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Together: A Surprise Pregnancy Romance

Page 25

by Jennifer Van Wyk

  “Remember how I told you my girlfriend was having a baby, too? She was a little ahead of you.”

  She nods and groans long and deep when another contraction hits.

  “I was with her in the delivery room, Ashley, and I’ve gotta say, you’re where she was when she started pushing. Would you mind letting us help you out a little bit?”

  Once she gets through the contraction, she finally nods, agreeing to their help. We quickly get her undressed from the bottom down. There’s no sense in delaying that any longer at this point and Sarah quickly slides a towel out of our bathroom under her butt.

  I sit back, letting Ashley use my body to brace herself against while allowing Carter and Sarah to do their jobs just as I hear more sirens.

  “Liberty Police Department!” a man yells, entering my house.

  “We’re back here!” I call to him.

  Two men in uniform step into the room just in time to see Ashley bear down with a contraction that has to feel like it’s ripping her in two. She’s lying against my knees, my arms stretched out beside her so she can grip my hands tightly. And is it ever tight.

  Her lips are pursed and she has sweat pouring out of her. I have no idea how this happened, her about to give birth in our home, but considering that the entire time we’ve known each other has been out of the ordinary, it kind of makes sense.

  “Holy crap!” one of them shouts.

  The other stands by the door looking a little white before shaking his head and snapping out of it. “So, uh, what do you need from me?”

  Sarah rattles off a few things like towels and blankets but the rest of the items she has in her bag. Firemen show up, and all I can think is my house isn’t big enough for this many people. I have no idea why firemen are here, though, in emergency situations, I assume the more the merrier is a general rule of thumb to go by. In this case, I feel a great sense of relief knowing that we have extra hands here to help should anything go south.

  Though, I’m not sure how much farther south we can go than having an unplanned home birth.

  A contraction starts and she grunts and groans, curling her body into a C and gritting her teeth.

  “Good. Okay, Sarah is going to need to check you to see how far you’re dilated.”

  “Not to be a smartass, but it looks to me like that’s not necessary,” one of the policeman says, pointing to in between Ashley’s legs.

  “We see a head,” Sarah announces.

  “What the fuck!” I yell. “The head? Like a baby’s head?”

  “Welcome to the party, asshole!” Ashley groans. “I think this is the part where I say this is all your fault.”

  Carter and Sarah bark orders at all of us. Who needs to be positioned where, who needs to hold what, who’s supposed to push and count to ten — that job, at least the pushing — belongs to Ashley, of course. But when I count to ten for Ashley and encourage her to push, I find myself holding my breath and doing the same.

  After what feels like hours, a million curse words from every single person in the room, blood and bodily fluids I never expected to see in my bedroom, and a lot of shouting, the only sound we hear is…

  “It’s a boy!” followed by the absolute sweetest, most perfect sound in the entire world.

  “Congratulations, Mom and Dad. You’ve got yourself a healthy baby boy. Ten fingers, ten toes.”

  Sarah and Carter make quick work of checking him over and doing their best to complete the child birthing process. Things need to be stitched and cut and sewn up. All things that I would not have paid attention to whether we were in a sterile hospital room surrounded by doctors and nurses or not.

  Because I’m too busy staring at my son and whispering to Ashley how amazing she is. How in awe of her I am.

  “You just had a home birth,” I remind her unnecessarily. “You’re a total badass.”

  She snots through a cry. She seriously looks like she’s been through hell and back, which seems appropriate. “That was really fucking hard,” she admits.

  “I imagine it was. You kind of hurt my hand there for a second or two,” I joke.

  Sarah places our little bundle of perfection in Ashley’s arms. “We’ll transport you to the hospital. They’re waiting for you.”

  “Can’t we just stay here now? Isn’t it all done?”

  Sarah smiles. “It’s good to have him checked out by your doctor, and you as well. They can help you manage any pain you’re feeling, too.”

