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Miller's Time (Southern Charmers Series Book 2)

Page 24

by Ahren Sanders

"Take it in, baby."

  "H-h-how long have you been planning this?” I stammer through the question.

  "My whole life."

  The answer is simple. No hesitation, no bullshit, it's all him and I can't find any argument anywhere in my dazed brain. Instead, I race through his rooms, picking apart everything.

  "Your recliners will match my living room furniture perfectly. And if you're not too opposed, this bedroom set will look fabulous in the upstairs suite. We can buy something else if the renters need."

  His eyes glimmer brilliantly and his face lights up with satisfaction. "You already ordered something for upstairs?"

  "Nothing I can't cancel."

  He places his lips to mine, the warmth of his breath going straight to my heart. But nothing prepares me for what he says next. "All my life, I wanted my kids to grow up in a house that had my hand in it. You're giving me that, Princess. We outgrow this one, I'll build you another one."

  My nose and eyes burn but I push it down. "All my life, I fantasized about having what my parents had. The chaos, the crazy, but at the end of each day, all of it was love."

  "Get ready, because your days of living in shit are long gone.

  "I know."

  Chapter 20


  I focus on the reports on my desk, ready to wrap them up and get to Ashlyn's. In the two weeks since Dev was born, everyone has taken up the slack to allow Pierce to be home. Which means my time and efforts on other projects are stretched thin.

  Ashlyn, on the other hand, is at her house every morning when the first crew arrives. She works alongside them, helping in all capacities. Like she wanted, every room in that house will have her personal touch.

  My mind drifts to my newborn nephew, more so how Ashlyn is with him. Motherly, soft, loving… she looks at him with such adoration it glows on her.

  It hasn't gone unnoticed to anyone else, either. With each picture she sends to her parents, I get a corresponding message back from Dozer. It's always the same thing.


  That's it. A set of question marks.

  He's strong on tradition but he's sending a message. And I'm reading it loud and clear, more than ready to get the ball rolling.

  That day at my house, when Ashlyn unloaded her story, things changed. If there was any question of my commitment to Ashlyn after our conversation at Thanksgiving, those questions were answered.

  No one blinked an eye when we shared the news I was moving into her house. Now everyone is waiting on me to make my move.

  It took Peirce less than two months to get a ring on Darby's finger after she came home. And he reminds me of that every day, ribbing me incessantly.

  As if on cue, he strolls into my office, looking relaxed and casual, plopping down across from me. "What's happening?"

  "You don't look like a sleep-deprived zombie."

  "Because I'm not. Shit man, you do not understand how much different this is." His eyes brighten as he rubs his chin. "Never knew it could be like this."

  "Happy for you, brother."

  "I'm here to take some of those files off your desk and warn you. Evin's ditching the party and hanging with y’all tonight."

  Tonight is the Brasher Christmas party. Ashlyn volunteered to babysit, and Pierce wanted to get Darby out for a few hours.

  "Doesn't surprise me, he's possessive over that baby."

  "He showed last night with a shitload of gifts for Maya and Cole, grabbed a beer, and stayed for the late feeding for Darby to get ready for bed."

  Sometime during the first week home, Darby decided she wasn’t going to solely breastfeed. She felt it was important for everyone to be involved with Dev’s life. Especially Maya and Cole. Pierce didn’t push, but was fucking thrilled with her decision. He felt it was less stress and pressure on her to have help with the feedings. She’s keeping the fridge stocked with her milk so whenever it’s time for him to eat, anyone is able to jump in. It’s not surprising Evin stayed to help last night.

  "Isn't that your job?"

  "Like I said, never knew it could be like this. There's a lot of shit that goes into having a baby in the house, all help is appreciated. Especially with two other kids in the mix."

  Evin Graham surprised the shit out of everyone when Dev was born. He's always been a family man, but that baby did something to him. Dev has all of us crazy in the head, but Ashlyn and Evin are the worst. Even outside of Annie and Edward.

  "You get to break the news to Ashlyn."

  "Hell no, that's Darby's job."

