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The Enhancer series Box Set

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by Wyatt Kane

  Enhancer 1-3

  By Wyatt Kane

  Copyright © 2018 Wyatt Kane, All Rights Reserved.

  This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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  Also by Wyatt Kane

  Time Master

  Enhancer series (ebooks)

  Enhancer series (audiobooks)


  Enhancer 1

  1: Ty’s Crappy Existence

  2: Missing The Bus

  3: A Chance Encounter

  4: Cybertech Device

  5: Waffles

  6: Architect

  7: Hardly Heroic

  8: An End To The Adventure

  10: Unexpected Guests

  11: Stun Gun

  12: Totally Mental

  13: An Encouraging Grip

  14: Crusher Fury

  15: Choices

  16: Sightseeing

  17: Home

  18: Dinah Lore

  19: Feast

  20: Workshop

  21: A Second Enhancement

  22: Upgrades For All

  23: Plans

  24: A Pleasant Surprise

  25: Power

  26: Possibilities

  27: Glitter And Bling

  28: The Concubine Club

  29: A Change Of Plans

  30: Message

  31: Preparations

  32: Wake Up Call

  33: Confrontation

  34: Hidden Strengths

  35: Reversal

  36: Waffles And Information

  Enhancer 2

  1: Threats From A Toad

  2: Everyday Heroism

  3: Fried

  4: Wires And Solder

  5: From Thin Air

  6: Lilith

  7: Unwilling Servant

  8: Preparing For Battle

  9: The Battle Begins

  10: Player Two Has Entered The Game

  11: Boss Fight

  12: An Unwelcome Reward

  13: Information Control

  14: Lies

  15: Work

  16: Food and Flirtation

  17: Installation

  18: Dinah’s Bedroom

  19: Raging Hellspawn

  20: A Promise To Help

  21: Waffle Batter And Questions

  22: An Unexpected Call

  23: Bike

  24: Catching Up

  25: Fun And Games

  26: Estimate

  27: Rubio’s Bistro

  28: Crime Lord

  29: The Value Of A Favor

  30: An Uplifting Experience

  31: Hidden Threats

  32: Comparisons

  33: Scare Kingdom

  34: An Immediate Threat

  35: Limitations

  36: A True Superhero

  37: Enhancements

  38: No Time Like The Present

  39: In The Basement

  40: Darkness And Chains

  41: Life Or Death

  42: Prison

  43: A Comfortable Chat

  44: A New Threat

  Enhancer 3

  1: Same Shit, Different Outcome

  2: Game Over

  3: Showing Off

  4: Knock, Knock

  5: Tanking Hits

  6: Pain

  7: Restoring Health

  8: Friend Request

  9: Fruit Cupcakes

  10: Unified Field Control

  11: Bubbles and Drool

  12: The Master’s Fury

  13: Taking Control

  14: Insecurity

  15: Modding Gear

  16: An Incoming Call

  17: Slow Connection Speed

  18: Episode Recap

  19: What Could Go Wrong?

  20: Speedy Exit

  21: Lilith’s Skill

  22: Plans

  23: Déjà vu

  24: Massive

  25: Burn Ward

  26: Gloating and Threats

  27: Visitor

  28: Skill Check

  29: Unexpected Delight

  30: Second Course

  31: Dessert

  32: Desperate Times

  33: The Dotted Line

  34: AZT-407

  35: An Adverse Reaction

  36: Payment

  37: Buzz

  38: Ty Supercharged

  39: A Gamer’s Voice

  40: A Plea For Help

  41: Unexpected Interlude

  42: Plant

  43: Endgame

  44: A Satisfying Conclusion

  45: The Master’s Message

  Author’s Note


  By Wyatt Kane

  1: Ty’s Crappy Existence

  “Ty! Ty Wilcox! You worthless slacker, you should have finished that by now! Hurry up, there’s shitters that need to be cleaned. And some of them are nasty!”

  Ty Wilcox was 26 years old and had the misfortune of working as the janitor at the Concubine Club, the name of which gave the place a far fancier impression than it really deserved.

  It was a pulsating labyrinth flooded with noise and strobe lights of different colors that never quite alleviated the dark. A seething, wall-to-wall mass of people gyrating to pseudo-musical beats that shook the walls.

  It was a fun place to be if you were young, part of the cool crowd, and liked to pay too much for fancy colorful cocktails and designer drugs as you bumped and swayed into others like you.

  Sadly, Ty wasn’t part of the cool crowd. Not even close. He was angular, geeky, and had a mop of sandy hair that refused to behave, and in a time when genetic modifications were the norm, he had none. As well, the noise and lingering miasma of alcohol weren’t his thing. Given the choice, he much preferred drinks with friends over the noise and madness of the Club.

  Yet he had little choice. He was at the Club more often than not, working to make ends meet in the city of New Lincoln where poverty was rife. It was the only job he’d been able to find after dropping out of his cybertech course halfway through with an A- average and mounting debt.

