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Rock Me Faster (Licks Of Leather Book 4)

Page 26

by Jenna Jacob

  I could feel the last fragments of my resolve slipping through my fingers.

  Not yet. Not yet, I chanted in my mind, but I knew it was a lost cause.

  I wasn’t going to be able to stave off the monstrous orgasm coiling inside me for very much longer.

  Brutally gripping Harmony’s lush ass, I dragged her onto my cock, forced her sweet cunt to accept the barrage of my powerful thrusts.

  Every cell in my body coiled tighter and tighter.

  Her rhythmic grunts gave way to keening cries with a song so empowering, so compelling I could only do one thing—shatter with her.

  “Open…your eyes, baby…look at me,” I growled between clenched teeth, desperately clinging to the last vestige of control.

  Harmony complied, blinking rapidly as if trying to clear the fog of lust coating her brain, as she panted my name on a dreamy whisper.

  As I continued manically thrusting into her wicked core, the familiar, searing vibration of release hummed through me.

  “Come with me, gorgeous. Let’s fly…together.”

  “Yes. Oh, god…yes,” she mewled.

  Harmony dug her nails deeper into my flesh.

  Eyes still locked on mine, her body bowed…arching off the mattress.

  Her muscles turned to stone.

  Then, as if Harmony had fused her empathic gifts to my soul, I felt our orgasms swell and surge in tandem.

  The power and frenzy of a million tsunamis pressed in all around us.

  Demand crested and swallowed us whole, sending us tumbling—as one—into a life-altering breaker of ecstasy.

  Limbs trembling and lungs heaving, I collapsed onto my elbows before nuzzling my face to Harmony’s neck. As aftershocks twitched and pulsed through our joined bodies, my reverie of bliss was ripped apart by the soft sounds of her sobs.

  Heart in my throat, I lifted and stared down into her watering eyes. Panic and fear clogging my throat, I sipped her tears and stroked a hand through her hair.

  “I’m sorry, baby. I’m so fucking sorry I hurt you.”

  She shook her head and sent me a pleading expression. “No. You didn’t. I-I’m not crying because I’m h-hurt or s-sad. I’m…crying b-because I n-never imagined… It w-was the m-most glorious experience of m-my life.”

  “Oh, thank fuck.” Relief swept through me like a cyclone.

  Wrapping Harmony in my arms, I tumbled to my side and onto my back, dragging her on top of me. With her head resting on my chest, I strummed my hands up and down her back as she softly cried.

  “You make me the happiest woman on the planet.” Harmony sniffed.

  “Not yet, but I’ll spend the rest of my life trying.”

  She lifted her head and sent me a watery smile. “Oh, Ross. I love you so much.”

  Instead of saying the words, I let my lips convey the depth of love spilling from inside my soul.

  Long minutes later, when she’d stopped crying, I carried Harmony to the bathroom. After filling the spa tub with steaming-hot water and her favorite honeysuckle bath oil, I eased us into the churning swirls and pampered her with well-earned aftercare.

  “I’m sure you noticed that I didn’t wear a condom,” I murmured. “I’m clean. I always have been. I just couldn’t stand the thought of putting any kind of barrier between us.”

  “It’s okay. I wasn’t worried about that.”

  “Are you worried I might have gotten you pregnant?”

  “A little, but I wouldn’t call it worried. Curious maybe.”

  “Really?” I grinned. “I wouldn’t mind one damn bit if you are.”

  “You wouldn’t?” She blinked up at me, surprise written all over her face.

  “Since we’re gonna start a family one of these days, might as well be now.”

  “Oh, my. I love you.” Harmony grinned.

  Cupping my nape, she dragged my lips to hers and kissed me with such passion my heart nearly exploded. I couldn’t get my fill of her, so we dried off and climbed back into bed. I made slow, sweet love to her again. Somehow, it was even better than the first time.

  As dawn was beginning to break, I used my mouth to drag another quaking orgasm from Harmony’s sweet cunt. Sated, exhausted, and limbs tangled with hers, I tucked her against me. She nestled in close, rested her head on my shoulder and her hand on my heart while her breathing quickly evened out. I closed the blinds and waited until Harmony fell asleep before letting darkness pull me under.