  I chuckle, picturing Ashlyn's scowl when she receives the message she has to share the kids tonight.

  "On a different note, we need to talk. Any news?" He sits up, his easy-going attitude turning rigid.

  "No more crazy unidentified calls or texts. Once Ashlyn called Brock directly and found out it wasn't him, nothing."

  That Monday morning, with Ashlyn sitting between my legs and her family standing around, she dialed Brock and confronted him about the vague messages. As she suspected, he denied and tried to persuade her back. The fucker knew he was on speakerphone, so he was slick with his flattery, never letting onto their history. She cut him off, declining his offer, and hung up.

  I wanted to put another hole in my wall next to Andrew's morning explosion, but I held it together for her.

  "Stephanie called Darby this morning and she's convinced that firm is filled with shady characters. But Ashlyn's name is squeaky clean."

  "She called us, too. Scottie phoned right after with gossip of more shit in the firm. I left Ashlyn in bed, cackling like a fool."

  "Scottie is about to bust a gut to get here. He's coming during Christmas break."

  "Heard that, too."

  "Brace, Miller, because Ashlyn's in the mix now and these people are crazy."

  "I'll leave that up to you. We will be busy."

  He nods, knowing my plans to have Ashlyn's house ready by Christmas week.

  "You have something else on your mind?"

  "Are you asking me something specific?" I sit back in my chair, eyeing him wearily.

  "Moving in together isn't such a big deal, but all this other?"

  "I won’t lie, things don't feel settled with her, but it's my job to make it so she feels safe and secure in this. I don't care if she ever goes back to practicing law, but that's not my call."

  "She'll figure it out."

  "Yeah, she will." I run my hand through my hair. "I'm about to rock her world a little more. She may go ballistic."

  He cocks his eyebrows, his eyes lighting with curiosity. "I don't care what it is, I want in."

  I thumb through the files and toss the file through the air. He catches it easily and reads through the contents, his smile growing wilder with each page. "Fuck me, you're taking a chance here."

  "Kinda like you took a chance with Evin, buying a run-down bakery?"

  "Yeah, that kind of chance. I'm in on this, from the beginning. We'll have it constructed by late spring."

  "Counting on it."

  My cell rings and I answer with a smile, "Princess."

  "Evin is joining us tonight," she huffs.

  "I heard."

  "He's going to take hostage of the baby, like always."

  Her voice carries through the line, and Pierce chuckles, shaking his head.

  "It'll be family night. The kids will love it."

  "Yes, they will. I'm at the store now to get the stuff for dinner."

  "Sounds like a plan. I’ll meet you at home."

  “See you soon.”

  "Hey, Ashlyn?"


  "We could have our own baby and lock ourselves away so you don't have to share."

  She shrieks, hanging up, and my smile grows wider.

  "Good one." Pierce eyes me approvingly as he stands. "What do you want me to deal with?"

  I pass over a handful of folders and he leaves with a quick wave.

  With him taking most of my afternoon work, I make the exec
utive decision to head on over to Ashlyn's and do another walk through the property next door.

  If all goes well, and they accept the offer, the house will be mine on Christmas.

  Then the rest of my plan can finally fall into place.


  "Oh shit," Cole blurts out.

  I twist from the chair to correct him on his language and hear Evin's loud hiss. My eyes fly out the front window to see what they are focused on.

  "Fuck me." I'm on my feet and at the door in under a second.

  Connie is storming up the front steps, her gaze locked on Ashlyn, who is swaying and feeding a bundled up Dev on Pierce's porch swing. Runner goes crazy, pacing in front of the door.

  I point to Cole. "You stay here."

  He nods, looking out the window, not happy to see his mom.

  Evin joins me, stepping onto the porch and keeping Runner behind.

  "What do you mean they're not here?" Connie seethes.

  "I mean we are home with the children while they attend the Brasher holiday party. I'm assuming by the resemblance that you are Maya and Cole's mother." It's hard to miss the venom in Ashlyn's tone at the word mother.