  They push her out on the rolling cot the firemen brought in, Carter and Sarah working together with the rest of the emergency crew standing by. “I can’t believe this happened,” Carter says. “Sorry, that’s probably inappropriate but holy hell. When we came upon that accident, I was scared that we wouldn’t…” he trails off, clearing his voice, “anyway, that’s not important. It’s just really good to be here for this. To see that you’re doing all right.”

  “We’re more than all right,” Ashley tells him. “We’re doing great. Maybe you two are the reason this happened so quickly. Because I needed to be able to tell you both thank you in person.”

  “Just doing our jobs,” Carter mumbles.

  “Glad you do them well,” I say. “Thank you. For what you did then and what you did today. All of you.”

  The police escort the ambulance to the hospital while the firemen head back to the station. This time they let me ride with Ashley and our son.

  As we’re riding, Mr. Trouble Causer himself looks up at me. Dark hair. Dark eyes. Wrinkly olive skin. Scrunched up face.

  “How much do you think he weighs?” I ask Sarah.

  “Over eight pounds for sure. We’ll get exact measurements when we arrive, though. But in my opinion, he looks like a healthy baby boy. Any ideas of what you’re going to name the little guy?”

  It dawns on me that we haven’t said it out loud yet. Heck, we only just decided a week ago. “Jackson Paul. Paul is my middle name, too.” Saying his name for the first time is amazing.

  “Jackson Paul. I love that. Welcome to the world, Jackson Paul. You sure do like to make a grand entrance.”

  “Lord help us,” I mutter and Ashley smiles, laying her head back on the bed while holding Jackson in her arms. I’m not sure if the paramedics are supposed to let her hold him but I assume we aren’t breaking any laws here. Besides, I’m not sure you could pull Jackson out of his mother’s arms right now.

  “I love you,” I tell Ashley.

  With a smile, she replies, “I love you.”

  “And I love you, Jackson. Thanks for shaking up our world and bringing us together.”


  Ashley — One Year Later

  “Are you one? Show me one finger, Jackson. One! That’s right! You’re such a big boy, aren’t you?” Grace coos. To say we’ve seen a big turnaround with her over the past year would be a huge understatement. She quit her job, moved back to our hometown to be closer to our parents and Lucy. Nik and I made it clear that we were absolutely fine with her not moving to Liberty. She might have changed some but we’re still not willing to just forget that she at one point asked to adopt our child.

  Besides, as much as we love my family, we like our privacy even more. Over the last year and nine months, our family of three has been through a lot of changes and we’ve needed to adjust to those changes. My family has a tendency to be a bit intrusive. Not to say that Josie can’t be, but she’s busy with their own baby as well.

  “You’re such a weirdo,” I tell Grace while I put the finishing touches on Jackson’s birthday party decorations. She smiles and stands from her place on the floor where she’s been playing with Jackson.

  “Good. Aunties are supposed to be weird.”

  Nik raises his eyebrows and I shrug. Grace went from being a rigid, judgmental… well, bitch, to the goofy one in the family. It’s hard not to wonder where the complete one-eighty came from. Aside from her marriage falling apart, that is.

  “Whatever you say,” I mutter, tying the st
ring for the birthday banner hanging from the mantel on the fireplace. “There. I think that’s about it.”

  Nik lifts Jackson off the floor and comes to me, kissing my cheek. “Looks great, babe.”

  “It’s nothing.”

  “Don’t do that. You worked hard to make his first birthday special. He might not remember it, but he’ll see the pictures some day and see it.”

  “Thank you, honey. Want me to go change him so he’s ready when the family gets here?”

  He shakes his head. “I got it. You sit down for a few minutes and rest.”

  “You’re the best,” I tell him and he grins, carrying Jackson to his room.

  “He’s one of the good ones,” Grace says when they’re both gone.

  My heart swells. “He is.”

  “I’m kind of jealous,” she admits and I shoot her a glare. “Not because I want Nik for myself,” she’s quick to explain, “but because I have never had that. I don’t know what it’s like to be loved by someone like Nik or Grant. Or Dean, either.”

  “I’m sorry.” I don’t know what else to tell her. She’s the one who married Samuel. It’s not as if he changed after they said I do.