  Of course, with his grades and the fact that the university itself was owned by one of the mega-corporations specializing in what he was studying, it might have made more sense for them to help him out.

  But no. He’d learned the hard way that students weren’t resources to foster, but income streams to be exploited for years after they had completed their studies.

  “Yes ma’am,” Ty said, glancing up from what he was doing and immediately wished he hadn’t.

  His boss, Angie Cunningham, loomed over him like an enormous green mountain, her profoundly ugly features twisted into an expression of disdain, and a mop in her hand.

  The image was almost enough to make Ty physically ill. Angie was only a few years older than him but looked closer to forty. With the body modifications she’d had done, she resembled nothing so much as an enormous, warty toad, right down to the color of her skin.

  Anyone else who looked like Angie would have done something about their weight, but she seemed proud of her noxious look. It was as if it was a status symbol to her. A source of pride and an expression of the power she held over her staff.

  Like Ty.

  ‘Angie the Hutt,’ most of the staff called her, a
fter an old film that still resonated with certain groups.

  “I’m nearly done here,” Ty added, his tone respectful for no reason other than that he wanted her to go away and leave him alone. He was elbow deep in the guts of an entertainment machine, a dancing game that had been popular several years ago, trying to get it to work.

  Of all his regular tasks, this was the only one that he really enjoyed. It made the rest of his job almost tolerable and gave him a little self-respect. Which, of course, Angie knew full well, and delighted in trying to take it from him.

  It was no surprise that she had turned up when she did. As Ty worked on the machine, two girls, customers of the Club, had been chatting with him. Although yelling might have been a better description. They were young, in their early twenties, and displayed genetic modifications more typical than Angie’s. The one on the left had a unicorn horn growing out of her forehead, which Ty thought was interesting but not really practical. The other had the ears and tail of a fox, the latter of which she twitched back and forth.

  Ty’s acquiescence and display of respect weren’t enough. Angie looked from Ty to the girls and back again.

  “You’d better,” she said, her face breaking out into a broad, vindictive smirk that told Ty that she knew exactly what she was doing. “Those shitters have your name written all over them, and I am damn sure I’m not going to clean them.”

  She and Ty both knew from long experience that nobody wanted to flirt with the toilet cleaner guy. The tech guy who fixed the machines, sure. But the toilet cleaner guy was the lowest of the low. The most disease-ridden rat in the alley. The piece of dung on the underside of her shoe.

  As if to drive the point home, Angie the Hutt added something for the girls. “Don’t waste your time on this one. He’s mostly useless. And I wouldn’t want him touching me, given that his hands tend to be covered in shit all day long. Who knows what sort of diseases he could pass along?”

  It worked. Over the ongoing beat of the music, Ty could hear the girls giggle as they drifted away as well as Angie’s mocking laugh.

  Ty put his head down so Angie couldn’t see his irritation. He could have ripped the guts out of the machine or tweaked it to the point where nobody would be able to fix it again. It wasn’t even close to the main source of revenue for the Club, but every week it turned over significant credit. They would miss it if it no longer worked.

  But Angie had made a point of threatening him at least three times a week ever since he started. She said if he ever failed to fix a machine, that would be it. “Guys like you are a dime a dozen,” she said. And she was right. As far as society at large was concerned, Ty Wilcox was a loser, a no-hoper, without any hope of a ticket to anything good.

  And cleaning toilets wasn’t exactly a skill. If Ty failed to fix a machine, he would be out on the street before his shift ended.

  Instead of sabotaging the machine and his future, such as it was, all at once, Ty tweaked a faulty connection just enough for the machine to burst back into life, adding its own metallic music into the cacophony of the rest of the Club. Then Ty closed the access panel and screwed it in place.

  Angie Cunningham was still there with her vile smirk and her mop. She thrust the latter into Ty’s hand and said, “Get in there, big guy.”

  2: Missing The Bus

  Angie had called Ty a big guy, but that was no more than mockery on her part. In reality, he was five foot eight, skinny, and had a pasty complexion.

  Sure, he would have liked to be taller. He also wouldn’t have minded a pair of devil horns and maybe a tail. With his thinness, Ty could have made it work, and he knew that girls were attracted to that sort of thing even if his hair was a few shades too light. He could even maybe grow a pale goatee to complete the look.

  But he just didn’t have the credits. He couldn’t afford it.

  As Ty mopped out the floor of the men’s bathroom and tried not to think about the noisome stench that emanated from two of the stalls, he reflected that Angie was right. And society in general. He was a loser. He had a crap job working under a vindictive boss and no prospects for improvement, no girlfriend, and he lived in a tiny, shabby apartment which he shared with a friend.

  Effectively, Ty was a non-player character in the game of life.

  Growing up, he had never expected to turn out like this. He was bright enough to do well at school, and his interest in tech should have stood him in good stead. Maybe he wouldn’t have ever been the most legendary hero in life’s quest, but surely he could have sat at the table. He could have been a sidekick, or one of the questing party.

