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Together: A Surprise Pregnancy Romance

Page 17

by Jennifer Van Wyk

  “I was using it to maim whoever had broken into my house!”

  His lip twitches. “To what now?”

  “Maim! Hurt! Destroy! I don’t have actual weapons and this was the first thing I thought to grab.”

  “Let me get this straight. You think your house has been broken into and the first thing you think of is grabbing your vibrator. You didn’t want to leave it behind, huh?”

  “Well, when you put it like that, it just sounds silly.”

  “And how else am I supposed to put it?”

  I groan. He’s not letting this go and I don’t think I’ve ever been more embarrassed in my life. “Can we just forget this ever happened ‘cause that’d be great.”

  He shakes his head, crossing his arms over his chest, planting his feet wide. “Not a chance. This was amazing. Tell me, does your brave vibrating defender have a name? Does it perform super powers that I’m not aware of to fend off evil-doers?”

  I take a step closer and point up at him. Now would be a good time to suddenly sprout twelve inches so I can look him in the eye rather than crane my neck and try to look intimidating that way. “I don’t like you anymore.”

  “It has a name,” he guesses.

  Is stomping my foot considered immature? Probably.

  “You don’t know.”

  “It does. Tell me.”

  “Nik! Be nice.”

  “You love it. Now.” he drops his arms and takes a step toward me, so close the tips of our feet are touching and I can feel his breath against my skin. “Why don’t you tell me the name of our newfound toy here?”

  Mustering up as much courage as I have, I decide if he’s going to be a stinker — which means our child obviously takes after him — then I can be, too.

  I pull up every good comeback from childhood to adulthood that I can think of and say, “Wouldn’t you like to know.”



  That wasn’t as awesome as I had planned.

  He knows it.

  I know it.

  But maybe he’ll let it slide.

  At the risk he isn’t going to, I flash him a boob, cover myself back up, and go to the restroom to get ready for my doctor’s appointment.

  Behind me, I can practically hear him gaping.

  “That was just mean!”

  Smiling to myself in the mirror, I notice something about me that I haven’t seen reflected in a long time.


  Scary as it may be, I know that Nik is a huge reason for that.

  Maybe he’ll be getting his wish sooner rather than later and I’ll cave, wanting the world to know he’s mine and I’m his.

  Or, maybe we’ll continue to keep it to ourselves and enjoy the ride.

  It’s sure been fun so far.

  “Okay, Ashley, Nik, I know you’re anxious for this.”

  “You could say Ashley’s vibrating with excitement,” Nik says and I elbow him in the side. Actually, I elbow the air because I’m lying down on the exam table and he’s sitting closer to my stomach.

  Luckily, Dr. Fletcher doesn’t seem to notice. And if she did, she wouldn’t have a clue what we were talking about anyway. Or, rather, what Nik is talking about. I can tell he has a million questions rolling around in that gorgeous head of his.

  “This morning she was moving around the house, practically pulsating from her eagerness to come.” My eyes almost bug out of my head and Nik sits calm as can be, watching Dr. Fletcher do her thing, squirting the warm goo onto my stomach and rubbing it around with the Doppler.

  She nods in understanding. “It’s always exciting. Let’s hope the baby cooperates this time.”

  “Let’s hope,” I say, trying not to clench my jaw.

  I wish I could say that I hated the way Nik’s acting. But the truth of it is, he was right before. I love it. The teasing and playfulness is what makes Nik, Nik, and that’s more than all right with me.

  Once we hear the baby’s heartbeat, something that never gets old, we both quiet down, holding hands and staring at the screen. That’s also something that never gets old. Seeing our baby.

  “So amazing,” Nik mutters. “He’s inside there, so perfect and healthy and happy. Ready for us to screw him up,” he adds, jokingly.

  “Boy, huh? You’re going with my theory?”

  He shrugs. “Seems right. Look.” He points to the screen at something that could be an arm, a leg, a stick. Heck, how do we know? We aren’t doctors or ultrasound techs.