  She shrugs. “It’s my own fault. I was the one who married the dipshit.”

  I snort. “That’s true. Wonder how he and… what’s her name again?”


  “Right, Blake. Wonder how they’re doing? Have you heard?”

  “I haven’t talked to him since the divorce finalized. But, as much as I hate to admit it, Blake seemed really nice, even if she was a little over-the-top sweet. Maybe it was all fake, you know? Either way, it’s not of my concern anymore.”

  “Right. Do you want a glass of wine?”

  “You really are a mom now, aren’t you? Wine at your kid’s first birthday party.”

  “I’m not having any. I was asking if you wanted some.”

  “You’re not having any?” she asks, suspiciously.

  “Nope. Gotta keep my wits about me for the party.”

  “Hmm. I’ll let it pass because I have news that I wanted to tell you before everyone comes and I’m going to be selfish. I know, I know, this is nothing new but if it ain’t broke don’t fix it, right?”

  “What’s going on?” I ask, chuckling.

  “I’m adopting.”

  I set down the platter of fruit that I just pulled from the fridge. “You’re kidding.”

  “Not a bit. Not a baby, though. I’m working with an agency to adopt an older child.”

  I sit down at the table because this news is just… a lot to take in. “Wow. Do Mom and Dad know?”

  “Yeah. I haven’t told Lucy yet, though. I started the process about a month before her babies were born and I just didn’t want to add to the stress. Plus, I wasn’t sure what would come of it. But now we know. The little girl is six years old. Her situation is, well, it’s really sad. Now that I have my own practice and can make my own hours, having a child of my own makes a little more sense.”

  “Wow. I don’t know what to say. Are you sure you’re ready for that?”

  Grace nods and pours herself a glass of iced tea then takes a seat at the table with me. After taking a drink, she sets the glass on the table. “I’m one hundred percent positive. I know all other evidence might point to me being a selfish asshole but I want this, have thought this through, and am so excited to share my life with this little girl. We’ve met and spent time together with her social worker. She’s so sweet and adorable. Incredibly shy, which lessened after a bit. She’s been through so much in her short life and needs someone on her side. I’m going to be that person. She deserves someone who will put her first and show her what unconditional love is like.”

  “I have to admit, I’m a little surprised.”

  “I don’t blame you for that. But I promise, I’ve thought this through a lot. I’m not doing it for me. The fact is, there are so many children who need love in this world and I have love to give.”

  “I’m happy for you, then. And you have my complete support. However Nik and I can help, let me know.”

  “Thanks, Ash.”

  Nik and Jackson come walking into the kitchen. Well, Jackson toddles in while Nik walks slowly next to him.

  Jackson gives me a toothy grin when he sees me and I move my chair, reaching out my arms. He stumbles toward me and I wrap him up, nuzzling my nose into his cheek. He’s the cutest thing on the planet and I can’t get enough of him.

  “Don’t you look handsome?” I ask him. Nik’s combed his dark hair so it’s all slicked down and to the side. His chubby legs are covered in a little pair of jeans and he’s wearing a blue plaid flannel shirt that… oh my heart… matches Nik’s.

  “How do we look?” Nik asks proudly.

  “It’s so stinking adorable! Where did you find this? When?”

  He shrugs. “Gotta leave a little mystery in our marriage, right, little man?” he asks our son who gives him a big smile.

  Nik and I waited exactly six weeks after he was born to get married. We wanted to be able to celebrate our marriage the “right way”. Wink. Wink.

  Even though that night we still had him at home with us, we still enjoyed our night together as a married couple.

  Nik kisses me on top of the head and gives me a knowing grin.

  “What do you need me to do before everyone gets here?”

  “I think we’re ready. Dad wants to help grill the burgers but everything else is ready to go. Mom’s bringing potato salad, too.”

  “Oooh, she is? I actually texted her about that.”

  “I should be surprised but I’m not. She’s such a sucker for you.”

  Nik grins shamelessly and steals our baby from me. Not so much steals since the two are practically inseparable, but it would sure be nice if he favored me once in a while.