  "Why do my children need babysitters when I can take them anytime? And who the hell are you?"

  "Connie, what are you doing here?" I control my voice, knowing Cole is in earshot range.

  "My name is Ashlyn Rhodes," Ashlyn carries on, overriding my question.

  Connie's eyes sling between Evin and me, then back to Ashlyn with recognition. "You're Miller's new piece?"

  Ashlyn flashes her a sickeningly sweet smile, hustling the baby a little so he's fully on display. "If by the term piece, you mean girlfriend, then yes."

  "What are you doing here?" I repeat, my jaw ticking. "Your ass is to be nowhere near this house. Thought I made that clear when I kicked you out in January."

  "I'm here because of this." She waves an envelope in the air theatrically.

  "Please tell me that's transfer papers and you're moving to Alaska," Evin throws in low enough that it doesn't travel through the door.

  Connie narrows her eyes, heat and hatred building in her glare. "Shut up, you jackass."

  He chuckles in amusement. "Just saying."

  "You have less than a minute to explain yourself."

  "This is between Pierce and me."

  "Well, as Ashlyn told you, he's not here. So leave."

  "I want to see my kids."

  "Maya's in the shower and Cole's busy. I'll tell them to call you if they want."

  "Screw that."

  Ashlyn puts the bottle on the side table and shifts Dev to her shoulder, patting him softly. He gives a little coo and nuzzles. All eyes go to them and Ashlyn huddles him closer.

  "You need help, Princess?"

  "I've got him."

  Connie looks back to me, the fury now blazing. "Of course you step in when Darby has a baby."

  "Stepped in thirteen years ago, too."

  "I don't remember you lifting a finger."

  "That's because you're a bitch. Pierce knew he had help."

  She doesn’t have time to spout back when lights flash at the head of the driveway and Darby's Range Rover pulls up, stopping mid-way. Pierce is out of the car, his eyes violent with outrage. He glances at me as he helps Darby out of the truck.

  Ashlyn blows out a breath, bringing my attention to her. She's locked on the scene as Pierce takes Darby's hand and comes toward us. I'm not a woman, but I'd swear there's a look that passes between Darby and Ashlyn.

  Satisfaction? Camaraderie? Sisterhood?

  There's no time to process it because when he's close enough, Pierce grates out his greeting on an unsteady growl. "There better be a good fucking reason your ass is on my family porch at this time of night."

  He guides Darby up the stairs, steering her far from Connie before he takes her to the swing. He only breaks his stare to look down at his son and run a hand over his knit-covered head. "Hey, buddy," he whispers gently, then returns his fury to Connie.

  Darby inches close to Ashlyn, too, not taking the baby, but bending to kiss his cheek.

  "I'm waiting for an answer," Pierce clips.

  "This bullshit, Pierce." She hurls the envelope at him. “You want to keep this so-called peace between us, you and your wife need to step back in line. Otherwise, the truce is over."

  He rips the contents out of the envelope, letting it fly to the ground, and an air settles over everyone. There's no mistaking the electric blue cardstock that Annie ordered the instant Devin had a name.

  Darby inhales sharply, but Pierce lets out a loud and satisfied bark of laughter. Evin and I join in.

  "I didn't send that," Darby rushes to defend herself.

  "Sure you didn't, bitch."

  All laughter dies, and Runner chooses that second to go crazy behind the door—barking, scratching, and growling to get out.

  "Listen to me closely and hear what I'm saying. You don't show your sorry ass at my house ever, without a reason dealing with our kids. You never threaten to disrupt the peace my kids live in, and you never in your life call my wife a bitch."

  She squares her shoulders, ready to spar. "Or what?"

  "Or I will annihilate you. Go back to court, your measly visitation will be revoked. Our kids will visit you with the court-ordered representative, and you'll live the rest of your life a bitter fucking bitch alone."

  "Sounds great to me. Why we didn't do that the first time still blows my mind." I add fuel to the fire.

  Darby's pale, no doubt trying to figure out how to diffuse this, but knows not to stand in between Pierce when he’s dealing with Connie.