  My usual nightmare of cocaine, a crumpled Ferrari fuselage, the stench of copper-scented blood gushing over my fingers, and whispered apologies didn’t haunt me.

  Instead, I found myself standing barefoot in lush, green grass, hand in hand with Harmony. We stood on top of her mountain watching the sunrise.

  Like a surreal painting, the golden orb cresting on the horizon of a far-off ridge illuminated the sky in hues of pink and purple. Between our spot on the mountain surrounded by tall green pine, maples, oak, and colorful dogwoods were rows and rows of jagged treelined hills and valleys. Each one was brushed in gradient shades of azure fog.

  Grudgingly peeling my eyes off the breathtaking vista before me, I cupped Harmony’s chin and gazed into her silver-blue eyes. “How in the world did you have the willpower to leave this?”

  She smiled and wrapped her arms around me. “That’s easy. You needed me.”

  “Yes, I did. I never knew how much until I met you, but why did you decide to help me?”

  “I might not be able to change the world, but I knew if I helped you find peace and serenity again, that I could change your world. That was all the incentive I needed.”

  “You have changed it, princess. Changed it for so much better than I ever thought I deserved.” Delving deeply into her eyes, I strummed my thumb over her bottom lip. “I love you, Harmony. Love you more than I knew was possible. Marry me.”

  “Yes. Yes. Oh, yes,” she squealed.

  As she climbed my body, wrapping her arms around my neck and locking her legs around my waist, I cinched a hand in her hair, tilted her mouth beneath mine, and branded the promise of forever to her ripe lips.

  Floating to the surface, my system was humming with joy. Even more so when I felt Harmony’s arm draped over my chest and her leg on top of my thighs. The heat of her pussy meshed against my flesh and my nose buried in her hair, breathing in the sweet scent of honeysuckle, lilac, and sunshine filled me with pure, unadulterated bliss.

  I ached to wake up every morning just like this.

  Eyes still closed, I savored every second, every minute detail of the precious vixen softly snoring in my arms. As my dream of the mountain slowly rolled through my brain, goosebumps peppered my skin. Maybe it hadn’t really been a dream at all. Maybe it was a glorious premonition.

  Carefully easing Harmony off me, I slowly rolled out of bed, grabbed my jeans, and padded to the kitchen. Though it was nearly two o’clock in the afternoon, I started brewing a pot of coffee. As I plucked out my cell phone and placed a call to Bodhi, Angie appeared. As she began preparing Harmony and me some breakfast, she shooed me from her workspace. Ambling out the back door, I sat by the pool and began planning and plotting with Harmony’s kind, loving father. When I returned to the kitchen, I saw that Angie was almost finished with our breakfast.

  “I’ll have it arranged for you two by the pool in ten minutes.” She smiled.

  “Thank you.”

  I raced upstairs, to find Harmony was still sleeping soundly. I eased onto the mattress and started waking her with kisses. Her sleepy, kitten-like moans went straight to my cock. It took all the self-control I possessed not to tear off my jeans and sink balls deep into her snug tunnel again. The only thing that stopped me was I knew she had to be sore, and the thought of hurting her made my balls all but shrivel up, in a bad way.

  Suddenly, she turned her head and cringed. “I have dragon breath.”


  “Dragon breath. Morning breath. It’s nasty.”

  Cupping her nape
, I lifted her head off the pillow and drew her mouth in close to mine. “Princess, I don’t care if you’ve eaten a can of sardines and raw onions, I am kissing you. Kissing you.” I pressed my lips to hers. “Every.” Another kiss. “Fucking.” And again. “Morning,” I growled as I plunged my tongue in deep and ravaged her soft, slick mouth.

  Though I wanted to stay locking lips and tangling tongues with her until hell froze over, we needed food to keep our stamina up for bigger and better things. Like the big thing now strangling inside my jeans.

  Slowly easing from her succulent lips, I moaned. “Grab your robe. We’re having breakfast by the pool.”

  “Mmm,” she purred. “You know you’re spoiling me too much, right?”