  “That is not his…”

  “Oh yes, it is,” Dr. Fletcher explains. “Congratulations, you two. You’re having a boy.”

  “We’re having a boy,” I repeat, stupid tears building once again. I feel like that’s all I do sometimes. That and eat.

  I guess the baby and I should get along great then. Eat. Cry. Poop. I do that, too.

  “We’re having a boy!” Nik practically shouts, making both Dr. Fletcher and I laugh.

  “I take it this is good news?”

  He looks a little sheepish for his outburst. “Hey, I was beyond happy that the baby was healthy. The fact that I know what to do with his parts when it’s my turn to change his diaper is a huge bonus.”

  “Well, you’re in good hands, there, Mama. If he’s already talking about changing diapers, you found yourself a good one.”

  Nik beams and I roll my eyes.

  “Oh, brother. Don’t stroke his ego. He’s confident enough as it is.”

  Dr. Fletcher shakes her head, laughing at the two of us. While she has been doing the ultrasound, she also clicked a few buttons to take pictures and print them out.

  Once she’s finished, she wipes my stomach clean of the goo, hands the pictures to us, and leaves us alone.

  I’m still lying back on the table, but this time I’m staring up at pictures of my son. We have them from his first ultrasound, too, but this time it feels different. Maybe simply because now I know without a doubt that it’s a boy? I’m not sure.

  “Amazing,” Nik says beside me, looking at the pictures, too.

  “It really is.”

  “Julius is still off the table. So is Fraser.” He stands up and helps me from the table, too.

  “I wasn’t saying anything.”

  “I could sense it. You were looking at the pictures and thinking names. I’m not naming my child after an Outlander character or your favorite orange drink when you went to the mall as a kid.”

  “You’re so boring! You probably want to name him like George or something.”

  “First of all, George is a fine name. It’s classic for a reason. But no, I’d think of him like Curious George, the monkey, and that’s not going to work. Second of all, yeah, I do want a boring name.” His lips twist and he amends, “Not boring so much as strong. Timeless. A name that’s lasting and can be carried down to the next generation if he chooses. More traditional without being dull.”

  “Timeless. I like that idea.”

  After making sure we have my next appointment scheduled, we walk to his truck and just like every time since my twelve-week appointment, we go to the grocery store and get the items on our lists.

  As we’re walking through the store, this time sharing a cart, I glance over at Nik, watching him without him knowing.

  The way he described the name that we will choose for our baby… he’s been thinking about it. I knew this already, in fact, I knew already that he thinks about us quite often. It’s obvious he thinks about more than just the baby’s name, though.

  It’s not hard to see that he’s protective of us both. The way he came storming into the house today wasn’t because he was being rude. It was because he was worried. My door was unlocked and I wasn’t answering. Of course, he would wonder what was going on.

  He doesn’t blink at making sure I have everything I need, and it doesn’t end with groceries and car washes. He looks online with me at houses my real estate agent sends me even though none of them are very interesting, researches what the best
car seat and crib are so I don’t have to. He schedules pregnancy massages and pedicures for me on my day off just so I have time to relax.

  The list is long and makes me feel unworthy of this wonderful man.

  Grace had asked me if I thought Nik would stay around if the baby wasn’t a factor.

  At the time, I told her that we were still exploring what we are and it was too new to answer a question like that.

  As much as the question annoyed me at the time, I would welcome it now.

  Because I know he would still be with me. What Nik and I have, what we’re building, is more than just two people having a baby together. It’s deeper and stronger.

  “Ready to tell me its name yet?”


  Nik wiggles his eyebrows and all those loving thoughts of how sweet and generous he is get muddled by him being a little shit.

  “Are you for real right now?” I whisper shout, looking around.

  “You really think anyone here is going to know what you’re talking about if you just tell me a name?”

  “Well, no, but... are you ever going to drop it?”


