set you free, Daddy’s voice reverberated in my brain.

  Yeah, it was either set me free or bury me beneath a pile of rubble.

  Lifting my chin, I squared my shoulders and drew in a deep breath. “You’re right. We haven’t known each other
very long. I have something to tell you, even though you’ll probably send me back home, hate me for the rest of your life, and maybe even quit the band.”

  Ross reared back, then clenched his jaw as if preparing himself for the worst.

  He was definitely going to hate me, all right. Sending up a mess of prayers all at once, I asked Athena for the courage to confess the truth, Demeter to help soften the blow of my deception, and begged Hestia for Ross to somehow forgive me.

  Okay, so Hestia would probably roll her eyes and turn away, since I was responsible for mucking up the universe to begin with. But I wasn’t above begging the powers of every deity in my arsenal to ensure Ross didn’t quit the band.

  The hope of saving my family or finding redemption for myself was gone, and there was only myself to blame. I’d made the wrong choices, pretended to be someone I wasn’t, and tried to bend the laws to suit my needs—knowing full well those walls were the pillars of tranquility. It was time for me to atone for my sins, and I was ready to accept whatever punishment the goddesses deemed I’d earned.

  “Why in the fuck would I hate you or quit the band?”

  “Because I lied to you.”


  “I wasn’t hired to play your pretend girlfriend. At least not at first.”

  Confusion wrinkled his brow while questions swirled in his narrowed eyes.

  “What were you initially hired to do?”

  A million ugly emotions wrapped their icy hands around my throat and squeezed.

  “To replace the darkness inside you with light and love. To open your heart and bring happiness and balance to your soul again.”

  Ross cocked his head and stared at me as if I were a ghostly apparition his mind couldn’t accept. My heart thundered in my chest, pulverizing the glorious strides I’d made with him these past two days.

  His silence was deafening.

  The flare of his nostrils and the muscles ticking in his jaw sent claws of dread scaling my body. It didn’t seem possible that a few hours ago he’d dissolved me beneath an onslaught of pleasure. Now, I was dissolving beneath an onslaught of shame.


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