  “When it comes to you, there’s no such thing as too much spoiling. Come on. Before I decide to let our food get cold and focus on making you hot.”

  She flashed a coy smile that was cute as fuck. “I never said I was hungry.”

  “I am. And though I’m not complaining, you’re depleting my reserves, princess. I need to feed the machine. The last thing I want to do is run out of steam in the middle of rocking your world.”

  “We can’t have that, now, can we?” she giggled as I stood and opened her robe.

  “Not if I’m going to keep making you happy,” I murmured as she slid her arms into the sleeves. “And oh, baby…I aim to keep you ecstatic.”

  I wrapped the garment around her and smiled when she shivered.

  Harmony turned, lifted to her toes, and pressed her lips to mine. “Can we come back here and have dessert after breakfast?”

  My cock leapt and my heart thundered. “Oh, yeah.”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Two weeks later

  Peering out the window of the limo traversing the twisting hills of Kentucky, I caught sight of my mountain. Butterflies tumbled and swirled low in my belly. It felt like forever since I’d been home.

  “There it is,” I said, pointing out the sharp peak to Ross who was sitting beside me holding my hand.

  “Wow. That’s a big mountain. There are so many trees.”

  “Thank you for doing this for me,” I murmured as I leaned in to kiss his warm lips.

  “Thank you for staying with me when we restart the tour next week. I wanted you to see your dad and visit with your family before the crazy starts again.”

  “I know. And I love you for it.”

  “I love you.” He cupped my nape, held me in place, and snaked his hot, silky tongue into my mouth with a manly groan.

  Making love to Ross was nothing short of ah-mazing. And kissing him was a sizzling thrill all its own.

  When the limo turned off the main road and began climbing the gravel drive, I slid across the seat and lowered the window. Closing my eyes, I breathed in the sweet scent of pine and grinned while mentally urging the driver to go faster.

  Ross eased beside me and threaded his fingers through mine as we reached the general store. As always, the parking lot was full of vehicles bearing out-of-state license plates. Betty, who was on the porch talking to a potential customer about one of the pictures she had painted, lifted her head and locked eyes on me before we both started waving excitedly.

  When the limo edged around the big curve and Gaia Garden came into view, I did a double take. The place didn’t look a thing like it had the day I’d left. The ancient travel trailers and weather-worn communal houses were gone. In their place were dozens of brand-new, modern homes. Instead of milky, scratched plexiglass, real glass windows shimmered in the sunlight. Sturdy doors that actually aligned with their frames would undoubtedly keep the cold winter winds at bay.

  A dozen men—none of whom I recognized—wearing hard hats and tool belts were feverishly hammering, sawing, and putting up frames for several more homes along the main road.

  Dad was standing in the grass, talking to yet another stranger and pointing at the long, electrical lines that connected each house to a tall power pole. It had been erected where the bath houses once stood. The fact that they’d been dismantled told me each dwelling had electricity and indoor plumbing.

  The melding of new and old ways sent a bittersweet pang of melancholy wending through me. But when I looked out at the lush vegetables growing in the acre-sized garden and the well-tended fruit trees, the nostalgia of home warmed me to the bone.

  “I guess the community decided to upgrade with the extra money you gave Dad.”

  “Bodhi told me they’d voted to hire a crew to connect them to the county utilities. I take it the place looks a little different?”

  “Not a little, a whole lot. But in a good way…I think.”

  Hearing our arrival, or most likely sensing it, Dad turned his head. When our eyes met, a wide grin lit up his face. A split second later, he was racing toward the limo screaming, “Harmony’s home. They’re here, everyone.”

  As the limo pulled to a stop, the doors on all the finished houses swung open, and the whole community rushed out to greet us wearing smiles and cheering and waving.

  “Welcome home, princess,” Ross murmured as he pressed a kiss to the shell of my ear.

  Without waiting for the driver, he reached around me and opened the door. I’d barely swung my legs from the vehicle when Dad bent down and plucked me off the buttery leather. He didn’t even let my feet touch the ground, simply pulled me in tight for a monstrous hug.

  “Welcome home, baby girl.” He grinned and kissed my cheek.