  He tosses some Wheat Thins in the cart, looks closer at them, places them back on the shelf and grabs the sun-dried tomato flavored crackers instead. “These are the ones you like, yeah?” he asks when he notices me watching him.

  I nod and he pushes the cart forward, stopping for a container of vanilla wafer cookies. They’re disgusting and I love them. I eat two every day. Okay, that’s a lie. I eat more than two but I can’t help it. I’m craving those flavorless crumbly cookies that hold zero nutritional value. And Nik doesn’t mind one bit.

  “Want me to grill a bunch of chicken tonight? We can use it this week for lunches, then.”

  Again, I nod. My voice box got stolen right along with my heart.

  Darn Nik and his swoony ways.

  How dare he make me fall for him.

  “Jamie,” I blurt out.

  “No shit? Well, that makes sense,” he says, laughing. The fact that he caught on to me saying a name and knew what I was referencing, and who it is named after, makes me smile.

  “I’m a wee bit obsessed,” I say, trying to feign a Scottish accent.

  He bursts out laughing and stops the cart in the middle of the cheese aisle. Mmm. Cheese. “Yeah. That didn’t work. Listen,” he says, “I’m a wee bit obsessed.” His accent is spot on. I’m actually surprised he’s not from Scotland for as perfect as his accent sounds.

  “Holy shit.” I think I just had an orgasm right next to the smoked gouda.

  “It’s all in the tongue.”

  “Of course it is,” I agree. “Say something else.”

  He rolls his eyes. “You’re ridiculous,” he says, pulling me in and kissing my forehead. “I dinnae want to wait for our wee barra to arrive,” he says. He’s full-on Scottish. With the exception of a few English words thrown in, too.


  “You like that, did ya?” He grabs three blocks of cheese and dumps them into the shopping cart.

  “Just a tad, yeah. You’ve been holding out on me.”

  “Like to keep a bit of mystery about me. Don’t want to lay it all out there. Where’s the fun in that?”

  I wrap my arms around his waist and give him a squeeze. He kisses me on top of the head and all I can think is that I can’t wait to keep finding out more of the mysteries that make up Nik Warner.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Ashley - Seven Months Along

  “I’ll call you when I’m on my way home, okay?”

  “Sounds good,” Nik replies. “Just be safe and have fun.”

  “With my sisters?”

  “Okay, try to have fun. Who knows, maybe they’ll be less bitchy about you being pregnant this time. I don’t like it that y’all are on the outs with each other. It isn’t right. You’re family.”

  I hate bringing this on him. He has one sister and that’s it. Not much for extended family and with their parents gone, they’ve relied so much on each other. I always feel guilty when I complain about my sisters or parents but he always says not to hide it. He wants me to be able to complain to him rather than holding it in. It’s just that lately, I feel like that’s all I do. Complain, complain, complain.

  My back aches.

  I’m not sleeping at night.

  I have to pee every five minutes.

  I feel ugly.

  Money is tight because I’m trying to save to buy a house. That complaint really gets under his skin because he’s made it clear that he’s more than willing to pay for anything the baby or I need. But, he’s not the only one responsible and I like that we’re partners in it.

  And all the family stuff I whine about. My parents telling me I needed to move home so I have their help, then reminding me that I’m not married so I better not even think about moving in with Nik because it wouldn’t send the right message to the baby. What even is that? Are we living in the 1950s or what? Honestly. I laughed in their face for that one, but the sting settled in and festered into irritation. They don’t want to tell my grandparents because they’re afraid they’ll be disappointed. Again, are we in the 50s?

  No way was I going to hide the pregnancy from my grandparents like a dirty little secret so I called them and told them myself. I didn’t leave out any details. Okay, maybe a couple because there are some things grandparents just don’t want to know about their granddaughters. But, they know that Nik and I were strangers but have since become close. They were a little surprised initially but they brushed it off and are happy for me. My grandma is making the baby a quilt. My grandpa asked if he could build him a crib. It’s safe to say they’re supportive.