  But there were a million guys like him in the city of New Lincoln. Some of them were smarter than he was, more capable, more gifted at figuring things out. Many others weren’t so good either, but as it turned out, that didn’t matter as much as whether or not they could afford to finish the course.

  Ty had only managed a partial scholarship, and his family had never been wealthy. He struggled as long as he could, but it wasn’t enough. So while his classmates got to work for the mega-corporations, doing what Ty enjoyed doing, his lot in life was to clean toilets for a living and wonder how to get out of the hole he’d found himself in.

  With a heavy sigh of regret over how messed up his life had become, Ty pushed open the door to the first stall and curled his lip in disgust. He couldn’t believe the extent of the mess. Or maybe he could. He’d seen it many times in the past. What he couldn’t understand was how the mess came about.

  He muttered a curse under his breath. Had someone with explosive diarrhea just bent over and let fly? They couldn’t have been trying. Or maybe they had been trying really hard, to get as much of it everywhere except in the bowl.

  It was beyond disgusting. Nauseating. As good a metaphor for Ty’s shitty existence as any.

  And it stank! Truly, awfully, in such a way that caused the bile to rise in Ty’s throat. It was like he worked at a sewage farm, and he seriously worried about the health of the person who’d given birth to such a stench.

  It was almost enough to make Ty retch.

  He was unsure if a toilet brush and a mop would be sufficient to combat it. He wondered if maybe a fire hose would be the best bet, and couldn’t help but express his dismay.

  “Could this day get any worse?” he murmured to no one other than himself.

  Almost at once, he knew he should have kept his mouth shut.

  As well as body mods, wearable tech was becoming more and more standard. Most of the customers in the Club had communication devices embedded somewhere on their bodies. Hand-phones were common for those into nostalgia, but many others had simple sensors in their skin that could be activated by touch. Some were clever enough to display holographic screens from which all sorts of apps could be activated.

  While Ty would have given his right arm to have been able to play with that sort of thing, he had to make do with an old-fashioned smartphone.

  He’d programmed an alarm into that smartphone to remind him when the last bus of the night was due to leave.

  That alarm had just gone off, ringing into the comparative quiet of the bathroom and echoing off the walls like a high-pitched knell of incipient doom.

  “Shit,” Ty said, ignoring the irony.

  Ty’s shabby apartment was five miles away from the club in a high-density residential area. Not a fun walk at 3 am in the morning.

  He knew there wasn’t much chance of catching the bus now, but he had to give it a go. Ty leaned the mop against the wall and headed back out into the club. Much as he wanted to, he couldn’t just leave. He had to get Angie the Hutt’s permission first. He just hoped he could find her quickly enough….

  She was standing just outside the bathroom with a superior smirk firmly in place.

  As soon as he saw her, Ty’s heart sank. This was another one of her little games. She obviously knew what time it was and that he was supposed to have already finished his shift. His chances of not having to walk home were next to zero

  “Done already?” the toad-like woman said mockingly. “That was fast.”

  Ty shook his head. “No, I haven’t finished. But–”

  As soon as the word was said, the awful woman shook her head. “But nothing,” Angie the Hutt snapped. “I gave you a job to do. So do it.” She looked very pleased with herself, as if she knew very well what Ty would say next.

  Even though it seemed hopeless, Ty tried to change her mind. “Angie, please, can you get someone else to do this? My last bus is about to leave, and I don’t want to miss it.”

  The toad-like woman’s smug, self-satisfied grin grew even broader. “Why should I care if it’s your last bus?” she said. She was a roadblock, a giant green slug standing between him and his bus, and there seemed to be no way through.

  Ty hated having to beg but knew that’s what she wanted. It even worked every now and again. But even that, Ty knew, was deliberate and calculated. Angie was the type of woman who would allow her mind to be changed just often enough to encourage him to beg every time.

  Ty imagined jamming her awful green head into the toilet she wanted him to clean. “Please? It’s five miles to my apartment, through some of the bad parts of town. It’s dangerous. I’ve been mugged three times in the last couple of months.”

  “And why is that my problem?”

  She said it in a tone that was flat-out hostile. Not even a hint of a joke. As soon as she did, Ty knew that this night, she wouldn’t budge.

  “It isn’t, but I was hoping you might have it in your heart to help.”

  Angie the Hutt had nothing in her heart except malice and bile. She shook her head. “Sorry, Ty,” she said, implying in her tone that she wasn’t sorry at all. “But there’s nobody I’d rather have cleaning up that mess than you. You’re lazy and slow and exactly suited for that sort of work. So go on, be a good boy, and maybe next time you’ll do your work just a little bit faster.”

  Ty suspected at that point that the person responsible for the mess in the stall might have been Angie herself. It seemed like just the sort of thing she would do.

  Even though his shift had already technically ended, he had no real choice. Hating Angie with everything he had, hating his whole life in the bargain, he turned back to the men’s bathroom.


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