  From the corner of my eye, I saw the driver unloading our luggage, but lost sight of him when Dad released me and I was swallowed up by my ecstatically happy family.

  Glancing over my shoulder, I saw Ross, leaning against the limo, beefy arms—adorned with the colorful tattoos I’d dragged my tongue over more times than I could count—folded across his wide chest, laughing like a loon.

  “What’s so funny?” I called to him.

  “It’s fantastic not being the one getting mauled for once, princess.”

  When I reached out for him, Ross pushed off the vehicle, wedged his way through the masses, and took my hand. With his arm banded possessively around my waist, Ross smiled as I introduced him to my mountain family. Daisy, Hope, and Rose shamelessly flirted with him, but Ross simply announced that he was madly in love with me. While not especially gracious or loving, I didn’t feel an ounce of sympathy for their crestfallen expressions. In actuality, I couldn’t blame them for trying to catch Ross’s eye. Compared to the available men in Gaia Garden, he was a rose among dandelions.

  “Come, let me show you what we’ve done,” Dad exclaimed, then paused and nodded toward our luggage. “Jeb and Tate, will you please carry their bags to Haniel House?”

  How apropos, I thought arching my brows at Dad.

  “Haniel House? What’s that?” Ross asked.

  “Haniel is the archangel of magic and nurturing,” I began. “She helps others realize their full potential, and ironically, her crystal is the…moonstone.”

  Ross smirked and bent his mouth in close to my ear. “I think I’ve proven my full potential to you, numerous times.”

  A naughty thrill raced up my spine as I softly murmured back, “Yes, you have. And I can’t wait to feel every glorious inch of your potential again.”

  “Soon, princess. Very, very soon.” Ross winked.

  Though I sensed Dad knew we were whispering naughty things, he simply smiled before turning his full attention on showing us all the updates. The new structures were each named after an archangel. Single men and women each had their own house, while families occupied the first and second floors of dozens more. Dad showed us the clinic, the enormous dining hall/meeting room, as well as the new art center and textile facility. He showed Ross the garden, the various barns that housed some of our animals, and the massive metal-framed structure where the various types of cheeses were produced.

  When Dad was called away by a man on the construction crew, I clasped Ross’s hand and led him up the p
ath toward the top of the mountain. We’d made it nearly halfway when his phone began to ring. Slowing to a stop, he glanced at the screen and smiled as he answered.

  “Hey, Angie. What’s up?” Ross paused and seconds later his eyes grew wide. “Hold on. I’m putting you on speaker. Harmony’s got to hear this.” Pulling the device from his ear, he pressed a button and grinned. “Okay, start over.”

  “Hey, girl,” Angie called to me. I could feel the excitement in her voice. “I was just telling Ross that, while you all are on tour, Bernie and I are going to hook up with you guys in Vegas.”

  “Oh, that will be fun.” I smiled.

  “Tell her why,” Ross prompted.

  “We’re getting married,” Angie squealed.

  “Oh, my gosh. That’s fantastic.”

  “I should have introduced you and Bernie eons ago,” Ross said with a laugh.

  As Angie continued gushing about Bernie’s proposal, I felt not only the level of her unbridled joy but also the depth of relief and genuine happiness flowing off Ross. In many ways, the two had saved one another.

  The universe was making great things happen. I knew that life was a fluid, never-ending circle, and that time marched on. New chapters were written every day and scored into our hearts. I was beyond happy for Angie and Bernie and sent up a little prayer, hoping Ross and I might be lucky enough to find the same eternal happiness.

  After promising to touch base with Angie again soon, Ross ended the call and we made our way to the big, flat rock by the stream. The special place I spent most of my free time. The exact same rock I’d been leaning against when I heard Ross singing to me in my dream.

  And as we looked out from the peak to the majestic tree-lined valleys below us, I drank in the awe lining Ross’s face.

  “This is crazy,” he whispered.

  “Crazy pretty, isn’t it?”

  “No, I mean crazy spot on.”

  “Spot on to what?”

  “My dream,” he murmured.

  “Wait. You dreamed about the mountain?”


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