  It’s my parents and sisters that have been making me mad on a daily basis.

  In an effort to move past their snide comments and judgment, I agreed to have dinner with my sisters tonight. I’d much rather be sitting at home watching Netflix or hanging out with Nik.

  “I know, I know. They just make me so upset lately.”

  “Don’t let their comments get to you, remember? Their opinions are only that. Opinions.”

  I take a deep breath, staring through the windshield of my car toward the door that leads inside the restaurant of doom. That might not be fair. The restaurant itself isn’t full of doom. It’s actually one of my favorites. Maybe that’s why I’m nervous. I don’t want to have one of my favorite places ruined because of my sisters’ negativity.


  “I’m here.”

  “You got this. I believe in you. And if they start up with you, call me and put me on speaker. I’ll have a talk with ‘em both.”

  That would be a disaster. He might be encouraging me to spend time with them but he wants very little part of it. They’ve been nothing but nasty to him and he doesn’t deserve it. For the most part, I’ve tried to keep him away from them for that very reason. What he said about having a talk with Grace and Lucy? He’s completely serious. The only reason he hasn’t given them a piece of his mind is because he doesn’t want to cause more troubles between us. But the offer is beyond sweet, nonetheless. And, honestly, if things don’t change soon, I’ll be taking him up on it. For now, though, he just needs to know one thing. “You’re the best, Nik. I don’t know what I would do without you. Thank you.”

  “For what? Offering to talk with them?”

  “No. For being you.”

  “You know, maybe I changed my mind,” he says, his voice an octave or two lower.

  “About what?”

  “Maybe you should skip dinner with the sisters tonight and come hang out with me instead. I’ll make you forget all about their judgmental asses.”

  “Tempting.” It is, too. He doesn’t realize how much more I would rather be sitting on the couch with him than… well, basically doing anything else. The day we were in the hospital waiting room while Josie was giving birth to Jay, I made a little joke along the lines of how I made a good
choice for who my baby’s daddy is. But it really wasn’t a joke at all. He’s wonderful. The best partner a girl could ask for, and I mean partner in every sense of the word. If only I could find the courage for the physical stuff we’ve been dancing around.

  I don’t know how much longer I can hold out from not attacking him. I’m so dang horny all the time and being around Nik doesn’t help one bit. He’s the definition of a walking temptation. I know that giving in to our desires would be great. Beyond great, actually. Spectacular. Mind-blowing, even. But what about after?

  Right now it is so good between us.

  So good.

  We’re much more than only friends but not friends who cross the line, even though we both want it. But I can’t get over the what-ifs that continue to circle around in my head like the animals in a carousel. We’re happy together as friends. There’s always this invisible boundary line holding us in our places. That line seems to be getting thinner and thinner by the minute, though.

  I want him with every fiber of my being. We haven’t had sex since the night Jay was born and I don’t know how much more I can take.

  What I wouldn’t give to run my tongue up and down his upper body and for him to do the same to me. He told me early on that he was an affectionate guy and he wasn’t lying. It’s the truth, for sure. And it’s wearing me down. All the little hugs and hand holding, the forehead kisses, the way he places his hand on my lower back. He’s breaking down every defense I have simply by being him. No charade or fancy talking. It’s just… Nikolas.

  I hear a knock on my driver’s door window and I turn to see Grace looking annoyed. She turns her finger in the universal hurry it up already signal and I roll my eyes.

  “Grace is here looking grumpy as ever.”

  “Sounds like it’ll be a fun night.”

  “Right. I’ll call you after.”

  “Or during. Whatever you need.”

  I glance over at Grace who looks even more impatient than she was ten seconds ago. Even though it’s a beautiful summer day, the sun shining brightly, the humidity low and heat bearable, she looks like she’s miserable. I mouth, “I’m coming,” to her and dip my head and say to Nik, “Thank you. I’ll talk to you soon.”


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