  "Try it, asshole," Connie throws back, not knowing when to quit. "No judge will take my kids from me."

  "Actually, you are displaying erratic behavior that could be seen as a danger to those children," Ashlyn's melodic voice cuts in.

  "What do you know? You're a passerby in this family. I bet you won't be here next month. Miller never keeps them around long."

  I clench my fists at my sides, plant my feet, and glare at her with a look meant to kill.

  "I'm a lawyer. Family law is my forte." She lies like a professional. "Many times, judges, if it gets that far, can see through the old school plague of children needing a mother if she's unstable and unhealthy. I'd hate that for Cole and Maya, seeing as they love both of their parents, but right now, you are giving them a show they should never have to see."

  Connie's head swings to the window, her face pained at the realization she's made a fool out of herself, again.

  "I didn't send that announcement," Darby reconfirms. "I wouldn't do that."

  "Why would you waste your time or a stamp on her?" Ashlyn pats her hand.

  My gut stirs and I eye my fiery redhead closely. Her expression is serene, but there's a satisfied gleam in her eyes. I glance down and read the envelope on the ground. It is not written in Annie's perfect calligraphy like the others. It is one-hundred percent Ashlyn's penmanship.

  My head pops up, and she gazes back at me with undeniable pleasure.


  Ashlyn did this as revenge for Darby. And Pierce, Stephanie, Evin, and everyone else that went through hell because of the cunt standing on the porch.

  If I didn't already love her, this would have done it.

  Fucking perfection.

  Her face lights up under my approval, and she stands, cradling the baby close. "I'm going to check on Maya and Cole. They wanted to help me get him changed and settled for the night." That last shot did it. Connie's face registers absolute misery.

  Runner goes crazy when Ashlyn eases through the door.

  Darby gets up, clearing her throat, and pins Connie with her kind eyes. "That announcement didn't come from us. I wouldn't do that, knowing all too well how it feels. You are the mother of Pierce's other children, and they will always be my priority."

  Pure class.

  She strides between Evin and m
e, her eyes meeting mine for a brief second. She knows it was Ashlyn, and the look of gratification shines.

  "If you don't marry her soon, I'm making my move." Evin also picks up on the clues.

  "Back off, pretty boy. She's taken," I mutter.

  "Huh, didn't see a ring."

  "After we deal with Connie, I'll pummel you."

  "I'd get in a few good licks. Whatever the outcome, she'd be worth it."

  "Can we get rid of one problem before we throw down? I'm all for a good showdown, even with the obvious winner," Peirce tosses our way with a grin.

  "Yeah, you got this?" I jerk my chin to Connie.

  "She's leaving."

  "You're an asshole, Pierce."

  "So I've been told. Now I've got to handle damage control for your ass, once again, with our kids. Next time you come over here to throw your fit, maybe think about the fact they pick up on this shit."

  She glances at the house again and then tramps down the stairs and to her car on the street.

  "That bitch is a piece of work." Evin whistles low.

  "I'm moving Darby's car around back. You guys going at it while I'm gone?" Pierce asks when she speeds away.

  "Nah, I'm playing Xbox with Cole so he knows who his favorite uncle is." Evin punches my arm and ducks when I rear back.

  "Damn, even you fuckers can make it all right," Pierce calls over his shoulder on his way down the steps. "Evin, you lost out!"

  "Don't I know it?" Evin rumbles, flashing me a grin. "She's sly, and I love her for it."


  "Cold, calculating, hit home in a way she'll never understand."

  "She saw the aftermath once. It was enough for her."

  "Darby's tears still scar my skin. Tonight made it a little less painful." He gives me a look of respect, not for me, but for her, and goes inside.

  I pick up the envelope on the porch, grinning at Ashlyn's play.

  Chapter 21


  My hand rubs my chest, the ache pounding against my ribcage. The nagging feeling has been with me since I woke up. I review the document in front of me, my discomfort ratcheting. It will take a shitload of work for Dad to get all the zoning and permits to parcel the land next door to Ashlyn's as one property.


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