  “Gotta teach my guy how to charm the ladies from the start, right?”

  “If he’s got even a smidgen of you in him, then he’s going to be a charmer regardless,” Grace says, rolling her eyes.

  The doorbell rings and immediately opens, my parents’ voices filling the small space.

  “Where’s my boy?” my dad shouts. Jackson squeals at Papa’s voice, his second favorite guy in the universe, and squirms out of Nik’s hands.

  Jackson moves as quickly as his little legs can carry him to my dad, giggling the whole way.

  A half hour later, the backyard is flooded with our family. Four kids under the age of two between Lucy, Josie, and me. My parents have taken to assuming the role of grandparents to little Jay as well, and I’ve never seen them so happy or enjoy life more.

  It’s hard to believe that just two years ago I saw myself getting married to a man who I had to pretend to be someone else around. I can’t imagine a life other than the one I have now. Nik and Jackson are my everything.

  My entire family is here, along with Nik’s and some of our friends he’s introduced me to. Brandon and Savannah, Mia and Cole, and all their kids.

  “Niko, can you grab one of those juice boxes for Jay?” Josie asks, her hands resting on her incredibly large belly. She’s due with number two any day now.

  “Sure thing,” Nik says, bringing an apple juice box over to where Jay is sitting, a plate of food in front of him.

  “Niko?” Savannah asks, laughing.

  “She’s the only one who’s allowed to call me that,” Nik says, shooting a pointed look at Savannah, making me laugh.

  The party to celebrate a year of Jackson’s life is full of laughter and chatter. There’s no drama, no arguments, no awkwardness.

  “How you doing, mama?” Nik asks me quietly.

  “I’m doing perfect.”

  He places a hand on my stomach. “We ready to tell everyone?”

  “It’s not too early?”

  “We’re out of the first trimester. I think it’s time.”

  “Okay then.”

  “It’s time!” Dean shouts. “Holy crap! It’s time!
It’s time!”

  “Wow, that’s weird, right?” Nik says to me.

  “Pretty sure they’re talking about something else entirely,” I tell him, pointing to his sister who is standing in a pool of water, holding her belly.

  “Oh! Oh crap! It’s time! Get her outta here! We don’t need a repeat of the last time someone went into labor in this house.”

  Suddenly there’s a flurry of activity as we try to usher Josie out the door. She, however, has other plans. “Stop it. I want to see Jackson eat his cake first. We’ve got plenty of time. I don’t even feel my contractions yet.”

  “Take it from me, Josie. Don’t assume…”

  “Oh hush. Your situation was completely different. Give the boy his cake so I can see him eat it then we’ll go… oh! oh no…”

  “Not again,” Nik groans. “When you get to the eighth month with this one, we’re just going to camp out at the hospital.”

  “At least this time we have a doctor and nurse here,” I remind him, pointing to Cole and Mia who are helping Josie as she moves to the house, Dean by her side.

  “This house is cursed.”

  “Nah. I’d say it’s the opposite. It’s the perfect house, right? It’s where we got our start together.”

  He kisses me hard, right in front of our family who’s running around trying to help Josie.

  “By the way, everyone! Ash and I are expecting another baby!”

  “Oh my gosh, you tell me this now?” Josie moans. “I mean, yay! But remind me again after I give birth, okay?”

  “You got it, sis!” Nik hollers.

  “I love you,” I tell him.

  “Not nearly as much as I love you,” Nik argues.

  Author’s Note

  Chick-fil-A is incredibly delicious (truly – it is) but unfortunately, coming from a small town myself, I don’t get to enjoy it unless I go into the “big city”. Big city is a relative term here. Ha! Anyway, this is mainly because their restaurants aren’t typically in smaller towns. I know this. I took a little bit of creative license here and incorporated a restaurant into the tiny town of Liberty, Michigan. If you’re wondering, the small town I live in has around 11,000 people. The fictional town of Liberty, MI is about half the size. So yeah, there’s no way a CFA would have a restaurant there, but a girl can dream, right? That’s what books are for. Go ahead. Dream up your perfect town and restaurant combo. It’s fun.


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